The Young Miner; Or, Tom Nelson in California
Page 23
"I see no cause for despair," replied Ferguson, in the same calm tone.
"I have not a penny left out of the two thousand dollars I had only anhour since."
"I understand all that."
"I am a ruined man," said the young man, despondently.
"I don't admit that. How old are you?"
"You are well and strong, are you not?"
"Oh, yes, I have nothing to complain of on that score."
"Then it appears to me that your loss is not serious. Your capital stillremains."
"My capital?" repeated the young man.
"Yes; your strong arms, your education, your capacity to labor."
"But I shall have to begin over again."
"Beginning over again at your age, when, possibly, fifty years of lifelie before you, is not such a serious matter. Were I in yoursituation,--and I am twice as old as you,--I should not thing ofdespairing. Don't you think it would be rather foolish for two thousanddollars, which you have been only six months in accumulating, to throwaway fifty years, and all that you can make in that time, therebybringing a life-long grief to your mother and sister?"
The calm, logical tone of the Scotchman had its effect.
"I see that I was about to add to one piece of folly another fargreater," said the young man. "I don't know who you are, sir, but Iheartily thank you and your son for saving my life."
"This is not my son, but my young friend, Thomas Nelson," said Ferguson."I am not so fortunate as to have a son."
"Well, God bless you both, and good-night!"
"Excuse my persistency, but may I ask where you are going?"
"I am not going to repeat my folly of just now, if that is what youmean."
"I did not suspect you of that; but are you sure of a bed anywhere?"
"No; I have no money to pay for one. I shall walk the streets, orpossibly lie down in some quiet place. I was accustomed to roughing itat the mines, and can do it again if necessary."
"Tom and I have a room in which you are welcome to find a shelter. I amsorry that our bed is too narrow to hold another."
"Thank you. That will be better than to sleep in the streets. But areyou not afraid to make me this offer?"
"Why should I be?"
"I might rob you during the night."
"You might, but you don't look like one who would so reward confidence."
"You are right. If you had fifty thousand dollars I would not touch adollar of it. I will accept your offer. How can I repay you for yourkindness?"
"There may be a way. We will talk of that this evening."
Nine o'clock found the three collected in the small room which had beenhired by Ferguson for himself and Tom.
"My friend," said Ferguson, "you told us that you found a favorableplace for mining up in the Sierras."
"Yes, I 'struck it rich.'"
"I take it for granted that you did not exhaust the wealth of theplace?"
"Far from it. I only dipped into it. There is abundance left."
"Is this place known to many?"
"To only one, so far as I know. He and I worked independently, but werecompany for each other."
"But what induced you to leave so rich a claim?"
"I was tired of working, and wanted to come to the city for a change.You know what a change I have experienced here."
"Why don't you go back and start anew in the place where you met withyour former good fortune?" asked Ferguson.
"Because I am penniless. I must find something to do here for a while.When I have got together a little fund, sufficient for the purpose, Iwill go back."
"Would you go back now, if you had the chance?"
"Would I? Certainly I would, for I could make money faster there thanhere."
"Would you have any objection to let Tom and myself accompany you?"
"Not the least. I should be glad of your company. There is gold enoughfor us all."
"Then we will start to-morrow, that is, if you and Tom are willing."
"I am ready," said Tom, promptly.
"But I have nothing. I don't like to be an expense to you," objected theyoung man.
"We will pay your expenses. We shall be more than recompensed by therichness of the mines. We might find something to do here, but both Tomand myself prefer the freedom of the mining camp, and, if the spot isas rich as you have led us to suspect, we shall make more money there."
"Agreed!" said the young man, promptly. "Name the hour of starting, andrely upon me to be ready."
Ferguson was evidently well pleased with this response. He felt that hisnew acquaintance would be so far away from the city, and would soonerretrieve his fortunes at the mines. He hoped, too, to find opportunityto strengthen his principles, and guard him against the temptations ofthe city when he should again visit it. Again, he had reason to thinkthat the arrangement would benefit Tom and himself in a pecuniary way,and the Scotchman was by no means indifferent to that consideration;though, as we have seen, he did not unduly exalt the power or value ofmoney.
Tom, too, was pleased with the prospect. He was grateful and attached toFerguson, whom he felt to be a true friend, but he was glad to haveanother companion nearer his own age. The young man was of aprepossessing exterior, and when he had shaken off his presentdisquietude looked as if he might be a cheerful and agreeable companion.
"Since we are to live together, for a time at least, and becomefellow-workers," said Ferguson, "we ought to know each other better. Iwill introduce myself first."
Hereupon Ferguson gave a brief account of himself, which need not berepeated, and then called upon Tom, who followed his example.
"Now it is my turn," said their new acquaintance. "You don't even knowmy name yet, though you have done me such an important service. I havealready told you that I am from Ohio. My name is Richard Russell, thoughmy friends generally call me Dick. My father, whom I had the misfortuneto lose several years since, was at one time a member of Congress. Heleft a small property, the income of which is barely sufficient toprovide my mother and sister with the comforts of life. I had a faireducation, including enough Latin and Greek to fit me for enteringcollege. My mother desired me to enter; but I knew that she could notkeep me there without practicing pinching economy, and I secured a placewith a small salary in a business house in Cincinnati. A year since,when the papers were full of the gold discoveries on this coast, I wasseized, like so many others, with the golden fever, and arranged tostart overland. It would have proved a wise step had I not been so rasha fool as to squander my earnings; for two thousand dollars in sixmonths compare very favorably with twelve dollars a week, which I wasearning at home. I might have gone home by the next steamer, and hadmoney enough to carry me through a course of legal study, had I desired.I am out of patience with myself when I think of how I have thrown awaymy good fortune."
"Don't think too much of the past, which cannot be recalled. Resolve notto repeat your folly, and all may yet be well."
"I have fully resolved upon that," said Russell, earnestly.
"Do you think you shall study law, if you are again fortunate, Mr.Russell?" asked Tom.
"If you please don't call me Mr. Russell, unless you want me to call youMr. Nelson. Call me Dick."
"I will," said Tom, smiling, "for I am not ready to be called Mr. Nelsonyet."
"Now, to answer your question: if I can get two thousand dollarstogether again, I shall probably study law. Of course I don't mean to bea miner all my life any more than you. Now, Tom, what are your plans?"
"I think I should like to be a lawyer, too, but I must earn more thantwo thousand dollars first."
"Two thousand ought to be sufficient to educate you if you areeconomical."
"It would be, but I want to pay off a mortgage on my father's farmbefore I begin to lay up money for myself."
"You are a good fellow, Tom, and I wish you success."
"Thank you, Dick
. I will succeed if hard work can bring success."
"Good-night to you both," said Ferguson. "I want to sleep well toprepare myself for starting to-morrow."
In half an hour all three were sleeping soundly.