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Hard on the Heart

Page 4

by Callie Cole

  Michael throws his dish towel down on the bar.

  “Ah, shit.”

  “What’s the matter with you? You should be having a grand day with your winnings.”

  “I just saw Lucy Bennett through the window. She was getting in her car, but I think she was here at the front door first.”

  “So? I wonder why she didn’t come in?”

  “There’s nothing to wonder about. I think she heard us talking about the bet. She wasn’t in the bar. I think she was between the doors. We had no idea she was there, Cade. You know we would never have said a word in front of her.”

  I try my best to reassure him, but Michael can see how worried I am.

  Patting him on the back, I say, “I know, I know. You didn’t mean any harm by it.”

  “You can tell me to mind my own business if you want, but you really feel something for this girl, don’t you?”

  “Is it that obvious?”

  “Well, only to me, Cade. I’ve known you since you were a boy. If she’s the one, shouldn’t you be going after her? You need to clear things up with her somehow.”

  I rub my jaw and nod.

  “Thanks, Michael, I will. Don’t let on to the guys, though. They still think I know what the hell I’m doing. I’d hate to disappoint them after all these years.”

  “Ah, Cade, coming from a man who's been married for almost fifty years, us men haven’t the slightest idea what we’re doing when it comes to women.”

  “Maybe that’s why you’ve been married all these years, Michael. At least you’re willing to admit it.”

  Laughing, Michael corrects me.

  “Oh, I’ll deny I ever said it. Now, go. Go get her.”

  I run out of the pub and jump into my car. I’ve never been to Lucy’s apartment, although I got her address early on. She doesn’t answer. I call again, this time leaving a message.

  “Lucy. It’s me. I need to see you. I have so much to tell you, and I don’t want to do it on the phone. Please call me back as soon as you get this message.”

  I get to her apartment and ring the bell, but she never comes to the door. I have no way of knowing if she is home, but I don’t see her car. I call her several more times throughout the night. I decide to sit in my car and wait for her to come home, but she never does. Now, I’m getting even more worried.

  Where is she? Why hasn’t she come home?

  I fall asleep in my car and don’t wake until the next morning.

  Lucy still isn’t home.

  I pull out her business card with her office address and drive over there. I run inside hoping to see Lucy at her desk. She isn’t there. A woman asks if she can help me.

  “I’m looking for Lucy Bennett. I’m a friend of hers and I haven’t been able to get in touch with her. I thought maybe she was working today.”

  “Lucy won’t be in the office today. She’s at the hospital supporting one of our clients’ little boy who is very sick.”

  “Are you talking about Oliver Garcia? I’m a friend of his and his mother Stephanie.”

  “Yes. Oliver had some sort of seizure yesterday. He’s in ICU at Children’s Hospital.”

  “Oh my God. Thank you for telling me.”

  I jump back into my car and drive as fast as I can to the hospital, hoping Lucy will talk to me, and that I’m not too late.

  I find my way to the waiting area, and see Lucy sleeping on two chairs pushed together. I gingerly walk up to her and try to wake her.

  Whispering, I call out to her. “Lucy. It’s me, Cade.”

  She rubs her eyes and is slightly confused. Realizing where she is, Lucy quickly sits up.

  “How’s Oliver?”

  “I don’t know. I just got here.”

  “Have you seen Stephanie?”

  “No. I haven’t seen anyone. I came to find you. Lucy, I know what you heard at the bar. I want to explain to you.”

  “This isn’t the time. I don’t want to talk about it. I need to find Stephanie.”

  “I’m sorry, of course. Can I stay and wait with you?”

  Lucy doesn’t answer; instead, she walks to the phone and calls inside to the nurses’ station.

  “I’m checking on Oliver Garcia. I’m Lucy Bennett. I’ve been in the waiting room all night. I just woke up and want his mother to know I’m still here.”

  There is a pause, and I can see tears well in Lucy’s eyes.

  “Oh. Thank you so much. Thank you.”

  Lucy turns to me and smiles. “He’s out of the coma. She said he’s going to be fine.”

  The doors open, and Stephanie comes into the waiting room.

  “Lucy, did you hear? He’s out of the coma. The doctors said that Oliver had several seizures, not just one. I guess his little body couldn’t recover from each seizure fast enough and that’s why he went into a coma. He’s going to have to stay here in the hospital for a while, but at least I know for now, he’s going to be okay.”

  “What did I tell you? It’s just a setback, nothing more. He’s a real fighter.”

  They hug, and Stephanie lets me join the two of them in the embrace.

  “Lucy, you’ve got to go home now and get something to eat. Take a shower and get a real good sleep. Thank you for being here with me all night. I sat with you most of the night, going in and out of ICU to be with Oliver. The last time I came into the waiting room you were curled up between two chairs. I didn’t want to wake you, but that’s no way to get a good night’s sleep.”

  Stephanie turns to me. “Mr. Montgomery, please take her home. Thank you again for your help as well. Oliver and I are truly blessed to have such wonderful friends.”

  Lucy gets her bag, and I walk her to her car.

  “Let me come home with you. I want to make sure you’re okay. Let me stay with you just until you fall asleep.”

  Lucy is too tired to refuse my offer. I follow her to her place and wait while she undresses and climbs into bed. I tuck her in and look at her beautiful face.

  Although gorgeous on the outside, Lucy’s true beauty comes from within. I sit at the foot of the bed and watch as she falls asleep, wondering if she’ll forgive me and let me spend the rest of my nights doing this very thing.



  I open my eyes and look down at the foot of my bed. Cade has pulled a chair close and has fallen asleep sitting up. It’s dark outside, so I check the time on my night table. Eight o’clock. I’ve slept for ten hours, and Cade has stayed with me the whole time. As I sit up, Cade opens his eyes.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to wake you.”

  “No. That’s fine. How are you feeling?”

  “Rested. Thank you for staying with me all day. You didn’t have to do that.”

  Cade moves and sits on the side of the bed.

  “Yes, I did. I wanted to be here when you woke up. I wanted to explain.”

  “About the bet, you mean?”

  “Not just about the bet. There’s a lot I want to tell you. If you’re willing to listen.”

  “I’m listening.”

  “When you came into the pub, I was immediately attracted to you—of course, who wouldn’t be? You’re a beautiful woman, but more than that, you’re intelligent and strong. I felt something for you the minute I saw you. I couldn’t let anyone see that, not you, and certainly not the guys at the bar.

  I agreed to the bet not just to throw them off, but to convince myself that you could never mean anything to me. I’ve been fighting my feelings for you from the beginning.

  You were right when you said that I have a lot of ‘yes’ people around me. Everyone wants something from me, all the time. No one ever asked me what I want—until you. I wasn’t able to tell you then, but I can now.”

  Cade takes my hands in his.

  “I want the kind of love that my parents had. They didn’t have a dime when they were first married. They built something from nothing and stuck it out when times were tough. Most of the women that I’ve known are only
interested in my money and the things my money can buy. What you wanted from me was something for others. I’d never known anyone to do that before.”

  Looking into Cade’s eyes, I feel his love for me for the first time.

  “Your money can do a lot of good in the world, Cade. Oliver is just one example of what you can do. But I don’t confuse who you are with what you own. They’re two different things.”

  Cade pulls me to him.

  “I’m in love with you, Lucy. I’m not fighting it anymore.”

  I throw the sheet to the side, get out of the bed, and take Cade’s hand.

  “I need a shower. Care to join me?”

  Cade follows me into the shower and begins to wash me, taking his time cleaning every inch as if I’m very dirty. I take the soap and lather his body, lingering at his penis as my hands move back and forth, making him hard. I slide my soapy hands around his balls while I stroke, and I hear him moan with pleasure.

  I stand under the hot water, letting it rinse the soap off my body and watch as Cade drops to his knees. He grabs my ass and pulls my body close to his face, kissing my mound before moving to my clit and beginning to suck. His tongue moves up and down while he pushes two fingers inside me, sliding in and out. It doesn’t take long before I climax as the water hits the tip of my nipples.

  I feel weak and worry that I won’t be able to stand much more, when Cade stands and turns me around. I lean against the tiles, as he bends me over and drives his cock inside me. My pussy begging for it, I let out a groan. “Fuck me.”

  With those words, Cade thrusts one last time as I orgasm and his release spills inside me. He leans down, hugging my body close. Every last bit of energy is spent, and I turn to meet his mouth as we breathe into each other in a kiss.


  One Year Later

  My mother-in-law sounds as if she’s about to have a stroke.

  “Lucy. No. Stop! What are you doing?”

  “I’m pouring out the dirty water before I put the potatoes in.”

  It’s St. Patrick’s Day in the city of Boston, and Cade insists it’s the party of the year. His mother’s home is on the parade route, and every year his entire family, and complete strangers come to have a beer and pay their respects to the Montgomery family. I’ve become close to Cade’s sister Cara and I’m in love with his nephew, Kevin.

  This year my family has joined Cade’s in celebration. My father and two brothers have police details throughout the parade, so they couldn’t stay for long, but my mother is out in front of the house wearing a green poop emoji hat and blowing a green plastic horn. I guess you can say we’re honorary Irish now.

  I’m getting a lesson in cooking a boiled corned beef meal, and something tells me I’ve just made a huge mistake.

  Cade’s mother laughs as she puts her arm around my waist.

  “That’s where all the flavor is. You cook the potatoes, cabbage, onions and carrots in the same water. You don’t throw it out.”

  Cade comes into the kitchen, and there are three children on his heels following him like he’s the pied piper.

  Since being in remission, Oliver has done well these last months, and his mother has been working in my office, helping others with whatever assistance they need. She’s been a true blessing to us all.

  “How are my two favorite women? Something smells delicious in here.”

  “Well, I’m glad it smells good because I’m not sure it’s going to taste all that great.”

  Cade’s mother tries to encourage me. “You’re doing just fine, Lucy. Before you know it, you’ll be cooking up all kinds of delicious meals.”

  Cade stands behind me and wraps his arms around me, kissing my neck. My mother-in-law leaves the kitchen to give us a moment of privacy.

  “Not even married one year and you’re cooking up enough meat to feed an army. Tell me, have you made your acquaintance with the mother of this here cow?”

  “Very funny. I try not to think about it. Besides, there’s a plate from the batch your mother made on the table already cooked, and I had a bite. It’s actually very good. I might have another when I’m done.”

  Cade turns me around and looks like he’s about to cry.

  “Cade, what is it? Are you all right? My cooking isn’t that bad.”

  “I never thought this day would come.”

  “What day?”

  “The day when I realize I’m going to be a father. Lucy, you’re pregnant, baby.”

  “Don’t be silly. Don’t you think I’d know if I was pregnant?”

  “When was the last time you ate meat?”

  “I’ve never eaten meat in my life. Today was the first time.”

  I try to think back to when I had my last period. It’s been more than six weeks.

  “Oh, my God.”

  Now I’m crying. I don’t think I’ll look at meat the same way ever again.

  Six Months Later

  I guess by now you’ve figured out what happened to the construction at The Wild Rose. Cade donated the land to the community, and it’s been incredible to see people not only work in the garden, but to know they can harvest the produce that will feed their families.

  Michael, Sean, and the usual suspects at the bar cringe when they see me scrawl a couple of farm-to-table vegan entrees on the chalkboard every week.

  “Ah, Lucy. Why do you have to go and ruin a perfectly good menu?”

  “It’s simple,” I tell them.

  As Oliver Garcia says, “It’s awesome to know where my food comes from. I grew it and now I’m going to eat it.” I think my gran would love that.

  Lily’s Urban Garden Project

  Dedicated to my Gran

  Lilian (Lily) Bennett

  Also by Callie Cole

  Thank you so much for reading Hard on the Heart. I hope you enjoyed Lucy and Cade’s story. If you did, please consider leaving a review on Amazon.

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  Unlove You

  Wild and Blue

  About the Author

  Callie Cole is a contemporary romance author who loves to write about strong women with just a bit of spunk. Asked if any of the characters in her books are anything like her, Callie says, "Yup. Every single one of them!

  Callie's stories can make you laugh, cry, and get your heart racing. "I have the most fun writing sweet and spicy characters. I want the reader to care about the people in my stories.”





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