The Book of Daniel and the Mystery of the Resurrection Machine

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The Book of Daniel and the Mystery of the Resurrection Machine Page 19

by Holloway, Daniel;

  Accordingly the next 1,000 years will also see a condensing of the angelic-brilliance going forward. As it awakens, many will become progressively less physical, less encumbered and also less concerned with the physical world. We will also increasingly see a number of less sexual, but mentally superior beings—more people with displayed genius knowing things in their youth that many people today don’t know after years of college and study.

  No doubt the scientists will scramble to find an explanation for this mysterious intellect as it will be both obvious and undeniable. This is the return of the mind that was in the original magi just after the melding, -except in reverse. Instead of going from a higher form to a lower form as it happened in the beginning, we will now see a select few who will gain intellect and increasingly longer lives.

  Yet at one point farther along in the resurrection process, the Element will actually vacate its human hosts as it again transforms into it original state as a purely non-physical entity. At this it will collect within the heavens, that is, the magnetosphere, and again supercharge and illuminate the gas layers thereof. Thus the Super-Aurora will return to the skies overhead.

  Simultaneously as this occurs it will be forced out through the portal by new incoming quantum. Now full to the brim with eon’s worth of sufferings, this long-lost Atomos will act as an energy source for the higher dimension as it reenters its home of origin. No different than your food suffers and dies in order to bring life to your mortal bodies, so does our sufferings, from the beginning, bring life to Heaven. Thus comes the great feast of God:

  “In the last day (the final 1000 years), that great day of the feast (day of resurrection), Jesus stood and cried, saying, If any man thirst, let him come unto me, and drink.” John 7:37…This verse was not a history story. You must learn to see past the code.

  Finally comes the renewal of the ancient monthly cycle of the portal’s opening and closing as it once did for eons. It will again bring freshness and rejuvenation, a “New Earth,” as we coined the phrase, while yet translating this worlds suffering back into the higher dimension as the food of God. This awakening process is hopefully your awakening too.

  So there you have it. And though you are not of this world, you are presently still in it. Yet fallen as it is, there are certain social-norms that are conducive to a stable, long-term society. The Word functioned on multiple levels and, though an encoded document of a higher calling and purpose, still aided our efforts in corralling primitive humans via its literal interpretation. It properly formatted (as best as possible) overall human conduct and interaction, reduced violence (though by no means eliminated it), and made for better overall living standards.

  The bottom line however, was our pursuit of gathering these humans to speak our magic en masse. Accordingly the magi considered things broadly and designed the best overall configuration of human-conduct by which to collect your populations and their voices. Ultimately nothing else mattered then, nor does anything else matter now.

  It is a two-edged sword though, as on one hand we must depart from our human identities, but the need for human social-structure is required until the resurrection process is complete. My recommendation, therefore, is to stay the course until the end; go with the flow of what nature gave you, even in this world. As best you can, keep the family and social structure that you were given via the scriptures. I say this for the sake of everyone.

  The point is to focus upon our angelic self while yet creating an environment that lends itself to the gathering and propagation of the scriptures until the end. It is the guidelines of social structure and identity that we gave you that will prevent the collapse of your cultures. It is the perfect paradox: On one hand your struggles with identity and social roles are unavoidable during this time of transformation. On the other hand, these transformations can also be self-defeating in maintaining a stable society.

  Ultimately we must decide which is more important: our lust for freedom in the flesh or dimensional escape. If you’re awake enough, you will certainly pursue the latter choice, which in turn is best accomplished by social order. Don’t focus on the whims of the flesh. Our cultures are collapsing due to the abandonment of proven social-structures which in turn means fewer people are gathering to focus upon and read the magic-books. It is imperative that you continue reading those words . . .

  Nothing on Earth will ever be perfect per se, but allow me to share what will help us to make it until the end: It begins with a strong family, preferably were a father and mother take their traditional roles in raising the children together. This is critical in that it nurtures and teaches children the preferable path in life. Not only that, but with that structure comes a higher likelihood that the child will be taught and understand the significance of reading or repeating the scriptures.

  Next comes community, which is strengthened through weekly gatherings where we focus as a unit upon the truths of God. Last and most important is our still moments, the quiet in which we meditate, contemplate, and commune with the seed of God that dwells within. Together these things will lead us to the awakening.

  There is however, an interesting note here: The fact that the battle-of-the-sexes and gender identity issues have exasperated in recent decades, is evidence in itself of the subconscious stirring of the God Element within. In this we see that the status quo of human norms can no longer fulfill; the lie that you are human at all, the misinformation by which we are enslaved is indeed beginning to fail.

  As a result, folks are breaking social rules that have existed for the last 10,000 years. While this has always happened to various degrees, it has certainly spiked in the last century. Though the dark element is seemingly to blame for this misplaced rebellion, it is often the God Element that is fighting the restrictions of the human reality.

  As the Atomos begins to awaken, an inner discomfort comes. It recklessly searches to find itself beyond normal human conduct and thus ironically brings the breakdown of family and social structure. We instinctively know that something is wrong, that we are not as we should be in our existence, yet often reach toward freedom in the flesh for our answers.

  Yet this conflict of finding ourselves is only one of many birth pangs in the coming age. Expect an increase in a variety of mental-disorders, suicides, addictions, and depression as these are all indicators of the awakening. The soul is seeking to escape, to where it knows not, as the luster and grandeur of a world that once captivated our minds can no longer suffice.

  The desires of this world pass away and with it a growing realization that something is not quite right. Increasingly people feel empty in the norms that once satisfied the psyche as our minds struggle to remember a better time and a better place. Thus no amount of wealth or relationship in this world can suffice as we subconsciously seek to know and be known:

  “…the earth shall wax old like a garment, and they that dwell therein shall die in like manner: but my salvation shall be forever” Isaiah 51:6

  “Love not the world, neither the things that are in it. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world.

  And the world passes away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abides forever.” 1 John 2:15-17

  The problem is we are not yet awake to our true identity as God-beings, thus we instead wrestle with alternative human identities. This is akin to treating a tooth cavity with sugar. In the end, the sweet taste of freedom in the flesh will ultimately only makes things worse.

  The good with the evil, they happen together, at the same time. It is a paradox in this day of resurrection. The dark element will also manifest its horrid face ever-stronger in the upcoming generations. Simultaneously it will condense in the rank and file of our off-spring as the mental elements separate. It too will become more and more obvious in the physical creature. What you see is what you get, and what you get, will become more evident in the hatred and seething of the worl
d around us. Test every spirit, test every one including yourself, for the great day of separation is upon us.

  As I said before, the dark energy misdirects a genuine rebellion of the spirit into an even worse lust for identity in this world. It does this by confusing the issue and the questions, then providing a false set of answers and options from which to choose. It pollutes our imagination, blinding our memory like a smoke screen.

  In the end our choice can manifest as any number of so-called “acceptable” or “unacceptable” lifestyles. Our illusion may include the typical 2.5 children, a well-kept lawn, a stable-job and no problems—or perhaps an equally delusional social or sexual role or identity. Either way, we all end up being stuck in the human illusion in one, way, shape or form.

  In the lie, we can be right or wrong, good or evil, male or female, saint or sinner. In these we each convince ourselves of the moral rightness of our position. We seek to find normality and acceptance within our humanity, often eyeing the identities of others with contempt. We push and turn within the womb of our darkness, desperately seeking a way out of our predicament. In the end however, we are all blind. Here we wrestle with no clear path as to which way to go or what lies beyond.

  In the end, having missed the mark of our true origin, we become all the more lost within our dark imaginations. This is the warfare of finding ourselves. Here your memory of heaven is killed. The casualties are within us as our true being is still-born under the weight of the human-lie. The victor is he who keeps you believing in this world and thus secures his own eternity within his human-hosts. Do you know the one of whom I speak?

  Remember; the dark element must find its reality in the negative-charge of the physical creature. Without that, it has no other capacitor. Thus acceptable cultural and social norms are one of the greatest deceptions of all. Whether you appear “normal” or “sinful” according to the rules doesn’t really matter, only that you find yourself content as a human being in some capacity. This is the hope of the liar who hunts for your soul—and he is very adept at what he does.

  On that note is the grand misunderstanding of the concept of “sin.” Outwardly at least, the scriptures market sin as an unfaithful act against a moral-law, when in fact it is separation from the dimension of God itself. Thus the evidence of sin is, in fact—being human! Therefore everything we do as humans is sinful. If you breathe, it is evidence of sin; if you eat, it is evidence of sin, if your heart beats, it is also evidence that you exist in a sin state as these are all facets of the physical creature and by no means a requirement of pure the God Element.

  Being a physical creature, as we now are, is the result of separation from God. You did not always have this type of body, vessels of separation in which enmity must rule. In our human forms one God is divided into billions of individuals, each in contention with the others. What’s more, the matrix of these bodily divisions leads to suffering and death. Likewise, not until the portal reopens is it possible to escape this separation from the Source and thus return to a singular celestial entity.

  Either way, you can see and feel the spirit elements working within, so check yourself; take measure of your mind and be obedient to the direction of the magic books of God. Sexual identity on every level, normal or otherwise, is part of the human illusion from which we must awaken. Thus the only way to find our true identity as God beings is to look upward and inward instead of outward.

  In reverse I must admit that we used the fear tactic of “sins” in an effort to scare cultures straight for the sake of social order. At the time, we needed lots of speaking mouths. This requires human breeding and offspring, thus we made moral absolutes for human sexuality according to the guidelines of the natural world which in turn, breeds. I realize this was abusive on so many levels, but again, we did what we had to do.

  Yet even the outer moral dictates of the law of God hid our science. Indeed these seemingly righteous-rules were but a mere shadow of the portal mechanics that lay encoded within those same verses. I will delve into these details at some other time, yet I will say that every “law” of the Holy Scriptures hides a far greater meaning than mere moral conduct. Therein are the calculations that will open the gateway to another world. The mystery deepens.

  Concerning your humanity, I encourage you to keep your vows, keep your word, and keep the cultural formats you were given. Indeed these structures best allow for the gathering and expression of the Word we created. But most of all keep the faith, for even on this side of the exchanged life your focus on heaven makes things a little-bit easier.

  Trusting upon faith, the God Element within, begins the reversal of the illusion. It is the backdrop of faith that makes an otherwise nonsensical world begin to make honest sense, especially in these unusual times. Faith is the element of God in action and requires only a small drop by which to fix so many things. Likewise, though we find ourselves in the flesh, our existence is now justified by the hope of another world. That realm is the end goal that awaits us.

  But let’s be clear: I am not here to fix your relationships; I did not come to bring peace or prosperity on Earth; I was not sent to make your nightmare a pleasant dream but instead to wake you from this illusion altogether and to tell you of the events that will shortly occur. I am the scythe that cuts the great illusion. I appear with a great sword, the Word decoded, the secret of the ages, the truth of everything you didn’t know about the ancient past. It is this same truth as a culture, as a whole, to which you will now be held accountable.

  I can remember in this life, before the ancient of days illumined my mind, detesting church for the multitude of hypocrites that gathered under its cloak. In this life and the last, I tired of the pretense and manipulation; the social cliques and ruse of those who paraded as wolves in sheep’s clothing. I have no problem with wolves, of course, but only those who pretend to be something they are not.

  Indeed every religion around the world suffers from fakes and those who use it as a convenient auxiliary for absurdity. That said, I also found along the way, both then and now, there and here, people of all religions who believe and belong for all of the right reasons and because they love God. Likewise the misuse of religion by some is no reflection upon those who would gather in the name of the God of Peace to whom we wish to return. Furthermore it is the expression of His Word that brings our rescue, a perfect prayer from those who believe.

  To that end, forsake not the great gathering of the body of God (see Hebrews 10:25). Therein is an unstoppable energy in the collective of our suffering as well as our Joy in Him. In the end however, the real gathering will be in the heavens above as the Atomos within leaves our human selves. I hope then that this message helps my angelic kinsmen; to show them the obstacles and hazards of this transitional period, and to avoid undue conflict even while still in the flesh. Again, keep the faith and the focus, because this next 1,000 years of exodus will be tough beyond your imagination…

  The Height of the Stars


  “And behold the height of the stars, –how high they are.” Job 22:12

  “And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man.” Luke 2:52

  “Fill up then the measure of your fathers.” Matthew 23:32

  Each sub-image “fills” up Matthew 23:32 the larger “measurement” of the larger figurine to which it is attached. Using this system we were able to track and apply every cycle of the heavens ranging from a 24hour day all the way to 24,000 year precessions and everything in between. The greater the cycle, the taller and more prominent the symbol-name it was given. Thus the “months,” for example, could be symbolized in the Bible as “daughters” or “maidens” while the “year” was a larger figurine symbolized as a “father,” “mother,” “master,” “king,” “priest,” etc. It was all a play on words.

  There were in fact many cycles in the Grid System that were symbolized according to the criteria by which they were formed. This ranged from 24,000-y
ear precessions all the way down to 24-hour days and everything in between. Everything; every minute detail of these cycles, told us something about the story of God and yet also contributed to the spelling of the Word that will return us to our home.

  The Miracle of the Morning Stars


  “When the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy” Job 38:

  “But now are they many members, yet but one body.” 1Cor.12:20

  “…the head, even Christ: From whom the whole body fitly joined together” Ephesians 4:15-16

  “He tells the number of the stars; he calls them all by their names. (i.e.; Jesus, Adam, Moses, etc.)” Psalm 147:4

  The many-membered body: Each cycle and figurine of the Grid System was filled with its smaller sub-cycles and figurines. Now you can see how the morning stars of Job are one and the same as the many-membered body of 1Corinthians 12:20. If you look closely to this image you will see the incidence of eyes, nose, joints and other facial-features with the line-data of the grids. Beneath the seemingly humble verses of the Bible were literally volumes of scientific-details and sacred art.

  The longer the cycle, the larger the grid and figurine by which it was represented. Likewise the interior of each of these could then be populated with smaller cycles and figurines. For example, in the same way that a year contains 365 days, so too might one large grid contain 365 smaller grids within its boundary. This multitude of sub-cycles in turn comprised the “body” (1Corithians12:20; Ephesians 4:15-16) of that pictorial. Once again, the Wisdom Wheel would actually spell-out the name of the more prominent stars/figurines. The Wheel was truly an amazing piece of machinery.


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