Mister Daddy: A Second Chance Secret Baby Romance
Page 4
Abby lets out a low gasp, so soft I barely hear it. Her friends watch the two of us, their eyes darting from me to Abby and back to me. Now would be a good time for my mind-reading super power to kick in. Are they about to pull Abby away from me like girls do when guys creep them out? Or are they going to encourage Abby to go back to my room?
Please, let it be the second one.
I down the rest of my scotch, letting the alcohol burn my throat. I’m nowhere near drunk from my two drinks of the evening, but I don’t want to be. When I take Abby down to my quarters, I want to be fully coherent. I need to feel every inch of her as I…
“Mr. Jones, are you in need of anything?”
Vanessa the waitress intrudes again on my vivid imagination.
“I’m fine,” I say tightly. “Thank you for asking.”
Dang, there is such a thing as service that’s too good. She lingers a few seconds too long before disappearing back into the crowd to tend to her tables. I roll my eyes and wish I had more scotch to gulp down.
“Friend of yours?” Abby asks.
Another eyeroll. “Employee. She found out my name, and now she thinks it’s her personal mission to ensure that I have everything I could possibly need. I bet if I asked her to get me a plate from the buffet, she’d go.”
Abby laughs. “A fan, then?”
“Probably looking for a promotion. Or a raise. For the record, I don’t make those decisions. I can recommend them, but I don’t do it often. And I would never send someone to fetch me food. I’ve got two legs and two arms for that.”
She nods and sucks her straw. Those pouty pink lips drive me wild as they form a tight “O” and my thoughts start going crazy. I have something else she can suck that would taste twice as nice, and be slippery and slick going down her throat.
But goddammit, I need to stop this train of thought. Who am I to be such a disgusting horndog? She’s just an innocent girl at a club with her friends, while I’m an older man thinking all sorts of dirty thoughts. I should leave her alone, that’s for sure.
Unfortunately, I can’t. I’m desperate to know her better, and my body keeps saying “yes” even as my mind says “no.” Fuck it. If things don’t progress with Abby soon, we’re never going to find out just how talented she is with those lips.
At that moment, a slow song begins to blare over the speakers. Perfect. I hold my hand out to Abby. “How about a dance?” I ask.
She blinks a few times and gapes at my hand, but she doesn’t take it.
Was I only imagining the buzz between us? I’m hardly ever wrong, but there’s a first time for everything.
I stare at the hand stretching toward me for a few beats too long. Uncertainty plagues Carter’s face.
This tall, tan, sexy guy standing in front of me could have any girl he wants. In the last ten minutes, I’ve seen at least five women passengers eyeing him hungrily as if he were the last man on earth. So why is he standing here, asking me to dance?
“Excuse us for one second,” I say, brushing by him and grabbing Caitlyn and Jessica by their arms. “Don’t move.”
Caitlyn and Jessica follow me reluctantly to the corner by the DJ where we can have a little privacy.
“What the hell, Abby?” Caitlyn asks, struggling to keep her drink from spilling.
“What’s with the freak out, Abigail?” Jessica adds, rubbing her arm where I had gripped her a bit too hard. “I thought you were vibing with Carter.”
“I was! I am. But look at him. He’s absolutely gorgeous and can get any woman he wants. Why would he want me?”
The girls roll their eyes in unison. “Look at you, Abby. You’re beautiful and don’t say you aren’t.”
“No, I’m not. Please. I’m in your dress, wearing your make-up, and the lighting is non-existent. He probably can’t even see me, or even worse, thinks I’m an easy target because I’m a big girl.”
Caitlyn glances back at the bar over her shoulder. Oh god. I hope he doesn’t see, but I know that’s too much to wish for.
“If that were the case, wouldn’t he move on to someone else who doesn’t need to discuss it with her friends first?” she asks in a meaningful tone.
“What?” Much less casually, I look over my shoulder and see Carter leaning against the bar right where we’d left him. He’s devastatingly handsome, and I feel myself go hot all over again. “Well, I did tell him to stay put.”
“Since when do guys do what they’re told?” Jessica scoffs. “Face it, Abby, he’s into you. So what are you gonna do about it?”
“I don’t know!” I shout right as the music gets quiet. A few people turn to stare at me, but a new song starts up and pulls their attention back to the dance floor. “It’s been, like… a year, at least, since the last time I… and, God, what was I thinking with those snarky comebacks? That’s not me!”
Jess nods.
“It was kind of nice to see ‘Shy Abby’ break out of her shell. The shots probably helped with that too, come to think of it.”
She’s right. I was feeling the alcohol pretty good when Carter made his way to us. The situation has sobered me up now, though, not to mention the water I’ve been chugging to get my equanimity back. I really don’t want to be hungover when we get to our first stop tomorrow because it’s to the cruise line’s private island. It’s the epitome of luxury, but right now, I have more pressing issues at hand.
“Am I crazy for wanting to dance with him?”
My friends giggle.
“Sweetie, not even close. You’re not the only one hooking up with a stranger tonight. Half of the people on the dance floor just met an hour ago and look at them now. Humping like wild dogs not to mention that couple in the corner,” Jess says, squinting while trying to peer into the depths. “I wouldn’t be surprised it they’re having full-on sex right now.”
Gazing at the dirty dancing in front of us, I wonder if Jessica’s right. Could all of these people really be getting intimate with people they barely know? Is what they say true? What happens on a cruise stays on the cruise?
It wouldn’t surprise me because some of these folks have to be strangers who just met. And some of them are definitely going back to where they came from, without any attachments once the week is up.
“Okay,” I concede. “He’s really hot, and it’s not weird. Are you guys saying I should go with him?”
Caitlyn and Jessica nod. “Do it, girl. He’s still standing at the bar, and man, that guys has his eyes all over you. Work it girl. Work it, work it.”
I go hot all over knowing Carter’s eyes are currently roaming my curves. “What will you guys do, though? I don’t want to ditch you.”
They laugh merrily.
“Please, we totally understand being ditched for that hunk. We’ll be fine. We want to be ditched, it’s only right. Besides, there are some really hot guys over in the corner there. Maybe you won’t be the only one getting lucking tonight,” chortles Caitlyn, her gaze already traveling over my shoulder.
I follow her eyes to a pair of guys sizing us up while practically licking their lips. They seem a bit younger than we are, but if they’re in the club, then they’re at least twenty-one. So long as they weren’t using fake IDs. Oh god, this night is getting crazier and crazier, and my mind’s whirling furiously. Just then, one of them waves our way, and Jessica waves back.
“What are you doing?” I gasp.
Jess looks at those guys again, and then back at me.
“What do you think I’m doing? Besides, don’t worry about us, we’ll be fine. And honey, with the eyes that man’s giving you? You’re definitely getting lucky tonight, and probably in the morning, too, if your luck holds.”
That thought makes my heart race in the best way. I wouldn’t mind going back to Carter’s room and staring into his piercing blue eyes while he strokes me all over. It’s been so long since I’ve been with a man, much less one as hot and desirable as him.
“Are you going or what? Because I don’t think our new friends will wait forever.” Jessica motions to the two guys again. They’re waving for us to join them. Or, more likely, for Jess and Caitlyn to join them.
“I’m going,” I say in a low voice. “Wish me luck.”
“Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do!” Caitlyn jokes with a wink. “Or actually, do everything I would do!” She clasps Jessica’s hand over her shoulder and pulls her through the crowd toward their prospects. Sure enough, once the girls arrive before the two guys, it’s like they know each other already. Jess is melting into the arms of the guy on the left, while Cait is already kissing the man on the right. What in the world?
But such is life, and if anything, I’m the one who’s out of it. I’m the one who’s questioning the way of the world, when everyone else seems to be sailing smoothly. So I force myself to take a few deep breaths and then glide back to Carter. Sure enough, he hasn’t budged, those deep blue eyes amused.
“Sorry about that,” I apologize.
“Don’t worry about it,” he growls. His eyes lock on mine. Wow, they’re really blue, like the glimmering sea on a sunny day. I can’t stop staring and start blushing furiously. “How about that dance?” he rumbles again, one eyebrow arched.
I place my hand into his. “Um, yes please.”
The music has sped up since he first asked me, but I like it even more. Carter and I push to the middle of the crowded dance floor. Once we find a decent spot, he turns me around and pulls my butt against his hips. Without the earlier buzz, I’m hesitant to let loose but Carter’s hands guide my body left and right to the beat. I may be imagining it, but I’m pretty sure I feel something hard and huge pressing into my backside. Could it be? Has he been hiding this massive erection the entire time we’ve been talking? I can’t believe it, but my senses tell me it’s so. The huge rod is stiff and hard, running almost from the small of my back to the edge of my knee. Oh my god, would I even be able to fit this monster inside of me?
Like he can read my mind, Carter leans in and breathes against my ear, his breath hot. “You’re beautiful,” he rumbles. “You’re young sweetheart, and trust me, I won’t expect you to take it without any warm up. I’ll get you hot first so that that your sweet body is ripe and needy.” I push back harder against him, and he groans. “Fuuuuck. That is, if we even make it to the bed.”
He’s just buttering me up for what he wants later, but I’ll take it. I can’t remember the last time a guy paid me this much attention, and my body sizzles, pussy moistening at his words.
“Is that right?” I mewl, arching my arms back to latch around his neck while pushing my boobs out. They’re huge, and they must fill his field of vision.
Carter’s fast though. He doesn’t care that we’re on the dance floor and immediately a big hand snakes out to cup one of my tits in his hand, squeezing and fondling before trailing a finger over the hard nipple. It feels so good that I moan, closing my eyes and leaning back into him. It’s wrong that we’re doing this in public, but at the same time, the sizzle between my thighs is so powerful now that I need him. I need to follow wherever he’s leading, and gyrate my hips against his pelvis, grinding against his hard monster with my bottom.
We stay on the floor for a few more songs as the clock quickly approaches midnight. More people pour into the club as some trickle out with their partners, joined at the lips and the hips.
“What do you say we get out of here?” Carter growls into my ear. At the moment, he’s cupping both of my breasts, one hand reaching up to tweak a hard nipple. I gasp pleasurably, fluids leaking from my sweetest spot. Oh god, I need him so badly, and with a sassy smile, I tilt my chin towards the alpha male.
“I thought you’d never ask. Let’s go.”
It happens so fast that I’m left breathless. Carter takes my hand and nearly dislocates my shoulder as he quickly pulls me from the dance floor. Furtively, I look over my shoulder. Jessica and Caitlyn catch me leaving and smile. They’re busy grinding their tiny asses on the two guys from earlier, and basically humping like frenzied dogs in public. I see one of the guy’s hands disappear below Cait’s dress, and her face freezes in surprise before melting into blissful ecstasy. Oh yeah, they won’t be thinking about me one whit because good things are happening to all of us tonight.
My ears ring when we spill out of the club and into the smoky casino. Carter doesn’t release my hand, but he slows to a normal pace as we walk toward the elevators.
As soon as the doors close, Carter’s lips are on my neck. The hardness against my butt is no longer a question: it’s definitely his erection, and I gasp again. His cockpole is a giant billy club, thick and wide and long even beneath layers of fabric. Can I handle it? My body spurts in anticipation, providing its own natural lube. Oh god, I have to try.
Carter’s attack on my neck stops when the elevator doors open and an older couple dodders in. They’re cute with their white curly hair and spectacles. But damn. I was hoping we’d get privacy until Carter’s floor.
He keeps me pulled tight against him, his fingers digging into my waist. I think having an audience is as hard for him to handle as it is for me, and that huge pole pokes me in the behind once again. Luckily, the couple gets off on the next floor, suspecting nothing.
“Thank god,” Carter growls under his breath. He doesn’t bother waiting for the doors to close. This time, he attaches his lips to mine and pushes me hard against the elevator door.
“Oh,” I murmur into his mouth as my back hits the cold metal bar. His tongue eases its way between my lips, making me moan. It should be illegal for a guy to be this good at kissing and I give myself up to it, swaying through the passion he creates.
The elevator dings again, signaling Carter’s floor, and we stumble out. The doors are few and far between in this hallway, especially compared to the cramped space where Caitlyn, Jessica, and I are staying a few floors below. There’s even enough room in this hallway for two people to stand side by side, which can’t be said for where we live.
Carter kisses me again as we walk to his room. Once outside, he fumbles with his wallet to pull out his key card and then waves it before the detector, shoving the door open impatiently. And then I’m in his strong arms, in the privacy of his quarters. My eyes are closed for the first few moments, but once I open them, I have to end the sensual make-out session in order to gape. His room is at least five times the size of mine, with just one huge king-size bed in the middle. The view is magnificent with floor to ceiling windows instead of the tiny porthole that we have. Plus, Carter has a balcony that runs the entire length of his suite.
“This place is beautiful,” I gasp. “I guess being the ship owner has its perks.”
He smiles. “It sure does. Drink?”
I bite my lip and shake my head, feeling nervous. This guy is way out of my league. He’s a billionaire, for goodness sake, and I’ve just seen the first proof of that.
But the way he’s looking at me, I nearly forget my own name.
“Abby,” he whispers, reminding me. “You’re the most beautiful woman on this ship.”
I can’t stop a breathy laugh from escaping my lips. “You probably say that to every woman.” His eyes darken.
“I don’t,” he grinds out. “You’re different. Why do you keep saying things like that?”
But I laugh it away because this isn’t the time to get deep into our psyches. He’s going to realize that being with me is a mistake soon enough, but I don’t want to ruin tonight. I want to feel that hardness again, but this time as it pounds deep inside me, making me scream. So I take things into my own hands. Before he can say anything else, I kiss him hard. My hands pull his business shirt from his pants. There are like a thousand buttons on this damn thing, so I take the ends and rip it apart, scattering buttons all over the floor.
Carter laughs deep in his throat. “I hated that shirt anyway.”
He takes control of the kissing now, pulling me tight again
st him and backing up until he falls back on the bed. I drop on top of him, expecting him to groan under my weight, but the sound from his mouth isn’t of discomfort; it’s pure pleasure.
“Shit Abby,” he growls. “I want you so bad.”
“I want you too,” I mewl against his lips.
Carter hands are fast and furious, unzipping my dress before tossing it carelessly on the floor. He didn’t turn the light off before we tumble into bed, so the billionaire can see all of my flaws in front of him. But it’s like he doesn’t care. Or more accurately, he thinks I’m absolutely perfect because he stops kissing me and takes me in, those blue eyes lingering over every soft curve.
“Gorgeous,” he rasps before leaning forwards to press his lips to my collar bone, working his way to the tops of my breasts and then down to the waist of my panties. Carter’s eyes meet mine in a silent question. When I nod, he pulls off my g-string, which joins my dress on the floor.
Without warning, two of Carter’s long, thick fingers are buried deep inside me. I squeal at the unexpected penetration but my pussy’s already swollen and ready for him.
“Baby, you’re so wet for me already,” he groans. He picks up the pace, adding another finger, and I gasp again. I can’t believe I’m already so filled from just this. I moan while panting, stroking that broad back while angling my legs wider to let more of him get in.
“Yes, oh my God, that feels so good. Don’t stop, Carter. Just like that.”
Embarrassingly, my pussy squelches wetly the next time he pulls out, his fingers gleaming with my juices.
“You like that, sweetheart?” he growls slyly. “I’ve got something you’ll enjoy even more.”
“Please,” I moan. Maybe this is when he enters me properly. Maybe this is when I finally get to feel that huge dong deep inside, giving me the hard banging I need. But instead, the billionaire just chuckles, ducking his head down to trail a long, wet line down my tummy. And before I know it, those soft lips close around my clit.