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The Cygnus Agenda

Page 15

by Richard Martin

It was a remark that carried more danger than the Vice President knew and the American Ambassador jumped on it. “That is strictly a United States matter, one you would be well advised to stay away from. Any interference from your government on that issue would bring very serious consequences. Do I make myself clear, Mr. Vice President?”

  If the atmosphere had been tense before it was now off the scale, the Vice President showing surprise at the alarm in the Ambassador`s voice, and this time he responded more guardedly. “So we return to the threats again, Mr. Ambassador. A sign of defensiveness, a move that suggests your media may be on to something and that`s hitting a nerve.”

  Greenmire could see the red flag and was quick to intervene. “Now hear this, Mr. Vice President, if you want to play hard-ball with the United States military then bring it on. If your country`s interests conflict with ours then you lose, it`s as simple as that, and the sooner you realise it the safer you`ll be.”

  Now the Ambassador abruptly stood, Greenmire following, both ignoring the Honduran`s stare they headed to the door without so much as a diplomatic goodbye.

  In the aftermath, the Vice-President sat in a state of furious indignation, retribution the only thing on his mind. Reeling from the disrespect shown and with his innate hatred of all things American, he reached for the phone. In his haste he failed to activate the security link that provided anti satellite surveillance, but right now he didn`t give a damn who was listening in.

  “They don`t just insult our nation, but pour scorn on us. Well now we will do things our way and send them a message that will show what we are capable of. I want you to shock their smug, self-satisfied minds. Do you understand, Carrado? Use your contacts in the U.S. government. We will make the Americans live in fear as to what can happen to them, what we can unleash on them, not attacks on their territory, but personal attacks. Find that bitch journalist.”


  Senator Angela Thorne was a rising star of the Republican Party, someone with powerful connections, and a magnet for those desperate to grab onto her coat-tails in pursuit of political gain. Senator John Carlucci was one of them. At this level he knew it could be a pact with the devil, but he hadn`t gotten to the Senate without knowing how to play the game, and play it rough when necessary.

  Their second meeting was in Carlucci`s office, the psychological advantage of little worth given that Angela Thorne knew everything about political strategy there was to know. That and the fact she outranked Carlucci as a committee chairwoman. Recognised as one of the most capable operators in Congress she commanded not just respect but admiration for her ruthlessness, an attribute she intended to exploit on her present mission.

  “My people have got the witness out of Cartagena,” Carlucci said, “but not without creating a situation for Major Greenmire and our Ambassador, so I`ll need help to calm the Hondurans down. They`re hopping mad, and since the Ambassador has told them to go to hell there`s been intel showing our Central American friends are more than a bit fired up about it. Could be planning some heavy duty revenge.”

  “Ignore them,” Thorne said, “they`ll scream and holler for a bit, threaten us with all kinds of fire and brimstone then back down like they always do. It`s all noise. They know not to mess with us.”

  “Should we send them a small delegation, just to take the heat out?”

  “Won`t need that, John. I`ve got leverage with the Defense Department and they`ll do some horse trading if necessary. Anyway, nobody`s got much time for the crooks that are running that place, and a breach of their sovereignty is nowhere near as bad as they treat their own citizens. Greenmire was protecting our citizens and that always comes first. That`s what I like about these ballsy military types, plenty of guts when it`s needed and a tendency to tell us politicians to fuck off. I admire that.”

  Carlucci laughed. “Not lost your touch when it comes to telling it like it is, Angela. Hope you never lose it.”

  “Don`t intend to. If there`s one thing Capitol Hill needs these days it`s straight talking.”

  “Well I need some of your other talents, Angela. Greenmire`s got the girl and my guys on a chopper to Panama, and from there onto a civilian flight to Mexico City. The following day they`ll be driven to Laredo, ready to get through U.S. Immigration. You got everything lined up?”

  “As long as the girl doesn`t have any trouble on the Mexican side which she shouldn`t, being a Honduran national, we`ll fast track her through with a temporary visa. But what happens after that is up to you.”

  “I have her lined up for a safe-house, under U.S. Marshal protection. My two guys will stay with her for the first night until the paperwork is complete, then she`s covered by the Marshals. Once she testifies, the government will go after the U.S. corporation that owns the Honduran lab. They`ll take the thing over and find out what the hell they`ve been up to. Particularly what part they played in those three Marines going all defenseless and getting stomped to death.”

  “Sounds like a well thought out plan, John.”

  It was an innocent enough remark, but there was something about Thorne`s tone that made Carlucci uneasy. He put it down to the stress of being just one step away from successful completion of his strategy.

  “Jesus, don`t say it like that, Angela. I`ve too much invested in this thing and from tomorrow so will you. If we win out on this then we`ll both be on our way to greater things.”

  Thorne returned a wry smile. “I know this Carmen girl supposedly has vital evidence, but what else have you got, because you`ll need nailed on proof.”

  “Confirmation that the same U.S. corporation that owns the lab also paid Jeb Hoag 30,000 bucks, and it`s a fair bet that the other two Marines got the same. I`m about to find out who these corporation guys really are. How`s that for back-up? Their offshore shell companies and political influence can keep them safe for now, but not from a Federal investigation that could be laying a criminal charge. So when I know who they are it will be indictment time, and that means no hiding place.”

  “Then that`s a powerful hand you`re holding, John. I just hope to hell you know how to play it. Some people will want to be close friends all of a sudden, but I don`t have to tell you that others will take the opposite view.”

  “Like to think I know what I`m doing, Angela, but I still have some work to do. This thing`s nowhere near what I was expecting. It`s way bigger and way more complicated.”

  “Come on, John you can`t bait me like that then leave me hanging! You`ve got something else, so give me a taste.”

  Carlucci pushed back in his chair and looked around the room. “Tell you what, Angela, let`s take a walk. What I have might turn out to be big trouble further down the line, so let`s do this in the fresh air. If we don`t play this next move just right we could find ourselves having to run for cover.”

  Pulling up his coat collar and strolling down the steps of the Capitol, Carlucci stopped and faced Thorne. “Look, I can`t let Arnie Krench or Jessica Hahn in on this, it`s way too risky, would weaken my position. Hahn`s big pay-off will be the story, with Krench presumably getting a piece of the action, and I`ve got that side of things contained. What we need to control is the possibility of exposure, and with it repercussions that would work against us, because if I`m right this thing`s got some real political heft behind it.”

  “Hell, John, now I`m beginning to wonder if I should know about this, because it`s sending a shiver down my spine.”

  “Don`t worry, I`m not the suicidal type, and it`s not a national security issue, unless you think the Israeli`s are a threat.”

  Thorne`s face couldn`t hide her alarm. “The Israeli`s have a piece of this?”

  “It`s not a definite, but it looks like it. Our intel boys know Israeli satellites have been locked onto Honduras on too many occasions for it to be a coincidence. The Israelis know we have a military base down there and they know there`s no obvious reason f
or it, so they`re keeping an eye. And if they are, then the Russians sure are.”

  “Jesus Christ, that`s some amount of interest in such a small base. Just what the hell are we doing down there?”

  “Beats the hell out of me and every other senator I`ve asked. Just get the usual bullshit about American interests. All just guesswork I reckon. Interesting thing is the deployment of Marines to protect a science lab, though maybe not unreasonable in a place like Honduras where even American power holds little sway when it comes to dealing with that bunch of gangsters.”

  “So we`ve got some kind of military deal going on down there, which may or may not involve this research lab, and the Israelis know about it, are suspicious enough to allocate a spy satellite to find out what we`re up to? Jesus, global surveillance, can`t wave a stick up there in space without hitting a sat.”

  “It`s this Honduras thing, Angela. Why Honduras, why put a lab down there? Doesn`t make sense.”

  “Unless the drug cartels, which more or less run the place, are in with this so-called research lab and working on some new product?”

  “The drug industry? Not an unreasonable assumption, but what`s the military angle?”

  Thorne shook her head. “You`ve got me there, but no wonder the public are yelling about Frankenstein experiments and a sinister conspiracy.”

  “Well these three Marines sure changed out of all recognition, so maybe it`s not that far out there in terms of speculation. Something real bad must have happened to them, and if that lab`s to blame and is under the control of the cartels, God knows what we`re heading into.”

  “But why the hell`s our government guarding the damn place? You sure that`s the case?”

  “Yes I`m sure, and it`s why we have to be real cautious how we play this. You can see why this Carmen girl is a valuable commodity, why we`ve got to be careful, make sure we don`t step on a land-mine.”

  “I know that look, John, what are you holding back? There`s something else isn`t there?”

  He took a moment, as if weighing up how much to divulge. “Yes, and it`s a shocker. I already know who`s behind the off-shore Corporation, who really controls that lab. And that`s something Hahn mustn`t find out about or all hell would break loose.”

  “It`s our military industrial complex isn`t it, the bloodsucking war merchants who profit from human destruction. I hate those bastard!”

  “No, Angela, though I share the sentiment, that`s not it.”

  “Cyber-warfare stuff then. Is that lab just a front?”

  “Crazier than that.”

  “Come on, John, spill it.”



  “The Christian right, an amalgamation of all their ministries, rolled into a powerful corporation with a huge amount of money behind it.”

  “For crying out loud, the bible belt has morphed into a corporate giant and is in pursuit of some dastardly development? And a sinister one at that if they`re responsible for what happened to those Marines? That`s just plain crazy.”

  “So anyone might think, but it is what it is. The big question is what the hell are they working on?”

  “The last time I looked, the Christian Right existed for the sole purpose of promoting good over evil. But if their research lab is linked to these Marines then the good people are taking a turn for the worse, and that`s one alarming bit of news. If true, this smacks of a right wing that`s on the move. The evangelical numbers are in excess of forty million and their ministries are every bit as slick at marketing their message as any global corporation. Even more effective some would say.”

  Both senators moved further down the steps, Angela Thorne first to speak. “So now I see your strategy, John. Using Hahn means she can headline the story, get it out to the whole country while keeping you in the background but holding all the cards. Am I right?”

  “That`s what we`re all about, Angela, getting up the ladder to higher office, and nobody gets there without the right kind of backing. As you say, holding a running flush in a political poker game gets you a long way.”

  “Means you have to double-cross, Hahn, leave her hanging out there to be ridiculed.”

  “Game we`re in, Angela. Game she`s in.”

  “Difference is, she doesn`t know it, John.”

  “Can`t help that. I`m paying her well, and if this had panned out differently she would have come out ahead, her career back on track. Pity, she`s a good woman who doesn`t deserve this, but we`re in the big boys league now and that means no rules, everyone for themselves.”

  “Then I`d better get back to Texas, make sure all goes smoothly at Laredo immigration, because once we have the Carmen girl under Federal protection then we have control of this thing, and it looks like it`s going to be some ride from there on in.”

  “Glad to have you along, Angela. When this thing blows we might need to circle the wagons as everybody tries to figure which way they should jump. By sticking together and with our supporters in the Senate only the fools will fail to see the obvious.”

  On the surface both expressed confidence, but in their minds lurked the knowledge that operating at this level could lead to a political car wreck, conceivably one with no survivors. On the walk back up the Capitol Building steps their conversation began to falter, and as they entered the hallowed halls of Congress a surge of apprehension overtook them both. More so Senator Carlucci who had held back a piece of vital information, a discovery that had given him more power but added more threat to his position. How to play this was the critical question, one he had better get right if he was to come out on the winning side. That he knew the Israelis were involved with the lab was a dangerous piece of knowledge, but their huge amount of off-shore financing made it much worse. This was a conspiracy indicating the involvement of three powerful entities and the only rational conclusion pointed to a purpose that was not just one of secret intent but of sinister intent.

  Parting ways with Angela Thorne, Carlucci stopped and looked back over a D.C. skyline that was bathed in the warm glow of an unfolding sunset, a moment which he wondered might herald the sunset of his career. With such driving ambition had come a set of nerves well honed to the pressures and stresses of playing in the big time, but he could feel a sense of foreboding, a sense that he just couldn`t shake.

  In his last big political gamble he had the wisdom and connections of the late Senator Spencer Claiborne to guide him, but now he was experiencing the loneliness of a leader, his neck firmly on the block if his strategy went wrong. He knew there were too many imponderables, too many unknowns, and along with memories of the late Senator came recollection of a respected government analyst whose counsel was something he realised should be sought in circumstances such as these. Turning, he headed back down the steps, sat on a nearby bench and punched in the digits of his cellphone.

  “Nice to talk to you again, Eleanor. Hear you`re now running the department, Spencer Claiborne would be proud.”

  They had met only once, almost three years ago during the Hydrax investigation, and yet Eleanor Soltero could remember it as if it was yesterday. As a top intelligence analyst she had no issues with Carlucci, a Congressman at the time, but a kernel of caution had remained in her mind and today something in his tone made her uneasy. Avoiding all pleasantries she got straight to the point. “What can I do for you, Senator?”

  Carlucci had expected a little more warmth in the greeting but figured it was the amount of time gone by and not indicative of anything else. He cut to the chase. “Have some senatorial business that`s causing me discomfort and I can`t work out what`s really going on. Thought maybe you could shed some light on it. Nothing official of course and off the record, just two people discussing some possible explanations.”

  “Okay, Senator,” she responded guardedly, “as long as it`s off the record. What do you need?”

  “As you will know, Congress has formed a committee to look into the deaths of these three Marines in Texas. I`m running my own investigation as a representative of the parents and have come up with a disturbing development. Hoping you can make some sense of it because it`s something totally unexpected.”

  “And what would that be?”

  The explanation took a few minutes as Eleanor Soltero listened without interruption and remained quiet after Carlucci had concluded. Patiently awaiting her response he saw the delay as a hopeful a sign that Soltero was about to impart some insight. When it came it was not as expected, and there was a chill in her voice.

  “That is something I cannot possibly comment on, Senator.”

  Carlucci took a deep breath. “I wasn`t expecting that, Eleanor, are you telling me to stay away from this?”

  “I`m not telling you anything, but I would have thought that a matter concerning the Israelis and our government would have any politician extremely wary about getting involved. And a senator of all people should know that such a partnership operating along with the power of the Evangelical Ministries will be toxic to anyone inclined to stick their nose in. So with the greatest respect, Senator, I`m going to terminate this call.”

  Carlucci sat in stunned silence. Until now he had felt in charge, in control of events. Carmen being brought under federal witness protection had been the ultimate aim, the point at which he would feel safe and in command. Now that assumption was being challenged, ruthlessly, and by a woman whose position as one of the most knowledgeable officials in D.C. held the respect of every politician.

  Finally he said. “I appreciate what you`re telling me, Eleanor, and forgive me if I`m pushing my luck.”

  She cut him short. “Yes you are pushing your luck, Senator, and a lot more besides. Don`t try to outsmart me on this, I`ve already said that I cannot comment.”

  Carlucci came straight back. “Come on Eleanor, I`m just trying to figure out what`s really going on down there in Honduras.”


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