Pack -The Beginning

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Pack -The Beginning Page 9

by R.A Cullison

  Chapter Eight

  A life for a life

  We walked into a dim lit room; only the few-lit candles illuminated it, the flames danced from the wind of the open door.

  I could hear a low growl coming from the shadows in the back of the room,

  “Bring her in,” I could tell it was Noah, “I can smell your fear, Nora, don’t worry you will enjoy it.” Paw, Larry and Shelby laughed; Matt just looked down at me un-amused. “Take her to my room, and make sure you give her something suitable to wear.” Matt lightly pulled my arm. I started crying harder.

  I was shaking, Matt looked down at me with his eyes wide with worry, “Nora, it will be ok, It won’t be as bad as you think…. Sorry, ” he sighed, “it will be horrible, I was there when he turned Shelby and she screamed and cried for days before she was completely turned.” I looked up at him with tears in my eyes,

  “Matt help me escape, help me please.” I was begging, but he just turned away from me like I wasn’t being heard.

  I looked up at him as we made our way down a dark corridor, I wasn’t too happy about what was about to happen to me.

  We stopped in front of a huge iron door. I looked up at Matt,

  “Matt, please help me.” My voice was meek and low. Nevertheless, he heard me, I could tell by the look on his face.

  He reached over, grabbed the large iron handle, and opened the door. We stepped into the room, it was brighter then the rest of the place. Matt nudged me in farther.

  The candles were flickering and I could see a red satin nightgown on the bed. I backed away but Matt’s large figure was behind me.

  “Nora, please don’t make me hurt you, I will if I have to.” His voice didn’t sound like he really meant it. He pointed to the red nightgown on the bed, “I have to watch you and make sure you wear the nightgown, I am sorry, but I must make sure.” I walked over to the bed and picked it up the nightgown. I looked at Matt and he motioned for me to hurry.

  I slowly undid my buttons on my shirt, with shaky hands I managed to undo them all, I looked and Matt wasn’t watching me he was staring at the ground. I slipped on the nightgown, it was a perfect fit, not my taste but it fit well. I looked and Matt was looking at me.

  “You look good in that.” he said with a soft tone.

  “Matt please help m….” He interrupted me again

  “Nora, I cant, I can’t do anything, I am sorry, and even though I want to I can’t.” I heard footsteps coming down the corridor, “he is coming.” I began to sob, my heartached, I wanted Corbin here, I wanted to be safe in his arms, I didn’t want to be touched by Noah, no matter how cute he was, and he wasn’t the one I wanted.

  The door flung open and in walks Noah. His eyes fixed on me.

  “Matt,” Noah’s voice was deep, “Guard this door, and no matter what don’t let anyone in, Understand?” Matt bowed his head, turned to leave, but glanced at me with a mournful look. Then he was gone out the door; the door shut heavy behind him echoing threw the room. Noah stared at me, “My, my Nora, you are beautiful, I will enjoy this more than you know. You will be mine, forever be my mate.” The words sent chills down my spine. “You will love it, even though in a couple of days you will be like us, I wonder how your pure blood is handling knowing you will be in my grasp, in lovers passion.” Noah started laughing, it was bellowing through the room. “He will be mad at himself for letting this happen.” I backed away from him, “No, you can’t run, you have no place to go or no where to hide, you are mine.” I was scared. I was sweating.

  Noah put his nose in the air and sniffed, “Awww Fear, such a lovely bouquet, makes this so much more fun.” He leaped towards me; he landed on top of me. His weight was on me, he growled, “This is what I like, your so much more than I imagined, Shelby wasn’t like this, and she gave in easily.” He got off me, “Matt!” He called towards the door. Matt walked in. Noah glanced at him, “Matt, go and fetch me some brandy, and two glasses, please.” Matt bowed his head and left again.

  “Noah, why me?” I managed to ask, he looked at me with a huge smile on his face.

  “You are perfect, beautiful, smart, and you have a lot courage, and you are a soft spot for the pure blood, he loves you and that makes you more… appealing.” I fell back on the bed, “You are still a…. virgin… mmmmm, so perfect.” He bent down and touched my hair; he pulled to his nose and sniffed it. “Mmmmm so lovely.” I jumped up. Noah just laid there and looked at me, “You think your pure blood has been honest with you? Well I guess he hasn’t told you everything about his history or of his type of werewolf, Curious, what has he told you about himself?” He rose and walked to the other side of the room, waiting for my answer.

  “He said he can’t transfer his bite to anyone that it’s genetic.” I watched his expression, he bursted into laughter,

  “Pathetic, He lied to you, his bite is just as dangerous as mine, but his self control is better than mine, I tend to give into my urges, I suppose he didn’t tell you that he killed his last female?” he was watching me and studying my reactions.

  “Killed…her…how?” I barely got the words out.

  “Oh, he didn’t tell you, he lost his temper one day and got into a fight with several other werewolves, she was human like you, she was just in the wrong place at the right time. She was slaughtered and she was a few months pregnant with Corbin’s son, Hmmm, come to think of it you look a lot like her.” He scanned me with his eyes.

  “How do you know this?” I asked

  “Well, I’ve known them for many years, and sh…she was my sister.” for a moment I could see the memory was hard on him. He turned his back towards me, and I made a run for the door. He jumped in front of the door,

  “Nora, please don’t make me tie you down, it will be more painful that way.” He walked around me. Matt walked in with the brandy and glasses. “Thank you Matt.” He took the tray from Matt; Matt turned and walked out the door.

  He poured brandy into the glasses then offered me one, “I can see that this is going to be, a touchy thing with you, so how about if you be with Matt first, he won’t turn you, but you will be calmer, yet again you won’t be a virgin. But I am willing to live with it.” He smiled, “Matt!” He walked in, “Matt, you are going to be with Nora tonight, I will leave you be, be gentle with her, she is still pure.” Noah left the room; Matt stared at me in awe

  “I can’t do it Nora, you know that, I won’t do it” I was relieved, I sighed, “but I have to.” My relief was gone, Matt came and stood in front of me, I looked into his big blue eyes and he kissed me. He ran his large hands over the arm down to my wrists and he effortless picked me then laid me on the bed. I was scared, I didn’t want lose my virginity this way, but I knew if I fought I would be hurt, so I just laid there waiting for him to start.

  Matt loomed over top of me looking at me with regret in his eyes as if he didn’t want to do this, but he knew if Noah did, I would be in pain. Matt laid next to me on the bed, “Nora, I am going to be as gentle with you as I can, I am sorry about this.” I looked into his eyes with tears rolling down my cheek. He took on finger and wiped it away, “Nora, I’m sorry I can’t” I looked at him confused,

  “You’re not going to…” I trailed off; he shook his head no and stood back up, “Help me leave; I want to go home, Please Matt, please.” I begged him; stood there looking at me then a smiled crept across his face.

  “Yes, I will help you, but you must follow my directions perfectly, ok?” I smiled and shook my head in agreement. “First get dressed back into your clothes.” I rushed over to my pile of clothes and began to dress, this time Matt watched but he kept talking,

  “I will take you to the door that leads out, but you must understand, the six of us aren't the only werewolves here. We have several guarding this place, they are patrolling around the walls outside. I will do my best to distract them, so don’t stop running once outside.”

  I shook my head. He picked me up and started to run, f
aster than any real human could run, his breathing wasn’t even labored.

  We reached the door; Matt opened it with a loud screech. Matt looked around to make sure it was safe and we both went out the door. I started to run when I heard this horrible stretching sound, I looked back and Matt was transformed, He looked in my direction, howled and ran. I heard several more howls that was my queue to run, so I did. Straight for the high metal fence that separated the two places.

  Half way across the field, I heard a growl. I turned and looked right into the black eyes of a white wolf, and it was running for me. My heart was leaping in my chest, my life flashed before me. Then I heard another howl, I knew it was Matt. The wolf turned and ran towards the howling.

  I ran up to the fence, grabbed the cold hard metal, and pulled myself up it with what little strength I had left. At the top, I flung myself over the top and fell with a heavy thump knocking the breath out of me. My adrenaline was pumping through my veins so I felt nothing.

  In the distance, I saw a street just past Cramer’s Baseball Field, so I picked myself up and ran. I ran through the field and across Sumter’s Pond. I could hear Matt’s howl still echoing through the trees but it wasn’t as I heard before, it was as if he was in agony and I felt bad, what was Noah doing to him? He would know that he helped me escape, was he killing him? I ran faster knowing that Noah would come looking for me.

  As I stepped on to the road, my legs were weak and shaky. Before I could take another step, I heard screeching tires and as I turned, I saw bright lights coming for me.




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