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Worshipping the Boss

Page 1

by Hunter Frost

  Worshipping The Boss

  An Office Kink Novella - Book III

  Hunter Frost


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  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14


  About the Author

  Also by Hunter Frost

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  Worshipping the Boss

  Copyright © 2019 by Hunter Frost

  Cover design by James,

  Editing & Formatting by Boho Press

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

  For Luke Perry - Rest in Peace

  Chapter One


  I’ve never been late for anything.

  My mother jokes that I was born a day before her water broke. When I was a kid, I made my parents drive me to school fifteen minutes early. On graduation day, I had an emergency appendectomy and still made it on time to walk across the stage and receive my college diploma.

  But standing here waiting for the slowest elevator known to man to take me up to the penthouse floor would bring my twenty-eight-year streak of punctuality to its woeful end.

  All because I let Mason, my associate director, convince me I needed to see the new trailer for the Ultraman sequel before I could continue living my life.

  And I’ll admit. It was awesome.

  Yet now, according to my iPad with the Ultraman wallpaper, I had exactly four minutes to get to the top floor and sprint into the executive meeting with the CEO and VPs.

  I glanced at the door to the stairs, then shook my head. Twenty-one flights.

  Not even Ultraman could make that happen.

  The elevator dinged, and I sprang forward, thankful it was empty. I pounded the penthouse button, pleading with the elevator gods that I’d zoom straight to the top without having to pick anyone up.

  Three minutes.

  I made it five floors, ten floors.

  Only eleven more to go!

  “Keep . . . going . . .” I coaxed.

  Another five. Another three. Two. And . . .


  Two minutes.

  I dashed out, heading straight for the conference room. Through the glass walls I could see most of the team already there.

  I was going to make it!

  Then Alejandro Rios, the hottest man to grace this earth—and of course, my boss—walked into view. He opened the door for me with a dazzling smile.

  And that’s when my legs tangled up and I pitched forward.

  My iPad went flying out of my hands and into the conference room, while I faceplanted at Alejandro’s feet like something out of an old Jerry Lewis film.

  “Dios mio, El!” He bent down to help me. “Are you okay?”

  I stared at his fancy shoes just inches away from my face, wondering if this was some kind of twisted irony. “I—I’m fine.”

  My cheeks burned with embarrassment as he put a warm hand on my shoulder.

  “You sure?” He studied me closely, his minty breath ruffling my hair.

  I nervously slid my glasses back into place, then pushed myself up to stop him from fussing over me further and wreaking even more havoc on my senses. “Nothing’s broken. But I’d really like to die now.” I covered my face with my hands. I knew the rest of the group had seen me too. Stupid glass walls.

  “Come on, mi amigo. We all have our moments.”

  But I have so many of them.

  I couldn’t imagine Alejandro ever having this kind of moment. The man oozed cool. Along with pure, raw sex appeal.

  He offered me a hand as Steph and Trent moved to stand near the doorway. I noticed my iPad in Steph’s arms.

  “You hurt, Ellison?” Trent, our CEO, asked.

  “Just my pride, sir,” I replied, letting Alejandro pull me up.

  “I can’t help that men take one look at me and fall at my feet,” Alejandro teased.

  I blushed again.

  Did I mention he’s not modest or shy either?

  Trent chuckled and Steph handed me my iPad.

  4:30 pm. Right on time. Just not how I prefer to arrive at a meeting. Drawing attention to myself was the last thing I’d ever want to do.

  “Stop flirting with my clumsy little brother, and let’s get this party started,” Naomi, my loving sister and the VP of Data Analytics, groused playfully from her seat at the table.

  I plopped down near her. “Thanks for the concern, sis.”

  “Anytime.” She gave me an overly sweet smile and patted my arm.

  Everyone took their seats, and Trent gave a brief recap of the week.

  “Now, let’s get to the real reason we’re here on a Friday afternoon.” He turned his attention to Steph. “Please join me in a round of applause for Stephanie Vincent, our new Vice President of Revenue Optimization.” He got up to clap. “Welcome to the executive team, Steph!”

  The remainder of us stood and applauded, Alejandro whistling through his fingers. Again, even that was cool.

  Steph mouthed Thank you and smiled as she humbly tucked wisps of her blonde hair behind her ear.

  “I don’t have to convince the rest of the group of what an asset you’ve been and how thrilled we are to now have you as part of our leadership team.” Trent continued, “Your hard work and dedication to the company speaks for itself. Congratulations!”

  We clapped again.

  “It’s an honor, Trent.” Steph said. “And I’m grateful to—” Her gaze darted to Alejandro playfully. “—most of you for making this an exciting and painless transition.” We laughed, and Alejandro rolled his silvery-gray eyes in mock exasperation.

  Steph beamed. “I can’t wait to start working in my new role with such an amazing team.”

  “Hear, hear!” Naomi praised, knocking on the table for emphasis.

  I’d always liked Steph. She was easy to work with and friendly. And every once in a while, she’d invite me along when she’d go for sushi with Charlie, her best friend and one of NetSmash’s newest research analysts. How could I not like her?

  She’d taken over for Morgan Brant, whose unexpected departure left us surprised and confused, especially because he’d joined Axion, one of our best clients.

  We’d heard from a respectable source that Axion offered him more money and enticing benefits. It probably would’ve been silly for Morgan to turn down the position, though most of us thought his loyalties were stronger than that.

  It must have been a lot of money.

  Rumors flew around the office about what could’ve gone down over Thanksgiving break to make him jump ship. Some said it had to do with Parker, our senior research analyst, who drove
him up the wall. But Parker denied that anything happened between them.

  Regardless, as I sat back down, I wondered when the holiday decorations had gone up. I knew Thanksgiving was just last week, but I’d been so busy I’d completely forgotten about Christmas. It seemed to arrive earlier and earlier each year, and I was never ready for it.

  It also was yet another reminder of a year passed without someone special to spend it with.

  My gaze blurred as I stared at a blinking Christmas tree in the corner of the room when I heard Alejandro’s husky laugh. He was saying something funny and flirty, as he always did to anyone who’d listen . . . or not. He didn’t care what people thought of him. He knew who he was and made no apologies for it.

  Our team liked to pretend he was annoying and crude, but I think Morgan was the only one who truly felt that way. Alejandro had a mischievous side and liked to joke around and tease. Still, I didn’t know how anyone could find him irritating.

  And he really did look like a Spanish version of Luke Perry, back when he was teen heartthrob Dylan McKay in 90210. Most of the team called him Dylan. But I preferred how Alejandro rolled off my tongue. Or Al, because it went hand in hand with what he called me.

  I sighed as my eyes traveled over him. He had a natural tan, thick dark hair in a short hip style, and the lean, tight body of a soccer player. His seductive gray eyes seemed to know my darkest secrets and take delight in them. But I knew that last bit wasn’t true because if he really knew what was going on in my head, he’d have fired me by now.

  I may be the Director of IT but Alejandro was the VP of Brand Management . . . and employees shouldn’t have thoughts like I had about my hot, sexy boss.

  Wouldn’t matter if he weren’t my boss, though. I could never get a guy like him. Besides looking like he walked straight off a Spanish soap opera set, he dressed like a fashion model. Only high-end suits and Christian Lacroix ties. He probably spent more on one of those ties than I did on my entire suit. But he sure could wear it like the boss he was, making me drool over him with one pearly white smile.

  Like he was doing now.

  And he added a wink.

  I startled myself out of the daydream.

  “Ellison?” Trent asked, and I realized he must’ve been talking to me before I got lost in Alejandro’s intoxicating grin.

  “Sorry, Trent.” My cheeks flushed with heat. “I zoned out. That’ll teach me not to skip lunch.” I laughed nervously.

  Naomi cleared her throat and smirked at me. I’m sure it was obvious I’d been gawking at Alejandro.

  “My fault, Trent,” Alejandro interrupted. “This new Brioni suit is mesmerizing.”

  My face was on fire. He had a point. I was looking at his suit, but mostly I was imagining the body underneath it.

  I adjusted my glasses, hoping my hands didn’t shake.

  Trent furrowed his brow. “I was only asking if you and Dylan were ready to get started on your big project?”

  Right, the website overhaul. Trent wanted a complete redesign of the company website. That meant my developers and Alejandro’s communications team would be working hard to get new designs and the new interface ready for a reveal at the NetSmash Christmas party in roughly three weeks. It would be a real crunch, but we were up for the challenge.

  “I’m looking forward to it,” I said, avoiding eye contact with Alejandro. Because I was lying through my teeth. Working hard with Alejandro meant just that—I’d be working with a raging hard-on. My only hope was that as the VP, he wouldn’t need to micromanage or be involved much after the first meeting or two. My poor blue balls would need time to recover.

  “Kiss up,” Alejandro said through a fake cough.

  I bit my lip to prevent a laugh while Steph chuckled.

  “Some of us actually enjoy a challenge,” Trent joked.

  Alejandro grinned. “Right, boss.” He leaned back in the chair, folding his hands in his lap. Which, naturally, drew my attention to his crotch.

  “I’m confident that both of you will deliver something spectacular,” Trent offered.

  “You can count on us,” Alejandro added, and I nodded. Why did I like it so much when he used us? I knew he meant our teams, but in my fantasy world, it was just Alejandro and me against the world.

  Trent began gathering his things. “I won’t keep you all. There’s still a few minutes of the work week left.”

  That was our cue to get back to business.

  “Steph, we hope you don’t run away screaming next week,” Trent said as he opened the door to leave.

  “I’ll try my best,” she retorted.

  Trent smiled. “Good luck, and welcome aboard.” Then he took off.

  Naomi pushed back her chair. “Does it feel any different up here with us?” she asked Steph.

  “Not yet, but then, I haven’t had a moment to breathe. It seems like just yesterday Trent called me up to meet with him and Morgan. I was so nervous! I thought they were firing me!”

  “It would’ve been the obvious assumption,” Alejandro said with another wink.

  Steph smacked his arm as he stood.

  He laughed and sidestepped out of her way to avoid more attacks.

  “Do you ever stop?” Naomi asked him.

  “Why? I know how much you love it, mija.” Alejandro moved next to her and bumped her shoulder. She made a face. One that I had seen often. When we were kids, I’d drive her insane constantly following her around asking questions.

  “Congrats, Steph,” I said, shaking her hand.

  “Thanks, Ellison.”

  Naomi hugged Steph, and Alejandro kissed her cheek in that way where your lips never touch actual skin. I never understood it, but it didn’t stop me from wanting to know what that felt like with Alejandro. I bet his face was warm and rough with his five o’clock shadow. Though I’d really have a hard time not turning in to plant one on his tempting lips.

  Before I let those thoughts overtake me, I picked up my iPad and turned toward the door.

  “El, I need you,” Alejandro said from across the room in that throaty voice. God, how I wanted to hear him say those words and mean it in a completely different context.

  “How can I help?”

  He caught up next to me, his solid shoulder now making contact with mine. He smelled like a tropical breeze.

  As I inhaled, he pulled the door open and held it for me . . . and Naomi and Steph.

  “NetStar keeps crashing. It’s killing my workflow.”

  “More computer problems, Dylan?” Naomi commented. “What is it with you and tech?”

  The newest update to the database software we used had been particularly buggy. But Alejandro always had issues with anything involving technology.

  “I can’t help it if our systems take one look at me and short circuit. If it happens with men, it can happen with machines, right?”

  “Just when I think you can’t possibly get any more narcissistic,” Naomi said and chuckled.

  Alejandro only gave her an impish smile as she and Steph left.

  I knew he was incorrigible, but that didn’t make him any less attractive to me. His boundless confidence was endearing. Cute even.

  And yes, a tech in my department could field his issue; I had fifteen of them with tons more time to assist than myself. But I was a sucker for Alejandro. And my office was literally right next door to his. I knew the only reason he asked me so often was because it was convenient.

  I pushed up my glasses. “NetStar keeps crashing, huh? Is it when you open it or try to close it? Or just in the middle of your session?” I followed him down the hall toward his office.

  “Si, si, and si,” he answered as we entered. For as extra as he could be with his clothes, his office was the complete opposite. Modern and sleek, it took minimalism to an extreme. Even more so than Trent’s office, and I couldn’t imagine anything more restrained that that. Alejandro’s furniture was all right angles, flat edges, and seamless lines. Like those infinity pools where ends
blurred directly into other planes. The only softness came with the colors and textures—burnished nickel, instead of shiny chrome, and muted blues, grays, and creams in matte rather than polished surfaces. It made the wood of his desk, a dark, rich mahogany, stand out against the sofa and guest chairs.

  He had infinitely more style than me. I saw a photo in the IKEA catalog and asked our designer to recreate it. Then I put up my Funko dolls on my desk and framed anime artwork on the walls. My space looked more like a teenaged boy’s bedroom than the office of a director while Alejandro’s looked like it was out of Architectural Digest.

  “Log on and I’ll take a look,” I said to Alejandro as he tossed his suit coat on the sofa. I could see the outline of his chest muscles and the perfect curve of his tight butt when he turned away from me. It was torture.

  I swallowed and forced my eyes elsewhere as he got in close.

  He tapped a few keys and moved aside. “There you go.”

  I sat down in his chair and opened NetStar, keenly aware of his body as he stood behind me, watching. I knew he was looking at the screen, not me, but it was still unnerving.

  I typed a few commands into NetStar, doing a diagnostic check. The computer ran through the checklist when suddenly the application closed, and a pop-up screen showed an error in a dialogue box.

  “See there? That was barely two minutes!” Alejandro leaned over me as he pointed at the monitor. I tried not to flinch at his nearness.

  He made a frustrated grunt. “I’ll let you do your thing,” he said and went to sit on the sofa.

  And that’s when he extended his legs and propped his feet up on the opposite end of the couch.

  In my direct line of sight.


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