Book Read Free

Trusting Him

Page 7

by L. M. Somerton

  “The room is great. I’m always the same the first night away in a new place,” Goran said. “I’ll sleep like a baby tonight, don’t worry.”

  Skye got a sudden picture in his head of Goran snuggled under his duvet, cuddling a pillow, teddy bear next to him. He couldn’t stop himself from giggling.

  “You wanted to make a contribution to this conversation, Skye?” Luke asked.

  “No, Sir. Sorry.”

  “Hmm… I think you and I should spend some quality time together discussing the appropriate behavior of a submissive when in the company of two Dominants.”

  “Yes, Sir,” Skye murmured.

  “When does Tor need you next?”

  “At twelve-thirty, Sir.”

  Luke checked his watch. “Then that gives us an hour for some training. Goran, are we all done here?”

  “We sure are. Have fun, boys.”

  Luke rolled his eyes. “If you need me, I’ll be in the dungeon.”

  Skye took a deep breath. It would only be for an hour, but the thought of spending time alone with Luke, alongside all the possibilities the dungeon offered, made his skin tingle and his cock stiffen.

  Chapter Seven

  It was a few degrees cooler underground, but the temperature wasn’t uncomfortable—two large space heaters took care of that. Skye tried to take everything in without making his curiosity obvious. He had been intrigued when Luke had first shown him around the dungeon, but now he was about to get up close and personal with the equipment, his pulse pounded.

  “Feel free to look around,” Luke said. “I don’t have a problem with you being curious. Have you ever used any of this dungeon furniture before, at The Underground perhaps?”

  “No, Sir.” Skye had seen the club’s playrooms but never ventured inside. They stood in a large space with a flagged floor and stone walls. Light was provided by two bare bulbs strung on cables across the ceiling. A leather-padded cross stood in one corner, and a cage sat next to the back wall. It was large enough for a man to stand or sit in but not lie down. In the center of the room, a spanking bench with various movable sections took center stage. There were also three further doors leading from the main space, each with a small barred window set into it.

  “This house has a long and interesting history,” Luke said, as he walked across to one of the barred doors. “These cells have housed prisoners across the ages. We’re going to use one of them.” Luke opened the central door and gestured for Skye to go inside. The only equipment in the room was a reclining chair of the kind that might be found at a dentist’s, complete with various instruments on moveable arms and an overhead lamp.

  Skye gulped. “I’ve always been a bit phobic about going to the dentist. It makes me think of that scene in Little Shop of Horrors.”

  “If it helps,” Luke said, “think of it as a gynecologist’s chair rather than a dentist’s.”

  “If that was your idea of humor, Sir, it wasn’t funny.” Skye’s palms were clammy and his erection had deflated.

  “It wasn’t meant to be.” Luke made a few adjustments to the settings of the chair, lowering a set of stirrups. “The relationship between a Dominant and his submissive is about trust and that’s something that has to be earned. You have your safe word and I’ll respect it. Most Dominants require that you give them full access to your body, for pleasure and for pain. I’d say it’s the ultimate act of trust to hand your wellbeing over to another man.”

  Skye wasn’t interested in what most Doms wanted—he was interested in Luke’s requirements of a sub. He had no problem trusting that Luke would respect his safe word, but psychologically the piece of equipment in front of him scared him.


  Each piece of clothing that Skye removed made him feel more vulnerable. It wasn’t just the exposure of his bare flesh, or that Luke remained fully dressed—it was the act in itself. Obeying Luke’s order was an act of submission.

  “The color of that pullover suits you,” Luke said as Skye pulled it over his head. It was such an inane comment considering the situation that Skye wanted to laugh. It made him happy to think that Luke took an interest in what he wore and how he looked when on the surface Luke could come across as cool and detached. Skye finished removing his clothes and placed them in a neat pile in one corner of the cell.

  “Onto the chair.”

  The leather beneath Skye’s arse and back was cold, but warmed quickly. His position, not quite horizontal, gave him a whole new perspective on the room and the equipment surrounding him.

  “Put your feet in the stirrups.”

  His legs must have gained weight in the last few minutes, because they resisted Skye’s attempt to lift them into position. He took a couple of deep breaths and tried again. This time he managed it and Luke’s smile was reward in itself. Skye tried to stay calm as Luke buckled leather straps around his ankles so there was no way he could lower his legs again. He rotated a handle at the side of the chair and Skye’s legs moved farther apart, to such an extent that he could feel the strain on his inner thigh muscles. Next, Luke fastened a wide strap around Skye’s waist. The bondage helped Skye relax a little and his cock began to show interest again. A strap around each wrist linked to rails on either side of the chair rendered him even more immobile. He could lift his head and shoulders a few inches, but that was it. Even that became impossible when Luke used another handle to lower the top portion of the chair, tilting Skye’s head back. A final strap went around his forehead ensuring that he could no longer see what Luke was doing.

  “How are you feeling?” Luke’s voice sounded from somewhere near Skye’s feet.

  “Nervous, Sir. Excited.” Turned on. Skye kept that last thought to himself, though he guessed his straining erection made it obvious. The caress of a shift in the air brushed the head of his cock and he whimpered.

  “I can keep you here like this, exposed to my view, aching to come, for as long as I want to.”

  “Yes, Sir.” Getting the words out took effort.

  “You shaved.” Luke brushed a finger across Skye’s belly.

  “Yes…I…the cage, well it can get itchy, Sir. I hope you don’t mind.”

  “I don’t, though next time I’ll shave you myself. You have to be a contortionist to do it yourself and I’d rather you didn’t nick anything important. Do you miss being in chastity?”

  Skye wasn’t sure how to answer. He didn’t want to risk losing the opportunity to come, but he did miss the weight of the cage. In his head it was like having Luke’s fist wrapped around his dick.

  “The truth, please. Nothing you say will change the course of the day. What happens next is my decision and I won’t be swayed by how you answer.”

  “I do miss it, Sir. I don’t understand why, but I do. I don’t enjoy it but…”

  “You feel safer when the ability to choose is taken away from you.”

  “Yes!” How does he know that? It’s like he’s in my head.

  “When coming isn’t an option, you don’t have to worry about disobedience. Whereas now…when you don’t have my permission to come, I imagine there’s not much room in your head for anything else.”

  As Luke hadn’t asked a question, Skye hoped he wasn’t required to answer.

  “I’m going to put a cock ring on you.”

  “Oh God, Sir, if you touch me…I don’t think, I mean I can’t…please…” Skye pulled against the straps holding him down. His safe word sat on the tip of his tongue, but he didn’t want the scene to end.

  “Good boy. You should always be honest with me.”

  “I…I came last night. I didn’t mean to—it happened in my sleep. I should have told you.”

  “You’ve told me now and that’s what counts. You can’t help your dreams, but I think you’ll be sleeping in chastity from now on.”

  There was a brief silence then Skye’s cock was engulfed in wet heat. He couldn’t comprehend what was happening at first, then Luke sucked the head of Skye’s aching dick.
In his wildest dreams he had never imagined that a Dom might do what Luke was currently doing. Skye screamed as he came, unable to do anything but shake in his bonds as his cock pulsed, sending his release into Luke’s throat. Luke kept sucking and licking until Skye thought he would black out. Everything was too much. Too sensitive. Too overwhelming. He sobbed when Luke finally pulled away.

  “Don’t try to speak.” Luke stroked his cheek with the backs of his fingers. “I told you there was nothing you could do to alter the course of events, didn’t I?”

  Skye reeled, giddy despite being horizontal.

  “Now, I’m going to make sure you’re thinking of me for the rest of the day.”

  Luke’s touch as he fastened a cock ring in place was almost unbearable. Skye shuddered at the constriction but was distracted by a brush against his belly.

  “What’s that, Sir?”

  “You’ll find out soon enough.” Luke unfastened the strap around Skye waist, replacing it with a narrower belt, which he passed beneath Skye’s body. “This is a harness. There’s a strap linking the cock ring to the belt, then another that passes between your legs to attach to the belt at the back. It will hold the plug in place.”

  Skye tried to process the sensation of leather against skin and the tug of the cock ring. “Wait…plug?”

  “Yes. This harness is designed to hold in a plug.”

  Skye gasped as Luke pressed a lubed finger against his hole. He tried to bring his legs together but couldn’t move them. When Luke’s finger penetrated his channel, Skye’s vision blurred.

  “The plug isn’t big—we’ll work up to something larger over time.” Luke moved his finger from side to side before withdrawing. Something harder and colder replaced it. “Let it in, Skye.”

  Skye took a deep breath as Luke pushed the plug inside him. There was a slight burn that soon faded and he could feel the stretch as a bulge on the toy made his breath hitch. Once it was fully seated, Luke passed another leather strap between his legs, nudging him to lift his arse from the chair. The strap was a snug fit between his butt cheeks and when Luke fastened it to the belt, it seemed to push the plug deeper as well as increase the pull on the cock ring.

  “Good. I’ll check the fit in a moment.”

  Skye lay boneless and limp as Luke released him from bondage and lowered the stirrups. Luke had to help him up then steady him once he was standing because his legs didn’t seem to work anymore.

  “I don’t want you to get cold—let’s get you dressed.” Skye remained compliant as Luke helped him into his clothes. “It can be difficult for someone who hasn’t had much practice to keep a plug in. Your body’s instinct will be to push the invader out, so the harness will prevent that. The cock ring won’t stop you getting an erection, but it will make it much more difficult to come. Not impossible—but you don’t have my permission, so I expect you to resist.”

  Every time he moved, the plug shifted in Skye’s channel, nudging his prostate. He shivered. “Hold me, Sir?”

  Luke gathered him into a hug, wrapping both arms around him. His erection pressed into Skye’s belly but Skye knew better than to say anything. It was gratifying to know that Luke had been turned on by the scene as much as Skye had been. Skye wished he could do something about it. He could imagine nothing better than sinking to his knees, releasing Luke’s dick then giving it the attention it deserved. His mouth watered at the thought and he whimpered.

  “You’ll get used to it,” Luke said. “If it gets too much, you come to me and we’ll talk about it. You are not to take it off yourself.”

  Skye wanted to laugh at Luke’s misinterpretation of his distress. “It’s not locked, Sir?”

  “Only by my word. I trust that will be enough.” It was a statement rather than a question. Skye wished he could be so confident.

  “I’ll do my best, Sir. I promise.”

  “And that’s all I ask.” Luke gave Skye’s arse a pat, jostling the plug and Skye caught a rare, mischievous smile.

  “That’s naughty, Sir.”

  “It is, isn’t it? Now, I think it’s time you got back to work. You know what you’re doing?” He took Skye’s hand then led him up the steps to the main house.

  “Yes, Sir. Staff lunch service first, then setting up for the guests when they get back from their outing. Goran wants some helps serving drinks too.”

  “Are you looking forward to the Brideshead Revisited theme this evening?”

  “I’ve seen both versions of the film and read the book. I can’t wait to see everyone’s costumes.”

  “They’ll be spectacular, I’m sure.”

  The tone of Luke’s voice told Skye that Luke knew something he didn’t. He wondered what his costume for the night might be. Somehow, he suspected that it wouldn’t be a full dinner jacket and dress trousers. He wouldn’t be surprised if he ended up in the harness, a bow tie and nothing else.

  * * * *

  Luke kept a close eye on Skye over the course of a relaxed, casual staff lunch. The short scene in the dungeon had been intense and he was acutely aware of how new Skye was to everything. Making him wear the harness was a calculated risk, but Luke was convinced that Skye needed a permanent connection to his Dom, whether that be through a chastity cage, a plug or a collar. The more intimate the contact, the better. Skye was a bright, thoughtful young man who replayed in his head everything he experienced, but expressing his feelings didn’t come easily. They had to be teased out. He had been too nervous in the dungeon to reach sub space, but the experience would still have affected him on a subconscious level. Luke wanted to be there for him if he needed to talk or wanted reassurance.

  Goran held court, telling funny stories about life behind the bar at The Underground. He had an endless supply of tales about a sub called Olly who Luke learned Skye had never met, but had heard about from Alistair and Christian—two subs who had befriended him. Luke couldn’t imagine Skye ever being confident enough to misbehave the way Olly did, but it was amusing to watch as he stared, open-mouthed while Goran recounted how Olly had smuggled an extra-large bag of M&Ms into the club one night, then dropped them all over the dance floor when the bag split. His Dom had made him pick them all up, crawling on his hands and knees, then given him a spanking in front of any club members who cared to watch—which was most of them.

  “The trouble is, all Olly has to do is pout and bat his lashes for Joe to forgive him. They usually end up in a private room and Olly is always grinning when they emerge,” Goran finished, chuckling. “That boy is a consummate brat, but there’s not a bad bone in his body. He’s as sweet as all the sugar he eats.”

  “Don’t be getting any ideas,” Luke said, directing his comment at Skye.

  “No, Sir.” Skye’s lower lip was getting some abuse. He shifted in his chair and a small gasp escaped. Goran gave Luke a knowing look.

  Benjy and Frank started giggling, which resulted in Tor grabbing their ears and dragging them back to the kitchen. Skye cleared the table, moving slower than usual. Goran leaned back in his chair, arms folded across his chest.

  “It’s his first time with a plug, isn’t it?”

  Luke nodded. “Just watching him move around is a challenge to my self-control.”

  “He is delicious. The perfect combination of innocence and submission. He’s a natural. You’re a lucky man, Luke.”

  Luke checked that Skye was out of earshot before he answered. “I’m just training him. He’s not mine.”

  “Isn’t he? Because the young man I’m looking at is at least halfway in love with you already.”

  “That’s not possible. We’ve only known each other a few days and he knows I’m training him. Why would he feel anything deeper?”

  “You need to talk to Joe Dexter if you want a proper answer to that kind of question. He’s a psychologist.”

  Luke grunted. “And you’re a barman. Next best thing.” He pushed his chair back. “Walk with me to my office? There are a lot of flapping ears in the vicinity.”

  “Sure. We have time to take a turn around the grounds if you don’t mind some fresh air. Be doing me a favor because I think our group are going to get rowdy tonight and I won’t get another chance for a break once they’re back.”

  “Clearing my head might be a good idea,” Luke said. He led the way outside. Autumn sunshine was making a brave attempt to break through the clouds, sending shafts of light through the trees, turning the leaves to gold and copper. Luke took a deep breath of the crisp air.

  “I feel more awake already.”

  “It’s deceiving,” Goran said. “It looks sunny and bright, but it’s cold.”

  “I can’t believe we’ve already resorted to talking about the weather,” Luke said.

  “We’re British—it’s the law.”

  “So now we’ve done our patriotic duty, where on earth do you get the impression that Skye is in love with me?” Leaves crunched underfoot as Luke strolled across the lawn, Goran at his side.

  “You’re probably too close to the lad to see it, but it’s apparent in every look, every gesture. When you’re in the room, he’s a totally different person. Less shy and reserved, more confident with his place in the world.”

  “I can’t believe I haven’t spotted this myself.” Luke stared the distant trees. A bird of prey he couldn’t identify swept toward the ground, talons extended. Not wanting to know whether he was witnessing the death of a small furry mammal, Luke turned away.

  “There’s a soft heart beating beneath that cold exterior. He’s getting under your skin, admit it.”

  “Maybe. There’s something about him, something vulnerable. But he has an inner strength that I envy.”

  Goran didn’t say anything. He didn’t have to. They continued their circuit of the building in contemplative silence and Luke was grateful for the opportunity to think. He needed to be more observant. Goran had caught on in seconds to something he should have seen himself. How would he ever earn Skye’s trust if he failed to read his responses? He was still deep in contemplation when they arrived back at the main door.


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