The Book of Daniel and the Mystery of the Resurrection Machine

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The Book of Daniel and the Mystery of the Resurrection Machine Page 18

by Holloway, Daniel;

  Ironically, boredom can be our friend if we turn inward. We can see that many of history’s deepest, most profound minds came from seclusion, their genius often mistaken for insanity. It is alone that we find the Element within, or perhaps where the Element finds us—that remnant, that thin vapor of Faith Element. Faint and transparent as it is, our forever is found within this substance of God. There we may see the record of our eternity and a reality that far supersedes this life. How, I ponder, could something so powerful remain invisible? Ah, but the clutter of a world that blinds us.

  Yet not all of our problems are avoidable by focusing on the truth alone. We cannot simply wish away the results of being flesh and blood as if they don’t exist. The physical life is a laborious-life, filled with enmity and strife. But these symptoms leave little doubt that we are presently on the wrong side of Paradise, far away and in a foreign land. This life is the proverbial “Egypt” of which we spoke in the scriptures.

  However this realization should make us plead and pray all the more. Ironically, it is the harshness of this life that forces us to look to the heavens. Indeed in our darkest hours we can find the greatest treasure, the new person of which I speak, the Element of God within. The imagination gives us hope. Here, if only for a moment, we can faintly smell the scent of freedom; we sense the freshness and beauty of our home. We draw near to the portal, a chosen people who are about to enter a promised land. There the God consciousness is returned. This is the real story to which the Exodus alludes.

  But we cannot find that land if we don’t walk toward it. You must separate from the vices of this world. Your human and religious identities must first be shed no different than the cocoon that is stuck to the tree. Your hope is not of or in this world. Hence I beg you to consider the new creation. God’s chosen race sleeps within humanity, within you, no less than a butterfly does its cocoon—one to be glorified with color, the other to be discarded and abandoned.

  As unfathomable as it may be, every desire of this world must yield. That includes every lust for the things of this world. If for a moment, you can imagine being neither Muslim nor Jew, Christian nor Hindu, atheist nor agnostic, man nor woman nor even human at all, then perhaps you can see the consuming fire that approaches. We are no longer children, to be tossed to and fro; carried about with every wind of outer doctrine and religion, but to accept the examples that even nature has shown us must come.

  We are just now able to hear this message at all. The world is far smaller than it once was. We know more than man once did. We comprehend patterns and truisms that were once inconceivable. That said, true understanding is the result of a portal that drips its elixir. It is only in the first stages of re-ignition; it reconnects each month, more so as we approach the equinox, -just barely, providing the waters that can quench our ignorance.

  How bizarre that our ability to comprehend is relative to changes in Earth’s axial-alignment, but as this happens, so will come an internal realignment of your mind. As the Paradise Alignment returns, you will receive a new logos from the realm of heaven. As it does, the human lie will be forced to concede. This flow of incoming Element is the latter-day rain. It reenters through the portal, slowly at first, increasing each month until it becomes a flood that destroys one man yet brings life to another—the inner-man of God. Remember, please, remember.

  It’s coming; it’s happening, like it or not, and the science gets deeper as we go. Within the scriptures is a master plan in which every aspect of this day is given in detail, in code. And with this information, the millstone of human arrogance and misperceptions will be removed. There is no end to the human/religious argument; no one has ever won it, and no one ever will. No one is chosen by the worldly boxes in which humanity hides.

  Plus, we are running out of time; we are in a unique but absolute position. This generation is held to far more stringent lines than ever before. Choices must be made in each person’s life. Teach your children while they are young, nurture the correct focus while you can. It really does matter.

  The Stars of Light


  So then, who were the real “chosen ones” of the scriptures? In one sense it was all a hoax, a means to an end by which we corralled humans into manageable groups. Within our texts were the national-identities of several cultures and the religious-identities of many more. The Jews, Hindu, Egyptians, Babylonians, Christians, Muslims were all our creations. We made them all—everyone, through the stories we created. We were masters of illusion and this was the greatest sleight of mind ever created…

  Yet every novel needs characters to advance its storyline, thus the personification of our magic helped us to hold your attention. The scriptures told the truth of course—our truth. We melded our own identities within this sacred science. Likewise we found patterns in the cycles of the stars that helped us to this end—truisms, that further revealed and detailed the Word of God.

  There is a peculiar alignment traced by Venus within the celestial-equator and/or ecliptic over a period of time. When represented on paper, one may draw connecting-lines between those points, thereby forming the basic image of a person as it resembles two outstretched legs, two outstretched arms and, of course, the head. Though people call this a pentagram today, it is listed within the Bible as morning stars, day stars, twilight stars, darkened stars or wandering stars, depending upon the timing of their alignment.

  By all means, read the verses and compare them to the images.

  “Praise him, Sun and Moon: praise him, all ye stars of light” Psalm 148:3

  Stars, not people: Every 9 months and 21 days a new Venus/sun alignment perfectly dissects the Great Wheel into 5-equal parts. The resulting figurines were then used to personify our science within the Bible. These were the real children of Israel.

  Typically, we used either clay or wooden stamps dipped in ink to portray these figurines within the Grid-layer of the Wisdom Wheel. It saved time and was easier than drawing each one individually. Likewise, the Bible mentions these figurines in conjunction with many of its key characters.

  “...I shall behold him, but not near: there shall come a star out of Jacob...” Numbers 24:17 Consider the implications!

  An original 16th century image (right) of a morning star by Henry Cornelius Agrippa. Indeed there is only one way that a star can come out of Jacob and that is if you understand that Jacob was never a real human-being, but a figurine of the Grid System. This is only one of hundreds of literary-illusions that we created as master-magicians.

  In Israel we also labeled the day stars as the Seal of Jerusalem and/or the Seal of Solomon. The form was displayed liberally throughout Israel’s many synagogues as well as in the Temple itself. In the Mayan religion, our star was called the Six Suns as it took a total of six alignments to complete the image.

  Grid System imagery was a common theme within the architecture of our temples. This example is found in the ruins of an ancient synagogue in Capernaum, Israel, and includes both the morning star and the Star of David. Ironically, no one outside of the priesthood knew the star’s secret origin from within the grids.

  The Clothing of the Figurines

  As you seen with the grid creations in the last chapter, the clothing of the figurines were likewise formed from the multitude of grid-lines over which the stars were imposed.

  The Hindu-Magi

  The magi in India likewise integrated the alignment of Venus symbolically within the icons of the Hindu religion. Known today as the bindi, the dot’s origin would otherwise have been lost to history. Not that we ever shared our secrets before now, but that is exactly what the bindi represents. Now you know.

  The meaning of the Hindu-dot: The bindi orginated via the Magi’s knowledge of Venus and the five-sided star. It was symbolized on the head, hands and feet, just like the figurines. The people were unaware of the basis of the traditions we gave them; but make no mistake, the bindi modeled Venus for the magi. Lots of implications with this f

  Within the lore of Israel, Greece, Babylonia, Egypt and India were also a multitude of many-membered deities. These all in fact originated from similar grid-systems. Though there were variables between the grid-designs of each priesthood, the underlying schematic was the same as were the magi who built those images;

  Un-see this: The origin of our ancient myths began with the images of a Grid-System. Each grid-series contained as many as either 12 or 24 figurines thus revealing the design of the 12-headed/24-armed Hindu God Vishnu as-well-as Leonardo DaVinci’s Vitruvian man (1490). This is the real code of which DaVinci most certainly knew but could never reveal in his day. It now stands as a testament to the secret science of the magi. The implications on this are mindboggling!

  So as you can see, the mentioning of the children of Israel in the Bible was not in reference to a specific group of humans in the literal country of Israel. That was the cloak for the science. The real chosen-ones of the Bible, the ones beneath the code, were the creations of the Grid System itself. But again; the magi formatted the scriptures of every ancient culture via this sleight of Word to maintain religious identities and thus social-order until the day of resurrection.

  The Real

  The Men and Women of the Scriptures


  “There is one glory of the Sun (male figurine), and another glory of the Moon (female figurine), and another glory of the stars (smaller figurines): for one star differs from another star in glory.” 1 Corinthians 15:41

  Day Stars

  “Ye are all the children of light, and the children of the day: we are not of the night, nor of darkness.” 1 Thessalonians 5:5

  The next step in our code determined a stars gender within the storyline. Male Israelite stars for example, were always formed from sun/Venus conjunctions during either the morning or mid-day hours and within the circle of the celestial-equator (Earth’s plain of rotation). Due to their formation during the hours of light, they represented the paradigm of illumination and were thus symbolized in the scriptures as “God’s chosen people.” In truth however, the day-star concept was only a metaphysical approach by which to describe the Element of faith and belief as the only worthy recipient of the higher dimension.

  Female Israelite stars were instead formed by moon/Venus alignments that likewise, occurred only during the day. The logical correlation being that the moon has 12 complete cycles, or, months each year as does the typical female menstrual cycle. Thus the grid we used to portray the female figurines also contained 12 divisions and was displayed within the Women’s Court of the Jewish Temple. Notice if you will the comparison of the number 12 and the word, “woman” in the following verses:

  “And behold, a woman (figurine), who had been diseased with an issue of blood (eclipsed moon) twelve years (12 zodiac divisions)…” Matthew 9:20

  “…laid hold on his concubine, and divided her, together with her bones (diagonal grid-lines), into twelve pieces, (12-piece grid)” Jude 19:29… Not a real woman, but a grid woman

  The eclipsed or “Blood Moon” occurs when the moon passes through the Earth’s shadow, hence its symbolic connection to women and the number 12. This magnetic tug-of-war between the sun and moon was used to our advantage in developing the Word by which to open the portal.

  As formerly stated, the grid-design for both male and female morning stars were showcased within the Men’s and Women’s Court of the Jerusalem temple. Male grids included a total of 24 diagonal divisions based upon our sundials. Likewise the male grid contained a single, outer-circle that represents the celestial-equator or path of the sun during the equinox.

  Meanwhile the female-grid had only 12 divisions each of which marked the 12 lunar-months (moon). In contrast its double outer-circles mark in degrees the variant path of the moon as it circles the Earth. The details of our science are there. We left nothing to chance or guess, but only to mathematical-certainty.

  This Temple model was produced by Alec Garrard displaying, among other things, the Men and Women’s grids used in the production of our scriptures. For display purposes I added the appropriate figurines as well as the sun and moon by which they were formed. A third grid design was found within the temple itself that represented the equinoxes. These in turn produced “priest stars.” During the equinox, Earth’s magnetic field is a bit closer to opening the portal and thus the symbolism of a priest who could minister between the two dimensions. The fact of the grids within the Temple reveal the truth of the scriptures.

  Some folks today would no doubt accuse the magi of being chauvinists based upon the Temple’s segregation into courts of gender. Nothing however, could be further from the truth. The Temple’s design merely mimicked the formative patterns of the heavens that told a beautiful story of the angelic matrix. Remember, the original angels were neither male nor female and, in the first melding, would coalesce equally in both genders of what became the human animal. Thus gender by the flesh meant nothing to us.

  The truth is, we found ourselves equally within them both. Within the woman we can visualize a delicate facet of the Element’s mind-wave: a most profound and beautiful peace. In this facet of God is a nurturing. This was the bosom, our comfort to which we ran. She was frail but priceless, to be esteemed and cherished above all else. In her was our pondering and wonder of this world. The peace of God marveled at the colors, the countless images of what we saw. It was she who nurtured the consciousness, a selfless and sometimes, reckless giver of all that she was. In the woman you could see our sexy vulnerability, our greatest weakness, yet in it our greatest strength.

  In the male our power, the proverbial abs of absolute truth, you can visualize in him our mind-waves, the power of the Element. He was the wall that protected our peace. In him could be seen that part of God that would rescue. In him was our desire to fix and improve creation. Here was our endurance and determination, our presence of mind, the drive to bring that which is right and good at the cost of life itself. He gave himself; he glorified the peace within and would fight if necessary to preserve it. But together they were one singular being.

  We cherished the Peace of God, we glorified it, and yet our peace also found safety within the embrace of His wisdom. Within the woman, -an unbelievable instinct and the ability to absorb the pains of creation; within the man, rationale, logic and understanding of how to do it. They are opposite sides of the same frequency of God, a perfect union of peace and intellect beyond comprehension to the human mind. Together they are tempered into one angelic entity, a single, mental frequency from another dimension.

  No doubt as humans mistakenly seek unity through sexuality. Sadly it is all they know. But by the flesh we are not one but separate, hence the battle of the sexes. Thus the only real chance of unity is a return to singularity. The Element is truly both spiritual genders within both human genders, both male and female. In the end however, we were neither, as you too are neither, yet the paradox that you are both, as are we. At best we are confused within your being, as are you. So much will change as we approach the resurrection.

  The second melding however, was different. As leaders of the sheep that was humanity, we needed the perceived strength and presence of the male human to aid us in controlling those cultures. It was a concentrated melding in which we chose only a select few specimens who exhibited larger cranial capacities through which our genius could best articulate. The final mutation formed what became the original magi, most of whom were taller than average, had elongated skulls, luminescent eyes, and typically a bleached blonde or pure-white hair color. They were a sight to behold.

  We tried to tell humanity what happened, but they could not remember the enormity of the truth. The original magi, though few in number, were astounding to see. Ancient humans tried to mimic our appearance by deforming their own heads through binding.

  The Paradox of a Changing Identity

  So while humans wage the needless battle of the sexes, they fail to realize that gender is jus
t another facet of the overall human illusion. The dark element has indeed created this sleight-of-mind in which you identify yourself as a man or woman, when, as angels, you are truly neither. We eluded to this in the Book;

  “Ye do err, not knowing the scriptures, nor the power of God. For in the resurrection they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels of God in heaven.” Matthew 22:30

  “…there is neither male nor female:” Galatians 3:28

  Enter the effect of averaging that we knew full well would occur in the day of resurrection. As the angelic-DNA awakens within its human-hosts, many people will become progressively more asexual, or non-sexual, similar to the example of Adam before Eve (his feminine-aspect) was separated. We can already see this blending of the genders as modern cultures produce less feminine women and less masculine men overall. This is the initial shedding of our human-selves, the beginning of our return to singularity, that is, a singular God Element entity.

  As our consciousness is gradually replaced with this new mind over each generation, you will in turn notice decreased birthrates. Some people will point to a reduction in worldwide poverty as the cause of less breeding, while others will blame our cultural-culprits: the digital-age and social media in which people lose themselves and their relationships. These should certainly all be noted, but the bottom line is that the subconscious soul—our real soul, is in the process of rediscovery. It reconfigures, and as it does comes a predictable decline in human population. It is not the immediate end of this high-primate, but a marked reduction of its numbers.


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