Mister Daddy: A Second Chance Secret Baby Romance
Page 9
Finally, I reach the place we both want me to be. Oh shit, she’s beautiful and I take a moment just to savor her beauty.
“Shit baby,” is my low rasp. “You’re so pink and tight. Show me your insides, sweetheart. I want to see.”
And I’ve taught my girl well, even though it’s only been a short time. Lifting her knees, she snakes one hand between her thighs and pulls her pussy lips apart, showing off that delicate pink interior. Oh fuck, she’s so tight and wet, leaking juices even as I look.
“Like this, Mr. Jones?” she mewls. “Is this what you want?”
I almost burst at her innocent yet dirty question.
“That’s exactly it, sweetheart,” I rasp against her inner thigh. “That’s exactly what I want.” And then I move into her sweetest spot, teasing her slit with my tongue as she throws her head back and moans, spreading her knees even wider.
“Get the insides,” she pants, looking down at me. “Kiss me on my insides.”
I know what Abby wants because my little filly is a dirty whore. She doesn’t just want me to kiss her pussy lips and play with her clit. She wants me to pull her vag apart and kiss the insides of her cunt until they’re wet with her need and my saliva. So I obey.
“Oh yeah baby,” I moan into those pink walls. “Shit, I need to get deep.”
And this time, she just pants, big breasts heaving as I burrow my tongue into her slit, enjoying the feel of hot, creaming cunt in my mouth.
“Yes,” she gasps. “Oh yes yes yes.”
I insert two fingers, and then three, into her slick hole. Mmm, she’s so warm and tight. Her moan gets my shaft rock hard, and I continue to plunge into her with my fingers and use my tongue to pleasure her hole until her panting gets faster and faster.
“I’m so close, Carter. Use me. Let me be your wet hole,” she moans as her entire body quakes. It’s the most beautiful sight I’ve ever seen and suddenly, the brunette’s back arches, going stiff, as her pussy creams violently, juices spurting onto my face. Oh shit! My baby is a squirter and I gulp as fast as possible, downing her female honey.
As Abby comes down slowly from her climax, I remove my fingers from her quaking folds, licking sweet juices from my hand. My lips move back to hers, and our tongues dance, tasting each other.
“Are you ready?” I ask, my pole lined up to her primed hole. “You stretched enough for some thick meat, sweetheart?”
“Yes,” she moans. “I’ve been ready for a long time.”
I’m glad to hear it because I don’t think I can wait any longer. With her encouragement, I slide easily inside of her until I bottom out. After a few seconds of us adjusting to the position, I pump in and out of her earnestly, wet sucking sounds accompanying my movements. Fuck, she’s so drenched that it’s incredible, my cock disappearing again and again into her tight little cunt.
We try a few different positions. Her on top, me on top, both of us on our sides. We’re in no hurry to finish, instead enjoying the feel of each other in the most intimate possible way.
It’s not sex. It’s not fucking. We’re making love.
Finally, I reach down to rub her clit while quickening my thrusts. “We’re gonna come together, baby,” I rasp in her ear. “Are you ready?”
“Yes,” she breathes, eyes closed and boobies heaving. “Yes, right there. I’m so close. I’m gonna… I’m coming!”
And with that, her insides clench my hardness, sucking me deep inside of her. That pressure is all it takes to send me over the edge right along with her, emptying my seed deep in her sweetly creaming snatch. Oh fuck, oh fuck, what did I do to deserve this? She’s got me amped so high that my virility spills over, dripping from where our bodies are connected.
We stay wrapped in each other’s arms as we come down from our second high of the night.
The moon is luminous in the sky, and it’s tempting to keep Abby here with me, wrapped in my arms, until it trades places with the sun. However, guests will be allowed back up here at dawn, and I don’t want anyone to find us naked on a blanket. It would be bad for everyone involved.
“Let’s go back to my room,” I whisper in her ear before she can fall asleep. We slip back into our clothes and link hands, grabbing the blanket now soaked with sweat and fluids.
I’m tired, and tomorrow is supposed to be an early day, but the smile Abby gives me the second we enter my room is enough for me to forget about sleep.
Instead, we go for round three of the night.
And you know what? Having her in my room is a delicious treat, and I’d be game for round four … and five … and six if it came to that.
With a quick kiss goodbye, I tiptoe out of Carter’s room to get back to mine before the girls wake up. I’m sure they noticed I didn’t come back last night, but hopefully if I’m there when they wake up, they’ll let it slide.
I open our door carefully so I don’t disturb them, but as soon as I walk in, I’m greeted with two disappointed faces in sweaty gym outfits.
Crap. I forgot Caitlyn and Jessica get up early to go for a run on the jogging track. They must have just gotten back, judging from their red faces and labored breathing.
“Hi,” I greet them sheepishly.
Neither responds.
“Come on. The silent treatment is so high school.”
I expect at least a laugh, but I don’t even get a flicker of a smile from my friends. That means they’re really pissed at me.
“Listen, I’m sorry, okay?”
“Oh, great. Now you can go back to Carter’s bedroom without feeling like you’re ditching your supposed friends. Bye.”
I sigh. I refuse to feel guilty about falling in love on this cruise, but Caitlyn does have a point. What kind of girl does it make me if I spend more time with some guy than I do with the friends who brought me on the trip in the first place?
“You’re right. I should be spending more time with you both. I’m really sorry if you feel like I’m ditching you.”
“We don’t feel like you’re ditching us, Abby. You are ditching us. This trip is supposed to be about us spending more time together since we never spend time together anymore. Yet the second a guy pays attention to you, you’re off with him instead of with us. What the hell? I mean, this is supposed to be a friendship cruise. Hello? Or is that all tossed by the wayside now that you’ve met a hot guy.”
“That stops now. Today is about us,” I promise. “I just need to tell Carter.”
Caitlyn rolls her eyes, but neither she nor Jessica makes any comment. Their faces are still pinched, and I can tell they disapprove. After all, I’ve been a terrible friend to them when they’ve always been great to me. Even when Caitlyn and Jessica are seeing a guy, they always make time for me. As a result, I need to do the same for them.
I step into the hallway with my foot in the door to call Carter. He answers on the first ring.
“Miss me already?” he jokes.
“Yes,” I admit. “But I can’t hang out with you today.”
“What? Why?”
I sigh. “My friends and I came on this cruise together, and I’ve barely spent any time with them. We need a girls’ day.”
“Oh. Okay. I understand. Can I see you tonight?”
I glance through the slightly open door into the room where Jess and Caitlyn are getting dressed in shorts and tank-tops. “I’m not sure. I’ll let you know.”
“Okay. Have fun with the girls. Don’t get into too much trouble.”
I laugh. “We’ll try.”
After we hang up, I walk back into the room. “Alright, today is about us. What should we do?”
The girls finally smile. “I’ve been thinking we need to check out the pool. We haven’t done that yet.”
Thank goodness. Water is something I can deal with. “I love that idea. Just let me get changed.”
Under the girls’ tank-tops, the straps of their tiny bikinis peek out. I slip into the bathroom to pull on my one
piece. It’s got a cutout just under the chest, which is more skin than I usually show in a bathing suit. I fell in love with the light yellow suit when I saw it, and I knew I had to have it. Thankfully, it looks good on my large body.
Once we’re ready, we head for the elevator. Surprisingly, the large deck pool is pretty empty for early afternoon. We have a sea day before our last stop tomorrow, so I expected to see hoards of travelers enjoying the sun-warmed water of the pool.
Caitlyn and Jessica sit on the edge while I jump right into the water. Floating on my back, my eyes squinting against the rising sun, I feel just as comfortable as I did yesterday in the sea with Carter. “You know, Carter is a big fan of the water, too,” I say.
“Cool,” Caitlyn responds. “I think we should go to one of the restaurants for lunch today. We haven’t been to any of them yet.”
“I like that idea,” Jessica agrees.
“Yeah, same. You know, yesterday for dinner, Carter took me to this great place in the Bahamas. You guys would have loved the food.”
“Nice,” Jessica remarks.
After a while, the girls jump into the pool alongside me, and we swim and splash until our fingers are pruned and the sun is reaching the highest point in the sky. “I’m hungry,” Caitlyn says. “Ready to change for lunch?”
Reluctantly, I follow the girls out of the pool and back down to our room. We each take a super quick shower to get the chlorine out of our hair and change into lunch appropriate attire. The air is warm and sticky with humidity, so I pull on a pair of high-waisted Bermuda shorts and a yellow, floral tank top. With regular shorts, the top would show a lot of my stomach, but in wearing this pair, only a small sliver of skin is visible. Just the way I like it.
We have to wait twenty minutes for a table at one of the onboard restaurants. Once inside, our waiter brings us menus and takes our drink orders. I settle for a lemonade. “Yesterday at dinner, Carter made me try this Bahamian soda that was so good. I wish they had it on board.”
“What do you want to do after lunch?” Jessica asks.
“Why don’t we go try some mini golf?” Caitlyn suggests. “It’s up on the top deck, and it seems like fun. I’ve never played before.”
“You’ve never played mini golf?” I ask incredulously.
She shrugs. “Nope. There are about a million places around us, but I’ve never gone.”
“Then we are definitely going up there after lunch. We can’t let you off this cruise until you’ve gone mini golfing.”
“Okay,” she laughs.
We eat our lunches slowly, chatting about the weather and the different events going on throughout the day. Caitlyn whips out the cruise line app she downloaded before we left and scrolls through the day’s itinerary. “Hey, they have trivia at three! We should go to that after mini golf.”
It’s a little after one now, so we should have plenty of time. “I’m down. We’ll probably do as well as the last time we tried trivia, but it’s worth a shot.”
Jessica and Caitlyn both laugh. There are a few Miami bars that do weekly trivia games. We went to one a few months ago and came in dead last place. We’re smart women, but we cracked under the pressure. Hopefully, this trivia game doesn’t turn out the same way.
The waiter clears our plates, and we leave a generous tip. This restaurant is one of the free eateries on board, so we don’t have to worry about paying the check, but we still want the waiter to know we enjoyed ourselves.
We take the elevator all the way up to the top deck. My heart starts fluttering. “Carter took me up here after hours last night to see the stars,” I tell them, leaving out the part where we made passionate love in the chilly night air. “It was beautiful.”
“I bet,” Caitlyn replies, a slight edge in her voice. I let it slide, figuring she’s just tired from the heat. Miami gets hot, but not as hot as the middle of the sea.
We grab clubs and balls and make our way around the mini golf course. Despite her novice status, Caitlyn does pretty well. Jessica wins, with me placing second, but Caitlyn is a close third despite not knowing how to golf.
Our round ends just in time for us to get to the atrium for trivia. We take an answer sheet and find some seats near the back. The cruise host starts reading off questions, and surprisingly, we know a few answers.
The eighteenth question, out of twenty, surprises me. “What year did the first cruise on this line open in the form of a river boat on the Mississippi River?”
“Oh!” I say. “Carter told me about this yesterday. He bought the river boat twenty-five years ago.”
I count back twenty-five years and write the year on the sheet, proud that I had insider information to know the answer.
We don’t win, but we come in fourth, and the host gives us branded Frisbees for playing.
The girls and I decide to go back to the room to relax for a few minutes before we hit the deck again.
“I can’t believe I knew a trivia answer because of Carter,” I say once we’re inside our room. “What a funny coincidence.”
“Oh my God, Abby!” Caitlyn exclaims. “Stop talking about Carter! It’s like he’s the only thing you know how to talk about anymore.”
“What? I don’t talk about him that much.”
She laughs bitterly. “Carter took me to dinner, Carter loves water, Carter bought me a yummy soda, Carter told me his life story. We get it! Now shut up about it.”
“Wow, whatever. Sorry you’re so jealous of my love life that you can’t hear about it.”
“You’ve known the guy for like two days, Abby. You don’t have a love life; you have a cruise fling. Once we get off the ship, he’ll forget about you.”
That hurts. What I share with Carter is more than just a fling, I know it. Caitlyn’s just being a bitch. “You’re wrong.”
“No, she’s not,” Jessica says. “You’re basically obsessed with this guy, and he’s only going to break your heart. But hey, if you want to spend more time with him than with us, then do it. We’re not going to stop you.”
“You’re not my boss, so you couldn’t stop me if you wanted to!”
Caitlyn winces. “Yeah, you’re right. It would just be nice if you wanted to spend time with your friends. We shouldn’t have to stop you. You should stop yourself.”
With that, she disappears into the bathroom. I don’t have anything left to say to Caitlyn or to Jessica, so I grab my bag and stomp out the door. If my friends aren’t going to be supportive of me, then I don’t want to be around them.
Without realizing it, I find myself outside of Carter’s door. I knock lightly, hoping he’s inside. He answers wearing his normal outfit of a button-down shirt and black business pants.
“Abby? I thought you were spending the day with your friends?”
That’s all it takes for the tears I’ve been holding back to spill from my eyes.
“My friends hate me,” I sob into his shoulder. He gently leads me to his bed and sits me on the edge. “They think I’m being stupid.”
“What happened?”
I tell him everything, the tears drying up the longer I talk. Carter listens patiently and offers me a tissue. No guy I’ve ever been with has listened the way he does. It just solidifies how in love with him I’ve fallen since we first met.
“I’m sorry your friends are mad at you,” he says quietly when I’m done with my story. “They’re wrong, though. You’re not just a fling.”
That makes me smile. I had hoped, but his confirming it feels amazing. “Thanks for listening, Carter.”
“Any time,” he says. He bends his head down to meet my lips in a tender kiss, confirming once and for all that my friends were wrong about what we have.
Carter and I have spent the last two nights together. I only venture into my room to gather clothing when I know Caitlyn and Jessica are out.
I guess you could say I’m avoiding them.
Not that it bothers me. They’re not support
ive of my new relationship, and this extra time with Carter has given us time to get to know each other.
Yesterday, we went diving again when we were at our last stop, another beautiful Caribbean island. This time, we brought underwater cameras with us to capture the trip. They were just those dinky ones you buy from the cruise gift shop – basically a wind-up camera wrapped in plastic – but they worked okay. I can’t wait to see how the photos come out.
We have today and tomorrow at sea, and then we’re back at the dock in Miami. And Carter will continue on to wherever he goes next, while I return to my landlocked desk at an accounting firm.
“I have some work to do today,” Carter says. We woke up and had breakfast, and an early dessert, about an hour ago. Since then, we’ve stayed in bed clinging to each other’s nude bodies. “Will you be okay on your own?”
“Yeah. I’ll probably go for a swim. Maybe get a tan.”
He kisses my shoulder. “Sounds good. Meet up for lunch?”
“I’d love that.”
“Excellent.” He climbs out of bed, leaving me feeling cold even though it’s pushing a hundred outside. “I’ll meet you at the buffet at noon?”
“See you then.”
Carter dresses and heads to his onboard office. I take longer to get dressed and then head to my room for my bathing suit. The girls are nowhere to be seen.
Up on the deck, I find an empty chair and set down my things before jumping in the pool.
That’s when I finally see my friends.
They’re over by the bar we first spent time at when we got on the ship. Beside them are those same girls who cheered along with us about a friend trip.
A friend trip. That’s what this was supposed to be, and here I am sleeping in the large bed of a guy I only just met.
I stay hidden in the scarce shade as I swim, but my eyes are trained on Caitlyn and Jessica. They look so happy. Are they happier without me than they were when we were together?
My heart breaks. I’ve been a terrible friend to them, but they haven’t been much better to me. We’re all to blame here.