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by Dan Snow

  55. J. B. N. R. de Ramezay, Mémoire du sieur de Ramezay, commandant à Québec, au sujet de la reddition de cette ville, le 18 septembre 1759(Quebec, 1861).

  56. Wolfe to Monckton, 27 July 1759, in LAC, Monckton Papers, XXII, rl/C-336.

  57. Wolfe to Pitt, 2 September 1759, PRO, CO 5/51.

  58. ‘Letter of James Gibson to Governor Lawrence’, 1 August 1759, Basin of Quebec, in Doughty and Parmelee, Siege of Quebec,V: 65.

  59. ‘Brigadier Townshend’s Journal of the Voyage to America and Campaign against Quebec, 1759’, in Doughty and Parmelee, Siege of Quebec,V: 250.

  60. Knox, Journal, I: 428.

  61. Léger, Le Journal de Montcalm, 476.

  62. Ibid., 474.

  63. Logs: Stirling Castle, 28 July 1759, in Wood, The Logs of the Conquest of Canada, 309.

  64. ‘Letter of James Gibson to Governor Lawrence’, 1 August 1759, Basin of Quebec, in Doughty and Parmelee, Siege of Quebec,V: 66.

  65. Patrick Mackellar, ‘A Description of the Town of Quebeck—Its Strength and Situation’, in S. Pargellis, ed., Military Affairs in North America, 1748-65: Selected Documents from the Cumberland Papers in Windsor Castle (New York, 1936), 415.

  66. Knox, Journal, I: 445.

  67. ‘Journal du siège de Québec’, in The Northcliffe Collection, XXX: 250; ‘Narrative of the Siege of Quebec, Published by the French [Département de la Guerre]’, in O’Callaghan and Fernow, Documents, X: 1000.

  68. Logs: Lowestoft, 28 July 1759, in Wood, The Logs of the Conquest of Canada, 235.

  69. ‘Copy of a Letter from on Board the Lizard, 5 September 1759 at Coudres, 17 Leagues from Quebec’, in Pargellis, Military Affairs in North America, 436.

  70. Logs: Lowestoft, 28 July 1759, in Wood, The Logs of the Conquest of Canada, 235.

  71. ‘Copy of a Letter from on Board the Lizard, 5 September 1759 at Coudres, 17 Leagues from Quebec’, in Pargellis, Military Affairs in North America, 436.

  72. Knox, Journal, I: 445.

  73. ‘Genuine Letters from a Volunteer in the British Service at Quebec’, in Doughty and Parmelee, Siege of Quebec,V: 18.

  74. Knox, Journal, I: 445.

  75. ‘Narrative of the Siege of Quebec, Published by the French [Département de la Guerre]’, in O’Callaghan and Fernow, Documents, X: 1000; ‘Journal du siège de Québec’, in The Northcliffe Collection, XXX: 250.

  76. Logs: Stirling Castle, 28 July 1759, in Wood, The Logs of the Conquest of Canada, 309.

  77. Knox, Journal, I: 445.

  78. Montcalm to Lévis, 29 July 1759, in Casgrain, Collection des manuscrits du Maréchal de Lévis, VI: 205.

  Chapter Nine: Defeat at Montmorency

  1. ‘Brigadier Townshend’s Journal of the Voyage to America and Campaign against Quebec, 1759’, in A. Doughty and G. Parmelee, eds., The Siege of Quebec and the Battle of the Plains of Abraham (6 vols., Quebec, 1901), V: 254.

  2. Orderly Book and Journal of Major John Hawks, on the Ticonderoga-Crown Point Campaign, under General Jeffrey Amherst, 1759-1760(New York, 1911), 7.

  3. Ibid.

  4. White cloth or linen breeches were becoming fashionable among all the ranks, and in the sweltering heat of midsummer they must have been preferable to the heavy red woollen ones they were issued.

  5. Wolfe to Pitt, 2 September 1759, PRO, CO 5/51.

  6. Major Moncrief, A Short Account of the Expedition against Quebec Commanded by Major-General Wolfe in the Year 1759(Quebec, 1901), 19.

  7. Universal Dictionary of the Marine, 1789, quoted in J. C. Beaglehole, The Life of Captain James Cook (London, 1974), 9.

  8. Wolfe’s ‘Family Journal’, PRONI, DOD 162/77 C, 9.

  9. Montresor to Colonel James Montresor, 10 August 1759, Montmorency, in Doughty and Parmelee, Siege of Quebec,IV: 325.

  10. Wolfe to Pitt, 2 September 1759, PRO, CO 5/51.

  11. Interestingly this mention of ‘1000 yards’ belies Wolfe’s later claim that he expected the Cats to get within spitting distance of the redoubt. Wolfe to Monckton, 28 July 1759, LAC, MG 18 M 1, Monckton Papers, XXII, rl C-336.

  12. Wolfe to Monckton, undated but probably 29 July 1759, ibid.

  13. Wolfe’s ‘Family Journal’, PRONI, DOD 162/77 C, 26.

  14. Montcalm to de Lévis, 25 July 1759, in H. R. Casgrain, ed., Collection des manuscrits du Maréchal de Lévis (12 vols., Montreal and Quebec, 1889-95), VI: 198.

  15. Wolfe’s Journal, 30 July 1759.

  16. Moncrief, A Short Account of the Expedition against Quebec Commanded by Major-General Wolfe in the Year 1759, 20.

  17. Published in the Gentlemen’s Magazine, June 1801, in LAC, MG 18 N 18, vol. V.

  18. Wolfe to Pitt, 2 September 1759, PRO, CO 5/51; see also Wolfe to Saunders, 30 August 1759, in B. Willson, ed., The Life and Letters of James Wolfe (New York, 1909), 460-3.

  19. Wolfe’s ‘Family Journal’, PRONI, DOD 162/77 C, 9.

  20. Extract from a Manuscript Journal Relating to the Operations before Quebec in 1759, Kept by Colonel Malcolm Fraser, the Lt of the 78th (Fraser’s Highlanders) and Serving in that Campaign (Literary and Historical Society of Quebec: Historical Documents, Second Series, 1868), 10.

  21. Wolfe’s ‘Family Journal’, PRONI, DOD 162/77 C, 10.

  22. Wolfe to Pitt, 2 September 1759, PRO, CO 5/51.

  23. ‘Extract of a Letter from an Officer in Major General Wolfe’s Army’, 10 August 1759, Island of Orleans, in S. Pargellis, ed., Military Affairs in North America, 1748-65: Selected Documents from the Cumberland Papers in Windsor Castle (New York, 1936), 434.

  24. A. Doughty, ed., An Historical Journal of the Campaigns in North America: For the Years 1757, 1758, 1759and 1760by Captain John Knox (3 vols., Toronto, 1914-16), I: 452.

  25. Moncrief, A Short Account of the Expedition against Quebec Commanded by Major-General Wolfe in the Year 1759, 21.

  26. ‘Extract of a Journal Kept at the Army Commanded by the Late Lt Gen de Montcalm’, in E. O’Callaghan and B. Fernow, eds., Documents Relative to the Colonial History of the State of New York; Procured in Holland, England and France (15 vols., Albany, NY, 1853-87), X: 1029.

  27. Memoirs of the Siege of Quebec, the Capital of all Canada, and of the Retreat of Monsieur de Bourlemaque (Quebec, 1901), 25.

  28. R. Léger, ed., Le Journal de Montcalm (Montreal, 2007), 478.

  29. ‘Journal du siège de Québec’, in The Northcliffe Collection (Ottawa, 1926), XXX: 251-2.

  30. Panet’s Journal, 31 July 1759.

  31. Memoirs of the Siege of Quebec, the Capital of all Canada, and of the Retreat of Monsieur de Bourlemaque, 25.

  32. ‘John Johnson’s Journal’, in Doughty and Parmelee, Siege of Quebec, V: 93.

  33. Montresor to Colonel James Montresor, 10 August 1759, Montmorency, in Doughty and Parmelee, Siege of Quebec, IV: 325.

  34. ‘Extract of a Letter from an Officer in Major General Wolfe’s Army’, 10 August 1759, Island of Orleans, in Pargellis, Military Affairs in North America, 434.

  35. Knox, Journal, I: 452.

  36. Wolfe to Pitt, 2 September 1759, PRO, CO 5/51.

  37. ‘John Johnson’s Journal’, in Doughty and Parmelee, Siege of Quebec, V: 89.

  38. ‘Hot Stuff’ was published 5 May 1774 in Rivington’s New York Gazetteer reprinted in C. P. Stacey, Quebec 1759: The Siege and the Battle (Toronto, 2002), Appendix J, 236. The curious reference to Montcalm misidentifying Lascelles’ for Shirley’s stems from the fact that Lascelles’ had been forced to borrow Shirley’s uniforms for the campaign, theirs having been lost the year before.

  39. Lieutenant James Grant to Colonel Bouquet, 15 September 1759, Crown Point, LAC, MG 18 N 18, vol. VII.

  40. A Journal of the Expedition up the River St Lawrence (by a Sgt Major in Hopson’s Grenadiers) (Boston, 1759), 5.

  41. Panet’s Journal, 31 July 1759.

  42. ‘Genuine Letters from a Volunteer in the British Service at Quebec’, in Doughty and Parmelee, Siege of Quebec, V: 19.

  43. ‘Copy of a Letter from
on Board the Lizard September 5th 1759, at Coudres 17 Leagues from Quebec’, in Pargellis, Military Affairs in North America, 435.

  44. Knox, Journal, I: 452.

  45. Journal of Sergeant James Thompson quoted in I. McCulloch, Sons of the Mountain: The Highland Regiments in the French and Indian War, 1756-1767(2 vols., Toronto, 2006), I: 183.

  46. Wolfe to Saunders, 30 August 1759, in B. Willson, ed., The Life and Letters of James Wolfe (New York, 1909), 460.

  47. Wolfe to Pitt, 2 September 1759, PRO, CO 5/51.

  48. Letter of Captain Schomberg of the Diana to Admiral Forbes, Boston, 5 September 1759, in Doughty and Parmelee, Siege of Quebec, V: 60.

  49. Logs: Stirling Castle, 1 August 1759, in W. Wood, ed., The Logs of the Conquest of Canada (Toronto, 1909), 309.

  50. Knox, Journal, I: 453.

  51. Wolfe to Pitt, 2 September 1759, PRO, CO 5/51.

  52. Wolfe’s ‘Family Journal’, PRONI, DOD 162/77 C, 11.

  53. Panet’s Journal, 31 July 1759.

  54. Extract from a Manuscript Journal Relating to the Operations before Quebec in 1759, Kept by Colonel Malcolm Fraser, the Lt of the 78th, 11.

  55. ‘John Johnson’s Journal’, in Doughty and Parmelee, Siege of Quebec, V: 89-90.

  56. Siege of Quebec and Conquest of Canada: in 1759. By a Nun of the General Hospital of Quebec (Quebec, 1855), 7.

  57. ‘Townshend’s Rough Notes’, in Northcliffe Collection, 423.

  58. Letter of Captain Schomberg of the Diana to Admiral Forbes, Boston, 5 September 1759, in Doughty and Parmelee, Siege of Quebec, V: 60.

  59. Montresor to Colonel James Montresor, 10 August 1759, Montmorency, in Doughty and Parmelee, Siege of Quebec,IV: 326.

  60. ‘Return of the Dead and Wounded’ by Barré, in The Northcliffe Collection, XXI: 136.

  61. Wolfe’s Journal, 31 July 1759.

  62. Moncrief, A Short Account of the Expedition against Quebec Commanded by Major-General Wolfe in the Year 1759, 23.

  63. ‘Brigadier Townshend’s Journal of the Voyage to America and Campaign against Quebec, 1759’, in Doughty and Parmelee, Siege of Quebec, V: 255.

  64. Memoirs of the Siege of Quebec, the Capital of all Canada, and of the Retreat of Monsieur de Bourlemaque, 26.

  65. ‘Extract of a Journal Kept at the Army Commanded by the Late Lt Gen de Montcalm’, in O’Callaghan and Fernow, Documents, X: 1029.

  66. Memoirs of the Siege of Quebec, the Capital of all Canada, and of the Retreat of Monsieur de Bourlemaque, 26.

  67. ‘Journal du siège de Québec’, in The Northcliffe Collection, XXX: 252.

  68. Panet’s Journal, 31 July 1759.

  69. J.-F. Récher, Journal du siège de Québec en 1759(Quebec, 1959), entry for 31 July 1759.

  70. Vaudreuil to Lévis, 1 August 1759, in Casgrain, Collection des manuscrits du Maréchal de Lévis, VIII: 74-5.

  71. R. Léger, ed., Le Journal du Chevalier de Lévis (Montreal, 2008), 140.

  72. Léger, Le Journal de Montcalm, 478-9.

  73. ‘Narrative of the Siege of Quebec, Published by the French [Département de la Guerre]’, in O’Callaghan and Fernow, Documents, X: 1000; ‘Extract of a Journal Kept at the Army Commanded by the Late Lt Gen de Montcalm’, in ibid., X: 1029.

  74. Vaudreuil to Lévis, 2 August 1759, in Casgrain, Manuscrits du Maréchal de Lévis, VIII: 75.

  75. General Orders in Wolfe’s Army during the Expedition up the River St Lawrence, 1759(Literary and Historical Society of Quebec: Historical Documents, Fourth Series, Quebec, 1875), 31-2.

  76. Wolfe to Pitt, 2 September 1759, PRO, CO 5/51.

  77. Wolfe to Saunders, Banks of the St Lawrence, 30 August 1759, in Willson, The Life and Letters of James Wolfe, 462.

  78. Wolfe’s ‘Family Journal’, PRONI, DOD 162/77 C, 10-11.

  79. Moncrief, A Short Account of the Expedition against Quebec Commanded by Major-General Wolfe in the Year 1759, 25.

  Chapter Ten: ‘It is war of the worst shape’

  1. Wolfe’s ‘Family Journal’, PRONI, DOD 162/77 C, 8.

  2. General Orders in Wolfe’s Army during the Expedition up the River St Lawrence, 1759(Literary and Historical Society of Quebec: Historical Documents, Fourth Series, Quebec, 1875), 37.

  3. V. Bamfield, On the Strength: The Story of the British Army Wife (London, 1974), 52; P. E. Kopperman, ‘The British High Command and Soldiers’ Wives in America 1755-1783’, Journal of the Society for Army Historical Research, 60, 241 (Spring 1982).

  4. Wolfe’s Journal, 1 August 1759.

  5. Wolfe to Monckton, 1 August 1759, LAC, Monckton Papers, XXII, rl C-336.

  6. ‘Brigadier Townshend’s Journal of the Voyage to America and Campaign against Quebec, 1759’, in A. Doughty and G. Parmelee, eds., The Siege of Quebec and the Battle of the Plains of Abraham (6 vols., Quebec, 1901), V: 255.

  7. Vaudreuil to Wolfe, 2 August 1759, in The Northcliffe Collection (Ottawa, 1926), XXI: 137.

  8. ‘Relation du siège de Québec, posé par les Anglois en l’anée 1759’, in The Northcliffe Collection, XXVIII: 219.

  9. Montcalm to Lévis, 2 August 1759, in H. R. Casgrain, ed., Collection des manuscrits du Maréchal de Lévis (12 vols., Montreal and Quebec, 1889-95), VI: 214.

  10. Panet’s Journal, 24 August 1759.

  11. ‘Journal du siège de Québec’, in The Northcliffe Collection, XXX: 253.

  12. Ibid.

  13. ‘Narrative of the Siege of Quebec, Published by the French [Département de la Guerre]’, in E. O’Callaghan and B. Fernow, eds., Documents Relative to the Colonial History of the State of New York; Procured in Holland, England and France (15 vols., Albany, NY, 1853-87), X: 1001.

  14. E. P. Hamilton, ed., Adventure in the Wilderness: The American Journals of Louis Antoine de Bougainville, 1756-1760(Norman, OK, 1990), 282.

  15. Panet’s Journal, 16 August 1759.

  16. J.-F. Récher, Journal du siège de Québec en 1759(Quebec, 1959), entry for 12 August 1759.

  17. Wolfe’s Journal, 3 August 1759; Wolfe to Murray, Stirling Castle, 5 August 1759, PRONI, DOD 678 11a-14a.

  18. A. Doughty, ed., An Historical Journal of the Campaigns in North America: For the Years 1757, 1758, 1759and 1760by Captain John Knox (3 vols., Toronto, 1914-16), II: 10.

  19. Vaudreuil to Lévis, 20 July 1759, in Casgrain, Collection des manuscrits du Maréchal de Lévis, VIII: 66-7.

  20. Bougainville’s Journal for 1759-60, in Hamilton, Adventure in the Wilderness, 319.

  21. Montreuil to Belle Isle, Camp at Pointe aux Trembles, 22 September 1759, in O’Callaghan and Fernow, Documents, X: 1013.

  22. ‘Extract of a Journal Kept at the Army Commanded by the Late Lt Gen de Montcalm’, in O’Callaghan and Fernow, Documents, X: 1029.

  23. LAC, James Murray Collection, MG 23 GII 1, rl A-1992. Bundle 1, letter 1.

  24. ‘Extracts from Journal of the Particular Transactions during the Siege of Quebec’, in Doughty and Parmelee, Siege of Quebec, V: 177.

  25. Ibid., V: 178.

  26. Journals of Louis Antoine de Bougainville, 319.

  27. LAC, James Murray Collection, MG 23 GII 1, rl A-1992. Bundle 1, letter 1.

  28. Ibid.

  29. Major Moncrief, A Short Account of the Expedition against Quebec Commanded by Major-General Wolfe in the Year 1759(Quebec, 1901), 26.

  30. LAC, James Murray Collection, MG 23 GII 1, rl A-1992. Bundle 1, letter 1.

  31. ‘Extracts from Journal of the Particular Transactions during the Siege of Quebec’, in Doughty and Parmelee, Siege of Quebec, V: 179.

  32. Moncrief, A Short Account of the Expedition against Quebec Commanded by Major-General Wolfe in the Year 1759, 26-7; LAC, James Murray Collection, MG 23 GII 1, rl A-1992. Bundle 1, letter 1; ‘Extracts from Journal of the Particular Transactions during the Siege of Quebec’, in Doughty and Parmelee, Siege of Quebec, V: 179.

  33. Panet’s Journal, 7 August 1759.

  34. ‘Relation du siège de Québec, posé par les Anglois en l’anée 1759’, in The Northcli
ffe Collection, XXVII: 219.

  35. ‘Journal of the Siege of Niagara’, in O’Callaghan and Fernow, Documents, X: 975-90; ‘Journal du siège de Québec’, in The Northcliffe Collection, XXX: 255.

  36. ‘Extract of a Journal Kept at the Army Commanded by the Late Lt Gen de Montcalm’, in O’Callaghan and Fernow, Documents, X: 1031.

  37. J. B. N. R. de Ramezay, Mémoire du sieur de Ramezay, commandant à Québec, au sujet de la reddition de cette ville, le 18 septembre 1759(Quebec, 1861).

  38. ‘Journal du siège de Québec’, in The Northcliffe Collection, XXX: 256.

  39. ‘Extract of a Journal Kept at the Army Commanded by the Late Lt Gen de Montcalm’, in O’Callaghan and Fernow, Documents, X: 1032.

  40. ‘Journal du siège de Québec’, in The Northcliffe Collection, XXX: 256.

  41. ‘Extract of a Journal Kept at the Army Commanded by the Late Lt Gen de Montcalm’, in O’Callaghan and Fernow, Documents, X: 1030.

  42. ‘Canada Campaign from the 1st of June to the 15th September, 1759 [Département de la Guerre]’, in O’Callaghan and Fernow, Documents, X: 1003.

  43. R. Léger, ed., Le Journal du Chevalier de Lévis (Montreal, 2008), 144.

  44. LAC, James Murray Collection, MG 23 GII 1, rl A-1992. Bundle 1, letter 3.

  45. Moncrief, A Short Account of the Expedition against Quebec Commanded by Major-General Wolfe in the Year 1759, 28.

  46. Wolfe to Monckton, 25 July 1759, LAC, Monckton Papers, vol. XXII, rl C-336.

  47. ‘Extract of a Journal Kept at the Army Commanded by the Late Lt Gen de Montcalm’, in O’Callaghan and Fernow, Documents, X: 1027.

  48. Ibid., X: 1028.

  49. Wolfe’s Proclamation 25 July 1759 reprinted in O’Callaghan and Fernow, Documents, X: 1047.

  50. Memoirs of the Siege of Quebec, the Capital of all Canada, and of the Retreat of Monsieur de Bourlemaque (Quebec, 1901), 26-7.

  51. Vaudreuil to de Lévis, 18 August 1759, Casgrain, Lettres de Vaudreuil à Levis, 86, in M. Ward, The Battle for Quebec, 1759(Stroud, 2005), 118, 121.

  52. Wolfe’s ‘Family Journal’, PRONI, DOD 162/77 C, 13.

  53. Wolfe to Pitt, 2 September 1759, PRO, CO 5/51.

  54. The Tsarina’s Cossack horsemen came in for terrible criticism after their devastation of Pomerania during the Seven Years War.


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