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Rise of the Wolves

Page 10

by J E Reed

  Kiuno walked forward but stopped before she reached the edge. The ground stretched far beneath and she’d had enough of cliffs to last a lifetime. Reece tottered on a ledge and whistled. A tremor ran through her body.

  Each realm until this point had seemed manageable. They could survive, or at the very least make them livable, but this… this was an endless jungle. The humidity alone threatened to drown her.

  Dread washed over Kiuno. Even if they got the civilians through, how would they reach the jungle floor and establish a foothold?

  “Magnificent isn’t it?” the woman whispered, her gaze seeming to swell with pride. “You won’t be able to burn this down.”

  “I’d expect not.” K.J.’s brow furrowed as his gaze swept across the endless green. She wondered how he found his voice and imagined all her worries were going through his head as well.

  “Come, let us head back before something catches your scent and decides you’ll make a nice lunch.”

  Kiuno hoped the woman was teasing. It was difficult to tell with her stoic expression.

  Kiuno took a deep breath and walked through the portal again, clutching Elite’s arm on the other side as she gagged. The woman seemed amused but didn’t comment as they waited outside the cavern for her stomach to settle.

  “I don’t advise lingering, the felinians grow uneasy with strangers. Did you get what you came for?”

  “We did, thank you,” K.J. said.

  She escorted them back through the village and this time Nikita didn’t veer from Jim’s side.

  “Is there a peaceful arrangement we can make that will allow us to bring men through?” K.J. asked.

  The woman smiled. “Of course. For the sake of the felinians I think it’ll be best if you take the longer path around these trees. They’re not territorial of the plateau so you’re free to set up there, but they use that realm for hunting, so you’ll have to deal with them passing through.”

  “Their presence won’t be a problem. I apologize for the inconvenience we have caused. I didn’t realize anyone lived in the forest.”

  Her face scrunched. “And the animals?”

  He paused. “I assumed the creatures were nothing more than pieces of this world. Nothing real.”

  She set one hand on Milo. “Not real? So, if he killed you that wouldn’t be real enough?”

  K.J. examined the creature who ruffled his wings. “I suppose it would be. I apologize if I’ve overstepped.”

  She huffed. “It’s fine, we didn’t suffer any loss, but if you plan to bring your people through, I’d like to accompany you and be included in the planning process.”

  He nodded. “We’ll welcome any information about the coming realm.”

  “You’ll need it.” She climbed on the felinian’s back. He beat his massive wings and sent a wave of dust toward them before taking a running leap into flight.

  Kiuno heard the horses yell through the trees and several men cursed. Nikita took off next and pumped her wings to catch up and soar beneath the larger version of herself.

  Kiuno took the reins of her horse and watched their graceful flight, but Jim’s sad gaze shook her to the core.

  “She’d be better off with them.”

  “She’s just curious.” Kiuno tried to give him a smile, but Jim’s focus never left Nikita. Kiuno had never thought about leaving her friends behind until that moment. When they reached the tenth realm, how many would choose to stay?

  22: Rain Dance

  Realm: 5

  Day: 279

  With the castle walls looming on the horizon K.J. pulled his horse back to ride beside Kiuno. His gaze shifted to the velvet black wings soaring high overhead and the woman who rode upon them.

  She’d never given her name and she’d barely spent enough time in their company for Kiuno to make any assumptions.

  “What’s on your mind?” Kiuno asked.

  “How we’ll convince her to be an ally. She’s only here to ensure the safety of her people.”

  Kiuno thought the woman probably cared more for the felinians, but she didn’t voice her opinion.

  The velvet wings dipped toward the ground and swooped back into the air as Milo sped toward the castle walls. He roared in the open sky and Nikita took off after him, leaving Jim behind. Her friend’s expression shifted to sadness again.

  Kiuno chewed her lip as the black felinian pulled ahead. “The guards won’t attack, will they?”

  “For our sakes, let’s hope not.”

  They spurred the horses forward eager to catch up before chaos could erupt on the wall.

  Milo circled the area a few times before landing by the front gate. The woman sat beside him, leaning her head back with her eyes closed. K.J.’s guards gave him a nervous, yet relieved glance when they caught up.

  “It’s bigger than I expected.” She stood and sauntered toward K.J.

  “I’ll be sure to find comfortable quarters for you and him.” K.J. inclined his head toward Milo.

  The woman made a face, reminding Kiuno of a child who’d tasted sour candy. “These walls remind me of a cage.”

  “Jim,” K.J. pointed, “occupies one of the towers. I can ensure the same accommodations if you like.”

  “Or you could join me.” Reece gave her a lazy, seductive smile.

  She tilted her head, intrigued yet cautious. “Where exactly?”

  “The walls are too cramped for my taste. I have a camp on the outskirts.”

  “And you’re the leader there?”

  Reece nodded. “We collaborate with K.J.’s alliance and Kiuno here is a good friend of mine.”

  The woman ran her gaze up and down Kiuno’s form as if studying her, then shifted her gaze to K.J. “I think Milo would like that better. He doesn’t do well in small spaces and neither do I.” She tilted her head with a mocking smile. “Plus, your guards appear nervous.”

  “Can you blame them?” Kiuno asked.

  The woman glanced at her again, but it wasn’t with hostility.

  K.J.’s mouth formed a hard line. “If that suits you better.”

  Kiuno looked between K.J. and Reece. She knew K.J. wanted this woman as an ally and with the felinians she couldn’t blame him. But Reece’s interest seemed to be centered upon less tactical means.

  She needed to intervene.

  “Mind if I tag along?” Kiuno asked.

  Reece gave K.J. a knowing smirk as he said, “You know you’re always welcome.”

  Reece saw this as a victory, but once his back turned, she locked eyes with K.J. and nodded. She’d get the job done.

  K.J. pulled off his gloves and headed through the gatehouse with the others close behind. Jim followed with Nikita on his heels.

  Reece swung back into his saddle and gestured for them to follow.

  As they rode Kiuno glanced at Elite, but he kept his eyes forward. He hadn’t protested, which meant he probably knew what they needed to do.

  Only twenty minutes of grassy plains separated Reece and K.J.

  Tents stood at various locations and dozens of people surrounded meat roasting over an open flame. Kiuno’s mouth watered at the smell that wafted through the air.

  Kiuno dropped from her horse and let the animal graze freely.

  Her eyes drifted over the clothes lines, the jars of water, and canopies decorated with feathers and shells of all sorts. Their tents were staked into the ground and the grass had worn in notable paths.

  “Looks like you’ve created a permanent residence,” Kiuno said.

  “Marci suggested it.”

  At the mention of her name, Marci, Nsane’s wife, stood and greeted each with a swift kiss on the cheek. Her plump form didn’t fool Kiuno. She knew this woman all but ran the place.

  Most stared at Milo with wide eyes, but none recoiled like the guards at the castle had done. If anything, they waited for permission to approach the beautiful creature striding toward their camp.

  Marci smiled at their newest member. “Who is this fine young la

  The woman covered her mouth and giggled. “I suppose my name is in order. Call me Cybele.”

  “Like the goddess?” Reece asked.

  “Indeed, and don’t forget it.”

  At the touch of Cybele’s hand, Milo expanded his massive wings and leapt into the air. He soared overhead for a moment before taking off toward the tree line further south. Nikita often left to hunt so Kiuno assumed Milo was doing the same.

  A chilling breeze shifted through the grass and Kiuno glanced up to find dark clouds heading their way.

  “Looks like summer rain,” Marci said. “Come, dinner is ready.” Marci wrapped her arm around Reece’s shoulder and whispered something in his ear. She was far shorter and watching Reece bend to Marci’s level made Kiuno giggle.

  Elite still remained silent.

  They sat on logs around the fire and Marci handed them each a bowl full of meat and soup. The wind picked up around the area and tents flapped in the breeze as Reece’s people ran to tie down anything that might come loose.

  Elite laced his fingers through Kiuno’s hand and whispered, “I assume we’re here for Cybele?”

  “I just need to get a sense for who she is, then we can head back.”

  “It’s probably best if we stay the night. She seems rather guarded.”

  Kiuno glanced up at the woman when her laugh echoed. Marci sat beside her and fired question after question about the felinians and where she’d come from. But Elite was right. Her answers were precise. Rehearsed.

  Another gust of wind blew through the area and thunder cracked overhead. Most swiveled to glance at the clouds and a large drop landed on Kiuno’s arm. Another fell in the grass at her feet then more than a dozen followed as the clouds opened to a torrential downpour.

  Everyone scattered.

  Kiuno grabbed Elite’s hand and ran beneath the nearest canopy where Reece, Marci, and Nsane joined them. Water dripped from Kiuno’s hair and she wiped the drops from her arms. After a moment they all erupted in a fit of laughter.

  Marci threw the towel she’d started wiping down with. “Hiding from a little rain, what have we come to?”

  Marci walked into the downpour and threw her head back to relish in the rain. She tilted her head and gave Nsane an inviting smile.

  Nsane grinned and joined her. Taking his wife’s hand, the two began moving to a rhythm none could hear.

  A drum beat in one corner, followed by another across the way. The water fell from their canopy as everyone watched the two lovers circle one another in a premeditated dance.

  Two more couples joined, drenching themselves as they followed the steps then shifted partners.

  In minutes it seemed the entire camp had jumped in and drums beat from various locations. The people moved in a captivating dance Kiuno had never seen before.

  Kiuno tapped her foot and turned to Elite. She tilted her head toward the dancers, but he simply grinned and shook his. She turned back, watching the strangers stamp and twirl then grabbed Reece’s hand and pulled him into the rain before he could protest.

  They were drenched in seconds. The sound of water added its own rhythm and her heart beat with the drums as she continued to study those in motion and search for the pattern.

  Reece took her hands and pointed at their feet. She followed his movements, tripping into him more than once before she found the tempo and stepped in time with the others.

  They danced, lost in the rain and drums that radiated freedom and paradise. Reece spun her around and stomped the soaked grass beneath their feet. She spun again. Reece released her hands, and another took his place. Kiuno floated between Nsane, Marci, and Cybele before returning to Reece with more confidence.

  Elite caved and joined the fun, twisting her around in steps unknown. She laughed as they fell around the circle of people and the rush flooded her core.

  When the rain slowed, Kiuno collapsed on a log and wrung her hair out before removing her shoes and setting them by the fire. Elite sat beside her and she leaned into him, the two soaked from head to toe.

  They talked and laughed, telling stories from home until the stars took their seats in the sky.

  Though she’d seemed distant at first, Cybele didn’t hesitate to join in, telling her own tales and giving Kiuno insight to her character. She wasn’t going to be as hard to win over as K.J. had thought.

  When conversations dwindled Cybele stood. “I think I’ll turn in for the night.”

  “We have a few tents set up for guests. I can show you if you’d like,” Marci offered.

  Cybele glanced over the area and pointed to one not far off. “I’ll take that one.”

  Nsane glanced at Reece and back to Cybele. “That’s where Reece sleeps.”

  Cybele ran her gaze up and down his form then cracked a teasing smile. “He’s welcome to join me.”

  Kiuno struggled to swallow her drink and Cybele sauntered off.

  Reece stood and stretched. “Can’t keep a lady waiting,”

  Nsane kicked at him as he strode past and Kiuno watched his silhouette disappear behind the tent flap.

  After giving Reece a hard time in his absence, Nsane offered Elite and Kiuno a tent of their own. She gladly accepted.

  Kiuno closed their flap, undressed, and fell into the furs that lined the cot. Elite did the same, wrapping warm arms around her waist as she nestled into him. Though happiness had filled their afternoon, night reminded her of the horrors they were about to face.

  A jungle. How were they going to get through one of the most dangerous places in the world?

  23: Reminiscent

  Realm: 5

  Day: 280

  Sharp hissing woke Kiuno from a pleasant dream. She tried to ignore it, hoping someone had accidentally stubbed their toe, but when it sounded again, she rolled over.

  A silhouetted person stood at the entrance of their tent with one hand wrapped around the flap. The individual motioned for her to come outside. She looked at Elite’s sleeping form, dressed, then poked her head out.

  “Up for a morning hunt?” Reece whispered.

  Kiuno rubbed the sleep from her eyes and glanced toward the barely risen sun. She turned to look at Elite who lay undisturbed in a bundle of furs.

  “Nsane will let him know where you are.”

  Kiuno chewed her lip. “I don’t have my bow.”

  “We have plenty.”

  Kiuno hesitated then ducked inside to grab her shoes before following Reece into the brisk morning air. She tucked a knife by her ankle and another in her belt.

  “I should warn you, I’m a bit rusty,” she said.

  “We’ll give you a few practice shots first.”

  He entered an unoccupied tent and retrieved two bows and quivers. Kiuno followed Reece toward the outskirts of the woods and he positioned her in a patch of worn grass.

  She sat the quiver on the ground, withdrew an arrow, and notched it.

  Familiar muscles pulled taunt as she drew back and took aim. She tried to remember her lessons and released her breath with the arrow.

  The point skimmed the target.

  “You won’t hit anything aiming like that.”

  Kiuno pouted. “I told you I’m rusty.”

  He smirked and pulled an arrow from his quiver before setting it on the ground. Kiuno notched it on her string and Reece shifted her arms and feet as she readied herself to fire again.

  Memories of her first weeks with Kikyo tried to resurface, but Reece was different. He didn’t flinch away when their skin touched, and he crept closer than she felt necessary. His hot breath sent shivers down her spine.

  Kiuno swallowed and focused on the target ahead. He’s just trying to help.

  She pulled the arrow back and Reece raised her elbow slightly before she released. Kiuno smiled. It was off center, but still closer to the mark.

  “Not bad at all.”

  She stepped away when Reece didn’t, but the action didn’t seem to offend him. He grabbed his bow and sta
rted toward two horses she’d noticed earlier. Kiuno had assumed they were for someone else.

  “Is it just us?” she asked.

  “Is that a problem?”

  Kiuno swung up and settled in. “We were attacked last time I was here. Twice.”

  “And we dealt with it. I go hunting alone all the time.” Reece gave her a crooked smile. “Besides, who could stand up to the two of us?”

  “I’m sure Marci loves that.”

  He lowered his voice. “I hide from her most of the time.”

  Kiuno laughed and the two kicked their horses, racing from the open meadow toward the tree line in the distance. The fresh air whipped her hair back and once again Kiuno found her thoughts floating toward the word freedom.

  After staking the horses’ leads, Reece indicated for her to keep quiet and Kiuno followed his silent steps through the woods.

  After some distance he pointed to a tree and the tiny wooden platform at the top. She questioned whether it’d hold them both.

  Reece knelt and helped her to the first branch. Normally, she’d be more concerned about falling, but with Reece there the idea was laughable at best. If he could save her from a cliff, he could save her from anything.

  The two crowded in and waited.

  Everything was quiet, like the woods held its breath in their presence. She stilled with it, then life slowly crawled from its hiding place.

  Birds called overhead. One at first, then another and another until there were more than she could count. Small animals she couldn’t spot scurried through the brush below, all oblivious to the two settled amidst the trees.

  Reece’s eyes shifted from one place to another and Kiuno did her best to be still as they waited.

  A rustling to their right drew her attention. Reece moved his eyes but kept his head still as a small doe crept through. Her ears shifted, senses alert.

  Kiuno held an arrow in one hand, only moving when the deer looked away. It sniffed the air and circled a tree, giving Kiuno time to position her bow. Inch by inch, the doe stepped closer until she bent her head to nibble at a weed.

  Kiuno lifted her arrow and paused again as the deer looked up to examine its surroundings. It chewed, ears pivoting before going back for more. Reece settled behind her, shifting the arrow as she took aim, pulled back, and let it fly.


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