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Rise of the Wolves

Page 19

by J E Reed

  Seven and she’d barely wounded two. Elite gripped his weapon and their eyes turned to him. Two approached, but Elite remained still. He’d only get one attack with his broken body. His gaze shifted to Vixin. He should have sent her away.

  They paused out of reach and one knelt, examining Elite’s injury with a practiced eye. He looked to his companion and uttered words Elite couldn’t understand before holding out one hand to gesture for the knife.

  Elite shifted his gaze to Vixin’s motionless form. They’d bound her but done nothing more. Perhaps they knew her as the thief and had other plans. That could buy him some time.

  The one before him spoke again and Elite consented. He set the blade on the ground and slid it across the floor. “Don’t hurt her.”

  The man followed his gaze, nodded, then pointed to Elite’s leg. Elite used the wall for support as he struggled to his feet. He pointed to the crutches and sympathy flashed across their captor’s features. That was promising.

  His captor knelt before the injury and Elite hissed when he tugged at the bindings. Words were exchanged with his companions and four disappeared through the dark. The only individual who seemed irritated had a chunk missing from his neck.

  The remaining three grabbed their bags and hauled it outside. As he limped toward the entrance, he heard the horses snort. Elite watched with a close eye as they lifted Vixin from the ground, but they didn’t handle her with the aggression she’d shown moments ago.

  He could get them through this. He’d offer to replace the stolen goods and get her out of this mess. If that wasn’t an option, then he’d find another way.

  39: Reece

  Realm: 6

  Day: 315

  They’d lost most of their food and supplies running from the creatures that plagued this stupid realm. Only one of their surviving companions had managed to grab a pack before they were plunged into this hell.

  Reece sighed and his stomach growled as he watched the flickering candle. Cybele and he were the only two who couldn’t produce their own light; therefore, they’d split the remaining candles between each other.

  They estimated a few days had passed, but with no way to measure, it felt like an eternity. The depth of the cave worried most, but luckily, they had Milo. He’d lead them back to fresher air.

  Reece settled on the ground, using his shirt as a pillow. He’d moved himself behind a stone for some space. Every sound echoed and the very breath of his companions had started to get on his nerves.

  Reece pulled the knife from his pants and laid it beside his head. They’d discussed whether to recover their materials and decided against it. With the question of how far the tunnels ran, no one wanted to risk staying longer than necessary.

  Those in charge of the map marked the area, claiming it could be a good route to explore in the future. Reece disagreed. He didn’t feel the giant maggots were worth another run in.

  As the light flickered against the darkness his thoughts shifted to Kiuno. His attempts with her were strained at best. Sometimes she’d consent to his touch, but more often than not she pulled away. That was another reason for separating himself. To give her space.

  Reece’s ears perked when steps filled the silence. He stilled himself, straining to listen as the individual drew closer. He gripped his knife and a face peered over the stone.

  Reece let out a breath. “You could announce yourself instead of sneaking around like a criminal,” he told Kiuno.

  She didn’t reply, and her strange gaze caused his hair to stand on end. Reece sat up, but she knelt over him and straddled his body.

  Kiuno ran her hands over his chest and leaned forward.


  She silenced him as her sweet lips moved over his mouth. He responded, sitting up to wrap his arms around her back. Her fingers dug into his hair and he traced his hands over her body like he’d imagined doing a hundred times.

  Reece tried to pull away, but she deepened their kiss, sliding her tongue into his mouth. He gasped and returned her fervor.

  She’d regret. Tomorrow she’d wake an aching mess, wondering what had come over her and how he might react. He should push her away. He should be chivalrous, but he’d never been that sort of man.

  Reece lifted her shirt and their lips crashed together again. Tomorrow was another day. If she wanted to change her mind, so be it. Let her regret, but let her regret knowing someone loved her.

  She broke away and ran her tongue down his neck, eliciting a moan he was sure the others could hear. She flipped her hair to one side and Reece devoured her beautiful skin, running his hands over her throbbing pulse.

  “Reece?” He paused, the woman standing behind the rock causing a jolt of panic to shoot through his core.


  THE LITTLE flame danced on Kiuno’s palm as she worked to suppress the magic. Maltack slept at her side per her request. She needed to put distance between herself and Reece.

  Leading him to believe she had feelings wasn’t part of her plan. He’d already established his expectations, but still. Kiuno didn’t want to risk hurting him.

  Once the group escaped this cave, they would head home and the thought both terrified her and brought joy.

  The fire danced and grew three times its size as she fought against her rising emotions.

  The truth was, she needed Reece. He kept the darkness at bay. He’d promised to be whatever she needed, but how was that fair? Kiuno had given Elite her entire life, her being. How could she find that part of herself and give it to another? How could she foresee whether she’d even be capable of it?

  Kiuno’s heart fought between loyalty and fear. She feared never taking a chance, of losing Reece without ever knowing.

  Yet she also feared betraying the one she loved most. Was it love she felt or simply the desire to not be alone? It would be cruel to welcome his advances and then change her mind down the road, but would any of them live long enough to regret it?

  Kiuno sighed and sat up. Reece had moved away from the group, but she could still see the flickering of his candle. Maybe she should try. She’d been short with him of late, afraid her emotions were too strong, but now guilt riddled her being.

  She might not be able to give herself completely, but she could keep their slow pace. She could let him continue as they had been before they’d fallen into this rocky prison.

  Kiuno crept between the rocks, keeping her feet soft. Everything echoed, and she was certain her companions would hear, but it didn’t matter.

  When Kiuno peered around the rock, she froze. A woman with long brown hair moved her hips against Reece’s, their lips locked in lustful passion. Reece dug his fingers into the woman’s pants and tugged them down an inch. Kiuno’s cheeks ignited.


  Reece peered over the woman’s naked shoulder with a confused expression. The woman turned and Kiuno’s heart flipped as she gaped at a mirror image of herself. Reece’s gaze flew between the two and a garbled giggle escaped the woman’s throat.

  Reece threw her from his lap, and she landed on all fours. An eerie smile spread across her lips. Reece pulled his dagger, but the woman melted before their eyes, disappearing into the rock like liquid.

  Kiuno tried to calm her racing heart, but her stomach twisted. What kind of monsters were those? The hollows? Were they in danger?

  Reece slid the dagger into his belt and walked over to examine the area where the woman had vanished. His back muscles shifted as he ran his fingers along the surface.

  He’d just been—Kiuno’s breath hitched when Reece locked eyes with her. He stood, and her one step back equaled his three steps forward.

  Reece wrapped his arms around her, burying his face in her hair. He ran his nose up the side of her neck and grazed his lips across her own.

  A surge of emotions shot through her core. A wanting to not be alone. A need for something, anything, to fill the void. Kiuno placed one hand on his chest and he allowed her to put an inch of space betwee
n them.


  “They got it wrong.”


  “The taste of your lips, the way you smell, the smoothness of your skin.” He traced a hand down her arm. “They got it all wrong.”

  Heat flared through her cheeks. “You kissed me to find out what I taste like?”

  A devilish grin spread across his lips. “Would you rather me kiss you for other reasons?”

  Kiuno stood speechless and his smirk vanished. He traced the side of her face with his fingertips.

  “Would you let me?”

  Her heart pounded as one hand slid around her neck. Warmth radiated from his palm. A welcome to the aching cold that haunted this waking nightmare.

  Kiuno didn’t resist when his lips met hers, but this time she reciprocated and the ache in her chest pulsed.

  She didn’t realize how much she missed this contact with another human being. But it wasn’t the passionate love she’d shared with Elite. This was broken hearts and a tearful plea. It was unmeasured grief and unfair promises she wasn’t sure she could keep.

  Reece pulled back, somehow knowing she’d reached her limit. He drew her into a tight embrace and pressed his lips to her hair.

  Hesitantly, she wrapped her arms around him, still wondering if it were fair to hand another the shattered remnants of her heart.

  40: Elite

  Realm: 5

  Day: 306

  When the towering, multilevel castle walls entered their view, Elite sighed in relief. If he hadn’t been confined to a sled, he might have run through the gates and seemed like the craziest person they’d ever seen.

  The sled hit another bump and Elite hissed in pain. They’d strapped him in and were gentle with his care, but they couldn’t do anything about the landscape.

  Once again, the man who monitored his care offered medicine and not for the first time Elite refused. He wouldn’t risk a sedative, not with Vixin confined against her will.

  Whenever opportunity presented itself, she kicked, fought, and screamed, but each of her escape attempts only resulted in them binding something else. They’d tried to stuff a rag in her mouth, but she’d almost removed her captors’ finger.

  She was calm for now, slung over a horse like a corpse with a bag over their head. If his sister had shouted half the profanities Vixin had he’d have washed her mouth with soap.

  Vixin shifted as the noise increased and Elite craned his neck to get a better view.

  Several sturdy structures sat on the outskirts of the castle walls and lines of people crowded themselves around the stalls that stood in between.

  So many people.

  Compared to K.J.’s population he’d venture to say double occupied this space. Judging from the castle’s size and the width of the curtain wall, they had ample space for housing.

  The horse pulling his sled slowed and stopped inside the gate, but Vixin’s horse veered to the right.

  Elite sat straight. “Where are you taking her?”

  At the sound of his distressed tone, Vixin kicked from the saddle, hit the ground, and rolled in the dirt. He didn’t know when or how she’d gotten it, but the girl ripped off her blindfold and clutched a knife with her bound hands. The bonds around her feet had been severed.

  Elite wrestled with the ropes holding him to the sled as three men circled Vixin. She screamed, cursed, and fought as one disarmed her and another knocked her out again.

  “Where are you taking her?” Elite screamed again. He tugged at the restraint, but the one who’d offered him medicine rested a gentle hand on his forearm. Their eyes met, but his weren’t full of malice. Elite looked at Vixin again and those hauling her toward the castle. Perhaps they only meant to restrain her.

  Wiry hands untied Elite’s legs from the sled and helped him to his feet. He wrapped an arm beneath Elite’s shoulder and assisted him toward a small cottage lining the stone wall.

  They entered and spices of every kind assaulted his senses. Smoke rose from one corner, giving the air a hazy look. Bottles of various shapes and sizes lined the shelves and a woman with graying hair and wrinkled face sat in the back, pouring a mixture into a small paper pouch.

  The woman spoke a language he didn’t understand, and his escort replied. Her withered face greeted him with a smile, but when her eyes landed on his leg something like sympathy crossed her features.

  She pointed behind her counter and Elite hobbled toward a set of cushions that rested on the floor.

  After lowering himself, the woman shooed his escort away and her wrinkled hands roamed over his broken leg. She unlaced the makeshift splint they’d provided and Elite hissed when she pressed on his shin.

  Her fingers prodded toward his knee and lightning hot pain radiated through the bone. She muttered and a soft glow emitted from her palms. Sore muscles sprang to life beneath her touch, twisting and writhing beneath his skin.

  She paused a moment, made eye contact, then something in Elite’s leg snapped and he bit down the muffled scream.

  The pain dissipated and sweet relief pulsated through his leg. The tight cord in his chest unwound and he relaxed a fraction as she bent his leg and indicated for him to flex. It was as if the bone had never been broken.

  She reached for his shirt next and Elite helped her pull the material over his head. Deep bruising ran along the left side of his body, but the light shone in her fingers before he could assess the damage.

  Instead of sharp cracks, it felt as if she were stripping away his pain piece by piece. His breathing came easier and the muscles in his back relaxed as those in his chest mended. For the first time in two weeks Elite moved without pain.

  Elite clasped the woman’s hands in a gesture of thanks, and she smiled before rising to her feet. Her knees cracked and his captor loomed in her shadow with one hand resting on the knife in his belt. Surely, he didn’t think Elite would attack the woman who’d just helped him, though he guessed one could never be too careful.

  Elite slowly stood and his captor measured his movements with a practiced eye. The woman seated herself and flashed him a smile.

  He needed to escape but leaving without Vixin wasn’t an option. Please let Scorpios be here.

  His captor whistled and three men entered the door, one with a rope in his hand. They pointed to Elite’s wrists. If there was ever a time he envied those with magic, it was now.

  Elite held his wrists forward and they bound his hands to his front.

  His escorts guided Elite toward the castle steps and through the thick door that guarded the keep. He listened and inclined his head toward every doorway in search of Vixin.

  Elite needed an audience with someone. Anyone who spoke English. If he had any luck, hopefully that’s where they were leading him.

  Voices filled the next hall, but once again they spoke in a language he couldn’t understand. Five men walked into a room, but only one mattered.

  Elite planted his feet, twisted from their grip, and dropped his shoulder into another who reached for his arm. Their voices followed him through the echoing hall, but he didn’t need long.

  “Scorpios,” Elite called.

  Scorpios turned and froze mid-sentence. His eyes widened and jaw went slack. His expression told Elite his worst fear had been realized. They had thought him dead.

  Scorpios clasped Elite on the back and pulled him into a tight embrace. “You’re alive.” Scorpios pulled back and looked him over. “Though you’ve looked better.”

  “Long story.”

  Scorpios spoke to his captors in what he now presumed to be Chinese and they cut Elite’s bonds without protest. Elite rubbed his wrists and Scorpios clasped him on the back again.

  “How did you survive the fall? They told me you’d tumbled from a cliff.”

  “A young woman saved me. She arrived shortly before I did.”

  “Ah. I know who you mean. I think the whole castle heard her come in.”

  “Where is she?”

a cell below us. She bit a guard and tried to scratch the eyes from another.”

  Elite winced.

  “Follow me.”

  Scorpios made a quick apology to those in his company and Elite matched his fast pace down another hall. “How’s Kiuno?”

  Scorpios’s pace didn’t slow. “A wreck.”

  “Where is she?”

  “Let’s get your friend out of trouble before we discuss Kiuno’s.”

  Elite clenched his teeth. Trouble had a whole new meaning where Kiuno was involved.

  Scorpios continued, “It seems you’ve found their aggressive thief and if I understood them correctly, her sentence is to be severe.”

  The statement brought Elite out of his reverie. “What can I do to clear her?”

  “I think I can work something out with Leena.”

  Metal clashing against metal reverberated off the walls as the two descended three flights of stairs. Obscene screams echoed from below and Elite cringed as the girl threw profanity after profanity at her captors.

  Scorpios did most of the talking and a guard led them through an iron door where Vixin screamed at the top of her lungs and beat her shackles against the bars.

  She spat on the ground. “Finally find one that speaks English?”

  “He’s a friend.”

  She snorted, but Scorpios returned a kind smile. “My name is Scorpios. I apologize if they handled you roughly.”

  She retreated a few steps at his approach. One guard handed him a key but muttered before walking away.

  “Thank you for saving him,” Scorpios said as he unlocked the door. “His wife is a good friend and hasn’t been the same without him.”

  Vixin raised her brows. “You’re married?”

  Elite smiled. “What do you think pushed me to get out of that cave?”

  “I don’t know.” She shrugged and her eyes flashed toward Scorpios and back to him. “Are you here to get me out?”

  “Depends,” Scorpios said. “Are you done biting people?”

  She lifted her head as if in triumph. “If they’re done putting their hands on me.”


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