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The Gate of Limbo

Page 3

by Donovan Neal

  Wailing from the skies, Kilnstones rained down upon the host of heaven like hail from a thunderhead. Burning embers screeched dissolution and left smoky contrails as they smashed into all things. And in the vision, Lilith fought with his friend: battling to acquire control of the God-sight. Each engaged in mortal combat with his friend until Lilith saw himself cut down by the hand of the same. Only to see a kilnstone rain down in a fiery tumult and smash atop Raphael consuming the angel within itself, re-compiling his DNA until nothing was left of the angel but a slag of decomposing and smoldering black flesh.

  “Noooo!” cried Lilith.

  Raphael moved once more to reach for his friend but Nebula spoke from a vaporous mouth that materialized before him. “Do it not! He must see what he chooses, and not before will he be released.”

  Raphael stayed himself and his face lowered in anguish over the state of his friend.

  Lilith continued to watch the images that marched before his eyes. His lungs burned as Nebula withdrew the oxygen from each cell. His fog-like presence igniting the vision that allowed the God-sight. Yet Lilith endured the pain willing to see until his eyes were closed forever, until there was naught in his lungs for Nebula to consume. He would watch until he was but a carcass if need be, but he would finish the sight. He would see what the end would be.

  And so he did, as each consecutive vision of the future took its toll, he continued to gaze into the future as his brethren died, gazed until finally, he saw the impossible: Michael and Lucifer at arms with one another, each battling to the death. Fighting until Lucifer repelled Michael’s attack sending the angel reeling through the doors of the temple.

  Lilith then watched as Lucifer marched himself into the presence of El and raised his sword as the Almighty sat on his throne; watched as he beheld Lucifer’s sword draw blood from the heel of God.

  Immediately, Lilith’s eyes sprang open and his body convulsed, for his heart throbbed within his chest and the angel placed his hands around his neck coughing uncontrollably as he wheezed and attempted to take in gulps of air. Nebula released his hold on the angel’s lungs and vacated his body.

  “It cannot be!” mouthed Lilith and shaking his head in disbelief.

  Lilith plummeted to the ground and his chest rose and fell and he hacked to clear his airway and siphon the life-giving air of Heaven into his lungs.

  Raphael placed his arm around him and spoke, “Lilith… are you OK?”

  Lilith stared at Raphael, his face ashen white as he looked into his brother’s eyes. He composed himself and slightly nodded, “I… will be fine. I just need to breathe… to think.”

  Raphael stood back slightly allowing his friend to collect himself. He then placed his hand gently on his shoulder and asked, “What did you see?”

  Lilith thought of the images that cascaded through his mind. From Lucifer’s rebellion to both his own and Raphael's death, to the bleeding of God; he then turned to face his brother and mouthed a reply.

  “The unacceptable.”

  Lilith then pushed Raphael’s hand away and staggered as a drunkard, murmuring one word repeatedly.


  Chapter Four

  Henel looked at Argoth and asked the angel about what he saw.

  “I do not understand. How is this, the beginning of the tale of Lucifer’s fall?”

  Argoth sighed as the images changed before him, and turned to Henel and replied, “Because here, Henel Son of James; is where deception made its appearance in the realm of Heaven. Here, transparency vanished and duplicity formed in the minds of angels. Here in my house---House Grigori. Although, Talus believes it was the Arelim who incited war: he is wrong. We, the Watchers had knowledge of the schemes of rebellion before rebellion itself reared its ugly head. As it was foretold by David in the book of psalms; even as the Lord made known his ways unto Moses and his acts unto the children of Israel, so to have you only heard and or seen of the acts of Lucifer. You have only observed the results of his desire to upend the Lord and set creation at odds with his creator. Nevertheless, it is we… the Grigori who have witnessed and have understood the deeper truths of his actions: his trafficking, his pride, his desire to steal, kill, and to destroy. We know this human because far before it was ever given life in this realm we had already seen it in Eternity. We had already fought our war… and won.

  Now Henel James, watch and learn the burden that is foreknowledge.”

  Argoth pointed to the images that still played on the walls of the Halls of Annals. And Henel set himself to record all that he witnessed.

  Raphael had watched as Lilith gingerly made his way into the lower levels of the Hall, and Raphael watched Nebula ascend into the sky. And the angel queried the living breath that permeated the realm of Heaven.

  “Nebula, is it permitted with I being Chief of Eyes to see what Lilith saw?”

  Nebula rose into the sky. “Aye, Chief of Eyes. But know that thou art summoned to meet with the Godhead.”

  And in that same moment Argoth had just climbed up the stairwell to the roof of the Hall to relay a message from the throne room. “My prince, you are summoned. It would seem El has already commissioned thy first act as Sephiroth.”

  Raphael turned from Nebula smiling and spoke out loud, “Of course I am.”

  He grinned as Nebula wafted away and the living cloud spoke softly as he slowly vaporized into the air.

  “See to the business of our king, for you will learn the truth of the vision granted to Lilith soon enough.”

  Chapter Five

  Raphael entered the presence of the living God and bowed as was custom. Surrounding the throne room were his angelic brethren, each sitting in their respective seats at the edge of the throne. Raphael announced his arrival. “My king I stand present as commanded,” Raphael noted that El seemed distracted as the Lord did not acknowledge his presence.

  "My Lord," said Michael.

  “Yes, my son?”

  “You seem preoccupied. Is all well?”

  El sat on his throne, his eyes looking past them all, looking elsewhere.

  “Sasheal has thwarted a threat to Earth, and Apollyon now wonders within himself my actions.”

  Raphael was stunned at the pronouncement. He looked upon his brethren whose faces also showed confusion, and in amazement Raphael like his peers turned towards their Creator, and spoke. “And your will in this matter Lord?”

  El closed his eyes for a moment. He sat in silence, then opened his eyes, and spoke. “Raphael come forward and report of thy stewardship.”

  Raphael stepped closer towards the throne and sat. He waved his hands, and volumes of books appeared above their heads and filled the throne room. Raphael stood across from El and pointed to a small window-like opening, and images began to flash before their eyes.

  Raphael displayed the record of each Elohim. Each volume was open before him and floated transparently yet occupied no space. Pens and stylus moved of their own accord, never ceasing in their writing. Each pen updated the book upon which it wrote, and in the window before them, Grigori stood everywhere, taking note of all things: watching. Each carried a book, an ink-horn, and a stylus. Each screen showed the cowled and blank face of the Grigori, a race of Elohim that possessed neither eyes nor ears. They could see, but they did not. They heard, but they did not. Gifted with divine sight and hearing, they were absent the instruments normally associated with a species that experiences sight or sound.

  El spoke, “Raphael, please display the Grigori assigned to Apollyon’s attachment.”

  Raphael once more raised his hand, and one image came to the forefront of all others.

  The image showed Apollyon looking up, and his Watcher barely perceptible in the background, faithfully recording every word and the thoughts of Apollyon’s heart. The Lumazi collectively viewed this crystal display; the show of thought and action hovered above their heads as Apollyon’s innermost thoughts were made known for all of them to see.

  “El, why
didst you not save us?”

  Each was amazed; startled even that El would even be questioned.

  El spoke, “Lucifer.”

  Lucifer stood to attend to his master, “My Lord?”

  “Please assist Apollyon to understand.”

  El’s eyes fixated upon the person of Lucifer and El began to communicate to Lucifer the words and the voice tone upon which he was to speak the word of God. Nothing was left to chance, and in the seconds that passed between them, Lucifer’s reply was straightforward and familiar.

  “Yes Lord.”

  “Thou art dismissed to see to the matter. Make haste,” said the Lord.

  Lucifer scratched at his chest. “Thy will be done,” said Lucifer.

  Instantly Lucifer rose to his feet and began his descent from the throne room; deep bass sounds echoed with his every step. Melodious sounds emanated from the motions of his wings, and as he left, the sound of his presence faded.

  “Jerahmeel, Talus, and Sariel, I will commence later with your reports. You may each retire for a time, and I will call for you when I am ready. Raphael, I have an assignment for you. Michael, stay: as you also have a new assignment. Gabriel: Sasheal has ––fallen. Recover what remains of thy brother’s body and bring him here. He has honored me, and I will honor him. Tell your brethren that I am with them and let not their hearts be troubled.”

  Each cherub bowed before the Lord and then exited the throne room.

  El turned to Raphael. “Raphael, thou art commissioned to find all instances of thought, conduct, and or speech similar to Apollyon’s. You and your attendants shall bring to me a volume which lists all Elohim and research on your findings.”

  “Aye, Lord. And your desire as to when you would have this complete?”

  “Report thou to me on the conclusion of the 6th Earth day at which time I will take my rest.”

  “As you command Lord,” replied Raphael. The mighty cherub bowed then turned to leave the living God.

  Chapter Six

  Lilith pondered his vision. He turned the images over and over in his mind. Each scene screen burned into his long term memory, tormenting him with the ghost of what he knew was inevitable… his dissolution.

  He stumbled from the Hall of Annals and made his way through the hallways of the mountain of God dazed. Passing various members of his kind he wandered dazed through corridors as a drunkard, inebriated by phantoms of truth that plagued his mind like gnats that swirled about one's head.

  His angelic peers stared at the Grigori in confusion. But no pleasantries were extended, no courtesy of hello, nothing but the silence and the mumblings of an angel who had seen what none had ever seen… the death of an immortal.

  “Unacceptable,” Lilith spoke aloud to himself. His mind reeled with the idea that his fate was to die at the hands of he who he called friend, one he competed against for title of Chief of Eyes.

  “You will not kill me, Raphael. You will not bring deletion! I will be deletion. I will rewrite this future and expurgate this fate. No, Raphael, you will not delete me. I, however, I will delete you!”

  Thought upon thoughts churned over in his mind. Thoughts of how he might escape his prophesied fate. Thoughts how he might reroute the predetermined vision cast. He scurried into a corridor and paced back and forth in thinking out loud on how to undo what the vision had revealed. He stopped and smiled. For El had given all angels choice, and he would use this gift to stretch the limits of what was ordained. He would seek a vision apart from what he had divinely seen and build a future separate from El’s. “I will do what none has ever done. I will overturn the future and rewrite it to my liking. I will abscond from God himself if need be, and omniscience shall be mine!”

  Lilith hurried to the basement of Heaven. An area while not forbidden to angels held a portal to the realm of Aseir and also to the realm of choices --- Limbo.

  Deeper Lilith walked down giant stairs until he entered the dark expanse that was the basement of Heaven. Her pillars carved by the hand of God himself. Her foundation stones laid before Elohim soared the cosmos. For God had made a home and the giant Cadmime beams stretched as bluish girders across the ceilings and floors. Each truss and rafter engraved with the ancient tongue of the Elohim: the language of God.

  Lilith approached the back room of the basement until he saw the object of his trek: the swirly mist gate of Limbo.

  El had separated the races of Heaven. Seraphim from Ophanim, Elohim from Seraphim; there was once a bridge that crossed a once traversable area of the Maelstrom. But that was eons ago. Before the Schism: before when the Elohim, Seraphim, and Ophanim lived together as one. None has since dared to enter Limbo for it was cordoned off by God. The Gate itself would keep the way and leave one stranded within. So it was said.

  Therefore, no one had ever attempted to travel to Aseir. But Lilith was not interested in visiting the land of the Seraphim. He pondered the gate. His desire was to travel among the realm of choices itself. He would not be in violation of the law. He would seek the edges of Limbo to learn the breadth, width, and height of it: to see if other choices brought about differing outcomes. Here he fathomed… here he could explore all options in ad infinitum. Here in Limbo, he could allegedly live out all choices.

  Slowly he walked towards the towering stone rimmed gate of glass. Giant square stones formed a curved around it. And within each stone was etched the ancient alphabet of God. One cornerstone was in the script of alpha, and the other to the far right was written omega. As he approached, the mists separated and the polished mirror came more into view. He stared deep into the mirror. It did not seem like a door. The mirror reflected his image: an image that stared at him. Lilith's reflection looked his counterpart over. Eyeing the person that stood before the Gate of Limbo… an image that then smiled, turned, and walked away.

  Lilith stood aghast and was startled at what he saw. The image of Lilith turned to look at him as if confused, cocked his head and smiled, and then gestured with a finger for the angel to follow.

  Lilith stared at the duplicate. This smiling doppelgänger that beckoned him forward to enter the mirror as it slowly faded from view. He paused for a moment and took several breaths as he considered his actions, exhaled and stepped into the pane of glass.

  Slowly the mists swirled once more, covering the angels rear as Lilith now followed Lilith. Grayish white eddies resident within the mirror returned to their churning; their movement masked the angel as he followed his ghostly twin deeper into Limbo’s volatile domain.

  Chapter Seven

  Raphael knew where to begin his investigation… within his own house. The Grigori had access to the combined histories of all things within creation. To review each house would require him to spend much time and go beyond the scope of El’s time restraint. To complete his mission, Raphael knew he would have to hurry.

  For several of Heaven’s hours, Raphael scoured the tomes of his people. Each Grigori was given to one caste. And each caste was tasked to nominate to the Lord one to rule them all. Four representatives of each caste stood for their people: Raphael, Argoth, Janus and Lilith. Raphael thought it made sense to begin with his own house to see if any corruption stemmed from his own people. Looking for anything that was outside the scope of Grigoric law; the angel combed through the works of his people. After several hours of searching, he breathed a sigh of relief as the fidelity of his people’s tomes appeared intact.

  He sat back in a chair and rubbed his temples realizing that while thorough, this pace was excruciatingly slow and it would take some time to review the whole of all Grigoric tomes let alone those of the other angelic houses.

  Perhaps I should focus more on the three heads of each caste. I could begin with the heads of each house and then work down the hierarchy of the Grigoric order.

  With a new plan of attack, Raphael delved deeper into the tomes of his peers, noting each ones particular knack for recording events as required by God yet still retaining their own distinctive voice.
  This is much faster. He thought to himself.

  Page after page he turned and read the accounts of Janus, but nothing amiss could be found. He moved to Argoth, and no aberration appeared there. Raphael happily breathed a sigh of relief realizing both tomes of Argoth and Janus were free from corruption.

  Raphael finally turned himself to investigate the tome of Lilith. All was in order. Every jot and tittle painstakingly kept… until it was not.

  “That’s odd,” Raphael muttered to himself.

  He slowly flipped through the tome and the deeper he delved; the more certain he became of his findings: a journal was missing.

  No record exists of Lilith’s vision with Nebula.

  Raphael’s eyes narrowed in both curiosity and confusion. All Grigori’s tomes were transparent to no one save the Chief Prince and of course, El. Having been recently appointed by El Pneuma, it was unclear to the angel why no journal entry existed.

  Raphael closed his eyes and prayed to his Lord for clarification.

  “My king, I have reviewed the records of chief scribe Lilith Grigori. There is no entry depicting the vision-cast he received from thy servant Nebula. Has the scroll been denied me?”

  El Pneuma replied in simplicity, “Nay my son.”

  Raphael rubbed his forehead bewildered. “Then it could only mean that he has not recorded the event. Lord, I request access to this tome.”

  Instantly, a reply echoed within his heart and mind.

  “Seek out Nebula and there he will guide you towards what you seek. For I have told him to expect you, and to grant you vision.”

  Raphael nodded in acknowledgment and replied in his thoughts, “Lord, please do not be angry with thy servant, but if you already know what it is I seek, why then do you send me to create this new tome of inquiry?”

  The Lord was silent for a moment then replied. “The time will come when you will need to make a choice my son. Therefore, it must need be that I reveal to thee the corruption that even now seeps into Creation. Now get thee up for Nebula awaits thee, and soon ye shall know all that need be known. Make hast Raphael, lest my arm be compelled to destroy for the mystery of iniquity doth already fissure into the future.”


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