Pack -The Beginning

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Pack -The Beginning Page 1

by R.A Cullison

  To. Amber, Alexander, My Lumpie (Toby),my parents (Toney & Shirley), my brothers (Jimmy & Steve,) Shelly, Brit and to my family who supported me in this ….. I love you all more than the flowers love the rain……..

  ~ Rosie~



  Pack-The Beginning


  1.The Beginning

  1.Welcome to Portland

  1.High School Hell


  1.Homecoming Nightmare

  1.Party Tim

  1.Warehouse Disaster

  1.A life for A life


  1.Back to Normal

  1.Date Night

  1.Oh Brother


  1.The Truth Shall Set you Free

  1.Made of Stone


  1.Lets talk.

  1.All good things come to an end. ( short chapter)

  1.I do or do I!

  1.Honeymoon from Hell!

  1.Unexpected Souvenir


  Chapter one

  The Beginning

  “I’m not going to Maine!” I yelled at my mother as she packed my leopard suitcase, “I wont go, its too cold there!“ I watched her run around my room frantically, “why do I have to go live with Grandpa, I am 17, I don’t need to live with anyone, I can get my own place.” My mother looked at me in torment, something was wrong. I didn’t know what but something had her scared. She threw my suitcase out the window to my Dad, who was waiting. He had the car on the front lawn already started.

  “Nora, you have to go live with your grandparent. I don’t have time to explain, you have your train ticket and everything you need in your purse.” She handed me my black faux leather purse that was sitting on my bed, “We are going to drop you off just before the train station. I want you on it and heading to Maine, it’s the only safe way.” she said out of breath,

  “Hurry up!“ my father yelled up at us.

  In a flash, I felt my mother’s shaky hand around my wrist and pulling me down the stairs. Several minutes later, I was being dropped off in the front of the City Hall building.

  “Nora, we love you.” My father said, I would never forget his face or his baby blue eyes, his tanned skin and his unshaven face, but most of all the fear in his eyes.

  “I gave you plenty of money and you have everything you need, take care of yourself.” My mother said as she handed me my bag, I hugged them both, then I watched their tail lights fade into the distance.

  I looked around, I was on the bad side of town, this is where the hoodlums hung out. I noticed I was standing in front of the city hall building. It was old, worn and gray it kind of reminded me of an old castle. It had a sinister look to it, it gave me the chills. To me it look like it had eyes and was staring down at me like I was going to be its dinner, so it didn’t take me long to pull the handle out on my suitcase and head to the train station.

  As I walked into the station it was very quiet, no one was there except the conductor, he was a middle-aged man, he looked bored, he would walk a few steps and look at his watch. He began to whistle Mary had alittle lamb, I saw a bench just to the left of the door and I sat down. I pulled out my ticket, looked at the time on it, and looked at the time on my cell phone, 20 minutes more to wait.

  “Where you heading too?” a deep voice asked, I looked over to where it was coming from. It was a man; well he had to be at least 18 or 19, long black hair pulled back in a tight ponytail and dark eyes. They looked almost black, and he had a copper tone to his skin, he was very handsome, you know the kind of handsome you could only see on TV.

  “Excuse me?” I asked, stunned by how cute he was, he laughed,

  “Where you heading too?” he asked again, his laugh was sexy as well.

  “Maine” I sighed; his eyes widened, and then smiled bigger

  “Me too, where to in Maine?” He reached inside his denim jacket and pulled out his ticket.

  “Portland, You?” I asked, he held out his ticket, it said Portland too, and he was sitting in the next car, I was hoping he was next to me, so I could flirt, I know, I know, he is a stranger, but he was extremely handsome. He sat next to me on the bench,

  “We have sometime to wait, the conductor said it’s an hour behind, something to do with a power outage in another town.” He took his pony tail out and his hair fell around his face and shoulders, with on swipe of his hand going threw his bangs his hair fell perfectly around his face, I tried not to stare, “Oh by the way I am Corbin Crow.” He reached out his hand and I shook it.

  “I’m Nora Treeman, nice to meet you Corbin.” He smiled; he had perfect smile.

  “Nice to meet you Nora Treeman.” He looked directly in my eyes and winked, “Nora, you have beautiful blue eyes, are they contracts?” I smiled and looked away,

  “No, but thanks.” I said trying not to blush, Corbin kept smiling.

  “And you’re very pretty.” he flirted, I had to laugh and I could feel my face get hot. From my long blonde hair to my 5ft5 112-pound body, I was no model, well so I thought but people always tell me different, what did they know.

  “So Corbin you going to Portland on business or pleasure?” I asked while getting come change out of my bag to go get a soda,

  “To live, I have a brother who works for a warehouse there and I have a promise of a job.” He watched me fumble around getting change, and he reached in his front pocket of his nicely fitted jeans and handed me 4 quarters, “Here, you look foolish searching in that bag.” he was smiling big, exposing his teeth,

  “Thanks, I can’t find my change; I’ll share it with you.” He smiled wider

  “You will drink after a stranger, are you sure that’s wise?” he stood, “maybe you should go and wipe that black off your face too, it looks like grease.” I touched my face, I didn’t feel anything so I ducked into the restroom first, and sure enough I had black just beside my eye, I scrubbed it off, I heard the sound of the train coming. I hurried up washed my face and ran to my stuff, the train was already there.

  I looked around for my bags, they were gone along with Corbin, first thought was, he took my stuff, then I heard,

  “Hey Nora, come on, I got your stuff, get on the train.” He motioned me to get on board, so I showed my ticket to the Conductor and sat down in my seat, there was no one on the train,

  “ALL ABOARD, PORTLAND, MAINE AND BUFFLOW, NEW YORK ONLY!” the conductor yelled, I thought to myself, I bet his throat is very horse when he is done for the night. I pulled out my MP3, put the ear buds in my ear and turned up my music. I tried to relax, but all I kept doing was thinking of my Mom and Dad. I began to doze off into a dreamless sleep, then I felt a tap on my leg, I jumped. There was Corbin’s face, I pulled out my ear buds.

  “You scared me, DON’T do that again!” I warned him, he was smiling, “What do you want?” I asked

  “They are serving a late dinner in the dining car, and I hate to eat alone would you please join me?” he asked laying on the charm.

  “Sure, I am starving anyways.” I slide out of my seat and followed Corbin to the dining car, and we sat closest to the door. We picked up menus and looked, one thing caught my eye, the waiter came up to us,

  “May I take your order?” Corbin smiled at me,

  “Ladies first?” He waved his hand over to me.

  “Ok I’ll have the Chicken fettuccini and a chef’s salad with sweet ice tea,” Corbin looked and smiled at me, and then he ordered.

  “I’ll have the same thing.” Corbin took the menu from my hand and handed it to the waiter, “can I ask you something Nora, kind of personal?” he leaned in real close to me, I looked at him
surprised, but figured why not.

  “Sure what?” I took a sip of water; he leaned closer to me over the table,

  “I noticed the way you move, very graceful, you some sorta fitness buff?” I laughed

  “No, I am a dancer, I do ballet.” I answered him, he looked at me confused,

  “Ballet as in pink tutu and leotards and walking on your tiptoes, ballet?” he asked,

  I laughed, “Yes, I am hoping to get into Julliard’s Dance Academy, I been dancing since I was 4, and I won a few awards for my modern dances.” I said while unfolding my napkin, he looked impressed.

  “Well now lets see, you’re beautiful and you dance, you must be a dream, wait can you cook?” he asked while raising an eyebrow, I knew he was being sarcastic,

  I answered anyway, “Yes my mother is chef, she specializes in Italian foods.“ his mouth dropped, “What?” I asked while smiling, the look on his face was of total shock.

  “Ok you must have boyfriend?” He asked, I know he was thinking I did and I was going to say I did but that would be a lie,

  “No I don’t have a boyfriend and I am too young to be married.” Corbin sunk back in his seat relaxed. the waiter came with our food,

  “Two Chicken fettuccini’s, oh I forgot your drinks, be right back, sorry about that.” he disappeared and reappeared with our drinks, “so so sorry about that,” he placed the drinks down on the table, along with 2 straws, “enjoy your food.” he moved to the next table.

  We talked until we were done eating, then we headed back to our seats. 5 hours later the conductor spoke over the loud speaker,

  “Ladies and Gentlemen, sorry for the delay but we have an unexpected stop in Philadelphia for a short time, you may stay on the train but you are free to get off and walk around the station.” I decided to get off the train and walk around; I started to stretch, when I heard,

  “Can you dance for me?” I looked and there was Corbin, I smiled

  “You really want me to? But I don’t have any music,” I smiled at him as he held up one finger telling me,

  “I can change that, one second.” He went to the main office and they played some classical. Corbin sat on the bench and waited for me to start, I just took a deep breath and began to danced. Every now and then I could see his smiling face. I could see that he was impressed. I then realized that love at first sight really did exist because I was falling in love with him. To me he was just so beautiful. When I finished I had several people clapping, I took my bow. The train conductor announced we were all to head back on the train.

  5 am, just outside of New York, Corbin came to where I was, “Nora?” Corbin whispered, I looked up at him, “I looked at the owner of the Warehouse I got the job at and it’s the owners last name is the same as yours,” I smiled

  “Is it Treeman’s Bargain Warehouse?” He smiled, and shook his head yes; “My grandparents own it, are you saying you will be working for my grandparents?” we both smiled at the thought of seeing each other more, “Well that makes two of us.” he laughed,

  “Well maybe we should mix business with pleasure.” I smiled at him, and began to doze off.







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