Pack -The Beginning

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Pack -The Beginning Page 2

by R.A Cullison

  Chapter 2

  Welcome To Portland

  I walked into my grandparents, the smell was the same of old potpourri and cookies. My grandfather wasn’t home but my grandma was,. She was the typical grandmother type, sweet, kind, funny, loving and baked great cookies. I walked into the kitchen,

  “Grandma, you here?” I yelled, no answer but I could hear humming in the living room, I followed it, there was my grandma dusting, “Grandma!” I yelled, she jerked around.

  “Nora my dear, you made it safe.” she hugged me, “Wow you are so pretty, and so grown up, how was your trip?” I sighed

  “Long but I had good company, is Grandpa at the warehouse?” I asked

  “Oh yes we have a new employee, he is from Tampa too, Oh I bet he was on the same train as you were, OH I wish I could remember his name,” she tapped her temple, “That’s what happens when you get older sweety you start losing it.” She clicked her tongue while tapping her temple again. I had to laugh, “Are you hungry? I made some ginger snaps, your favorite.”

  “Ah no grandma, I just need a shower and change my clothes.” She smiled,

  “Oh yes, well dear you know where everything is, so get to it.” She waved me to the stairs, I picked up my suitcase and headed to the guest bedroom, where I usually stayed, then I heard my grandma, “Nora dear, your grandfather has something for you in the garage!” she yelled up the stairs, “ I tell you that man spoiled you from day one.” she said walking into another room, and it was true, grandpa spoiled me a lot. What I wanted I asked and usually got. I couldn’t wait to see what grandpa had gotten me. I took a long hot shower and put on clean clothes. I asked grandma for the car keys,

  “Sorry, but no Nora dear, you need to go look in the garage.“ she said with a big smile on her face.

  I grabbed a light jacket and headed out to the farthest building from the house. I opened the door, there was a huge tarp covering something,. I walked around it, studying, I knew what it was ,so I pulled it back and there was a beautiful, rust free, red mustang, my mouth dropped.

  “NO WAY!” I yelled, right behind me was my grandmother,

  “Oh yeah its yours, your grandfather got a great deal on it from your uncle Roger, by the way Nikki wants to see you too, they live in the same old place.” I finally looked at my grandma, and hugged her.

  “Thank you grandma.” I held her and kissed her cheek

  “You be easy in that thing, it goes fast, and your grandpa spent a lot of money on it so it looks this good.” Grandma walked back inside. I opened up the doors of the building and hopped into the car. The seats where black vinyl, it had a 5 CD disk changer and I was so thankful. I pulled out a few CD’s from my bag that I always carried with me. I put one of them in the player. I drove out of the building and headed to the warehouse.

  Driving through town was different, it wasn’t as big as Tampa or as warm, but it had its charm. I pulled up to a stop light and heard my name. I looked around and it was my cousin Nikki, “Nikki!” I yelled back.

  I pulled into the closest parking lot, I jumped out and we hugged. She was with some tall guy with dark hair, Nikki looked different, pale, and beautiful.

  “Oh my goodness Nora, you’re a knock out, oh this is my boyfriend, Kyle Crow, he works for Grandpa.” She pointed to the man she was with,

  “Do you have a brother named Corbin?” I asked, he looked shocked

  “Yeah why?” he looked at me suspiciously,

  “He was on the train with me, he’s very cute, but don’t tell him I said that.” I put my finger up to my lips and made a shhh sound, Nikki smiled.

  “Don’t tell me what?” I turned and there was Corbin.

  “Nothing.” I giggled shyly, I could feel my face getting warm, he smiled at me. He leaned on the car right beside me.

  “Hi beautiful, Wow! Nice car, where did you get it from?” He checked out the car, walked around it, and sighed.

  “My grandfather got me it; he always spoils us grandchildren, right Nikki?” I answered then looking at my cousin.

  She smiled, “Yep, all the time, since there is what 3 grandchildren in total right?” I agreed with her

  “Counting you, James and myself, yeah 3, But grandpa is rich and he knows how to invest.” I glanced at my watch, “oh shit, I got to get to the warehouse, talk to you all later.” I jumped in the drivers’ seat , I pulled out of the parking spot I was in and headed to the warehouse.

  The Warehouse parking lot was full like usual, and there across the parking lot was my grandpa’s BMW, I smiled at the thought of seeing it. I jumped out of the car and walked into the huge building. The woman behind the desk looked up and shouted,

  “Can I help you ? We don’t allow children in here without a parent, and you must have a member’s card.” I walked up to the desk and looked at her,

  “I know, I am here to see Travis Treeman, I know my way.” I started back down the aisle to my grandpas’ office, but I didn’t make it that far until security, well what I thought was security, tried to kick me out,

  “Miss Wait, hold on, and don’t move!” I looked and it was my grandpa, “Nora!” He looked happy and surprised to see me; I smiled and greeted him,

  “Hi grandpa.” I walked over to him and hugged him as tight as I could “It’s so good to see you, you look good.”

  “You going to drive the boys here crazy. They aren’t use to them tanned Tampa women.” I rolled my eyes at him for saying that.

  “Your just bias grandpa, so I just dropped by to tell you that I made it and thanks for the car.” He smiled,

  “You like the car huh? Good, I thought you might like it, your grandmother said it was too much, but we can’t take the money with you, so I had fun spending it on my 3 grandchildren, especially you,” a message for grandpa came over the P.A,

  “Mr. Treeman, call on line 3.” Grandpa frowned

  “Crap, I will see you at home, ok Nora?” He started towards the office; I sighed and looked around, made my way towards the front, and to my car.

  The daylight was gone and dinner was eaten. I got the news that I was going to go to Portland High School, I wasn’t happy, but I decided to just go with it, hey, I just might make new friends.

  I laid in bed thinking about my parents, about what they might be doing. I got scared that something horrible happened to them. I got lost in thought and I fell into a restless sleep.

  My dream was like any other horrible nightmare, you know the kind where you know you are dreaming but can’t do anything about it.



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