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The Book of Daniel and the Mystery of the Resurrection Machine

Page 13

by Holloway, Daniel;

  Indeed the Magi were the masters of early civilization; and though warrior-kings ruled the armies of the world, it was our cunning that controlled the minds of the masses and even the kings themselves. We were not only the creators of these civilizations, but the unseen authority of every nation that hailed from ancient times.

  The Original Magi;


  “And the Sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all whom they chose” (Genesis 6: 1-5)

  Though our memory of the original luminaries was erased long ago, early humans drew, as best they could, the illuminated beings with whom they once existed. These were the original magicians.

  They came as it were, in the days old before there were any nations, and from nowhere known to man, I assure you, -a people. These “people” took the outward form of humans but were, in no-respect, the beastly savages that before hence roamed the planet. Their brilliance was beyond that of the human, as if a light burned from within their very being.

  They seldom spoke and with a most ominous glare: those eyes, those steely eyes, and within them the glint of eternity. They seemed to know things—everything, possessing a wisdom beyond comprehension. To see one face to face was both intimidating and yet the most powerful, most beautiful visage that can be imagined. Yet beneath this stunning presence was somehow, always a quiet smile. Barely perceptible, it emanated the confidence and might of a creature that was not from this world.

  Their power lay in both thought and Word; for what they imagined was in itself a spell, and what they spoke literally made the earth tremble. Indeed they were masters of the mind, the unseen, the invisible things of creation, and it was this ability that enabled them to survive in this physical realm. They were not extraterrestrial but interdimensional beings, a string from the higher worlds—angels per se to the quaint and primitive. For millennia now they’ve been trapped in your world, this foreign land, to them a prison.

  Thus as usual the concept of angels has been woefully misconstrued throughout the ages. It is here then, that perhaps I should clarify exactly who and what they are. Try if you will to imagine a greatly elevated consciousness, a type of genius that has no physical embodiment nor relies upon anything of the physical world. In its purest form it is a mind that exists outside of space, time, and matter.

  Within its dimension of origin, it is not a separate being but rather a singular spirit of illumination, a part of the whole of God, a mere drop of water in the endless sea of the Almighty. They are to humans as the fifth dimension would be to the first. Yet the mind of which I speak is beyond the gauging of physics, an invisible and completely incompatible matrix with this world. It is able to view and see us, able to penetrate our every thought, yet itself only discernable within the lights of the super-aurora that once existed on Earth. Here they angelic-energy shown as beautiful beams of pure energy, a ghost of flickering hues and color that astounded the imagination.

  But also envision what would happen if a part of that mind, just a tiny bit, became separate from its source and was forced to exist within the physics of this world. Like air bubbles that get trapped in wet cement, it eventually hardens into the medium of its imprisonment, taking the form of its captor, embedded within the weight of this earthly domain. Likewise the angelic remnant would also dilute, weaken, and solidify into the physical realm. It would separate into individual entities and over time, into evermore visible/physical forms.

  That, however, was a very remote past. Sadly these luminaries were long ago forgotten by history and are remembered today only through the fog of ancient lore and misinterpreted archaeology. They were the angels, or, as some called them, the Sons of God, and though they were here for eons before recorded history, their most recent imprint began a mere 18,000 years ago. It was at this key stage in human-infancy that the most miraculous mutation since the beginning of life on Earth occurred.

  The Divine Purpose

  Before that time, the Element brought improvement to every species on Earth, its logos sifting through the fibers of creation, much as you might imagine a breeze blowing through the forest. This interaction brought rejuvenation. In small steps it altered the DNA of all living things. Through an intense level of imagination, it stimulated the addition of neurons and even the improvement of genetic structure over time.

  The end results were modifications of existing DNA, point mutations that were almost imperceptible. It initially happened over millions of years, slowly, gradually, in almost indiscernible increments. Fossils don’t lie, however; the changes are plainly seen. Preserved within the endless layers of rock are an observable evolution, an undeniable record of transition for all to behold.

  The day came however, in which the physics that guided this ancient interaction were compromised. There was a portal, a very real portal, of which you will learn, but this bridge between the worlds was broken or, destroyed I should say, thus entrapping some of the Element within the physical world. Its options thus limited, and with a desire to return home, this interdimensional life form did what it had to do.

  It was then that it greatly accelerated the process of melding. It was a quickening of the modifications in which evolution became far more akin to creation. The Element did so, not for the sake of your species, but out of desperation for its own ends. It needed, for its own purpose, to quickly create the beast that today is known as man. This undertaking involved two distinct efforts, both of which were founded upon genetic layering: The Element could not mate with a physical creature, but could however, impress its brilliance upon them.

  This was similar to being exposed to radiation, only in a good way, which altered those animals into a higher state of consciousness and stature. This first melding was a hastened upgrade in geological terms, a rather compressed timeline of the last 45,000 years. And while early humans were the end result of this metamorphosis, there would yet be an even greater transition just before the end of the last ice age.

  Ironically the Element was fully aware that it would suffer death if it joined with flesh and blood. And though these early human hybrids retained some of their luminance, the melding with physical beings was also a genetic cancer for the energy that once illuminated the heavens. Thus with each generation of human offspring, the Element was further divided and diluted, even the lifespan of the creature progressively shortened.

  It seemed to be the end of this energy from another world—or so it appeared. As a result, the light and mind of a once infallible being faded into the human race; its glory was no longer visible and the memory of its existence finally erased.

  Yet the story of life out of death exists not only within the primitive ecosystems of Earth, but also as a tool for this stranded life form. Indeed there was a method to the madness of the melding; a plan of escape from the physical world. In order to repair the way home, to reopen that portal, it would require a power greater than that which the Element now possessed.

  As you will see, the one and only answer for salvation from this prison away from home—the key of escape itself, was none other than death itself. As a seed that falls to the ground and dies, this energy from another world was also forced to self-sacrifice, to become a temporal creature with the hope and plan of a future resurrection.

  In this, the Element literally bred itself out of existence, its DNA now lying dormant within the human creature. And like a tree that absorbs waves of light from the sun and hence now contains its energy within its very fibers, humanity likewise contains the hidden dimensional light of the God Aurora. The implication of course is that mankind became nothing more than a slave, a cocoon that, ugly as it was, would someday, hopefully, give birth to something far superior and far more beautiful than itself.

  Perfect Words: The Invocation of the Magi

  Not all of the Element bonded in the melding that made man. Some was purposely and consciously held in reserve for the second phase of the most ingenious plan ever devised.
Indeed the first melding gave us the volume we needed: the mouths and improved speech by which to affect our solution. We had, for reasons you will come to understand, only a finite amount of our self, of our Element, with which to work. Thus, humans are far from being overly intelligent or articulate. They were by no means genius, nor was genius required, but only the ability to express and verbalize complex sentence structure.

  That said, we knew full well that the construct of this world would eventually force our remaining consciousness to solidify into physical beings; but how to do so intelligently? It is said that walking is nothing more than a controlled fall, and we likewise fell into your world, not by choice, but now in measured steps that we used to our advantage. To our own benefit we melded along a logical path or else suffer the eternal results of failure. You see, the garden of humanity in which our DNA was planted now needed a keeper to till it.

  Thus the remainder of our Element again bonded. This time however, it was concentrated within a few select beings, offering us the best chance by which to articulate our genius. This second event produced some spectacular individuals who in pre-civilization were of great renown. These half-breeds, the children of two dimensions, were called the magi, and would later develop and control every religious circle of the ancient world.

  This of course began the next phase of our two-part plan that involved the grouping and teaching of humanity. Like a moth attracted to light, early humans were mesmerized by the glow and wisdom of the magi, who possessed an overpowering presence. Thus we used this power to obtain people’s subservience and to organize them into arranged civil societies.

  And this is how such great intelligence suddenly emerged from otherwise primitive cultures to form the great civilizations of old. Egypt, Babylonia, Israel, Greece, China, and even the Aztec, Mayan and Incan cultures were all the end result of the great magi. Again, we didn’t do this for the benefit of humanity itself, but as a means to an end for the Element within them.

  We needed, for reasons you will come to understand, humans to speak; to emanate the power of Word; to vocalize a séance, if you will, of perfect words. Magic spells are real, that is, at least ours were. Thus we wrote the God-Spell; the real gos-pel of the ancients that would be our ticket home. Yet in order to accomplish this, the magi first created a format through which humans were compelled to repeat the magic we created.

  The remnants of these systems are still visible today in the religious megaliths from around the world. But even more important is the survival of our scriptures within the Christian, Jewish, Hindu and Muslim faiths. This was the advent of organized religion, a simplistic but effective tool by which the magistrates controlled people’s actions, thoughts, and words. Through these orders we accomplished not only moral compliance of the cultures we controlled but also ultimately the powerful voice of millions of followers who heard and repeated our magic as directed.

  Humans: The direct result of the first angelic melding. Not all Element diluted this far however; some remained luminescent for centuries. These few, the cabal of the magi, once led these human tribes.

  So as a guide is to the blind, we led a creature who walked in darkness. We didn’t give them the whole truth, but merely what they needed, and thus gained what we needed from them. They knew not which way we took them but trusted us with fanaticism. And though each religion polarized into sometimes dangerous and even deadly opposing traditions, the end goal of enabling their voices for us was the same throughout.

  Truly the outward stories of each religion were designed for the simple-minded folks of that day. Early cultures were barbaric at best. On a good day they consisted of hunters and gatherers, foragers who scraped out an existence from among the jungles, deserts, and woodlands; but on an average day, they were nothing more than savage brutes with cannibalistic tendencies.

  They were loosely configured nomadic groups with no formal education. They were violent, thick in their minds, and could not grasp the profound wisdom of the magistrates. Early man needed something on their level of comprehension, and the mythologies—the superficial stories we created, filled this need.

  However, underneath the words of the outer myths was a far more serious plot. Indeed, every religious script and scroll from ancient times was encrypted with a numerically precise magic spell. This includes the Christian Bible, the Hebrew Bible, the Vedas, the 12 Epics of Gilgamesh, the Odyssey and Iliad, and, to some degree, the Koran; were all designed from the sacred geometry of the heavens.

  Math, you say? Codes? Magic? Yes, of course, the magi, in their genius, integrated within these stories a numerical catalog of divine information. We knew that nothing is truly separate from the dimension from which we came, that the invisible things of God are clearly understood by that which is seen, math being the most precise novel of all. Thus, if the math was perfect, once converted into Word, it would provide our way home. This celestial math, once vocalized, is the Word of God—aka the true God-Spell.

  Not all magic spells are instantaneous; some take literally thousands of years before they come to fruition. Similar to a radio wave, the Word of the Book carries both energy and information. More importantly, once spoken by mere mortals, these magic spells would someday, over time, summon, better yet, awaken, the “Sons of God” whose life was now imprisoned within the human DNA.

  And just as their genetics are now intertwined, so too are the magic and power of the Word. Like the sunlight that summons a seed from the dark earth in which it is buried, so would the perfect wave pattern of God, when spoken through man, resurrect the light of God from the creatures in which it is entombed. Likewise, the more these scriptures were read or repeated, the greater the effect.

  Unbeknownst to humanity, the words were a resurrection machine through which the light ensured its own survival. How ironic that it would happen through the mouth of babes; the unknowing, hapless rabble of humanity that would repeat the magi’s verses and make this machine function. For thousands of years humanity would be a blissful host, not only to the holy remnant, but also as the rescuers of our collective soul.

  As impressive as the magi were, however, the backbone of our efforts were simple: the quest for resurrection into the dimension from which we came . . . Indeed, we viewed the physical world as a mere picture, a map, if you will, of the mind of God. At night when we watched the stars, it was as if God had printed a huge story, written in the sky, waiting to be read by those who could discern its hidden language.

  Truly our mythologies camouflaged a far more profound and secret wisdom of which only we knew. Beyond the outward fables was a story that humans simply could not and would not perceive, something so-powerful that it was necessary to hide it until the end. Unto the Magi it was given to know these mysteries, but unto humanity, in parables—that in reading the Books, they might not see, and in hearing the scriptures, should not understand. But with this, the magi would defeat death itself, the last enemy of this dimension, and in return, through their rebirth, the super-aurora would return and the dimension of God would become alive here on Earth—all in all.

  The first Luminaries from the higher dimension as drawn by early humans.

  The Great Wheel of God

  The Hidden Gospel and the Secrets of Symbolism

  How we opened the portal to Heaven

  “Vnto you is given to know the mysteries of the kingdom of God; but to others in parables (or symbolic code), that seeing (the literal translation) they might not see (the code) and hearing (the literal translation) they might not understand (the symbolic code)” Luke 8:10

  Peeling away the layers: Beneath the unassuming stories of the Bible is a fully developed science of which only the magi knew. In the end, you will find that the literal stories of the scriptures never actually happened, but were a cloak for something far greater and far more personal than we could have ever believed. We did this for a reason; let me show you why, for now is the day of understanding.

  Within this chapter and the rest, are t
he actual images I saw beginning in 1989 as a result of the touch of that little old man. Along with those images are the explanation for what they mean. Therein are the mysteries of the magi, the magic of old and the code of the ancient scriptures.

  This is not just any code, mind you, but in fact, the code, as in, definitive. As a result this chapter is a bit technical yet reveals the secrets that were destined for this day. Herein I will explain the details that are necessary to understand the ancient science, how we designed the holy books, and the truth of their origin. It will be worth it, I promise.

  I have so much I wish to share with you: that nothing within the ancient texts is what it seems; that beneath the surface of their unassuming stories is something infinitely more profound than mere history or moral directives; a hidden-mystery that will be revealed by the end of this book. This is the time in which everything will come together, the revelation of the ages, right here, right now.

  This information was lost to time: what the ancients knew, what man forgot, and what you are about to relearn. Much of what you need about the science of opening a portal is included, thus preparing you for your future. I realize there is more science here than some prefer, but there will be many questions, all of which will be answered in this book and the next. Thus for those who desire proof, the proof is included.


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