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Rise of the Wolves

Page 27

by J E Reed

  Maltack planted himself to her front and she stopped short. Vixin examined his form. If her recent activities were anything to go by, she was likely contemplating the best way to strangle him.

  “Listen. I know I asked you to help teach, but you can’t go around half killing our men. We need their morale lifted not crushed.”

  “He’s weak anyway.”

  “That’s not the point.” Maltack rubbed his temple.

  Vixin held up her hand before he could continue. “I know what you’re going to say. We need to make them stronger and the only way we can do that is blah, blah, blah.” She pointed a finger at him. “People die. That’s just how it is. What’s the point of putting effort into the weak?”

  “Because that effort could be the reason they live. Didn’t someone teach you?”

  Vixin faltered. “It doesn’t matter.” She started to walk away.

  “What if I put you with the more advanced? Would that work better?”

  “You mean you’re not going to be some love-struck boy coddling me and protecting me from danger?”

  “After seeing what you did with him, I don’t think that’s necessary.”

  She cocked her head. “So, you’re not like Kiuno after all.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “With her and Elite. She treats him like he’s glass and it’s infuriating.”

  Maltack couldn’t hide his smile. “So, you’ll listen to me if I don’t treat you like glass?”

  Vixin uncrossed her arms. “I wouldn’t go that far.” She cocked her head again. “We’ll see what happens if you can beat me.”

  “What—” Before he could react a vine snaked its way around his leg and threw him into the air. It released him thirty feet up. His stomach dropped and Maltack called upon his own magic to encase his body and ease his fall. The vines slowly lowered him to the ground as he pulsed magic through their stems.

  She turned to leave, but Maltack trapped her foot. Vixin stumbled, righted herself, and turned to face him. “All right lover boy, let’s see what you got.”

  55: Reece

  Realm: 5

  Day: 345

  Reece took another step, his vision blurred, and blinding pain shot through his wrist. He collapsed against the hard wall. Reece clenched the area with his free hand and cursed the jewel’s existence.


  He peered at Nsane through hazed vision. His best friend stared back with cautious eyes. He was ready to retreat. To run.

  Reece clenched his jaw and leaned his head against the stone. He’d never intended for this to happen.

  He took several breaths. “I’m all right.”

  Reece used the wall to stumble to his feet and he pressed a palm to his forehead. The blackouts were more frequent now. He’d killed during the last one and woken to find himself straddling Nsane with a blade held against his friend’s neck.

  It was always like watching a movie. Or inhabiting another’s body. He knew what had happened, but Reece had no control.

  Whatever evil consumed him during those periods raged against him now. It rattled the mental cage around his conscious mind.

  Reece glanced down at the black tendrils living in his veins. The roots were growing again, inching up his forearm in an ominous shadow. They’d already twisted over his hand, their spiraling roots covering one another beneath raised skin. Their movement still made his stomach turn, but he’d managed to stop gagging.

  “Do you need anything?” Nsane asked.

  Darkness crept in, further hazing his vision. Seething. Raging. “Get everyone out of the castle. Lock me in the hall till morning.”

  Nsane nodded and a sympathetic glance crossed his features. He took a step back before turning and marching down the hall. The retreat of his echoing footsteps helped the coil unwind from Reece’s chest.

  Isolation would prevent him from harming anyone else, but how long could they keep that up?

  Reece collapsed against the wall again. Sweat trickled down the sides of his face, his lungs constricted, and a chill shot down his spine.

  “Enjoying my present?”

  Reece glared at the man who appeared from around a pillar, seeming to have materialized from thin air.

  The creator’s mouth twisted into a smile. “If you’d surrender it wouldn’t hurt so much.”

  “I’d rather not beat my friends to death.”

  He scoffed. “If your friends learned obedience, there wouldn’t be consequences.”

  Reece laughed. “Forgive them if they don’t want to let the monsters roam within the castle walls. I can’t say I disagree.”

  He glanced at his nails. “You’ll falter soon, but since you’re so keen on keeping a grip on your pathetic reality, I’ll give you an update.”

  “Do you enjoy hearing yourself boast?”

  He clicked his tongue. “For all her talk of good friends Kiuno sure picked some rude ones.” He circled the area and knelt before Reece, just out of arm’s reach. He seemed to examine the roots from the jewel.

  “I liked your choice of withdrawing from the battle. It put Kiuno in a position of power and removed another player I didn’t care for. However, things have gotten quiet.”

  “And you want me to stir it up.”

  “Of course, but don’t ruin my fun. I want to meet her face to face.”

  Reece clenched his jaw and pushed to sit up. “Not a chance.”

  His face fell and he tilted his head to the side as if confused. “And why not?”

  “I won’t bring Kiuno to the likes of you.”

  The creator stood, and Reece cried out, clutching his arm as blinding pain shot from his wrist to elbow. The tendrils shifted like sandpaper grating against exposed nerves.

  “I shouldn’t need to remind you who’s in control or why you’re in this position. If you remember, you agreed to this to help the poor saps cowering in this pathetic place.”

  Reece growled. “None of them are worth her.”

  The creator sighed. “So difficult. I guess you’ll have to explain to Nsane why you tortured his wife then. That alter ego of yours really is ruthless.” His head leaned to one side. “Of course, there’s always that Maltack kid. Kiuno seems very fond of him. I wonder what she’d do if you killed him?”

  Reece clutched his wrist again and his body trembled from both pain and anger. “Why do you want to talk to her?”

  “Why? Because she’s my favorite player! I need to meet the celebrity of this world and what better time than now when she’s sitting at the top?”

  Reece smirked. “She’ll kill you. You don’t have a chance in hell of Kiuno listening to anything you have to say. Not after what you’ve put her through.”

  “Oh, she’ll listen. That’s why I have this.” He pulled a small orb from his pocket. The glass-like surface shimmered in the dim lighting and several colors swirled within.

  “Like the item in your arm, this is a relic. It suppresses any magic around the carrier, including hers. You will plan another assault on the castle, and she’ll come running and disappear in the chaos. It’s as simple as that.”

  Reece dropped his head. “Don’t kill her.”

  “I wouldn’t dream of it.” He pocketed the item, turned to leave, and paused. “Oh, and Reece? If you ever stand up to me again, I’ll rip Marci’s head off myself.”

  56: Preparation

  Realm: 5

  Day: 350

  “Kiuno, he’s back. We found him at the inn.” Daren stood in the doorway with a sword in his belt and two men at his side.

  “Bring him here. Discreetly.”

  K.J. was known for his ability to infiltrate almost any encampment and insert his spies. He liked to stay ahead of the game, but last week Daren had identified the man and reported his findings.

  Kiuno dropped her head in her hands. She’d still not heard anything from K.J. Not that she’d expected much else, but—

  “I haven’t done anything,” a male voice protested. His voice
echoed off the walls as Daren escorted him into the room.

  “I never said you did. Guilty conscience?”

  “Then why are you dragging me here?”

  “Because someone wants to talk to you.” Daren shoved him through the door, and he tripped, falling at her feet. Kiuno gave him a look, but Daren snorted. He wasn’t one to tolerate injustice.

  “You can go,” Kiuno said.

  “You sure?”

  She eyed the stranger’s wrist, the light gray stone showing in the firelight. “I can handle it.”

  Daren looked down on him as one might glare at an insect. “I’ll be down the hall.” She appreciated his loyalty and how quickly it’d taken root.

  The man stood and wiped the dirt from his pants. He glanced at the door and then to her. “I’m sorry miss, but I think you’ve mistaken me for someone else.”

  “I hope not. Have a seat.” She pointed to the chair and poured them both a drink before sitting across from him. He eyed the mug, swirled its contents, then set it on a nearby table.

  Kiuno ran her finger over the rim of her cup. “You’re a spy for K.J.”

  His eyes widened and his gaze flickered toward the exit. “You have the—”

  “Are they all right?”

  He looked her over, confusion crossing his features.

  Kiuno sat on the edge of her chair. “Palindrome, K.J. and the others. Are they okay?”

  He examined her face, his breathing still rapid. “Miss Palindrome is healing. K.J. is alive.”

  Kiuno let out a breath. Maltack had given her good news about Palindrome, but she needed to be sure. “Don’t worry. I won’t hurt you. I’m not K.J.’s enemy.”

  He bit his lip. “I’m afraid he doesn’t feel the same.”

  Still? What kind of crazy plan had he concocted in his brain? “Has he said much about it?”

  “I’m not at liberty to speak about his actions.” Her face fell and his eyes softened. “He’s angry.”

  Kiuno remained still. “I want you to know you’re welcome here. I don’t have anything to hide from him. I apologize for the way Daren treated you, but don’t be afraid to come to me for anything you need.”

  He stood slowly, his movements still unsure and Kiuno turned toward her desk. She clenched her hands to prevent them from shaking.

  “I’ve heard Palindrome trying to convince him of your innocence.”

  She didn’t turn as he exited and Kiuno kept her gaze fixated on the flames in the fireplace. If he hadn’t figured it out by now, then he never would. She’d have to visit him and face his anger head on.

  As the spy’s footsteps receded, heavier ones took their place and Daren stood in the doorway again, this time alone.

  “I didn’t realize you and K.J. were so close. I knew you worked for him, but I didn’t imagine you as friends.”

  “We knew one another before the game, but after what I did…”

  “Even leaders make mistakes.” Daren handed her another drink, and the two stared at the flickering fire.

  “Have you ever betrayed anyone? Even if you didn’t mean to?”

  He laughed. More to himself than at her. “I fell in love with my best friend’s girl.”

  “What did you do?”

  “I left. Abandoned them both rather than face the pain of losing one or discovering happiness at the expense of the other.”

  “Which do you regret more?”

  “Still trying to figure that out.”


  KIUNO TRIED to busy herself with overdue tasks, but later that afternoon Daren burst through her door again. This time one of their scouts stood at his side, struggling to catch his breath.

  “They’re amassing at the border again.”

  Kiuno stood. “Who are?”

  “The monsters, they’re lining up at the forest edge and it looks as if they’ll hit K.J.’s castle again.” The scout paused, looking from Daren’s face then back to hers. “You wanted me to inform you of something like this, right?”

  “Yes, I just didn’t expect them so soon.” She turned to Daren. “Get Elite, Silver, and Maltack in here.”

  Kiuno strode into a room she’d hoped never to use. She unfolded a map and used candle holders to weigh the edges. K.J. was their leader. He initiated most of their ideas and held the strongest military force. He also stood at the monsters’ front door. Samar was the closest after that.

  Her friends filed in one by one, but she kept her gaze on the little drawn castle that marked K.J.’s territory. He was at the center of everything.

  With everyone seated, Kiuno began. “The monsters are gathering at the forest border again.”

  “Are they headed this way?” Elite asked.

  Kiuno shook her head. “They’ll go for K.J.’s territory first, but the scout said it looks as though they’re fanning out. It’s likely they’ll try to circle in from behind and hit all sides.”

  “What are we going to do?” Silver asked.

  “March to Samar’s castle and force him to join the fight. He’s sat on the sidelines long enough. With three armies, we’ll be able to handle and hopefully eliminate them for good.”

  “Not to be the negative one,” Daren said, “But what do we owe these groups?”

  Kiuno looked at each of them in turn. “Personal feeling aside, if K.J. falls what do you think that means?”

  “Fewer men.”

  “Exactly. They’ll go after Samar next, then us, then Grayson. They’ll pick us off one by one. It’s better if we stick together.”

  Daren leaned on the table and nodded his approval. “Are we sure this Samar will fight?”

  Kiuno stared at the map, then met his gaze. “I’ll ensure he does.”


  THEY MARCHED over open fields, and Kiuno gazed upon Samar’s castle long before they arrived. His scouts would see them soon and raise the alarm.

  Kiuno wasn’t sure if Samar knew about Atilla’s betrayal or whether he cared. It wasn’t until now that she admitted her level of ignorance concerning the alliance’s inner workings.

  She swallowed hard. Calling upon Samar’s aid like this was a gamble, though most things were these days. But they didn’t have time to come up with a better plan.

  As they drew closer, a dozen men left the castle gate on horseback. Kiuno exchanged glances with Elite and Daren, then spurred her horse forward with them at her sides.

  Kiuno pulled her horse to a halt several yards from the men and their eyes scanned her face.

  “What’s the meaning of this?” one demanded.

  “I’m a friend. I need to speak with Samar. It’s urgent.”

  He exchanged a glance with his comrade. “Only you?”

  “And one other. To be sure I return.” Truthfully, she didn’t need protection, but Elite had already let her go into one castle alone. She wouldn’t push her luck with a second.

  His horse turned and the man tugged at the reins. His gaze danced from her to the army behind her. “Come with us.”

  Daren pulled back while Kiuno and Elite followed their escort.

  Worried glances met them at the gate. People rushed through the streets, gathering supplies and locking gates. Their citizens lined themselves before an underground cellar, filling down the stairs one by one.

  Kiuno and Elite followed two men into the keep, down a long hall, and up another flight of stairs.

  She’d never seen someone so relieved when their escort announced her arrival.

  “Kiuno?” Samar slumped back in his chair. “Good lord, couldn’t you have sent a messenger?”

  “I could have, but I had hoped you were already preparing. You know there are monsters pouring from the sixth realm’s portal, right?”

  “I’ve been informed.”

  Heavy silence filled the room.

  “I’m riding out to meet them.”

  “I thought you and K.J. weren’t…” He trailed off.

  “What happened between K.J. and I is a misunderstanding. I tried
to fix a situation that would have been better left alone. But we don’t need to be on speaking terms for me to help.”

  “So, you’re asking me to risk my mens’ lives for the sake of another?”

  “You realize if K.J. falls, you’re the next nearest target.”

  He didn’t speak as he seemed to think the scenario through. “You didn’t intend to betray him, did you?”


  Samar pinched the bridge of his nose. “Give me till morning and I’ll march with you.”

  Kiuno shifted and glanced at Elite. “Just like that?”

  “Just like that.”


  KIUNO SAT with Elite at her back, his arms draped over her shoulders in an embrace she’d sorely missed. Fires dotted the landscape and her heart quickened as the uncertainty of battle loomed ahead.

  When she’d lost him, she’d lost herself and that pain wasn’t something she could survive again. If it were up to her, Elite would have stayed at the castle, in fact, she’d tried to convince him of it, but naturally he’d refused.

  Elite buried his face in her hair. “I hate waiting while you’re first on the field.”

  She clutched his hand. “I hate seeing you there at all. At least I have a way to defend myself.”

  “One that hurts you.” His fingers traced the floral-like patterns on her skin. The scars lit up and burned whenever Kiuno released the lightning, but no new marks had appeared. It solidified Palindrome’s theory that outside influences had caused her injuries. As long as another storm didn’t blow through, she’d be fine.

  “I knew it.” The two turned to Daren’s voice as he sat across from them. Neither Elite nor Kiuno moved. “Some bodyguard.”

  “Keep it to yourself.”

  He squinted in confusion. “Why?”

  “Because I don’t want certain people to use him against me.”

  Daren looked Elite up and down. “Man looks capable of defending himself.”

  “He doesn’t have magic.”

  Daren chuckled. “Neither does half the army, but it doesn’t stop them.”


  KIUNO STOOD before her army and watched as Samar’s forces filed from the castle gate. They assembled themselves over the field in a separate regimen. It was better that way. To prevent confusion and friendly fire.


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