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Rise of the Wolves

Page 12

by J E Reed

  Rocks and pebbles hit the ground and rolled toward her as dust and particles blocked her field of vision.

  Kiuno staggered to her feet and drew her sword. She kept her other hand in front of her and wrapped her body in flames in case of an attack.

  She coughed, choking and blinded. Kiuno called Maltack’s name, but her voice sounded muffled to her ears.

  Maltack shifted the wind and took the dust with it. The area cleared, but her breath caught in her throat at the sight of the crumbling cliff.

  A jagged scar had formed where chunks of rock were missing. It continued to crumble, but Kiuno staggered toward it.

  Dizziness threatened to topple her over, but a muffled cry drew her attention. Someone was screaming.

  She didn’t know his name, but he was one of their own. His mouth opened time and time again as he clutched the upper part of his thigh. The lower half of the limb sat in shreds with blood dripping from the end of a dismembered foot.

  Kiuno froze and Maltack dropped to the man’s side.

  She looked across from him to another body. It sat too still for her racing heart to process.

  Elite. Where is he?

  Another piece of rock crumbled from the edge as she continued stumbling through the chaos. One man wrapped his arm beneath his injured companion and carried him from the edge. Both were covered in dirt, but they were in one piece.

  She spun and counted.

  Then counted again.

  Two were missing.

  Kiuno tripped and reality slammed down as her knees hit the shattered rock. Cool mist wafted her in the face as she stared over the edge. She gripped her hair and curled in on herself.

  This isn’t real. I’m dreaming. Wake up. Wake up.

  “There are consequences to disobeying our king,” the burly man’s voice echoed. “We hope you realize that now. We are favored by the creator and this will be your only warning. Unless you want those behind your walls to suffer, I suggest you comply. I’m certain we can work past the loss of a few men.”

  A few men?

  Kiuno’s breath caught in her throat.

  A few men?

  “We’ve also received information that indicates the lightning user is among you. Our king would like an audience with this person.”

  Silence echoed on both sides. Kiuno’s heart thundered in her chest and she opened her eyes to stare into the abyss once again. Mist swirled and stretched, reaching its fingers toward her shaking body.

  “Well, what’s your answer?”

  She didn’t have the energy, but her body moved anyway and before Kiuno knew it she was on her feet and facing those who’d committed this horrendous act. Maltack focused on the injured and K.J.’s jaw worked.

  But the enemy.

  They smiled.

  Smiled as if they were victorious.

  Adrenaline hit her like a raging wave over a rocky beach. Her body didn’t want to respond, but it shuddered when she took a breath and she stepped forward.

  The scrawny companion cocked his head. That smile. “Your magic won’t do you any good here.”

  She took another step, but her friends remained still. K.J. glanced back at her and stepped to the side. His eyes.

  No, don’t look at me like that.

  She didn’t want to accept it. She couldn’t. She’d wake up soon and this would all be over. Elite would reassure her, and they’d head down to breakfast and—

  “Stop there.”


  She wouldn’t.

  Flames licked down her arms and spun across her body. The smaller man raised his hands to create a shield.

  There was still a chance, right? She’d survived a fall like that. She’d—her vision blurred as she imagined the man’s bloody leg—

  Her head split and rage tore through her body in a fury of blinding pain. Her soul rent in two as a bolt shattered the ground and collided with the one who’d raised the shield.

  He hit the ground and stopped moving.

  The burly man and his companion took several steps back.

  Magic crackled along her skin in a twisted frenzy of grief and anger. It seared her scars and hummed through the air with her as it’s focal.

  Another bolt shot from her body, crumpling the nobody that stood beside their commander.

  His confidence melted to fear, and he sank to his knees. He pleaded. He promised her riches and power and all manner of things she’d never wanted.

  Her arm crackled again as the lightning concentrated itself in her hand. Kiuno wrapped her fingers around his wrist. His nails bit into her flesh as he writhed from the pulse surging through both their bodies.

  He fell limp.

  The storm raged, fueled by her fear. They were gone, but not an ounce of her feelings had gone with it. She wanted to burn them and keep burning them until the end of time. She wanted their king. She wanted him to know what power really felt like.

  The lightning crawled along her skin pulsing in time to her heart.

  Kiuno closed her eyes.

  It’s not too late.

  She had to believe that.

  The tight coil wrapped around her center and she forced the pulse there as well.

  She had to find Elite.


  Kiuno headed toward the cliff’s edge and Reece’s vines wrapped around her body and the two started their descent.

  Kiuno’s heart raced, but it wasn’t from the height or the promise of death. Death had to be easier than the pain threatening her now.

  Seconds ticked by as if mocking her and she resisted the urge to spur them on faster. He could be hurt. He could need their help.

  But shouldn’t he be screaming for it?

  Another lump formed in her throat and she couldn’t swallow.

  The shallow river flowed on as if undisturbed from the rocks that had crossed its path.

  Kiuno’s eyes scanned the river, then the rocks, and she covered her mouth when an exposed arm lay protruding from a boulder taller than herself.

  Her heart jumped and breath faltered. Kiuno’s knees collapsed when Reece set her on the ground and ran to aid Maltack in lifting the stone.

  Their magic lifted the rock and bile rose in Kiuno’s throat when she risked a glance.

  Flattened. A smear of blood as if he were nothing more than an insect on a windshield.

  Reece called out a name.

  But it wasn’t Elite.

  Kiuno took in shallow breaths. She glanced at the other boulders and piles of rock. Her gaze drifted to the river and then to those who mourned their fallen comrade.

  Two dead.

  One missing.

  A cold, crushing ache seeped into her bones and Kiuno curled in on herself.

  Reece knelt at her side, but she refused to look at him.

  No, no, no, no, no.

  He pulled her into his chest without a word.

  She knew what he wouldn’t say. They’d overturn another piece of rubble and find Elite just like—

  Kiuno shuddered. “Tell them to stop.”

  “Ki, we should—”

  “No, I don’t want—” Her voice caught, and the first sob racked her body as if lightning struck her instead.

  She couldn’t breathe.

  She couldn’t think.

  Kiuno gripped Reece’s shirt and he wrapped his arms beneath her legs and carried her away from the voices of sorrow and death.

  She didn’t want to see Elite like that, but the vision of his blood smeared across the ground wouldn’t leave her mind.

  Her breath came in rapid gasps and memories tore through her like a sharpened blade. One moment they consumed her. The next they faded.



  Kiuno cried in an endless cycle as she struggled to breathe and process, but no matter how much she begged, the emptiness throbbing in her heart wouldn’t subside.

  26: Heartache

  Realm: 5

  Day: 294

  Despite her
request Maltack took it upon himself to search for Elite. His report brought neither comfort nor closure.

  Elite’s body was nowhere to be found.

  The river could have carried him away or some vile creature might be responsible. But whatever the case, it didn’t change the likely outcome and Kiuno wasn’t sure her heart could take anymore.

  Reece held her close and his arms felt like the only thing keeping her stitched together while she grasped at the thin tendril of hope.

  He couldn’t be gone. He’d promised to never leave her again.

  Another image of the man’s smeared blood beneath the stone fought to the surface of her memory.

  Despite Reece’s warmth, an empty coldness echoed from the pit of her stomach. Kiuno watched the smoking coals from the fire for a while, before she moved his arm and made her way to the river.

  Kiuno stared at her reflection. Stared at half a woman. Tear-stained cheeks and swollen, empty eyes stared back. The water rippled her image and emptiness ached in her heart. She sat, allowing the steady flow of water to carry her mind to a distant place.

  She and Elite had met in high school, inseparable for five short years.

  They’d barely scratched the surface of their dreams.

  They wanted to travel the world together. Go on long vacations to the beach and hike the beautiful mountains hand in hand. They wanted to tell their friends about their travels together and find places unknown where their dreams could come true.

  But now all her pictures would be empty. Future conversations would be barren of the happiness she longed to share with another. Everything would be missing the one person who should be experiencing life at her side.

  Kiuno’s lip quivered and she bit the inside of her cheek.

  No, don’t cry anymore. You don’t know for sure.

  Her heart cracked and splintered.

  How could he have survived?

  Kiuno left the others lying by the dwindling coals and paced the bank alone. She watched the water flow over the smooth stones and searched for any sign that might rekindle the flame of hope in her chest.

  Her heart jolted with every twist and turn. She half expected to see Elite’s body lying motionless and face down in the water.

  By the time Reece caught up, her hands were shaking.

  She walked and walked and walked.

  Reece didn’t stop her and Kiuno didn’t understand why. Anyone else would have convinced her to sit and rest, but Reece just walked and surveyed the bank at her side.

  He sent others ahead to search for Elite and she didn’t protest. Kiuno only kept walking.

  With dusk they slept. Or tried to.

  Kiuno stared into the depths of the calm, shallow water. Would they find him here?

  With morning, nothing changed, but within a few hours Kiuno’s heart thundered as one man ran toward them.

  She wavered and Reece grabbed her arm as she stared at Elite’s sword. Reece took it and the man excused himself.

  Words wouldn’t process. If they’d found that, then his body…

  Kiuno collapsed and Reece eased her to the ground. She hadn’t eaten or slept, but neither helped the pain dissipate. It crashed against her full force and left her incapacitated.

  Reece called out instructions, but she couldn’t process his words. It didn’t matter. Nothing mattered.

  Darkness settled around her and Kiuno hid her face in her knees and let the tears flow.

  Another player lost. Another grave. Another heartache.

  When would it end?

  27: Phoenix

  Realm: 5

  Day: 296

  Rock slid down the cliff side and the entire group jumped to their feet. Kiuno’s heart jolted, a ray of hope breaking through the fractured pieces, but darkness consumed that hope when a stranger’s face appeared.

  Greenery held his body against the wall and soot from the blackened forest covered his clothes.

  He took a few breaths as if he’d been running. “It’s not safe here. Palindrome sent me to bring you back.” His gaze floated to Kiuno and for the first time panic took the place of sorrow.

  Reece adjusted his wrist band. “Why the hurry?”

  “Men are marching on the castle. They were nearly upon it when I left. There’s heavy equipment involved, and we have reason to believe they might send units this way.

  “Furthermore, I was specifically asked to bring Kiuno. K.J. said you’d know what to do. If you’re up for it, they could use you.” The man’s gaze dropped to her scarred arms.

  Reece and Maltack turned to her, each waiting for her decision.

  Kiuno closed her eyes and clenched her fists.

  The man who’d given the order had threatened the castle. Did that mean they were in pursuit before they’d even met?

  Her gaze drifted to the river. They’d found Elite’s weapon, but who knew how long it’d take to find—she shook her head.

  Maybe she didn’t want to find it. Maybe she was better off.

  Her gaze returned to the man still hanging on the cliffside.

  K.J. needed her to tip the scales.

  Heavy equipment.

  An army.

  With a heavy heart Kiuno marched to the cliffside and jerked her head upward. “Let’s go.”

  No one disagreed or tried to stop her. Reece wrapped his arms around her middle and let the greenery sprout from the ground, tying their bodies together. As they ascended, more vines grew from the mountainside to replace previous plants.

  Cybele turned when they emerged from the ravine. “Flying will be faster.”

  Several large felinians stood at her side.

  Kiuno didn’t question why Cybele cared. Perhaps K.J. told the woman about Kiuno’s abilities. Maybe Cybele thought Kiuno could be captured and used against them. Whatever the reason, her willingness was good enough.

  Exhaustion clashed with the waves rolling through Kiuno’s core. Her body trembled and heart skipped as she fought against the surges of magic.

  Killing three men had done nothing for the rage, but perhaps killing a mass of people would. Maybe it would only make her feel worse. All Kiuno knew was everything she had left of Elite sat within that castle and she wasn’t about to let this world have one more piece of him.

  Kiuno had watched the felinians soar through the air countless times. She’d watched Nikita play in the wind as she flipped and circled their wagons. But they didn’t soar now, they raced. The creature beneath her beat its powerful wings and the wind bit and burned her face.

  Reece clung to her from behind as they gripped the saddle together. He’d strapped her legs in without asking and she hadn’t stopped him. Her entire body shook with rage and she couldn’t look at him or Maltack. Their eyes held pity and she didn’t want pity.

  The burnt land stretched out below them, passing by as if she were riding in a car. What had taken them days to travel on horseback seemed only minutes in the air.

  Kiuno felt like the forest. Her soul smothered beneath the dead clutches of fire and ash. They had stripped her of the most valuable thing in her life. This game had broken her, but she knew powerful things could rise from the ashes. Even if she didn’t feel she could stand again, Kiuno knew she would.

  The pulse strummed through her veins as another wave crashed over her heart and the castle entered their view. Rocks flew from heavy catapults and over the outside wall, crashing into whatever might be unfortunate enough to be in their path. Magic beat against a shield that domed the wall and spread along the edge like a shimmering sheet of colorful glass.

  K.J.’s men stood against the force, keeping behind an invisible line that would ensure the soldiers didn’t take friendly fire from their archers. Clashing steel and exploding magic filled her ears.

  The felinians dipped, dropping to the ground so fast her stomach clenched. She clung to the leather saddle and Reece tightened his grip on her waist until the felinian opened its wings and carried them into a steady run.

  She ben
t to unlatch her legs and hit the ground sprinting. The coil in her chest tightened as another rock launched from a wooden device and soared to the wall, crashing against a tower. It crumbled, those at the top falling to their death.

  Palindrome and K.J. were prepared for this kind of attack. They’d shown her the layout, but were all the civilians safe within the keep? Did they have enough warning?

  She knew her task. Distract. Disorganize. Scatter. Use her magic, then join the others. A long path separated her from aid, but judging from the enemy’s abilities, those at the back didn’t use magic and it would be a weakness she’d enjoy exploiting.

  28: K.J.

  Realm: 5

  Day: 296

  K.J. commanded their second line forward while his generals worked to secure the perimeter.

  He spun and his eyes widened as a heavy boulder flew their way. Palindrome shouted commands, but K.J. grabbed her arm and pulled her into a crouch, shielding her head with his body as the rock crashed against the tower to their right.

  Screams filled the air as people fell to their death while others were crushed beneath the massive weight of stone.

  The two peeked over the wall, their men already moving to help those trapped. Elements mixed and spread out above, fanning along the shield created by those in charge of defense.

  Archers continued their fire, but less than half hit their intended targets. The enemy was prepared, like they already knew their battle arrangements.

  K.J. had stationed half their ground fighters outside the wall while the other half waited inside and prepared for the breach. It was coming.

  Magic users lined the outside curtain wall and most of their defenders stood in the towers, using the height to their advantage.

  Palindrome signaled to another of their leads then turned to him. “We can’t hold this much longer. We need to take the offensive.”

  She was right. The enemy would break through the gatehouse soon.

  He tilted his head to look at the castle and those still filing into the keep. “They’re almost finished securing the civilians.”

  The timing of it all. Right after their meeting. It seemed this ‘king’ had planned to attack regardless of their compliance. He craved power and obedience. That much was perfectly clear.


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