Pack -The Beginning

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Pack -The Beginning Page 8

by R.A Cullison

Chapter Seven

  Warehouse Disaster

  After a few days of healing mostly my pride, I couldn’t believe I was that stupid to go off with Parker, even after the warnings. Corbin was great even though he was still with Piper, I had no idea why, but he was still dating her.

  I decided to go to the warehouse and help grandpa; I couldn’t stand staying in my room like a prisoner, so I headed to the warehouse, knowing I would have support there if Parker showed up.

  I walked into the warehouse, this time not getting any grief from the women behind the desk whose name was Dolly, I know I snickered too, she was always doing her nails, they looked like eagle claws, she was always chewing gum and had a nasally voice but she was really nice and did a great job for grandpa.

  I walked back to grandpa’s office; he was on the phone so I sat down quietly until he was done.

  “Nora, honey, you don’t have to be here right now.” He touched my shoulder,

  “No, its ok grandpa, If keep locked up in that room I will go insane, please put me to work.” I smiled at him,

  “Ok, I guess you can do inventory on the furniture, all you have to is count.” He handed me a clipboard and an ink pen, I got up and headed to the furniture department. I started with the chairs and worked my way into the couches. A familiar voice goes,

  “Hey beautiful.” I looked it was Corbin standing on a pallet on the top of the box of do it yourself entertainment centers.

  “Hi Corbin, your going to fall.” He laughed,

  “I’m not scared of heights.” He jumped down and landed on his feet, my mouth fell open,

  “Are you crazy? You could have hurt yourself.” He just laughed at me he stood upright.

  “Are you ok? I heard that Parker and his family moved back to California, his dad said that Parker raped a girl there and had to go back and go to court.” I looked at him in shocked, and at that moment, I felt lucky to have escaped.

  “I didn’t know that, wow, I guess I was lucky.” I looked down at my clipboard and noticed I had several more things to do, “Oh I gotta get this done for my grandpa, I’ll talk to you later Corbin.” I said while walking away,

  “You better.” I turned and looked at him, he had that sexy crooked smile on his face then he disappeared into the bottom shelve. I shrugged and went back to counting.

  I walked into the office with the finished inventory sheet, grandpa was on the computer, his reading glasses sitting on the tip of his nose, “Grandpa, I’m done.” He looked up at me over his them,

  “Great, so how about me and my favorite girl go to Charlene’s for lunch?” he took his glasses off and sat them next to the computer,

  “Great grandpa, I’m starving.” He put his arm around my shoulder,

  “Good, at least your appetite is back to normal.” He joked and started tickling me,

  “Grandpa stop.” I laughed. We headed out to his BMW. He had classical in his CD player; I raised my eyebrow and looked at him,

  “What? This is good music at least its not that ear piercing screaming music where it makes your ears bleed.” He could barely say it without laughing,

  “Grandpa I don’t listen to that kind of music, I listen to stuff that you can actually understand, this is in Greek or something.” He strained to listen to the language that they were singing,

  “It’s Italian missy, and it’s a sad song, if you would just learn to listen.” I just nodded my head in agreement, the last thing I wanted to do was get in an argument about music with my grandpa who was a music professor when he was younger.

  We pulled up in front of Charlene’s Diner; the place wasn’t that busy, Thank God, I didn’t want people staring at me, it made me feel funny especially if I had something on my chin that made me look like I needed a bib.

  Walked inside there were maybe eight people there and they were all busy stuffing their faces. Charlene had the best food in town, but most people rather go to a fast food place then sit down and eat.

  “Hey Travis and Nora, usual spot Travis?” It was Maryann, she was the owner’s daughter, and well the owner now, Charlene died about fifteen years ago.

  “Yeah Maryann, and get us our usual ok?” grandpa said while removing his hat.

  “Not very busy huh grandpa?” I asked; well call me Captain Obvious, but I was trying to make conversation.

  “Yeah kind of weird especially this time of day. Hmmm probably just missed the rush.” We sat down in the booth in the back of the diner. I looked around at all the fifties décor and the pictures of Portland way back in the day before cars.

  “Grandpa, what was this place like when dad was a kid?” I asked him.

  “Well, safe is one thing, your dad use to play stickball when he was younger in the street with your Uncle Roger and myself. We got all the kids in the neighborhood out there, your dad had a mean fastball,” he laughed at the memory, “your Uncle Roger could never hit it, but my niece Sandy could hit it way over the neighbors house, Roger would have to run after it. He hated the dog that was in the yard next door, they called him Killer,” He laughed harder, “He was a mini poodle, not big as nothing but his bark was so loud and mean that it made him seem like he was a Saint Bernard. Roger was scared of dogs at the time, a phase I guess. Your father would tease him terribly. I would yell at them to leave him alone, but boys will be boys.” Maryann brought our food to us, “Thanks Maryann.”

  “Your welcome Travis, enjoy your grub.” She sat my plate down in front of me. I looked down at the big hamburger and crispy fries, it looked so good, I reached over, grabbed the ketchup, and squirted it over my fries, grandpa did the same.

  “So dad had a mean fastball?” I continued the conversation,

  “Oh yeah, I wanted him to go pro but he wanted to be a scientist, cure rare diseases, which he is doing good at, he saves lives, which is great, but your dad was so natural.” He took a bite of his burger I looked at him,

  “Grandpa, what were you like as a kid?” he started smiling, while wiping his mouth, “Me? Hmm I was an active kid, until I broke my arm at ten, I jumped off the roof into a huge snow drift but I didn’t know that there was a mount of dirt under it.” He laughed, “I felt so stupid, but it was fun.” I laughed too I took another big bite of my burger,

  “How did you meet grandma?” He looked at me and kind of had a distant look on his face,

  “Well I met her at school, I was a junior, she was a sophomore, she had long blonde hair and the prettiest smile I ever seen, she didn’t really like me at first. But I was the paperboy in her neighborhood, so I was doing my rounds one day and she was outside reading a book on her steps that led to the sidewalk. I stopped my bike and said hello, I was nervous but she said hello back, I handed her the paper, and I did that everyday for a month until one day, I asked her to the dance, she said yes, and been with her ever since. I don’t regret it ever.” He smiled at me, “You are my biggest joy Nora, for some reason you always been my favorite, maybe because you’re a lot like me.” I smiled; grandpa told me many times I was his favorite but never said why.

  We were done eating, he paid for the food and headed back to the warehouse, he went to go inside, “Grandpa.” He turned and looked, “Thanks for lunch, it was the best.” He winked at me,

  “It sure was sweetie, see you at home.” He headed back in.

  I got into my car and headed home so many thoughts going through my head; it made me kind of dizzy, well more than I already was.

  I decided to go to the store and do some shopping; I wanted a new outfit for school, something that was good for the warm weather coming up. I pulled in to Teeny’s Shoppe and I really didn’t want to go in because I seen Ashley and Piper inside. But I decided to go in and get me an outfit just to see how much of a threat I was to Piper.

  I walked inside and Mindy the girl behind the desk, smiled at me, “Hey Nora, what can I do for you?” I looked around,

  “I am looking for a sexy but nice outfit for summer, something not too revealing.” Mindy smil
ed at me,

  “I got the thing for you, follow me.” I did to the summer outfits, she pulled out a yellow sundress that was really pretty, and it was strapless, “How about this?” I looked at it,

  “I like it, what about shoes?” I asked heading to the changing room to try it on, she went and got a pair of yellow wedge heels that tied up my leg like a ballet slipper. I put them together and stood in the mirror looking at myself.

  “Wow Nora you look great, I wish I had your body.” I laughed,

  “Thanks Mindy, so you like it?” I asked it again,

  “Yes, you going to buy it?” she gave the please look,

  “Yes I think I will.” I went into the changing room and got back into the clothes I was wearing, “Mindy what about bikinis do you have them here?” I looked around,

  “Yeah, to your left.” I looked where she said and a red one caught my eye,

  “I want this one.” I headed to the cash register paid for it in cash, and left. I just sat in my car when Piper and Ashley were at my window,

  “I hope your not buying that for Corbin because he is mine, and you’re just wasting your time.” I looked at her,

  “Piper there are more men in this world then Corbin ok, Have a nice day.” I drove away; I left her on the curb speechless I could see her in my rearview mirror, I thought it was funny.

  I rounded the corner to the house and there was a cop car in the drive way, and my heart sank, Oh my God grandma was my first thought, I hurried up parked my car on the street in front of the house and ran inside.

  “Grandma! Grandma!” I yelled for her a cop appeared in the living room door, “Where is my grandma?” the cop pointed to her in the chair crying,

  “I am fine Nora dear, but it’s your grandpa, he was injured in an accident at the warehouse.” I started to cry,

  “Is he ok? I mean is he alive?” I asked the cop,

  “Yes he is ok, we think, we can’t get to him. We need you and your grandmother down to the warehouse as soon as possible.” He said with his eyes fixed on the paper he was holding,

  “Ok, Grandma you can ride with me, ok?” She stood up and we both headed out to my car, she sat down slowly into the passenger side of my car, “buckle up grandma.” I sat down in the driver’s seat, shut my door and buckled my seatbelt.

  We arrived at the warehouse there was fire trucks and police cars were there. The whole scene made me scared that grandpa was hurt really bad or worse dead. I parked the car next to grandpa BMW, and we got out of the car. Before we could take a dozen steps some guy in a gray suit ran up to us,

  “Mrs. Treeman, I am Sergeant Powell, I am Portland PD. We know that he is still alive, he is talking.” He put his hand on my grandma’s back and led her away from the scene,

  “Is anyone else in there with him?” I asked, having a sinking feeling, that Corbin was in there with him,

  “Yes, a Corbin Crow is trapped with him too, as we can tell he is keeping Mr. Treeman talking.” I took a deep breath; thankful Corbin was in there with him keeping him safe.

  We were all standing outside for what seemed like hours and hours. I was looking at my exhausted grandma. I placed my hand on her shoulder,

  “Grandma, maybe you should go home, or go lay down in the back of my car, I’ll put up my roof or do you want me to get a hold of Uncle Roger?” I looked at her,

  “Call your Uncle Roger, he needs to be here too just in case and I will have Nikki take me home.” I kissed her cheek, got my cell phone and dialed my Uncle Roger’s number after 3 rings I heard a very groggy Uncle Roger answer the phone,

  “Its 3 am what the hell do you want?” he was definitely a grouchy person when woke up,

  “Uncle Roger its Nora, there has been an accident at the warehouse and grandpa is in trouble.” I heard him clear his throat,

  “Nora, what?” he sound wide awake now,

  “Uncle Roger, grandpa has been in an accident at the warehouse, you and Nikki need to get down here right away.” I hear the phone hang up, I closed my phone and I seen Kyle running towards me with Nikki.

  “Nikki, over here!” I yelled, they both b-lined for me,

  “Nora what the hell is going on?” Kyle was alittle upset by the look on his face and the sound of his voice; I couldn’t blame him Corbin was his little brother,

  “I’m not sure all I know is something collapse inside and my grandpa is trapped with Corbin.” Nikki covered her mouth in shock,

  “Is grandpa ok?” she was starting to cry,

  “They said that he is, that he is talking.” Just then my Uncle Roger showed up, he ran up to the cop that was standing next to grandma, I could hear panic in his voice,

  “Mom, Mom is dad ok?” he bent down to look into my grandma’s face, she was so tired that she was having a hard time concentrating,

  “Nikki, take my truck and take grandma home. Nora come with me, we got to get closer, and these cops are being such asshole.” I followed him to the side of the building, where they weren’t.

  “There is a secret passage, through here, your dad and I found it when we were younger, but I am too fat to get through so your going to have to do it.” He pushed open a small panel on the side of the wall. “Ok, go in its straight and then left and then right, got it?” I shook my head yes, “Nora, you know I wouldn’t let you go in there unless I thought it was safe?” I smiled at him and squeezed threw the tight opening, “wait,” I turned, “here.” He handed me a flashlight.

  “Thanks.” I turned it on and shined it straight in front of me. I inched my way down and turned left then right as I moved along the small area I could see lights. So I clicked off the flashlight and went alittle faster. Crawled out into the vast opening that once held shelves of household stuff, I was shocked it was like that ceiling gave in.

  “Grandpa!” I yelled, nothing then I heard a something, “Grandpa!” I yelled again,

  “Nora!” it was Corbin’s voice, I made my way over the fallen furniture and building supplies.

  “Corbin!” I yelled again.

  “Over here!” I squeezed between two shelves and down two sections. There was my grandpa, he looked ok, accept for the huge gash on his head, it was bleeding.

  “Grandpa, your bleeding.” It made me move a lot faster. I touched his leg, “Are you ok?” I looked him over,

  “I’m fine, just have a headache.” I ripped a piece of my shirt off and put it up against his head and pressed hard to stop the bleeding, then I looked at Corbin, he wasn’t hurt.

  “He hit his head pretty hard.” Corbin was being his protector. I looked around at our surroundings,

  “We got to get him out of here, there is a small place where I came from but its going to take some independent moving, can you handle that grandpa?” he struggled to get up,

  “I maybe old but I’m not feeble.” We made our way to the opening. Grandpa went first, Corbin and then myself. Uncle Roger was waiting, “DAD!” when he saw grandpa. But grandpa refused to move until I was out too.

  We walked towards the people and waiting EMS workers who saw grandpa and Corbin dart for them, “how did you get out?” grandpa looked and pointed at me.

  “My Nora.” He said, he was in pain, more than he let on because of the sound of his voice.

  My Uncle Roger helped my grandpa into the back of the waiting ambulances, and then he hopped in back with him, then they were gone. Corbin refused to go to the hospital he was being very stubborn.

  “I’m not hurt so I’m not going so back off people.” Corbin started to walk away, “I just want to go home.” The police let him go, I guess they figured he already been through enough today. I watched him and Kyle walk into the night. I was standing there alone all my family was gone. So I got into my car and drove home.

  When I walked into the house, Nikki was asleep on the couch. I headed upstairs to take a shower I scrubbed to get the dust and dirt off me, and then I was going to go to bed.

  When I came downstairs for breakfast grandpa wa
s at the table with a band-aid on his head,

  “There is my girl.” He stood up and hugged me really tight, “your something so priceless Nora, do you know that and I love you.”

  “I love you too grandpa.” He let me go and sat back down, “what did the doctor say?” I asked while pouring some fresh orange juice,

  “Just some scraps and bruises, I’m fit as a fiddle.” I smiled,

  “Good, I don’t want to ever see you like that grandpa, it scared me.” He frowned alittle,

  “I know sweetie, but I am happy you came in there and got me and your boyfriend Corbin, you know he really loves you he thought he was going to die with me, and he told me that you’re the best thing ever in his life.” I looked at him stunned,

  “Corbin told you that stuff?” I asked, he shook his head,

  “He is ready to tell you some kind of secret or whatever it is that’s causing you and him trouble.” I could feel myself smiling,

  “Really? Great I was hoping he would come around.” I sat down next to grandpa,

  “You really like this boy don’t you?” he was studying my face,

  “No grandpa I love him with all my heart.” Grandpa patted my hand,

  “He must be some great guy for you to love him so much.” I smiled at him. I got up put my glass in the sink and headed upstairs to get ready, I decided to go over and see Corbin.

  I pulled up in front of his apartment building, when Nikki came up to the driver’s side of the car,

  “You come to see Corbin?” she said it teasingly, I smiled

  “Yeah is he here?” Nikki smiled at me,

  “Oh yeah he is here, let me go get him, be right back.” she ran towards the house, I got out of the car and stood on the sidewalk, when this tall, dark and handsome man came walking towards me smiling,

  “Hey beautiful, it’s nice you came to see me, so what's up?” I put my hand on his cheek he closed his eyes, “wow, I love the feel of your touch.” He opened his eyes.

  “ I wanted to come here and tell you that I love you and I am sorry for everything I put you through, but I also like to say I don’t like you with Piper, it hurts and I heard her say that you and her were going to….” He put his finger to my lips,

  “NO, she tried but I pushed her away, Nora, you’re the one I want to be with, I told you that, Piper is just…playing her part.” I looked at him confused,

  “What? Playing her part?” I leaned against my car,

  “I am with her so she will leave you alone, it’s a deal we have worked out, I don’t have any feelings for her at all, truthfully she is rather annoying.” We both laughed, “I love you.” He leaned in and kissed me, his lips soft against mine; the smell of his skin was musky like a sweet after-shave. He pulled back and smiled, “that is what I want is to hear your heart beat to feel your skin under my fingertips, the smell of you, which is always so nice, you are my love Nora, please don’t forget that.” He leaned and kissed me again, this time it was more passionate, he pulled back,

  “If you love me why won’t you tell me why you’re hiding things from me and why wont you be with me?” he took a couple of steps back,

  “Its not that I don’t want to be with you its I can’t be, because there are some things that are harder to explain then others, and if you knew I would lose you forever.” I touched his cheek again,

  “Corbin, I love you, nothing you tell me will change that, and don’t you understand that?” He looked at me with his dark eyes with his hair covering half his face; the heat from his body was intense, he looked so handsome, his white shirt glowed off his dark skin,

  “I don’t want to take a chance for that happening, and I don’t think your ready for me yet. You and I know we both want more from each other than a kiss or hand holding, but your not ready so. I don’t want to be with you until your ready to give me you, like I am ready to give you me, because you already have me, right here.” He placed his hand over my heart, I could feel my heart thumping under his touch, and he laughed,

  “I understand you don’t want me.” He shook his head,

  “No, I do, but when you’re ready.” I walked away from him,

  “No its ok, Corbin, I understand, I’ll see you at school.” I slid in the driver’s seat,

  “Nora you don’t understand, it’s not like that plea…” I didn’t let him finish I was gone.

  I was late by the time I got home from a long drive; I didn’t eat dinner I went straight to bed.

  I was just falling asleep, when I heard taps on my window, I opened my eyes and listened, then I heard, my name being called over and over, I got up and headed to the window, down below was Corbin, I slid open the window,

  “Are you suffering from some kind of suicidal tendencies, my grandpa has a gun and isn’t scared to use it.” He laughed,

  “Nora, I need to talk to you, can you come down?” he looked desperate to talk to me.

  “Yeah give me a second.” I grabbed my robe and slippers and walked down the back stairs and out the back door, “Corbin, I hope you have a good reason why you dragged me out of bed in the middle of the night.” He took my hand, and pulled me close to him and kissed me, I was stunned, stricken nearly speechless, “what was that for?”

  “I can’t keep doing this to you, I can’t hurt you anymore, so I decided to tell you everything, follow me.” He pulled me out to the woods behind my grandparent’s house, I thought he was going to hurt me; he started laughing, and said, “I am not going to hurt you, so relax.” We got a good distance away, “Ok Nora what I am about to show you, will scare you, but just so you know I am in control, I wont hurt you, so the best thing for you to do is stay calm , and don’t run, please.” I sat down on a fallen tree, I was intrigued, he took a few steps from me and he began to growl, a low, deep, growling sound and it sounded like something ripping. I admit, I was scared, then I could see him, with the moon light, he was transforming, I could see dark hair growing all over his body, his face was getting longer, his clothes where ripping off his body, his dark skin was now dark fur, his body was completely changed, I stood up looking at him.

  “Corbin?” he walked over to me and sniffed, I reached out with one hand and placed it between his ears, he closed his eyes, “Are you a werewolf?” he bowed his head in agreement, “Oh my G- wow, you were scared to show me this.” I walked around him. Touching his soft fur, he wasn’t grotesque he looked like a giant dog. After about 5 minutes he changed back, he was naked in front of me, “Oh umm Corbin, your naked.” He laughed loudly,

  “Haven’t you ever seen a naked man before” I turned away

  “No, well only on tv, could you please put your jacket on at least.” He walked over to his jacket and wrapped it around him,

  “Nora, do you understand why I can’t be with you.” I shook my head,

  “Corbin you don’t scare me, well I admit it’s kind of creepy, because I thought werewolves were mythical, but now I know there not.” I said in a stern voice, He smiled,

  “Could you kiss me to prove it?” he raised an eyebrow, like he didn’t think I would, but I did, a deep passionate kiss, then he put both hands around me I heard his jacket slid down his leg. “Corbin, I think you lost something.” We both started to laugh, I slapped his bare butt, I couldn’t resist, he reached down and grabbed his jacket, and we headed back to my grandparents house, he jumped in his car,

  “Let’s hope that a cop doesn’t pull me over, I won’t know how to explain why I am naked.” I couldn’t help but let out a laugh, he did too, “Well I got to go see you at school tomorrow.” He left. I ran upstairs, dived into bed, and fell asleep, feeling peaceful.

  5 am my alarm goes off, I do my normal routine, but I decided to dress in jeans, a white Hard Rock t-shirt and tenny-shoes, not my normal wear for school.

  I pulled into the parking lot and there was Corbin, just as hot as ever, leaning against the building. He smiled as soon as he saw me.

  “Hey there, beautiful.” I wrapped both arms aro
und him and kissed him,

  “Hey there yourself.” He held each other for about 20 minutes before the bell rang. We walked into class like usual but people could tell something was different between us, by the smile on my face. He must have told Piper to take a hike because she wasn’t too happy to see us together.

  Lunch started off like always, until, Noah and his goons came up to us,

  “Well, Well, Hello Nora, and Corbin, what do we have for lunch to day?” he sat next to me, and put his arm around me, I could see Corbin starting to turn, he was trying to stop it, I took my can half full of coke and poured it over Noah’s head, he jumped up, “You stupid bitch! You know you will pay for that, Shelby.” In walked the same girl that threatened me before, as she went to hit me, Ariel walked in and stepped in front of me,

  “Well look its Ariel, let her fight for herself.” she glared at me,

  “Shelby, I am surprised that the dog catcher hasn’t picked you up yet, and put you to sleep, you must have rabies by now, having out with this crowd.” They both growled, Corbin did a low mumble of a growl and Noah did the same. Then teachers came in and broke it up. We left the cafeteria,

  “What was that about?” I asked him; he sat me down on a bench,

  “Ok, I am the pack leader, what you call a alpha male, if you will Noah’s pack is kind of a hybrid, they aren't born werewolves they are made,” I looked at him confused, “Let me explain, the Crows, My family have it in our DNA, but they are specifically made or engineered by someone. 90 years ago a scientist names Wolfgang Warchec, took the DNA from my sister, at the time she was dying of a strange un-curable disease. He convinced my mother that he would find a cure, but instead he took DNA from her blood and created a form of werewolf. Several days later, she died, and he all but drained her of her blood. When his son was born, he used it on him, and that’s how Noah was made, he is the doctors’ son. He isn’t as strong as we are. His temper makes him lethal, and his over powering sex drive to mate, unlike us, we can have normal life. I know I tried to tell you otherwise but we can, we can control if we pass this down to one generation to another, we can have children, we can get married, which I hope to do with you one day, we are not horrible beasts that attack people, like they do in the movies, we don’t hurt people.” He hugged me, “Nora, Noah can pass his down through a bite or scratch, or any exchange of bodily fluid. That’s how he got the others, except, Paw, he is a Crow. He chose to follow a different route than us, Nora. Remember this, there is No cure for this, if he scratches you or bites or even has sex with you he will change you. How do you think Shelby was changed? His body is dangerous.” I was shocked; I didn’t know if I could take all that in, I looked at him with my mouth open.

  “Wait are you saying that he could change a woman by sleeping with them?” Corbin shook his head yes, “Kissing him?” he shook his head again, “Oh my that’s terrible, how do you stop this?” he smiled and showed his canines,

  “Only another werewolf can stop him.” I looked at him horrified,

  “You mean you and the rest of the pack?” he stroked my cheek,

  “Yes, Nora, but we can handle this, we are tougher than we look, we are willing to do what it takes to keep him from making more, and we are the only true werewolves.”

  “Can the others pass it down to someone else?” I asked,

  “No it’s only him, the others are just made, they can’t make others, the disease starts and stops with him, so If we kill him that’s it.”

  The bell rang, slapping me out of deep thought; I kissed Corbin and ran inside to my next class. My mind was somewhere else, I couldn’t concentrate, I wasn’t focusing, and I just wanted to go home.

  After 5th hour I was in the girl’s bathroom, when I heard a familiar growl, I held my breath and picked up my feet, and then I heard, Shelby,

  “Oh Nora, are you here? I can smell you; your little friends aren't here to save you now, Noah is mine, I will not share him with anyone, especially the likes of you, keep to your pure bred Corbin, and let me have him, I will kill you, understand.”

  As she went from one stall to another, kicking open the doors, she just got outside of my door and I slid under the opening and went to one she already check, she punched open the stall door I was in and snorted, “Nora, heed my warning.” She left, I waited about 2 minutes before I left the restroom, I was shaking, I couldn’t walk, I sat on the bench just outside of bathroom, Corbin seen me,

  “Hey I was looking for you,” he looked at me, “Nora what's wrong? Why are you shaking?” I just stared at him my voice lost.

  “Shelby came into the bathroom, and tried to kill me, she thinks Noah want me for his mate.” I started to cry, “Corbin, I am scared, she will kill me.” He wrapped his arms around me,

  “No she wont, I will have Ariel do a blind follow.” I pulled back and he wiped my cheek.

  “What’s that?” I asked, he kissed my cheek

  “She will follow you without anyone seeing her, she is the only one I know that can do it, so you will be safe she don’t like Shelby anyways.”

  “Corbin, how did, Ross, Josh and Ariel become you know.” I asked,

  “Well Josh and Ross are family, and Ariel’s mother was a Crow and the first female werewolf, girls usually don’t turn.”

  “Oh, can we leave now?” I asked, he smiled and grabbed my bag.

  “Yeah let’s get you home.” we drove to his place, his small apartment with his brother but they weren’t there.

  “Why are we here? I thought you were taking me home?” I was still shaking alittle,

  “I will but I want to get something for you first you can wait here or come in.” It took me a second to make up my mind; I was clung to his arm like a leech,

  “Relax; they won’t bother you while I am near you.” I didn’t care I latched to him.

  We walked in the entranceway, just outside of his apartment; Corbin stopped dead and sniffed the air.

  I froze from fear. Inside my head was screaming, oh my god you’re going to die! RUN! Legs move! But all I did was clamp my hands around Corbin’s arm.

  “Relax, I was checking to see who is around.” My grip relaxed alittle.

  Corbin unlocked his door and we went inside it was a mess, the living room only had a couch, chair and a TV that sat on an old milk crate.

  It was dark, old pizza boxes and crumpled newspapers were scattered on the floor.

  “Corbin, the place horrid, you all live like animals.” He shot me a look and then smiled,

  “Well umm…” we looked at each other and laughed.

  Then something happened so quick, so unexpected, Paw crashed threw the window spraying shards of glass everywhere; I covered my head to protect it.

  Next thing I knew I felt arms around me, I looked to see who had me, and I was staring up into Shelby’s black, seething eyes. I started kicking and screaming for Corbin, she just laughed at my worthless attempts to free myself from her strong hold on me.

  “Put her down, Shelby!” I heard Corbin’s voice growl, I knew He could see the fear on my face as I turned and stared into his dark, fearful eyes.

  “Oh no, we have plans for her, pure blood.” Their pace went faster, leaving a good distance between him and us. I knew he couldn’t catch up.

  I saw a dark windowless van at the far side of the parking lot; I recognized it as Noah’s van. The door was open and ready for us. Shelby threw me into the van effortless. My body slammed into the side of the van with a loud thud, I hurried and picked myself up tried to escape, but Shelby was right there, “Don’t even try, I will have no problem ripping your damn throat out.” I spit in her face, “Why you little…”

  “Shelby, you better stop” Paw interrupted her; “you know he wants her unharmed, you touch her and he will tear you to shreds.” Shelby looked at me and smiled a crooked smile,

  “It would be worth it.” She went for me; Paw stepped in between us,

  “No Shelby, you may be willing to die but I’m not, s
o sit your skinny ass down before I throw you out of the van.” She looked at Paw then at me,

  “You’re lucky, but you won’t always have a protector.” She went to the back of the van and sat glaring at me.

  I looked up and met Paws look he raised his eyebrow then shrugged his shoulders and headed to the passenger seat next to Matt who was driving.

  I curled into a ball pulling my legs up to my chest, wrapping my arms around them and hugging them as tight as I could.

  Every now and then, I could see Matt’s blue eyes staring at me threw the rearview mirror.

  I was scared, I didn’t want to be a werewolf and I had an idea how he was going to turn me and it made my stomach turn summersaults, I could feel the vomit welling up in my throat, it burned and stung my nose.

  We raced through town, no traffic at this hour and I was hoping Grandpa called the cops and reported me missing.

  We came to abrupt stop. Oh no I thought, I’m dead that sick perverted man-made werewolf was going to rape me and turn me into one of them.

  It didn’t take me long to form a plan to escape but I wasn’t the type to have good plans, they never work out but it was worth trying then being a monster or being touched by Noah.

  The van door swung open and there was Matt, “Don’t think about running, Nora, we are faster and we WILL catch you.” I took a deep breath, trying my best to fight. I was hitting Matt trying to escape his strong grip on my waist,

  “Nora, stop your effort is futile, you’re just not that strong enough to hurt us.” As soon as I was safely on the ground, Shelby grabbed my wrist with great force, Matt looked at her angrily, “Shelby, don’t hurt her, or Noah will kill you, you know the orders don’t mess it up.” She growled, with one strong jerk that nearly pulled my arm out of socket, I let out an Ow! Matt jerked my arm away from her, “Shelby that’s it, I will take her to Noah.” He was gentler, more than he needed to be, but his grip was tight, I looked up at Matt,

  “Matt, Please, I don’t want this as much as you do, you know this is wrong.” He looked down at me with his huge blue eyes,

  “Nora, this is what I was told to do, I know its wrong, don’t worry, he won’t hurt you, he wants you to….” He stopped and looked ahead. Matt was different he had a kindness in his features.

  “Matt, how did you become….” He interrupted me.

  “Werewolf.” He smiled and looked down at me, “I was bitten by Noah years ago. I was walking home from football practice and I noticed this hurt dog, well I thought was a dog, as I walked up to it, and to my surprise, it was a man, it was Noah. He attacked me, only biting me once then he ran. I sat there looking at my leg bleeding. When I got home to my parents house, I was running a fever, I thought I was going to die. Sure, they rushed me to the hospital, but they said I was fine, but by the time I got home, I was already changing, by morning I was completely turned. I remember walking down the hall to my parent’s room, walking in and blacking out, when I came around, the room was red with blood. I killed them and didn’t remember it…”He broke off and stopped talking,

  “I’m sorry Matt.” He looked down at me with such kindness; his eyes were torn and so blue like the ocean, so clear,

  “Nora, I know you don’t deserve this, but I have to obey, I have to do this.” But he didn’t want to and I could see it.

  “Matt I…” Shelby interrupted me and was right beside me.

  “Shut up, Noah wants you, and don’t be afraid, you will enjoy it.” She laughed a low bass laugh, and then she ran ahead,

  “Nora, he will be rough, and it will be painful, I can tell you never have been with a man, you still have… innocents.. That’s what he is attracted to you, knowing he will be your first and only..” I looked up at Matt with tears in my eyes, “Don’t be sad, Nora, Pain will only last alittle while.”




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