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Lost in the Highlands, Volume One

Page 9

by Lorraine Beaumont


  Gavin lowered his sword arm and embraced Morgan with a hearty slap to his back. “That was a fine bit of sparring,” he told the brawny man who stood a full head taller than him and who was also the only man older than he was.

  “I suppose ye were not so bad either for a mere bairn barely weaned from ye mother’s teat.”

  “Och, Morgan what’s this?” he asked jokingly. “More sour grapes ye are spewing from me besting ye once again?”

  Morgan grunted and dashed a hand through his shoulder-length white-blonde hair when the wind pushed it forward. “Ye did well enough, I suppose.”

  “Ye suppose?” Gavin couldn’t keep the incredulity from his voice.

  “Ye did fine lad.” Morgan chuckled then turned and walked across the field to retrieve his dirk he had lost earlier while clashing swords with his Laird.

  The rest of the men laughed, all in seemingly good humor after the long bout of training with each other. With the promise of fresh ale, food, and a bath, awaiting them, they made their way off the field and up to the castle.


  Gavin watched them go and lifted his arm to wipe the sweat from his brow. Dropping his arm back down, he looked up to the castle and couldn’t help but wonder what the lass had gotten into all day while he was training with his men. Knowing her, though, he would not be surprised if she somehow caught the castle on fire even though it was made from stone.



  Sometime during the reign of King James

  Things were a bit different in the castle after the men made their way back inside. They were drinking and laughing with one another, making a good ruckus until they saw me, then the hall went quiet and wary looks were cut in my direction as I carried out the stew from the kitchen and set it down beside the bowls and spoons on the table.

  “Come and get it,” I called out as cheerily as I could manage but unfortunately it sounded more like a croaking frog.

  Stepping back from the table, I clasped my hands together as one by one chair legs scraped across the floor as the men stood and took turns scooping out ladle’s full of stew in each bowl then returned promptly to their seats as all eyes turned on me. What were they waiting for? I cleared my throat.

  “Eat, before it gets cold,” I told them in a stern motherly voice that I used to get my nieces and nephews to eat.

  That seemed to get them going and they dug in with gusto. Letting out a sigh of relief that they were eating, I made my own bowl of stew and walked over to the lone chair in the corner I had occupied the day before for breakfast.

  The talking began anew and they at least seemed to be enjoying the meal. If not, they were well-mannered enough not to say anything to me. Well, I amended quickly, that wasn’t particularly true. They were saying stuff but I couldn’t understand any of it. At least they didn’t look green while they were eating this time.

  Lifting my spoon, I took a small bite and chewed slowly. Even I had to admit it wasn’t too bad considering I was the one who had cooked it. As I swallowed, my eyes drifted to my highlander. It was funny that I called him my Highlander. Not funny ha ha mind you, but funny as in strange, since I had only known him for a few short days.

  As I looked him over, I decided it didn’t matter how long I had known him, he was mine, at least temporarily. His long legs were stretched out in front of him as he talked with one of his men, with his hands resting on his taut belly. Reaching forward, he grabbed his drink and his eyes met mine. He gave me a small smile, but the effect it had on me was the same as when I drank too much mead, I felt lightheaded and woozy. In return, I gave him my version of a shy smile.

  Unfortunately, it didn’t look like it went over to well because his smile turned upside down and slid quickly back into a frown.

  I tensed.

  How irritating.

  Just when I gained an inch, I was pushed back a mile.


  After I was finished with the dishes, and cleaning up from dinner, I left the kitchen and walked down the gloomy corridor towards the main hall. Halfway there, I heard a dragging sound behind me. My body tensed and my skin prickled once more as I spun around. But once again, no one was there, at least no one that I could see. Hastening my step, I turned the corner and plowed right into a hard-unyielding object.

  My breath rushed from my chest as a firm hand closed over my upper arm.

  “What are ye doing, lass?” he sighed.

  “I was …uh…” My mind blanked.

  He didn’t say a word but his gaze was disturbingly intent as he stared me down.

  The moments ticked by and I was very aware of the close proximity of his body to mine. My mind went on a little mini vacation and once again I saw him as he was earlier…swinging his massive sword high above his head as he trained with his men and how his muscles looked glistening with sweat.

  “What is wrong with ye, lass?” he asked finally, albeit softly. “Ye look as though ye might faint dead away into my arms.”

  My eyes traveled up from his mouth back to his eyes and once again the staccato cadence of my heart kicked into high gear. Unsteady on my feet, I swayed into him. His fingers gripped my arm tighter. “I was just…” I gave him one of my practiced sexy looks—the ones I tried in the mirror before I went on dates.


  He shook me slightly.

  “Did ye eat something disagreeable?”

  “What?” Mortification set in once again.

  “Ye look peaked.”

  “I’m not sick!”

  “Then what’s the matter?”

  He sounded genuinely concerned which somehow irritated me.

  “I was just…” I started. “Oh, never mind.” I jerked my arm away from his grasp.

  That look crossed his face again—the pained one and I couldn’t help but wonder who was responsible for it. Oh, I knew, I was being a ‘b’ but the hurt in his eyes had to be from someone else since he barely knew me, which made me even angrier. Not at him, but myself. I always fell for the ones that I could never have.

  He turned to leave.

  Without thinking, I grabbed hold of his arm.

  He stopped and looked down at my hand with such intensity I felt like my hand would spontaneously combust. “I’m sorry,” I said with meaning.

  He exhaled and dragged his free hand over his face. “Nay, I am sorry, lass.”

  “What for?”

  He pulled me roughly against his body.

  “For this…”

  His mouth landed on top of mine in a kiss that stole my breath and made my knees weak. I wound my arms around his broad shoulders and slipped my fingers into the ends of his sweat-dampened hair as he pressed me back against the wall. His hand cupped my face as his tongue slipped inside my mouth and lashed against my own. A soft moan escaped my lips.

  He suddenly released me.

  I grappled for purchase on the wall, my breath coming out in rushed hitches as I looked hungrily up at him.

  “Ye keep looking at me like that, lass…” His brow hitched up a notch.

  “Like what?” I whispered out barely breathing at this point.

  “I may have ta toss ye over my shoulder and take ye back ta my chamber ta let ye have yer fill of me.”

  Stupidly, I opened my mouth to say yes, please, but instead one of my practiced snappy retorts flew from my big mouth before I could stop it. “Yeah, right, as if…”

  His body tensed and his eyes narrowed. “Take that haughty tone with me lass, and things will not bode well for ye in the future.”

  I flinched, not only from his tone but also from the frightening look in his eyes. “I didn’t mean it the way it sounded.”

  A crease pulled his dark brows together.

  “I’m just nervous…I guess.”

  He smirked at me and I was instantly irritated again.

  “Come, lass,” he said in a commanding tone as though he was calling a dog to him.
  “Where are we going?”

  “Ta bed.”



  Sometime during the reign of King James

  Through the hall and past the curious stares of the other men, I walked behind him resigning myself to my fate. I would have to sleep with him. Darn.

  The hinges squeaked as he pulled the door open. Nervously, I followed him inside. A tub was in the middle of the room again and my face immediately flamed imagining what naughty things he had in mind for me tonight.

  Standing off to the side, I clasped my shaking hands together awaiting his instructions on what to do. Leaning down, he tossed some wood on the fire and then stood. He didn’t look at me though, which seemed strange. He discarded his clothing and climbed into the tub. Once again, I got a good eyeful of his perfectly sculpted buttocks and felt another rush of heat climb to my cheeks.

  Letting out a satisfied groan, he leaned his head back against the rim of the tub.

  Standing by the door, I kept waiting for him to say something but as the minutes ticked by and still he said nothing, I took a tentative step forward so I could see his face. His eyes were shut.

  “What are ye waiting for lass?” He cracked an eye open.

  “Oh, oh…” Did he want me in the tub? You can do this Paige, I told myself as I pulled off one of my shoes.

  “Lass, what are ye doing?”

  “Huh?” I nearly fell over and had to steady myself on the edge of the table. “Well, I was…”

  “Come here, I can’t see ye from across the room.”

  “Oh…okay.” I hobbled over to the tub with one shoe in my hand.

  He looked at the shoe and then up to my face.

  “What are ye doing with that shoe?”

  “I was taking it off?”


  “Uh, well…you know…” I lifted my brows up and down.

  “Och, lass…” He made a face. “Get on with it, would ye.”

  Something didn’t sound right. His tone wasn’t endearing and his expression wasn’t the least bit sexy.

  Bending over, I yanked off my other shoe. Stumbling forward, I nearly fell into the tub but his firm hand grasped my arm, stopping me. “Thanks.” I gave him a cheesy grin.

  He frowned.

  “Alrighty then,” I muttered as a flash of heat spread to my cheeks again.

  “Lass, have ye been drinking?”

  “No.” I suddenly wanted to have a drink though. On second thought, I might want to have more than one, maybe even two, or three, just to calm my nerves.

  Leaning back in the tub, he closed his eyes once more. “Lass,” he sighed. “What is taking ye so long?”

  So that’s how it was going to be. No talk, just action. Taking a calming breath, I undid the buttons on my gown. I made it to the third one...

  He opened his eyes and stared right at me with an unreadable expression on his face.

  As his eyes drifted down to the front of my gown where my fingers lingered on one of the buttons, I shifted uncomfortably.

  “The pitcher is over on the table.”

  “Oh, right, okay.” I walked over to the table, got the pitcher, and walked back to the tub.

  “The soap and shampoo are in my trunk.”

  He pulled a chain from around his neck and handed me a key that was attached.

  Taking the key from his outstretched hand, I went over to the trunk. Getting down on my knees, I placed the key in the lock.

  I unlocked the lid and glancing over at him to make sure his eyes were shut I started to push it upward.

  “Don’t go looking through my things.”

  I started from the sound of his voice and dropped the lid.

  “I wasn’t,” I lied. Of course, that is exactly what I was planning on doing. I had been dying to see what he kept inside the trunk since he locked it against me the other night. The lid creaked as I pushed it open again.

  My eyes landed on a rather large gold foiled box of candies beside the shampoo and soap. There were clothes in there too and many other items that I didn’t have time to investigate since I could tell he was watching me.

  Quickly, I grabbed out the shampoo and soap. Standing once more, I carried them over to the tub.

  “The water is getting cold.”

  “Err… do you want me just to climb in?”

  His eyes popped open and his brows rose to his hairline. “What?”

  Not the reaction I was expecting. Something felt off. “Uh…what do you want me to do?”

  “Lass, are ye sure ye are not daft?”

  Irritation flared through me again. “No, I am not daft!”

  “Could have fooled me,” he muttered.

  “That’s it!” I stomped my foot.

  “Get ta it, lass.” He exhaled unfazed by my mini tantrum and wiped his hands over his face, then dropped them back into the water, which made an inviting splashing sound.

  Maybe he didn’t want to do it in the tub, after all. “I need a rag.”

  “A what?”

  “Something to wash you with,” I explained.

  “There’s one in the trunk.”

  Quickly, I crossed the room, grabbed a rag off the top and resumed my spot at the back of the tub.

  “Hair first,” he instructed.

  “Right.” Okay, so maybe he only wanted me to wash him and then he would get to this sleeping business in the bed. That was A-Okay with me. Just like the other night, I got a nice big glob of shampoo in my hands and slammed it down on top of his head. Letting my frustration out, I scrubbed his hair with verve.

  He groaned in bliss.




  Sometime during the reign of King James

  Sometimes things don’t go as planned. Or so I told myself for the umpteenth time while I tried to get comfortable on the little crappy fur in front of the fire.

  After I washed him, he didn’t bother getting dressed but merely walked across the room in all his naked glory and climbed into his bed.

  Stupidly, I stood there waiting for him to call me to him. But as the minutes ticked by and my feet were getting needles in them from standing still so long, I was beginning to wonder if I had been a bit presumptuous about the evening activities I was sure he had planned for me.

  Finally, I heard him let out a lengthy sigh and tensed, sure he was going to tell me to get into bed with him. A shiver of excitement rushed through me as I reached up and fluffed my hair. Blowing on my hand, I checked my breath.

  “Lass, what are ye doing?”

  “I was, um, waiting for you to tell me what to do,” I said, trying to sound…sexy.

  He let out a derisive sounding laugh.

  Apprehension settled between my shoulder blades and I tensed again, not with expectancy but instead with dread.

  “Ye want me ta tell ye what ta do?”

  I bit my lip hard, knowing somehow nothing good was going to come from me answering him but once again, stupidity reared its ugly head and I stepped right into a pile of steaming crap. “Yes.”

  A mocking laugh erupted from him. “Yeah, right, as if…”

  My entire body tensed. He sounded very modern, throwing my words back at me as another mocking laugh erupted from him.

  I clenched my fists to the point it hurt, even though I knew on some level I deserved what he said from how I acted earlier.

  “Go ta bed, lass,” he said finally, albeit quietly.

  Feeling like a dog being reprimanded and told to lay down, I did as he said, all the while trying not to cry my eyes out.


  Gavin stared up at the ceiling feeling a heavy weight pressing against his chest, crushing against him. He felt terrible for the way he had treated the lass, but what was he to do…beg?

  Nay, he had been down that long road before and was wary of what he would find at the end. Rejection was not something he cared for, an
d he would do just about anything to stop it from happening again. So, when she had acted so callously toward him, even after he opened his heart to her, he couldn’t seem to stop himself. He heard her crying, smothering her tears, and again a piercing pain shot straight past the wall he thought he had built up to protect himself from matters such as this and yet the awful pain had somehow found its way into his heart just the same.


  When I woke the following morning, he was not in the room. I was starting to wonder if he did it on purpose because no one wanted to eat my ‘Oatmeal Surprise’ again. Note to self: if you want to get out of doing something for other people make sure you do it badly the first time and then they won’t want you to do it anymore.

  For some reason it took me longer to get ready than usual. I tried to blame it on lack of sleep but I knew it had more to do with depression than anything else did. It was the strangest thing. I had thought things between us were progressing rather nicely, until you acted like a ‘b’, my little voice yelled at me. For once, I found I could wholeheartedly agree with my little voice. I was my own worst enemy, a self-saboteur. I was making the same mistakes in the past that I had made time and again, in the future. I was so worried about being hurt that I ruined everything before it even got started.

  I was a coward.

  I always blamed everyone else for everything that happened or didn’t, but maybe I was the cause all along? Because of fear. Fear that I might get hurt. Fear that I might not be good enough. And now that I was actually living a dream come true and got my wish…

  Heck, I was in the past with my very own highlander and what had I done? I got all bitchy and pushed him away. As I made my way downstairs, I had an epiphany and I suddenly knew what my problem was…it was quite simple really…I was an idiot.


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