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Rise of the Wolves

Page 31

by J E Reed

  “How could she with the orb?”

  “I know firsthand how well she can fight, and I don’t expect you’d be able to stand long against her.”

  “Well, I did, and I captured her and I…” The words fell from Reece’s lips like a stone sinking into a pond.

  “You what?” He demanded. His nostrils flared.

  “I tortured her, that’s what. Because of you, I tortured Kiuno.”

  “And now she hates you.”

  I loved you.

  Reece stayed silent as the creator paced back and forth along the balcony. “Animosity was expected, but torture? Perhaps the jewel has altered your mind. No matter. If she hates you that means the game can continue.”

  “I’m sick of your games and I won’t go after her again.”

  “No.” He rubbed his chin. “No, I won’t need you to. K.J. is planning to leave his castle and she’ll follow.” He turned back to Reece. “It’s brilliant. You’ll meet them in the sixth realm, and it’ll open a rift sparking a whole new chapter I never planned.”

  His smile caused bile to rise in Reece’s throat.

  “Now, what shall we do for your punishment?”

  65: Surprises

  Realm: 5

  Day: 371

  Question after question after question. Weekly food stores, criminal activity, accidents, expanding the living quarters, feeding the animals. The list went on and on and on.

  Everyday a small crowd of people followed her, seeking her approval and every day she answered. They were a plague and no matter where she hid, they always seemed to follow.

  Kiuno fumbled with papers and nodded in agreement to issues that could have been solved without her input. She oversaw task management, but it seemed the smallest of details still required her immediate attention. Always immediate. Always an emergency.

  She sighed when the next emergency involved solving a conflict over housing. Honestly, they just fought through a war together. One would think their bitter quarreling would have ended there.

  Kiuno ascended the castle stairs and glanced out a window. Silver and Elite worked on the battle arrangements and training. Further out, Maltack aided those still struggling with their magic.

  Voices sounded from below the stairs and Kiuno bounded the remaining few and ran behind a pillar to avoid another messenger. She’d already been to a dozen places and it was barely noon.

  When the hall cleared, Kiuno ran toward another staircase, darted up the few flights and slammed the wooden door to her office. She shifted the lock in place and leaned against it, sinking to the floor. Kiuno sighed and closed her eyes for a moment of reprieve.

  Sleep deprivation had worn her down and despite Elite’s warnings, she couldn’t say no as often as she would have liked. K.J.’s constant tired state suddenly made sense.

  “I’ll go out on a limb and say this is a bad time.”

  Kiuno cracked one eye open to find K.J.’s spy, Xander, seated in a chair. He appeared half ready to stand as he studied her on the floor.

  “I guess I’ve been caught already.”

  “I can go.”

  She waved him down. “Don’t worry about it.” Kiuno rose to her feet. “If you’re here, then it’s important.”

  Silence filled the room while Kiuno crossed it and sank into the chair across from him. Xander’s loyalties still lie with K.J. and speaking to him required carefully chosen words.

  “K.J. is marching toward the sixth realm. I thought you should know.”

  She rubbed her temple. “What about the monsters?”

  “The reports have been silent. Cybele moved back home and K.J. is taking the second route to avoid the jungle.”

  That stopped her. “What second route?”

  “Oh, right. There was a meeting with the other leaders recently. A second portal was found that leads to the sixth realm.”

  “I thought only one portal connected each realm.”

  “You and everyone else.”

  Kiuno rubbed her temple. “Where’s this portal?”

  “Further down the burnt forest’s border. It opens away from the jungle and appears safer. At least that’s what they’re hoping.”

  “Trust me when I say there’s nothing safe about that realm.” Kiuno sat back. “I’ll assume he’s prepared should the monsters attack again?” She couldn’t bring herself to mention Reece.

  He shrugged. “I’ll assume so. We were the first to move from the fourth realm. The other leaders weren’t inclined to follow until K.J. assured them the area was safe.”

  Kiuno folded her hands. “Please tell me he’s not going to the sixth realm alone.”

  Xander bit his lip. “I wasn’t informed otherwise.”

  Alone. In that realm? It was suicide. How many men had K.J. taken? Palindrome would go with him, but they’d also have to leave enough people behind to guard the castle. What if Reece attacked in their absence?

  “Are you telling me this because you’re worried?” Kiuno asked.

  Xander glanced to the fireplace, its embers cold. “I saw what came from that realm. Without your and Samar’s forces I don’t think we would have survived.”

  Kiuno rubbed a hand across her face. The leaders had let him go alone before. Who was to say they wouldn’t do so again? K.J. was a man about furthering their progress. He wasn’t afraid to take a risk if it meant putting them on top. With the enemy’s forces depleted, now was the perfect time to move.

  Kiuno stood. “I know you normally run errands for K.J., but would you make an exception?”

  “What do you have in mind?”

  “Ride to Samar’s. Tell him I want a meeting and it’s not a request.”

  66: Cowards

  Realm: 5

  Day: 373

  Disdain covered several faces as Kiuno marched into the square room. The long wooden table and chairs surrounding it were the only things that seemed to greet her.

  Two sets were empty. K.J’s and Atilla’s.

  Kiuno had made them wait, hoping to make an impression. She no longer cared if it was good or bad. She just wanted them to pay attention.

  Elite and Maltack followed and stood behind Kiuno as she took her place in Atilla’s seat.

  Grayson grunted. “Can we start now? Why are we here?”

  Kiuno said, “Because I was absent from the last meeting.”

  “Murderers aren’t welcome,” Grayson spat.

  She folded her hands on the table. “So, you’ve heard about Atilla.”

  “And K.J.”

  “One side of the story.”

  “Your claim of innocence you mean? Seems a bit too convenient for my taste.”

  Samar interrupted. “Are we going to listen to you two bicker or get on with it?”

  Kiuno pulled her gaze away from Grayson and addressed the group. “I want to know if any of you are planning to march to the sixth realm.”

  “No,” Grayson said. “And if that’s all you wanted, I think a messenger would have sufficed. We aren’t marching on another realm on a whim. K.J. made his decision the first time and he’s made it now. He can reap the benefits or suffer the consequences on his own.”

  Kiuno glared at him. “But if he reaps the benefits, so do you.” She glanced at them all. “All of us do. Can’t you see this is the perfect time to move? The enemy is weak. We can band together—”

  Grayson interrupted this time. “We’ll band together when everyone agrees to do so. If you and K.J. are so determined to rush to your death, then don’t let us stop you.”

  Kiuno spread her fingers over the table to prevent balling them into fists. “I’m certain you know about the last fight. How Samar, K.J., and I worked together to drive the monsters back. If we hadn’t done that then there would be fewer people alive today. If we tackle the worst battles together, then we’ll all come out on top.”

  “You’re asking us to move hundreds of people without the hope of a home,” Grayson said.

  “No, I’m asking you to move a port
ion of your military.”

  Samar spoke next. His words careful. “Kiuno. I know you’re worried about your friend and you want to right whatever wrong you committed, but we can’t be held accountable for your actions or his.”

  “You think this is personal?”

  He took a breath. “Understand. We are responsible for those around us, just as you are responsible for the people around you.”

  This time she clenched her fists. “I understand just fine. I’ve been listening. I’ve been patient. I’ve kept track of the exchanges between alliance leaders and who’s been willing and reluctant. I’ve paid attention as you and the others have avoided confrontation at any expense.”

  She pointed her gaze at Samar. “Why do you think I showed up at your gate with an army? You question everything. You’re reluctant and talk in circles when you should be acting.” She took a breath. “I know things have gotten comfortable, but you can’t live like this. You can’t let yourselves settle for this place.”

  “And why can’t we?” Grayson asked.

  Her brow furrowed. “Because this isn’t home.”

  “That depends upon who you ask.”

  She leaned back in her chair, examining each face. “So that’s it? You just give up?”

  Silence echoed and Samar and Grayson averted their gazes. Leena held hers. Waiting. Watching.

  Samar leaned forward and cleared his throat. “We’ll see how far K.J. gets and decide from there.”

  “Do you hear yourselves? You’re willing to sacrifice another to see if advancing is even possible?”

  Grayson said, “Sometimes sacrifice is necessary.”

  “Now you sound like Atilla. The sacrifice of people is never necessary,” Kiuno said.

  Samar tapped his fingers on the table. “Survival is the focus. As we’ve said, we’ll wait and see what happens.”

  Silence echoed and each shifted as if they were ready to leave. Ready to let K.J. take the fall. If they were safe, no one else mattered.

  “You’re all cowards.”

  Grayson stood. “I beg your pardon?”

  Kiuno stood with him. “If you’re comfortable with this life, then you’re a coward.”

  Grayson’s face purpled, but Samar spoke first. “We’re not cowards for wanting to protect our people.”

  “You’re cowards for letting others do your dirty work.”

  “We have no obligation to anyone,” Grayson spat.

  “You’re a leader, you have every obligation.” She pointed to the door. “What would happen if I walked outside and told your men you had no intention of escaping? What do you think they’d do?”

  Grayson’s fists curled. “You have no right. This meeting is over, you’ve wasted our time, and should you need an ally in the future I suggest you look elsewhere.”

  Kiuno slammed her hand on the wooden table, sparks flying as it splintered down the center. Everyone shot from their chairs and backed against the wall. Guards drew their swords and stared her down.

  Each seemed at a loss for words, eyes darting this way and that. Their hands shook and mouths parted as if they wanted to protest but didn’t dare.

  “I knew he was lying,” Grayson said. “I knew K.J. was lying about the lightning user.”

  Kiuno glanced at Samar whose eyes were just as wide as the others. All except Leena.

  “It wasn’t his secret to tell. I didn’t want to open myself to those who might try to use me as their pawn. I made my own decisions and K.J. allowed me to do that.”

  “But you’ll use us?”

  Kiuno took a breath but didn’t respond.

  Samar took a tentative step forward. “We can’t Kiuno. Go to K.J., convince him to come back and we’ll regroup for a later time.”

  “It’s too late for that. I’m going. I’ll stand by K.J.’s side. Who knows, maybe I’ll die. Maybe this entire world will crumble if I do. But I promise you this. If I lose any of my friends because you were too cowardly to show your faces, then I’ll hold you responsible.”

  Grayson snorted. “You can’t threaten us.”

  “Can’t I? When you don’t show, I’ll come back and then throw you to the men you claim to lead. I’ll tell them of your faults and tear everything away from you piece by piece. I’ll control your army and when we find a way out, I’ll ensure you don’t come with us.”

  Kiuno stormed around the table and those in her way cleared a path. She paused at the doorway. “You know where the portal is. I’ll be expecting you.”

  She gave them a final look and only Leena was smiling.

  67: Plans

  Realm: 5

  Day: 375

  Anger burned through Kiuno’s core as she swung from her horse and marched up the castle stairs to a room filled with maps and documents. She sent Elite and Maltack to gather everyone then sat in the room in brooding silence.

  She needed a plan in their absence. Should something go wrong, the alliances wouldn’t aid the castle’s defense. Thankfully two castles separated them from the monster’s line of attack. K.J. had the hard part.

  Kiuno glanced at the map and ran her finger around the perimeter. She could set the same traps K.J. had. Perhaps they should begin construction on an underground bunker should things fall through.

  After what seemed too long a time, Blue, Liam, and Scorpios filed in. Her racing heart steadied at the sight of Scorpios. He was recovering. He could walk on his own now and part of his frame had started to fill in.

  Scorpios seated himself. “Judging from the expression on your face the meeting didn’t go well.”

  Kiuno resisted the urge to curse. “There’s a chance we might be on our own.”

  “Aside from Leena,” he corrected.

  She smiled. “Yes, aside from Leena. She seemed happy with the outcome.”

  Kiuno glanced at the map laid out before them. “I don’t believe the alliances will risk attacking so the most we’d have to worry about is renegade groups and possibly a small legion of monsters.”

  “Traps will deter most things,” Blue said.

  Kiuno nodded. “That’s what I was thinking. Scorpios. Blue. Liam. I’ll be leaving you here to run the place. Elite, Silver, and Maltack will be coming with me and I’ll send a messenger to Cybele to inform her of the situation.”

  “Has K.J. already left?” Scorpios asked.

  “He has.”

  “Time is of the essence then.”

  “I’ll start collecting our supplies.” Maltack stood and the others stood with him. She nodded to each as they left the room. Scorpios remained.

  Kiuno sighed and placed her head in her hands. She was tired. More than tired. It seemed battle after battle followed without a moment of peace. Every moment they wasted was another they might not make it in time. What if she found K.J. dead without ever having fixed her mistake? What if Reece followed them to the sixth realm?

  “Are you up for this?” Scorpios asked.

  She peeked at him from beneath her fingers. “I can’t just sit by. I’d never forgive myself if something happened to him.”

  “I mean are you ready to play the politics. Leena will join you, she likes the fight, but you might have made enemies with the other two.” He leaned forward, folding his hands on the table. “I know you don’t want to hear it, but you’ll also need to decide what to do about Reece.”

  “One thing at a time. Right now, I need to get our army to K.J. as fast as possible.”

  “And what will you do if Reece is there?”

  Her heart clenched. That’s what she feared. She feared Reece making an appearance and causing more damage than she could undo.

  “I’ll fight him, subdue him, and use the orb to keep him in check until Maltack figures out a way to remove the jewel.”

  “You sound confident.”

  “Isn’t that how a leader is supposed to sound?”

  “A good leader admits when they need help.”

  Kiuno rubbed her hand across her face. “Do you think what
I’m doing is wrong?”

  “No, you gave them the hard truth. Becoming sedentary as a leader is unacceptable. I just hope they’re able to take your advice rather than become angered by it.”

  “I guess time will tell.” She rose.

  “Be safe Kiuno.”

  68: Reinforcement

  Realm: 5

  Day: 383

  Kiuno drained the last of her water as they marched past the border of the burned forest.

  Life had taken root again. Young saplings fought through the ash and plants grew through the burnt soil. She couldn’t help but wonder if Reece would ambush them along the way.

  Scorpios’s words bothered her. Would Reece meet them in the sixth realm? Would she have to fight him again?

  Kiuno glanced toward the overcast sky. Sweat rolled down her neck. They’d trudged on for days. Through storms, mud, and heat, but the end loomed before them. The same purple, spiraling mist she’d grown to loath.

  Kiuno positioned herself beside the portal while the first of their magic users ran through. If one ran back, then she’d dart in and ensure their safe retreat. Or as safe as they could get. The monsters could traverse the realms now.

  Their guard returned. “All clear.”

  Kiuno breathed a sigh of relief and raised one arm. The first regiment lined up. She exchanged a water skin with those in charge of refilling then trotted back to Elite and Silver.

  The vortex shifted the wagons before their eyes. The material shrank, twisted, and somehow emerged on the other side in one piece. It unnerved her how the human body did the same and she wondered if there were ever a risk for never escaping that swirling void. Perhaps those experimented on were stuck there, screaming for help that would never arrive.

  With half their forces in the sixth realm, Kiuno passed through. The colors stretched and pressed into her body before spitting her out on the other side.

  The desert heat hit her full force. Several people had already sprouted trees for shade and others tugged at underground water sources to quench their thirst.


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