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Prowling for His Mate

Page 9

by Dominique Eastwick

  He threw back his head and laughed. “Leonidas can’t rule against two mates coming together. But we can’t until we are seven days into Leo’s reign. Only then can the fates connect our souls. If we don’t do it within the window of time in Leo, we must wait another year.”

  “I shall pencil you in. So that means July thirtieth we have a date.” She took a berry from his plate and he pushed the rest her way. “What shall I wear?”

  “Wear, I should think you would be naked.”

  “Naked? In front of people.”

  “Why would we be in front of people? I think you missed the ‘we make love’ part. And then I have to bite you.”

  “Bite me?” She froze mid bite. “Oh. Leo bit Kalista?”

  “He did.”

  “Okay. So I will pencil you in to bite me.”

  “Please do.” He rolled his eyes and stretched but then stopped. “Damn it.”


  “I forgot to give Leonidas the scroll I found.”

  “You found the scroll? When? Where? How?”

  “Easy, girl.” He crossed the room and retrieved the scroll to hand it to her. “There was a secret compartment above the upper shelves.”

  He explained finding it and the full conversation that ensued between he and Kalista. He also promised to try and recreate the events in case they could find it again. He reached for the phone and called down to Leonidas’ office, asking Diata to have Leonidas find him. He returned to her, kissed her hard and headed in to take a shower, she assumed cold. It would be a few more days of healing before she was ready to take on their lovemaking again.

  She followed him and sat on the counter. “I’ve been thinking.”

  “Color me shocked.”

  “I’m being serious.” She threw a washcloth at him. “I think Kalista’s fertility issues have to do with her body changing, getting into rhythm with Leo’s. Do your females have monthly cycles, or do they have one about the time they can get pregnant?”

  “Hmmm. I’m not sure.”

  “So, let’s assume a lion’s sperm doesn’t alter its potency. It’s the same no matter what. She can still get pregnant, but whatever it is going on inside is preventing her from giving birth out of Leo. Thus, her miscarriages.”

  “You might be on to something. And if that’s the case, we need to be more careful.”

  “Can you ask other humans, find out their experiences?”

  “There aren’t that many. Kali was the first woman within the lions, and I’m not sure the other zodiacs would share their information.” He turned off the water and wrapped a towel around his waist as a knock on the door echoed through the room. He picked up the scroll and crossed the room with her fast on his heels. Opening the door, he greeted his prime.

  “The scroll?”

  “If you knew, why didn’t you come and get it?”

  Leo stepped in and nodded to Paighton. “I was comforting my mate, and then she said I wasn’t to disturb you. I needed to wait until you came out of your den. She reminded me of how we felt gypped of our time after our mating. You deserve a few days before the craziness of the reign hits.”

  He handed over the scroll then relayed the thoughts Paighton had on Kalista’s health issues. Leo stood, silently tapping the scroll, and for a minute she thought he wouldn’t say anything. She had learned already that his silence wasn’t indifference but an intelligent brain working through the situation. The visible relaxation of his shoulders told her more than anything her idea had been welcome. “Your theory has a lot of weight. You must share it with Kalista.”

  “I don’t think she’ll speak to me.”

  “Because of a misunderstanding?” Leo waved her concerns away. “She’s down the hall, waiting, in case she is needed for medical advice or sisterly bonding. I reminded her in her own words you might still need alone time. Take the next day or two to yourselves.”

  “I know there is a lot to do.”

  “Nothing is more important than this woman next to you. Besides, it’ll take me a day to make heads or tails of this scroll.” He offered her a kind smile. “It’s up to you if you would like to stay on through the next month. If you choose to leave and return for the bonding, we’ll make sure you can get here.”

  With those words, he departed, closing the door behind him. Jaison grinned at her. “You heard the man. We’re to spend time together.”

  He climbed back into bed and indicated she join him. She laid her head on his chest as he played with her hair. “If you want a wedding with your family and friends, we can arrange that,” he offered.

  She thought about it, but in her heart she knew the two people she wanted to be there wouldn’t come and if they did, wouldn’t make it a dream wedding. Her father would say it was archaic to walk her down the aisle to give her away, and her mother would bemoan the amount of money spent on a silly party. It wouldn’t matter that Paighton loved this man. Her parents would break down the relationship to simple physical needs.


  With a finger under her chin, he forced her to face him so their eyes met. “What is it?”

  “I never really knew what I was missing until your family showed me what a warm, loving family could be. I thought it was something only Hollywood created.” She placed her head back on his chest; something about the cadence of his heartbeat eased her. He traced patterns on her back, and she shuddered wanting to be closer to him. “When I was little and sick, I was put into isolation so not to make anyone else ill. The other day, when Augie fell, my first inclination was to tell him to brush it off. Then I watched how those around cuddled and eased the boy’s pain. Not in a way that coddled him, but in a way that made sure he knew he was loved.”

  “He is loved. All the children on the island grow up knowing they are loved, protected, and accepted.”

  She lifted her head. “That moment, I wanted more than anything to be a part of your world, your family.”

  “If I knew Augie would have that effect, I would have kept him at my side from day one.”

  “I never wanted children before. My sisters are married and have them, but I never get the impression either is enamored with motherhood. Thankfully, they have husbands who are loving. I don’t want to be like that.”

  “That you can recognize the symptoms in your sisters tells me you won’t, but if you struggle, the whole island will make sure our children are loved.”

  “Promise me that. Promise me our children, no matter what, will know love and fun.”

  “Was there never any fun?”

  “Only if it was educational.”

  “We must remedy this. Tell me some of the things you have never done, that your younger self would have loved and we will do them. We need to create a list.”

  “I’ve never been to the beach to go swimming.”

  “Never?” He sat up in surprise. “Get up. We can check that off, now.”

  A few minutes later they walked hand in hand past the garrison. A yellow flag with a lion silhouette flapped in the light breeze. “They changed the flag.”

  “Kalista’s father flew back to England today. He’s been rehabilitating here for the last nine months. But I think he’s anxious to get back to his home.”

  “So he doesn’t know?”

  “Leonidas told Kali it was her decision whether to share the secret.”

  “And she didn’t.”

  “No. She said the fewer people who know, the safer our people will be.”

  “Trust me, I won’t tell anyone.” She looked up at the flag again. “No one would believe me anyway.”

  “I don’t know. You took the news far better than anyone expected.”

  “I read everything I had time to in the library.”

  “You’re dangerous.”

  She placed her head on his shoulder as they walked. The connection with him seemed so natural. Touching him, her right. They came across a few lions on their way down
to the beach. The first one made her jump since even though she knew their secret, it still caught her off guard. As they approached the beach, there were a few others laid out getting some sun. Naya and Aiden romped in the shallows in human form.

  Nervous, she stood at the edge. “I know it sounds silly, but I don’t know what to do.”

  “You do whatever you want.” He led her to a small cabana. “But one thing you do have to do is put on a hat and sunscreen. This skin is not ready for the kiss of the Greek sun.”

  “Just a Greek lion?”


  They entered a cabana where he reached for the sunscreen. His touch immediately burned, but unlike the evening before when it turned to passion, this was different. As the pain rippled through her she buckled over, unable to stand the heat. Her world shifted as he lifted her into his arms. “It hurts.”

  “I know.” He submerged her into surprisingly cold ocean water.

  “Can I help?” Naya asked.

  She didn’t hear his response, but when she started shivering, he carried her back into the cabana and wrapped a towel around her. “Better?”

  “A bit.”

  He pushed the wet hair from her face. “Naya is going to come in and put your sunscreen on.”

  “We can leave if you want.”

  “Unfortunately, the heat is going to get worse before the bonding.” He moved to touch her but yanked his hand back. “I had hoped this wouldn’t happen.”

  “Once we bond, this will go away?”

  “It will.”

  “But you still have about two weeks until you can,” Naya said, coming in. “I understand. I am going through it too, but not to the extent that you are. Humans seem to have it far worse than we do.” She grabbed the sunscreen. “There are things to make it better.”

  She turned, unconvinced. “There are?”

  “Keep some ice water near you at all times.” Naya started applying the sunscreen and cast a telling glance at Jaison. “Have someone else apply sunscreen.”

  “Figured that out on my own,” she tried to joke.

  “Making love helps.”

  She groaned. That would have to wait a few more days. “Thanks.”

  “Once you’re in the water, touching him won’t hurt so much.” Naya handed Jaison the sunscreen. “But wait until you’re in the water. There are times when a simple touch of the hand sparks the fire and other times I can be in his arms and have nothing happen.”

  Chapter Six

  As the first boat of guests arrived, Jaison seriously reconsidered letting Paighton stay on the island. The heat had worsened. She struggled with his distance and if he touched her, she buckled over in pain. Kali suggested a few days in Athens, but Paighton didn’t want to be away. She wanted to be there to support her man when he fought his challenge.

  Jaison oversaw the southern docks baggage check. No bag got onto the island without thorough checks. So far, no one had brought anything worse than a girlie magazine. Tomorrow, the South American pride would arrive, so everyone treated the early arrivals as a dress rehearsal. No one would take a chance with their queen’s safety, giving him an extra reason to keep the few humans on the island safe.

  Leonidas stepped up behind him. “Anything?”

  “No, but Gio isn’t expecting anything until tomorrow, if then. They know we’re conducting these checks. Even Renaldo isn’t that stupid.” Leo raised an eyebrow. “Okay, maybe he is.”

  Leo glanced off into the distance. “Damen wants to talk to you.”

  “When? And why? The only one he ever talks to is you.”

  “I usually only get shrugs and grunts.”

  “That’s reassuring.”

  Leonidas laughed. “I think he wants your advice on how to connect with Kali. The book thing isn’t working.”

  “All he has to do is talk to her.” He took a step toward the dock then realized the item they looked at was a stuffed animal and stood down. “Didn’t you tell him that?”

  “The way I connect with her isn’t going to work for anyone else.”

  “Right. There is that.”

  “Paighton seems to be struggling.”

  No matter how she put on a brave face, his mate did struggle, but he didn’t want to tell her others knew. If nothing else, he could give her the sense she succeeded in that much. The truth was that if they made love, the fire only eased for an hour or two. And while he would be perfectly content to make love to her all day, she couldn’t. She hadn’t asked him if others knew her struggle, and he hadn’t told her. “She is a bit. No more than Kalista.”

  “Good. Let us know if there is anything she needs.” Leo turned his back from the dock so his voice wouldn’t carry on the wind. “Tomorrow, at the moment of sundown, I want you and Damen at the challenge field.”

  “But that is the time of the banquet.”

  “Exactly. I asked the Asian and African prides to send constituents to oversee the challenge. Gio, as he has done in the past, will rule over the match.” Leonidas cracked his neck to the side, his way of trying to relax. “The South American pride will be at dinner. As long as three prides are witness, a challenge is considered binding. But to keep up the illusion you are still her guardian, I need you to play the part with Damen beside you until after the challenge is fulfilled.”

  The Asian and the African prides were the most trustworthy of the non-Greek prides. “Has anyone sent in their challenge for you yet?”

  “Only the normal ones for the first day. Joe from America. I do enjoy that one. Asia and Africa, of course, the primes have asked me to knock a few young bucks down a peg or two. Then a few token other ones. But I’m sure there will be some who hope to surprise me.”

  “So, the norm.”

  “With the exception of the bullshit they are trying to pull as Kalista’s guardian, yes. I don’t trust them, but with ninety-six percent of the prides in full support of Kali as queen, they won’t find the support they hoped from others.”

  “I’m hoping those that believe in the old ways only let their bigotry die with them.”

  “There are more signs of discontent with Ricardo’s rule. I anticipate we see some challenges if not this year, the next for alpha.” Leonidas’ attention was drawn by a pregnant woman getting off the boat; he immediately jumped into help her. Most prides had their own midwives, but they usually worked with the one on the island as most births took place here.

  Every four hours over the next few days, a great many would arrive on the island. Unlike other zodiacs, Leos were notorious for not giving a damn about the foniás. Omegas still arrived early on the island, as they lacked the abilities to protect themselves. The betas didn’t much mind the prospect of meeting up with the slayers. There were a few foniás who had become allies of the pride. Those who tracked and hunted only the worst of their kinds. Ones who would hurt humans. But Archer and his ilk also helped those who needed protection.

  Gio approached them. “Archer phoned. Sabine’s mate has been located. He is safe but not doing well. They are taking him to his healers.”

  “Has anyone informed Sabine?”

  “Kalista is with her,” Gio said. When Leonidas’ eyebrows furrowed, he added, “Damen is with her as well.”

  Leonidas relaxed. Kalista may not like it, but she knew when other prides were on the island, she needed a protection detail. Though normally it would have been Jaison, Damen had asked to go around with her today. Tomorrow, Jaison would guard her again and five minutes after sundown, Damen would become her guardian and in a private room would pledge to lay down his life for hers. The assumption was that Jaison would be challenged that evening at the dinner. So, everything had been planned to within a minute’s variable.

  With everyone off the boat, he made his way to the garrison library where Paighton and her minions worked feverishly to finish up before tomorrow. “How’s it going?”

  She turned and smiled then moved to greet him wh
en Naya stopped her. “Not a good idea, I promise.”

  Naya experienced the same fires Paighton did, to a lesser extent. Paighton groaned. “Remember when I said I wanted all these emotions I was experiencing? I lied.”

  “Eight more days,” he assured her. “I still think you should head to the mainland in the morning.”

  “I’m not leaving when my mate is about to be challenged.” She took a chug of ice-cold water then brushed her lips over his. “Eight more days.”

  “I wish you could come to dinner tomorrow.”

  “Nah. Kalista explained—if they see me it won’t mean anything; if they see us together it’ll mean everything. Your job is to keep her safe, and I know you’ll keep her safe even after you pass off the role of guardian. But you can’t do that if you’re worried about me.” She placed her hand over his heart. “My job is to keep you safe.”

  He brought her hand up to his lips and laid a simple kiss upon her palm. “You are everything I’ve ever dreamed of in a mate.”

  “And in your nearly two hundred years, there have been a lot of dreams.”

  “Is this going to end in you telling me how old I am?”

  She picked up a book and placed it on a shelf. “If the boot fits and all that mess.”

  “You’re a funny woman.”

  “I’m your woman, but I’ve a lot of work to do.”

  “Did you call your family?”

  “I did, and it went as I expected. My parents gave me the statistics of divorce, and my sisters said if they could find time to come out they would, but if I was in the area, please stop in for dinner.”

  “Ah hell, baby.” He pulled her into his arms. Naya handed her another glass of ice water. He held her for twenty seconds before letting go. They couldn’t risk much more. “Hold that pity party for a couple more days.”

  “I had planned to until you got all protective.” She smiled then pulled on his sleeve and tapped on a book on top of the shelf. “Do you have the second one in this series?”

  It was the book Kali had brought to the island last year. “If I don’t, Kali knows where it is. Tell me where it needs to go and I’ll place it, and the book that follows in their appropriate place.”


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