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His Someone Special

Page 13

by Sammi Cee

  He said it so earnestly that I bit back a chuckle. “No. You won’t be helping with those, either. The house is almost paid off and I make more than enough to provide for us. Your tips are yours to spend, save, whatever.” His jaw dropped as he gaped at me open-mouthed. “I told you, you grew up too fast. I want you to have the opportunity to hang out with Billy and spend too much money on something you see that you love.”

  “Daddy, that’s too much.”

  I nodded. “Well, maybe you shouldn’t be frivolous with your money forever. If there’s something expensive you want to save up for—”

  He cut me off, squealing as his arms squeezed my neck tightly. “I can save for a car. Yes!”

  Deciding not to overwhelm him, I snickered to myself knowing that Law was already on the hunt for a reliable used car for Davis; one that I would be paying for. “Okay, have some fun with Billy first. Maybe buy something outrageous or go to a restaurant you never thought you’d eat at. Something. Promise me?”

  He snuggled in, rubbing his cheek across my shirt like a kitten. He really was too adorable. “I promise.”

  “There is another thing that’s non-negotiable, boy. This will be a hard and fast rule, for both of us.”


  “From now on, I’m only working five days a week unless there is an absolute emergency. It is my bar, so if anything serious happens, it’s my responsibility. However, you’ll only be working four. Period. I don’t want anyone to ever think they can take advantage of you or talk you into working just because I’m on shift and you’re not.”

  His lower lip jutted out, before he mumbled, “What am I supposed to do the night you work and I don’t?”

  “That’s exactly it, boy. We need a couple nights off to do coupley things and relax, but you need to be able to hang out by yourself, too. Maybe take the time to pursue some interests you’ve never had the opportunity to. I don’t know. But I’m going to hire some additional staff so it’s not always on you and Billy to pick up the slack, and you two can have some nights off together. I know you won’t make as much in tips as you’re used to, but at least the money is yours. Okay?”

  “Hmm… I guess. It sounds a little boring to not be at Full Throttle if you’re working, but if that’s what you want…” He peeked up at me from under his lashes.

  “It is.”

  “Fine. But I really do want to do something besides be your kept boy. Isn’t there anything I can do?”

  “Yes. Besides putting your dishes in the dishwasher”—I growled, making him snicker—“you’ll be in charge of going to the grocery store once a week. It’ll be your responsibility, and I hate it, so win/win for both of us.”

  His head popped back up as he stared at me, clearly surprised. “What’s wrong with the grocery store?”

  I moaned, frowning. “All the people and the lines, and if I want something I don’t normally get, it’s never located somewhere that makes sense. I find it a deplorable chore. But we’ll make the list together, and decide on which meals and everything. In fact, I’d like us to do a lot of the housework and stuff as a couple, but if you could do that one thing for me, I’d appreciate it.” I chuckled. “And since as much as I want to spoil you, you do need responsibility, it’s a rule.”

  He shrugged. “Sure, maybe Billy and I can come up with a certain day he can take me until I buy my own car.”

  “You can use my truck, boy. Just take me to work whatever day you’re going.”

  He shook his head from side-to-side, hard. “No way, Daddy. I’ve barely driven since I put my uncle in the long-term care facility. There’s no way I’d feel comfortable driving your truck.”

  “Well, alright, then it’s your fault you’re ruining my surprise. You’re going to have to find something else to save up for. I’m already buying you a car. And I don’t want to hear one word about it. Remember, this gives me pleasure. So much so. Okay?” Tears welled in his eyes, so I said, “Don’t get too emotional, some of that’s just me being picky. If I buy it, I can make sure I think it’s safe enough for you. Law’s doing the shopping, so you know it’ll be cool, and I know it’ll be safe. Good?”

  “Yes, Daddy.” His face started to twist like it did before he started chewing on his cheek, but he stopped and rubbed a piece of the fabric of my shirt between his fingers. As much as that was the same as him tugging at himself, it was different enough that I let it pass. I had a feeling I’d need to replace several of my own shirts as time went on. He finally cleared his throat and asked in a small voice, “Where will I sleep?”

  “In my room,” I said firmly. The brightest, most beautiful smile I’d ever had the pleasure of witnessing spread across his face. “But here’s my last rule…for now.” A safe and secure Davis had the makings of a bratty Davis, and I honestly couldn’t wait, but I’d have to be able to evolve his rules with his growth.

  “That sounds fair. What’s my last rule.” I brushed my lips over his, then leaned our foreheads together. “We will sleep in the same bed, but we’re not having sex until I say we’re ready. Can you trust me to make that decision for us? I don’t want to rush it.” Because surely moving him into my home and my bed after one date, isn’t rushing it enough.

  “But you want me, right?” he asked, the first note of insecurity back in his voice since I’d pulled him onto my lap.

  Tugging him in closer, I rubbed the underside of his thigh against my straining dick. It was honestly hard to believe I’d given him his rules so coherently since part of me had stayed fixated on the feel of his ass as he squirmed and bopped and rubbed all over my lap. “I don’t know. Do I?”

  He squirmed closer, making me groan. “I trust you, Daddy. And it doesn’t feel like that rule will last too long.” He smirked—until I wiped that smug expression off with my lips.

  Chapter Seventeen


  “Davis!” an urgent voice called to me, penetrating the fog that enveloped my brain, but I couldn’t respond. Not when I was paralyzed in fear. My ability to speak, to reach out to whoever was calling me, was gone. I wanted to call out to them, to let them know I needed them. Because I wasn’t okay. I was scared, and alone in a dark place, and I knew the voice calling out to me was the beacon of light I needed to find my way.

  My head was too cloudy, and that voice sounded so firm that it should’ve scared me, but I knew it was my safety net. I just had to find my way to it. The strangled sound that I was finally able to force out was painful, as if my throat was raw, and I could feel tears streaming down my cheeks.

  “Davis!” The voice sounded even more urgent before my entire body shook, as if I were being jostled.

  I forced out another cry that left me breathless as more tears poured down my face. I was alone, and scared, and nothing could get to me. This was it. It was the end. My worst fear was coming true…


  That word. That one word was what I needed to claw my way out of the fog, and when I finally blinked my eyes open, Sarge’s face was staring down at me—his eyes filled with concern.

  “Are you okay?” he asked and sat back so I could push myself into a sitting position.

  I scrubbed my eyes and buried my face in my hands with a loud groan. My throat was still raw, so I knew I’d been screaming in my sleep. I knew he wanted me to answer him, and I needed to since he was my Daddy, but I couldn't bring myself to talk. Not because I was so shaken from my nightmare, but because I was embarrassed that he saw me that way.

  “Boy, does that happen often?” His question was soft, yet firm.

  I slowly lifted my head. “Not so much anymore, work has kept me busy enough that I’m exhausted by the time I fall asleep. But once or twice a month, it’ll sneak in and remind me the fear is still there,” I answered him with a whisper.

  “Why didn’t you tell me?” Sarge asked. “I asked if there was anything I needed to know to make sure I kept you safe.”

  I shrugged and picked at the blanket covering my lap. “How
can you keep me safe from my own thoughts, Sarge? From my own fears?”

  “What was the nightmare about?”

  I sighed, not wanting to relieve my own worst fear. But he wanted to know, and I had to tell him.

  “I’ve already told you the basics about moving in with my uncle after my dad died. Then my mom was diagnosed with congestive heart failure, and she got sicker before she got better for a time. When I was old enough, my uncle got me a job working at the college, and eventually, I started college for free. Then the accident happened.”

  “What accident?”

  “I’m still not sure what happened, some freak thing. But one minute he was working on an elevator, and the next it slipped a little way down the shaft and the doors closed. His body was half in and half out of the car, he was crushed, causing a spinal cord injury, and he was left paralyzed from the waist down.”

  “I’m sorry to hear that,” Sarge said softly.

  “Between caring for him and helping with my mom, I had to drop out of school. My mother died not long after, and when she died, my uncle sat me down and told me it was time to live my life. The school only paid for his medical expenses, and that didn’t leave much money for aftercare, and with my mom…” I took a ragged breath. “Basically, there wasn’t much money left. He wanted me to sell the house and use the money to put him in a cheap facility. I was young, only nineteen, and I had to spend my first year as an adult taking care of a dying mother and an injured uncle. He wanted me to experience life, and he knew I couldn't do that taking care of him, but I refused to put him somewhere cheap, which basically left me nothing after I sold the house and got him settled.”

  “And the dream?”

  I closed my eyes and shuddered at the memory. “My mother and uncle are with me. She’s wearing her oxygen mask and swollen from fluid. My uncle is in his wheelchair, unable to move his legs and I’m injured, too. I’m unable to move. I’m supposed to be the one to help them, to care for them, and I can’t. I’m their support and there’s nothing I can do. I’m alone, and I’m scared… And I... I…” I choked out a sob as I buried my face in my hands again.

  A warm hand stroked down my back and around my shoulder until it gently grasped my wrist to pull one of my hands away. The other one soon followed, until both firm hands gripped my cheeks and forced me to look at him.

  “You’re not alone, boy. I’m here, and I promise you, as long as we’re together, I will take care of you. You’re safe with me, and you never have to be scared again. Do you believe that?”

  More tears spilled down my cheeks as I nodded my head. Sarge’s rough thumbs swiped them away before he leaned down to give me a gentle kiss. Even though I was crying and shaking on his bed, I wanted the kiss to deepen, but it couldn’t happen. The rules stated we had sex when he determined it was okay, and I doubted he thought that was now. But it wouldn’t hurt to try.

  “I know you decide when we have sex, but I want you, Daddy. I want you more than I want my next breath. I want you to make me forget my demons. I want you in a way I’ve never wanted anyone else.”

  “Another rule is we also communicate with each other. It’s more than okay to tell me how you feel. But I need to know something.”

  “What’s that?”

  “Are you a virgin?”

  “Yes,” was my soft response, because open communication was one of Sarge’s rules. I couldn’t lie to him, and I didn’t want to. I was proud of waiting for the right person to be my first, and I wanted him to be Sarge.

  “And you want your first time to be with me?”

  I didn’t hesitate to answer. “Yes, Daddy.”

  “I’ll make it good for you, boy. I’ll try my hardest not to hurt you.”

  “I trust you.”

  Sarge’s lips came back on mine, and that time the kiss wasn’t gentle or chaste. There was no holding back as he parted my lips and swept his tongue inside my mouth, giving me a taste that I was coming to know only as Sarge. That time, there would be no conversations to be had. No gunshots to stop us. No fleeing in the middle of the night from my crummy apartment. It was me, him, and a huge bed that could accommodate our bodies coming together.

  Being that it was my first time, I expected some hesitancy on my part, but there was none. No man had ever touched me the way Sarge was, aside from an occasional kiss, and the fact I wanted more rather than running away scared, told me I made the right decision to wait for the right guy. To wait for Sarge, my Daddy.

  My hands roamed freely over his body, running across his hard pecs and around to his back, taking liberties in touching him without worrying I was overstepping. He broke apart from the kiss long enough to pull my thin T-shirt over my head, leaving me only in the boxer shorts I’d worn to bed, and then Sarge’s big hand was on my chest as he pushed me firmly onto my back.

  I resisted the urge to cover my skinny body as he held my gaze. Then, he reached behind himself to pull off his shirt, exposing his hairy chest to me. I wasn’t the kind of person who usually found body hair attractive, but with Sarge, it was the sexiest thing I’d ever seen, and my fingers itched to run through it. But this was different than touching him while we were kissing. He was clothed at that time, and now this was bare skin. It felt wrong to do as I pleased without getting his approval.

  “Do you want to touch me, boy?”

  I nodded. “Yes, Daddy.”

  “Then ask.”

  “Can I touch you, Daddy?”

  “Yes, boy.”

  My hand shook slightly as I reached out and tentatively put my hand on Sarge’s chest. The hair was soft under my fingers, and I slowly slid them through the short, curly strands. My other hand soon joined the first, and I took my time in running them over his hard chest, down to his lower abdomen that rippled under my palms, and back up over his nipples that pebbled under my touch. I smiled realizing I caused that reaction, and when Sarge grunted, my smile got even bigger. He wanted me as much as I wanted him, and soon I’d have him.

  “That’s enough,” Sarge growled before he leaned back down and wrapped his lips around one of my nipples.

  My breath caught in my throat as my back arched under his tantalizing tongue; my cock straining in my thin boxer shorts. I’d never had this reaction to another man before. I already felt like I was going to explode, and we’d barely gotten started.

  “Daddy,” I gasped when he moved to give my other nipple attention.

  Raising his hand, Sarge rubbed his thumb over the one he’d just left before sliding his hand down my stomach until he rested on the waistband of my boxers. My stomach muscles contracted at his touch and I gasped when his fingers slipped under the fabric.

  “Do you like that, boy?” My Daddy asked against my lips before his fingers wrapped around my cock.

  “Y-yes, Daddy,” I gasped when he slowly stroked his hand up and then down.

  His lips were back on mine as he stroked my cock. I writhed my body against his, wanting to feel him as close to me as possible.

  “Patience, boy,” Sarge murmured as he gave my cock another stroke. “You’re so responsive to your Daddy, aren't you?”

  My eyes rolled into the back of my head when I felt a tingle in my spine. But then the hand was gone and Sarge was moving away from me. I wanted to ask him to come back, to finish stroking me to release, but I kept my mouth shut to see what he was doing.

  Getting off the bed, I could see him cross the room to the dresser. The moonlight peeking through the curtains provided just enough light that I could see the ripples of his muscles as he pulled the top drawer open. After retrieving a few items, he crossed back to the bed and dropped them beside me. A quick glance showed me it was a condom and a bottle of lube.

  My chest squeezed in nervous excitement. The items showed me this was it. We were finally about to do this, and I was about to be with my Daddy in a way I’d never been with anyone else. Then the soft sound of something hitting the floor caught my attention, and I glanced up just in time to see Sarge stan
ding there in all his naked glory.

  Thanks to the moonlight, I was able to see his thick, cut cock jutting proudly from the juncture of his thighs. My mouth watered at the sight of such a beautiful dick, and my ass clenched in anticipation. I should’ve been intimated by the possible pain, but I trusted Sarge would make it good for me. To get to the pleasure, I had to get past the pain first, and Sarge would be there to guide me through it.

  He joined me back on the bed and knelt between my thighs. Hooking his fingers inside my boxers, I lifted my hips so he could slide them down my legs. Sarge looked down at my cock and grunted in what I hoped was approval before he reached down to snag the bottle of lube. The sound of the cap opening echoed around the room, and my body shivered as some last-minute jitters finally hit me.

  “Are you sure about this, boy?” Sarge asked when he noticed my trembling body.

  “I’ve never been more sure.”

  No more words were said. Sarge only grunted in response before he leaned down to claim my mouth once more while his lubed finger made its way to my hole. The first touch had me jerking in surprise, since no one had ever touched me there, and Sarge pulled back from me slightly.

  “Relax. It’s just you and me. Keep your eyes on mine. Think about how good I’m going to make you feel,” he instructed.

  His voice was soft, soothing, and nearly hypnotic. I relaxed under his spell, allowing his finger to slip inside. I moaned when he slid it slowly in and out of me, rubbing over that sensitive bundle of nerves that had my eyes rolling in my head and my toes curling against the mattress.

  “That’s it. That’s my good boy,” Sarge murmured as he continued to prep me.

  My. That possessive word nearly had me combusting right there, but I bit down hard on my cheek to hold it back. I didn’t want to come until he was inside me. While Sarge was trying to make it good for me, I wanted it to be good for him, too. I didn’t want him to have any regrets when it came to us.

  One finger was soon two, and by the time Sarge had me stretched to take him, I was a quivering, sweaty mess on the bed. I was ready to receive him, and I wanted my Daddy to take me then and there. Hard and fast or slow and sensual, I didn’t care how he did it, as long as he made me his.


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