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The Gate of Limbo

Page 7

by Donovan Neal

  Ancient seals designed to prevent a cascade breach into the Prime realm: the Alpha realm. For, Limbo was the storehouse of all choices and the reservoir of decisions not made. Through this realm one could know the extent and the capability of one's actions. In this causeway to other realities, one could judge the multitudes of all choices.

  Omniscience was not a thing to be sought after; nor a trifle bauble to seek. Only El could absorb all possibilities… could see all futures. Even as the Sephiroth, Raphael was limited to see but one generation ahead. He could not see all outcomes and the myriad of forks each would create ad infinitum.

  Even he could not see like El.

  Raphael stood before the swirling gate and held no desire to see released the totality of all choices that God would allow.

  A cracking was heard and then the sound of hissing exploded above him.

  The pressure in the room suddenly dropped and a greenish fog seeped into the chamber from a larger fracture and bled into the room.

  Raphael knew he must act quickly.

  Getting dizzy the angel pulled from his chest his tome and raised his hand. Power flowed through him. Power as the Sephiroth, for Raphael’s was to know what God allowed. And the angel’s knowledge was vast indeed. He moved his hands and circles of power appeared before him and his tome emblazoned in white light and he took a page from the rear of his journal and flew over the opening to cover the breach, and the journal’s page held fast. The sound was as if a vacuum had been sealed and the pressure of the room slowly returned to normal. The angel yawned to make his ears pop, and he shook his head. He could feel a warmth slowly seep down his face. Raphael wiped his nose, and blue blood that coursed through his kilnstone stained his hand.

  He eyed the gate, scanning for any additional fissures and or cracks that might expand. Limbo was the road to the city of Aseir: the home of the Seraphim. If God did not make allowance to cross the way safely, passage was impossible. And Raphael was very much aware of what lied behind the mirror; knew because his own reflection appeared and stared back at him smiling… smirking.

  He watched as his own likeness eyed the gates contours and reached its hands up as if to inspect the cracks that fissured across the glass and gas-like doorway from its side of the portal. The ghost then viewed Raphael’s makeshift bandage and stared at it and grinned.

  The creature then lowered its eyes to gaze into Raphael’s own and then tilted its head in a gesture of amusement: shaking its head at the angel as it turned to walk away into the gray ether and the black cloak of swirling darkness.

  Raphael watched the smoky apparition depart and stood defiant like a sentry guarding his post. He too then raised his eyes to view his work in preventing the beings release, and inhaled as he noted small fissures slowly continuing their snail’s pace and unabated march. He then exhaled and muttered under his breath.

  “Hurry my friends… please hurry.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  Janus awoke to the smell of Mirabel honey and his eyes focused that he was in a bright chamber and attempted to rise only to find that his wrists and ankles were bound to a stone table.

  He struggled against his straps and attempted to mist through but was unable.

  “I have removed thy tome from your breast,” said Raphael Chi. “I have taken the time while you were asleep to read your chronicle. It appears that you are not of this realm and my counterpart in the Alpha realm; hast imbued you with power beyond that of your peers. I have read your story Janus. But I would hear the rest of the matter from thine own lips.”

  Janus lifted his head and gestured to the manacles that held him. “Are these necessary? If you have indeed read my tome then you should know why I am come.”

  Raphael Chi walked towards his Grigoric peer and looked down upon him. “I know why you came through Limbus yes, but why are you here?”

  Raphael waved his hand and the manacles which held Janus flew open.

  The angel raised himself to sit on the stone slab and rubbed his wrists. A cup of Mirabel tea floated towards him.

  “Drink,” Raphael said. “It will help restore your strength. There is manna leaf as well should you desire it.”

  “Thank you,” said Janus. “I would like some very much.” Janus reached for the leaves and dipped them into the sauce his people made to accompany them when eating.

  “I am here to apprehend and extradite Lilith back to the Prime realm.”

  Raphael sighed, “I am afraid that you will find that challenging to do; for he hast already gone to the brothers Lucifer and Michael and convinced them that I have betrayed El. He has given them foresight into the creation of the fourth race.”

  Janus’s eyes brows drew together, and he quickly swallowed his food, looked at Raphael and replied. “How do you know this?”

  Raphael motioned with his hands and a wall illuminated and displayed that a large armed entourage approached the Hall of Annals with spears and swords. An entourage led by the brothers and Lilith and his twin floated behind them with other Grigori in tow.

  “The Hall grants me sight of all things. I have been judged a traitor by the Lumazi and a warrant for my arrest has been issued. Lilith is aware that you are here, in addition to other members of the Grigoric order and soon the whole of Heaven will know. I will attempt to hide you.”

  Janus drew back in fear. “Hide me, for what purpose?”

  Raphael looked at the display and then his newfound friend and replied, “That you might lead those that will listen to your cause. Lilith, we both know manipulates the brothers. He only shows them a partiality of the vision given him during the Trial of Sight. He seeks to usurp me; to preserve his life. I am foreseen that he will indeed succeed in part. But he will not take you. For I will have you… sequestered.”

  Janus looked around and saw nothing but whiteness and the stone slab in the room. Even the tables which held the refreshments had disappeared and the slab itself slowly began to melt into the floor.

  Raphael then raised his hands and spoke aloud, “Library.”

  Rows and rows of books then appeared on the walls and shittim wood shelves which reached the ceilings ascended as far as the eyes could see. A door then appeared in the distance that presumably exited the room.

  “I apologize that I must inconvenience you my friend. I also wish we had more time to chat, but what I do now you will not understand, but you will understand hereafter.” Raphael then spoke to the tome of Janus and said, “Collect thy author.”

  Immediately, Janus then felt himself dissolve; as if his very essence was being scattered, yet he could still somehow see his surroundings as he floated into his own book, and he, and the book: became one. Raphael then grabbed the tome and closed the book shut with a thud.

  Janus then watched as Raphael placed his parchment bound tome on a nondescript shelf on the wall. And he spoke. “When I am gone, the room will return to its natural state. And you and your volume will separate and thou shalt be well. You will then come and find me, and if I be well, then I will come and find you, but if not. Know that I am given over to dissolution. Then you must use the room to gather my people and let them read what has transpired here. You must be prepared to take on the mantle of the Redactor of Raphael, and that of the Sephiroth of this realm. My eyes are hidden upon a pedestal atop the roof. Nebula guards them that none my take them save he that is worthy.”

  Raphael smiled, “I believe that thou art indeed worthy to succeed me and lead the people. Do this for me and fulfill the call placed on thee by the head of thy people in two realms.” Raphael then ripped a page from his own tome hidden beneath his chest and placed it as an added page to that of Raphael Primes page and continued.

  “You shall be called the Navigator of the Way. The one for whom the Mists will submit: the Two Faced One, and Redactor to two realms; he who can see beyond the God-sight to the realm of Limbo itself. Fear not this sight. For I have added my own page to the pages of your own realm’s liege, that ye might be bridge
between Alpha and Omega and complete the mission for which my counterpart hast called thee.”

  A hard knock came at the door and the floating angel turned towards it. “It is time for me to be betrayed.”

  Four Grigori then floated through the door and after they passed; the door exploded into pieces and Lucifer and Michael marched through with swords in hand, and Arelim warrior angels accompanied them.

  Lucifer opened his mouth to speak. “In the name of the Lumazi of which I am chief, and by the authority invested in me. Prince Raphael of House Grigori you are hereby placed under arrest. Will you come willingly or must we compel you to comply?”

  Raphael looked at the Grigoric officers that floated and surrounded him. Their pens had turned into daggers. And they which comprised the company was Lilith Prime, Lilith Chi, and both Argoth and Janus of the Chi realm.

  “Are you clear in your purpose?” Raphael asked the quartet.

  Argoth was first to respond, “This one here has shown us a vision that cannot be denied. We do not wish to do thee harm, But our obedience to the Chief of Angels is clear.”

  Raphael nodded. “There is obedience yes, but then there is submission, which do you think is the greater?”

  Argoth reflected upon Raphael’s question and began to speak when Lucifer interrupted him and shouted. “Enough! We are not here to banter ethics with a traitor. Seize him and if he resists let his body see dissolution that the stone might be preserved.”

  Immediately, Lilith and Janus each took an arm and confiscated Raphael’s pen and proceeded to led him out the room.

  Argoth Chi did not move, and Lucifer and Michael saw his hesitation and spoke aloud their concern. “Does this action move thee to doubt?”

  Argoth replied, “It is naught. The vision we have seen is sure. Nevertheless, when Raphael vacates this place, it will still need to be tended. I will stay and evaluate what intelligence can be gathered. Lilith is needed with you to evaluate the truth of the prince’s words but someone must stay here.”

  Michael replied, “Your words bear wisdom. However, let two bear witness so that integrity might be maintained. Janus will also stay behind and assist you.”

  Argoth was tempted to object but knew that his hesitation made him suspect, and replied. “Let it be as you say.”

  Janus then bowed to the two princes, and both Liliths escorted Raphael out behind Lucifer and Michael.

  And Janus; his spirit captured within his own tome by Raphael, watched as the angelic prince was led away in chains.

  * * *

  Argoth, Lilith-theta, and Lucifer-theta; had portaled and the three angels found themselves walking on lush grass, surrounded by various trees of beauty. Large palm leaves dripped dew and lanky red vines draped the canopy of the forest ceiling. Birds sang and the roars of great beasts sounded in the distance. Frogs and snarls of unseen things permeated the air in chorus with chirping insects that hugged the forest floor. The woodland was alive and awash in color and sound.

  “Where are we?” Argoth asked.

  Lucifer replied, “We are in the region of Eden. The garden which El has made is not far from here. But we dare not venture forth towards it for the man and the woman are there, and I would not have us bring our conflict to the shores of their home.”

  Lilith replied, “It would seem Raphael has done just that if we indeed abide on the outskirts of the human’s domain.”

  Lucifer pointed towards a tree, and Argoth and Lilith each took Lucifer’s arm around their shoulders and gingerly made their way towards the tree and laid him down.

  Lilith noted that Lucifer was bleeding and was becoming dizzy as they walked, and he watched as Lucifer collapsed into unconsciousness. The duo then gingerly laid him at the foot of a large oak tree.

  “What is wrong with him?” Argoth asked.

  Lilith laid the now unconscious Prince of Angels on his back and tore open Lucifer’s robe to reveal a deep sword wound. Blood flowed from it in small geyser like spurts and Lilith immediately took Argoth’s hand and placed it over the gash. “Keep your hand pressed over the wound and continue to apply pressure.”

  Argoth did as he was bidden while Lilith took a page from the back of his tome and slid it over Lucifer’s flesh. The page melded into the skin of the angel and then disappeared.

  Lilith frowned that the bleeding had slowed but it did not stop. Argoth noted his brooding demeanor. “What is wrong?”

  “His flesh is not like all angels.” Lilith replied. “He is covered with living precious gems; his skin texture changes. It will take time to apply the treatments needed to heal this wound as the injury cuts through multiple layers of his skin and is deep. Michael’s blow was a strike meant to kill. You do understand this?”

  Argoth observed Michael’s handiwork. And it was indeed a savage rend to the flesh that the prince had managed to perpetrate on Lucifer.

  Argoth looked around, “Do what you can. I will scout the area.”

  He rose to fly away when Lilith grabbed his arm. “Are you soiled in the mind? Do it not!”

  Argoth looked at him confused. “What? We need to see where we are and determine our next course of action.”

  Lilith theta frowned, “No, I know that you are Grigori, and I know that you are from what you call the Prime realm. But you and I both know that Grigori are assigned to all things. We do not know which of our people or how many of any given caste are for us, and how many are for our enemies. Raphael chose this place for a purpose. You are a Grigori; use your eyes: do you not see?”

  Argoth frowned at the angel but did as bidden and looked to his left and right, and noted that Lilith was correct. There were no Grigori assigned to this area. He could see none of his people and he remarked hid observation. “It is a null.”

  “Yes,” replied Lilith. “Raphael has not assigned orders to this area yet. With the ensuing conflict between Lucifer and Michael, and Michael waging war: he has sent us to a place that for the time being, we are safe from prying eyes. I do not know how long we have. For of a surety in time our people will find us: but for now… for now we are safe. Sit.”

  Argoth let out a small sigh of relief but only for a moment before he spoke. “I should not be here. You are not whom I am here to apprehend.” Argoth looked at the Lilith before him and scoured the angel’s person, looking up and down at his face and his clothing.

  Lilith noted his gaze. “Yea, Redactor. I am not he whom you seek. But tell me…what has my counterpart done to warrant bounty for his arrest, that you would dare traverse Limbo to apprehend him?”

  Argoth looked above his head once more and eyed the area to assure himself they were alone, and sat down a stones throw from the angel and replied. “In my world. You have betrayed the order of Grigori. In my world you have fled our realm to seek solace in another. To undo the vision cast given thee.”

  Lilith nodded, “Ah, I see. Yet, here I am… fleeing. It would seem Argoth, that our mutual choices would have your counterpart hunt me in my own realm as well. Now that Raphael is dead, it is only a matter of time before Argoth and others will search for us.”

  Argoth lowered his eyes away from Lilith in shame and reflected. For he had not considered that he might encounter his own double in this realm: a double that would be influenced by the actors of this dimension. Would his counterpart help him?

  Lilith noted his silent musing and spoke. “Yea, our people… many of the Host will seek us out. It is inevitable that we will in time be found. For who can hide from the angels of God? Mayhap, it is a good thing then that when I was called to lead house Grigori, I declined the nomination, on the grounds that others were more suitable to lead: for who knows that if I had partaken in the ritual; I too would have become outcast?”

  Argoth shrugged his shoulders. “Perhaps, the thing is not known. But my heart can attune to the Lilith of my realm. If he is here I will be able to sense his presence.”

  Lilith-Theta frowned and replied, “Your sudden appearance would indeed explain
much of the behavior that I have seen from both the princes and others.”

  “What do you mean? Do not hold back what is in thy mind. Speak freely,” said Argoth.

  Lilith applied another bandage to Lucifer’s wound, sat down and wiped his brow. He took out his tome and flipped through several of its pages.

  “There was an incident not long ago. An angel by the name of Abaddon was judged and condemned for the murder of another. He was lifted into a living mountain. A mountain created by El himself: a mountain that consumed angels alive. I was asked to minister as journal to the acts of Lucifer by Raphael and was away when this occurred. We were here tending to the details of El’s Garden. And as was my duty, I wrote what I saw. The Prince’s thoughts were conflicted. I had never seen such conflict, pride, yea arrogance even. I could sense that my charge was… changing; pursuing thoughts that if carried out would breed horror for us all. But something changed in him. I noted that at some point he looked at himself, and realized that he was the glory of the Father, and if he, being a creature could possess such beauty... if, he being just a son could possess all the Father had, how much more would he possess if he kept within the bounds of his Father’s love? So I recorded Lucifer’s heart as it battled to stay the course of fealty towards El. And when Lucifer had come back to the realm immortal to report of his progress, El eventually had taken a rest from all his work and had left the chief prince in charge. Lucifer then commanded that angels be stationed at Eden to assure El’s will towards the humans. He even floated as a winged serpent among the trees and communicated with them. But when report was given that Michael needed to see him immediately we left Earth to return to Heaven and Michael was armed with a sword. A blade alive that could be unleashed against seven at one time and he commanded that Lucifer surrender himself for judgment. And when the Chief Prince refused Michael deemed him a traitor, and the Lumazi was split. Raphael then took Lucifer and portaled away. But Michael followed and the rest you know. I do not know how much of Heaven is in conflict. But Prince Raphael has bought us time to escape alive.”


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