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The Professional (The Negus Effect Series Book 5)

Page 20

by D. Camille

  “After Steve did the work, we just finished it.” Gideon shrugged.

  “It’s all we could do.” Miles agreed.

  “Who was in the house?”

  Miles sighed. “Dre, the bodyguard, another dealer, and Dre’s sister.”

  “The sister?” George asked concerned.

  “Steve left no witnesses.”

  Malachi frowned. “Now what do we do with him?”

  “Leave him to the streets.” Miles said. “We got stuff on him, and he’s got stuff on us. Dre made his bed and got his justice swiftly.”

  George looked at him. “This isn’t how we do things.”

  “You can’t save everybody, Mr. Shaw.” Miles replied. “Sometimes people get what they put out there.”

  Nodding, George reluctantly agreed.

  “Campbell is only going to find a new snitch.” He told the group.

  “Only until we take him down.” Malachi said firmly. “He knows everything about us. Now it’s time to know everything about him and what he touches.”

  “Did you all clean up the scene?” George asked.

  The Neo Negus nodded. “You know how we do.” Tremaine boasted. “The police won’t find anything.”

  “Good. Now bring me Campbell.”

  The group met for another hour tying up loose ends, then Miles returned to his truck. Sliding into the seat, he started the car and saw the time on the dash.

  “Shit! Liv!”

  Taking out the phone that he’d shut off before entering Dre’s home, Miles saw the missed calls and messages.

  “Fuck!” He yelled.

  Quickly, he dialed her phone.

  “Hello.” Her voice was hard.

  “Liv, baby I’m sorry. I’m on my way.” Miles said apologetically.

  “I’m already at your house.”

  He paused.

  “I missed your calls and I’m sorry-” Miles began.

  She didn’t respond.

  “Can I bring you anything home with me?”

  “No. I’ve already eaten.”

  “I’ll be there shortly.”

  Liv shrugged. “It’s your house.”

  Ending the call, Miles shouted again and hit the wheel, “Fuck! I can’t explain this shit to her…”


  Liv looked up from the sofa when Miles entered the room, still in his T-shirt and sweatpants from earlier.

  “Hey…” he said softly.


  “Uh, I need to take a shower real quick. I been running all day.” Miles said slowly.

  She lifted a brow. “You need a shower?”


  “It’s your house.”

  “I’ll make it quick. I smell terrible.”

  Liv nodded. “Yeah, okay…”

  Miles headed upstairs and Liv returned to her show.

  “I bet that was a drug deal gone wrong.” She commented to herself about the program. “I see it all the time on these shows...and then they set the houses on fire.”

  Liv shook her head.

  “I should become a detective.” She mused. “Maybe I could figure out Miles’ ass.”

  When he returned ten minutes later in nothing but loose fitting pajama bottoms, Liv dared her body to respond. Taking a seat next to where she laid, Miles looked at her.

  “I know you’re mad.”

  Liv sat up to keep her body from touching his.

  “I’m not mad.”

  Miles gave her a look.

  “Okay. Not just mad.”

  “I got caught up.”

  She folded her arms and asked, “Doing what?”


  “What kind of work?”

  He stayed silent.

  “I’m leaving tomorrow.”


  Liv glared at him. “Why would I stay, Miles?”

  “I know what this looks like.”

  “Do you?” Liv asked. “Because it looks like you brought me here, then went right back to the rotation.”

  “That’s not what happened?”

  She threw her hands in the air. “Then what happened Miles? Tell me something...shit, anything!”

  “And not that bogus ass work story,” Liv finished.

  “I had to help out some people…”

  Liv stood. “Okay. Just say none of your damn business, Liv.” She told him.

  Miles reached for her as she went to walk away, and Liv snatched her arm away.

  “Don’t touch me.”


  “Why did you even ask me to come, Miles? This is some bullshit!” Liv yelled at him.

  “I wanted to be with you.” He said simply.

  She blinked. “So you drop me off and forget all about me? Turn your phone off and never respond?”

  “I didn’t forget about you.”

  “You didn’t?” Liv questioned. “Did I miss the message you sent me?”

  “My phone was off.”

  She nodded. “That’s how you do it right? When you don’t want to be disturbed?”

  “I wouldn’t do that to you.”

  “Negro, you just did!”

  Miles dropped his head into his hands and bent over.

  “Liv, I promise you that I wasn’t with another woman, or just ignoring you.”

  Hearing something in his voice, Liv paused. It sounded like truth, but she didn’t want to hear it.

  “I thought you didn’t have to lie? You kept yours one hundred?” she taunted.

  “I don’t have to lie.” He stood to his feet. “Yeah, I fuck around with a lot of women, but what I don’t do is flat out hurt them.”

  He came to stand in front of her.

  “I don’t get my ass on a plane and take a woman away from her home, to bring her here and do some grimy shit, like leave her hanging for another woman.” He finished.

  Liv looked up at him.

  “I want to believe that.” Liv told him. “You don’t know how bad I want to believe that.”

  “Then believe it.”

  Liv looked away, and in that moment, Miles was able to pull her close.

  “I promise you this won’t ever happen again.” He vowed, holding her gently.

  Locking her arms around his waist, Liv rested her head on his chest.


  He lifted her chin and looked into her face.

  “Don’t leave, Liv.” Miles whispered.

  “You have to give me a reason to stay.”

  Lowering his head, Miles said, “Stay because you want me.”

  His lips touched her briefly.

  “Stay because I want you…”

  Again his mouth brushed her softly.

  “Stay because this is where you want to be…”

  Liv stared at him.

  “If you give me a reason to leave, I promise I’m never coming back.” She said firmly.

  “I won’t give you a reason.”

  Touching his face, she asked, “Since you weren’t with a woman, were you doing something illegal?”

  “You watch too many crime shows.”

  “You think so?”


  She stared at him. “Usually when all the clues are the same, so is the crime…”

  “I’m not a criminal, baby.” Miles held on to her tighter.

  “Taylor says you’re clean.”

  He looked at her. “That’s good to know.”

  “She was looking out for me.”

  “I’m glad.” Miles told her. “You’re safe with me.”

  Liv held on when Miles picked her up and carried her back to the sofa. Sitting with her on his lap, he looked into her eyes.

  “You look tired.” Liv told him.

  “I am.” Miles replied. “And I’m sorry that I didn’t respond and pick you up.”

  “If I stay, I’m getting a car tomorrow.”


  Studying him, Liv began to stroke his face.

mething happened.” Liv told him. “I can see it.”

  “I can’t talk about it.”

  She nodded slowly in understanding, then asked, “Are you okay, though?”


  Gently, she wrapped him in her arms and his head rested on her breasts.

  “Don’t forget, I’m very good at keeping secrets,” Liv reminded him.

  “I hope so.” Miles said wearily.

  A few minutes lates, Liv looked down to see him asleep resting against her.

  “Poor baby…” She rubbed his head, and whispered, “If you’re lying to me, I’m going to have to kill you, and I’ve watched enough crime shows to get away with it.

  The next morning, Miles woke up when his alarm went off. Confused, he looked over at the woman sleeping next to him.

  “What the hell?” he groaned, then tried to remember last night’s events.

  He’d been tired as hell after flying in and running all day. He’d returned home and talked to Liv. Miles remembered being worried that she would leave, then everything just faded out.

  “Can you stop that alarm?” Liv asked sleepily.

  Reaching for his phone, Miles stopped the noise, then wondered how his phone had gotten on the nightstand.

  “Uh, Liv…”

  “Good morning,” Liv stretched her body.

  “Good morning.” Miles replied. “How’d we get upstairs?”

  She laughed. “You’re silly.”

  “Nah, I’m serious.”

  “You don’t remember last night?” she lifted on an elbow and looked at him.

  “Not really.”

  She looked confused. “Oh…”

  “What did we do last night?”

  “I made dinner and you ate it.” Liv smiled. “And we had some drinks…”

  “Some drinks?”

  Liv nodded. “Yeah...then you were tired, so we went to bed.”

  “You put my phone on the nightstand?”

  “Yes. You asked me to put it there.” Liv replied. “Are we taking breakfast to your mother?”

  He watched. “Yeah...let’s get ready.”

  She kissed his mouth, then sprang from the bed.

  “You can join me if you want…” Liv blinked and disappeared into the bathroom.

  Miles watched her go and wondered why he couldn’t remember her account of the evening.

  “Oh, hell naw...what this girl do to me?”

  Chapter 20

  Miles drove to his mother’s house and glanced over at Liv.

  “Are you sure that you want to do this?”

  “Are you sure?” she replied.

  He kept driving.

  “You know I usually just pick her breakfast up from Katydids.”

  “Today we’re doing something different.” She told him. “Since I wanted to make you breakfast, I can make it for you and your mother.”

  “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  Miles held on to her hand as he drove.

  “I’m very sorry about yesterday,” He said softly. “And I’d like to make it up to you today…”

  She smiled. “Okay.”

  “Do you have any requests or is this all me?”

  “This is all you, baby.”

  “I got you.”

  Liv laughed. “I believe in you.”

  They arrived at his mother’s house and Miles let her inside. When he went to yell, she covered his mouth with a hand.

  “Don’t you do it.”

  He smiled.

  “Now please bring those bags into the kitchen, then go say hello to your mother.” Liv instructed.

  Miles nodded and followed her, placing the groceries on the counter. Turning, he took her into his arms and lowered his head. The kiss started out sweet and turned hot very quickly, with Miles lifting Liv onto the counter.

  “I thought I was going to see food in here, not this…” Pat said, and they broke apart.

  Miles turned and smiled at her.

  “Good morning, Mama.”

  “It looks like a good morning for you.”

  He glanced at Liv. “The best morning I could have.”

  “Good morning, Ms. Johnson.” Liv greeted. “I came to make breakfast for you and Miles.”

  Pat lifted a brow. “Well isn’t that sweet of you?”

  “She can cook, too.” Miles vouched for Liv. “Otherwise I wouldn’t have agreed to this.”

  Liv gave him a look. “Let me down.”

  Miles helped her to the floor, then went and held out a chair for his mother. When she was seated, he kissed her cheek.

  “Welcome home, baby.” Pat said, touching his face. “I see you had a good trip.”

  Taking the chair across from her, Miles nodded.

  “I brought back a prize.”

  “I see.”

  They both looked over at Liv going about her task of breakfast.

  “Can I help?” Miles asked.

  She turned to him with a smile.

  “Nope. Sit and chat with your Mama.”

  Pat grinned at him and mouthed, “You’d better keep her.”

  “My Mama says I have to keep you, Liv.”

  “If you act right, I might let you.” Liv replied, focused on her food.

  Laughing, Pat said, “I love that girl.”

  Miles sat watching Liv until his mother spoke again.

  “What are you doing today?”

  “Showing Liv a good time.”

  “You should take her to the Charles H. Wright Museum. I heard it’s so nice there.” Pat suggested.

  Liv paused. “Is that the African American History Museum here?”

  “Yeah, it is.” Miles answered.

  “I’d love to go there.”

  He nodded. “Okay.”

  Liv looked at Pat. “You should come, too.”

  “Oh, no baby. I’m not trying to interrupt y’all time.”

  Miles frowned. “Do you want to go Mama?”

  “You take your woman and have a good time.” Pat told him.

  Over breakfast the three chatted, laughed and talked.

  “This is delicious,” Pat told Liv.

  “I’m glad you like it.”

  Miles smiled at her. “It’s fire.”

  “Thank you.”

  “I get this everyday?” he asked.

  “You could...” Liv said softly.

  After breakfast, Pat retired back to her room while Miles and Liv cleaned the kitchen.

  “Thank you for inviting my Mama.” Miles told her.

  “You should ask her again. I think she’d really like it.” Liv said.

  Miles shook his head. “You know I don’t even ask her to go out anymore. I’ve just settled into a routine.”

  “Do you think she’s up to it?”

  “I mean, if she wants to try...I’m willing to do it.”

  Liv smiled up at him. “You’re a good son.”

  “I wasn’t always.”

  She shrugged. “But you are now…”

  When they were done, Miles went into his mother’s room, where she laid on the bed watching television.

  “Hey, Mama.”

  “You getting ready to go?”

  He came and sat next to her.

  “I really want to take you to the Museum. I hadn’t even realized that you’d never been there.” Miles said quietly.

  “Take your pretty girl.”

  “She wants you to come along with us,” Miles told her. “So do I…”

  Pat fanned a hand at him.

  “It’ll take too long for me to get ready.”

  “I have all day.”

  She looked into his face.

  “You know I’m so proud of you.”

  Miles nodded.

  “I’m proud of you, too. How you’ve taken care of yourself and gotten better.” He smiled at her.

  Pat reached out and touched his face.

  “My handsome baby.”

  “Put your good wig
on.” Miles told her. “Might be some old men there…”

  “Boy shut up.”

  He stood. “Take your time and let me know when you’re ready.”

  Back in the kitchen, Miles found Liv sitting at the table on her phone. He moved to take the seat next to her.

  “She’s gonna come.”

  Liv smiled. “Good.”

  “I know it’s supposed to be our day together…”

  “I think I invited your mother.”

  Miles stared at her.

  “That’s like the nicest thing anyone has ever done.” He told her, taking her hand. “You are such a beautiful woman, Liv...and I promise to show you that.”

  “Just return my messages…” she teased.

  “Every. Single. One.”

  He leaned over and kissed her lips, then continued kissing her until his mother was ready.

  The trio spent the morning at the museum, and by the time Miles took Pat back home, she was worn out but in good spirits.

  “Thank y’all so much.” Pat said, sitting on the sofa.

  “Did you have a good time?” Miles asked his mother.

  “I sure did.” She nodded. “That was something.”

  Miles took Liv’s hand.

  “We’re going to let you get some rest and I’ll see you in the morning.” He told her.

  “Am I going to see you too, Liv?” Pat asked.

  “I might let Liv sleep in.” Miles answered.

  Liv gave him a look. ‘I’ll definitely see you soon, Ms. Johnson.”

  After their goodbyes, Miles walked Liv out to his truck and helped her inside. In the driver’s seat, he turned to her.

  “Did you have a good time?”

  “I sure did.” She mimicked his mother and he laughed

  “You ready to hit another spot?” Miles asked, as he began driving.


  He glanced at her. ‘No?”

  “I want to go home.” Liv told him.

  Miles turned away.

  “To Dallas?” he asked quietly.

  She put a hand on his arm.

  “No, home with you.”

  “Now?” He looked at her.


  Miles nodded. “Okay, and are you going to tell me what you did to me last night?”

  Liv smiled secretively. “I told you that I can keep secrets very well…”


  One month into Liv’s visit to Detroit, Miles left her in bed to take breakfast to his mother. Walking inside he didn’t yell, but walked to her bedroom door.

  “Good morning, Mama.”

  “Good morning, Miles. Where’s Liv?”

  He laughed.

  “I told her to rest up.” Miles answered. “You get me today.”


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