The Book of Daniel and the Mystery of the Resurrection Machine

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The Book of Daniel and the Mystery of the Resurrection Machine Page 20

by Holloway, Daniel;

  The positive or negative factors by which each cycle occurred would also dictate that star’s social status as one of the following:

  • Angels/giants

  • Kings/priests

  • Master/servant

  • Man/woman

  • Husband/wife

  • Israelite/enemy of Israel

  • Son/daughter/son of man

  • Suckling/weaned child

  • Etc.

  Likewise the Word revealed and wrote a role-play that could be followed throughout the Grid System images. A male star for example, required a total of six Venus/sun conjunctions to complete and often followed the character’s storyline and development from birth to adulthood and finally its celestial “death” via a series of progressively older figurines:

  The various stages of a figurines lifecycle were described symbolically throughout the Bible. This not only allowed us to track the alignment of Earth, but also to create captivating storylines for our masses through the illusion of historical authenticity. Can you see the manger?

  “And which of you with taking thought can add to his stature one cubit?” Matthew 6:27

  By populating each larger-cycle with its smaller formative-cycles, the Grid System produced various 3-D “cubits” or building-blocks that are mentioned throughout the Bible. These were likewise named according to the scale-size of the figurines being represented, e.g.; “cubit of the temple”, “cubit of an angel”, “cubit of a man”, “a cubit of the first measure”, “cubit of the second measure”, etc. As you will see, each of these cubit-scales combined to build the Bible’s implied imagery including roads, houses, the Temple, cities, bricks, hewn stones, etc.

  There are literally dozens of other details concerning the various cycles and how they were symbolized in the scriptures, but they are beyond the scope of this writing. My purpose now is to share enough information that you can comprehend, beyond all doubt, that the Bible and indeed all ancient scriptures, are encoded documents of the magi.

  So why do I reveal these details? What difference does it make in the grand scheme of things? My hope is that if we can see beyond the outer symbolism, metaphors, and allegories of the scriptures, then perhaps we can also learn to see past our outer-self as well. There is always more than meets the eye and the magi set a trap of learning to that very end. We knew this lesson would burn deep but that it would also create an opportunity of understanding. Realize that you too are more than what meets the eye; that the depth of your being is not the outer-physical, but an Element that is literally other-worldly. Thus if you can see past the outer-deception of your scriptures, then you can also learn to see past the deception of your humanity.

  Part of the miracle of the magi was our ability to penetrate your thoughts and imagination. Indeed we created the immaculate design of the scriptures for that very purpose: to invade the mind by which you are now enslaved, knowing that the truth would one day birth therein. I show you something new. I do-so that your inclinations will exceed the visage of this world and reach into the next dimension. Therein our science is correcting not only the magnetics of Earth but also the realignment of your very soul. I intend to take you as far as possible, to revive your memory and your focus.

  Am I inside yet? Are you with me in this imagination? Do you see the significance of these revelations? Reach deeper, my friend, farther than you have ever been. Imagination is not just for the child who plays, but a pathway home for the children of God. Go into the uncharted territory of the divine. It is there, waiting, I promise.

  The Real

  The 12 Tribes of Israel


  “These are the twelve (divisions of the celestial-equator) tribes of Israel: and this is what their father, Jacob (figurine), spoke unto them,” Genesis 49:28

  Further proof of the morning stars is found by studying the biblical character Jacob, who of course fathered 12 sons, who in turn became the leaders of the 12 tribes of Israel:

  “...I shall behold him, but not near: there shall come a star out of Jacob…” Numbers 24:17

  Now think for a moment: If Jacob was a morning star and a character of the Bible, then his 12 sons also need to be Stars as well—one son for each of the 12 divisions of the celestial equator.

  Verification of this is found in a dialogue between Jacob and his son Joseph:

  “I (Joseph/son/figurine) have dreamed a dream more; and, behold, the sun and the moon and the eleven stars (sub-cycle figurines) made obeisance to me.

  And he told it to his father, and to his brethren: and his father rebuked him, and said unto him, what is this dream that thou hast dreamed? Shall I and thy mother and thy brethren indeed come to bow down ourselves to thee to the earth?” Genesis 37:9-10

  Notice how Joseph’s parents are likened as the sun and moon which formed those figurines, while his 11 brothers are symbolized as 11 stars. Simply put, we created the 12 biblical tribes of Israel as a symbolic relationship between the Grid System and the 12 signs. Not a real tribe of humans, but 12 months-worth of figurines.

  “And the stones (grid-hubs) shall be with the names of the children of Israel, twelve, (zodiac) according to the twelve tribes.” Exodus 28:21

  Here we are again with this image: The 12 round hubs of a lunar grid-series (moon) were symbolized as the foundation stones for the 12 tribes of Israel, each one containing the iconic Star-of-David. Now we can see that the Bible was not referencing 12 human tribes, but instead, the 12 sections of the celestial equator. If you can learn that the outer story of the Bible was not real, then you can also learn that your human self is also a deception which must be shed. This is the real lesson of the scriptures in this day. Learn to look deeper and, by all means, -use your imagination…

  It is important to remember that the forming alignments for the Children of Israel figurines occurred during the daytime hours hence the following;

  “Praise ye him, sun and moon: praise him, all ye stars of light.” Psalm 148:3

  “Ye are all the children of light, and the children of the day: we are not of the night, nor of darkness.” 1 Thessalonians 5:5

  Though other characters could be drawn from the grid lines themselves, the vast majority of our personifications within the scriptures were of the five-sided stars and figurines. Below is an exception to that rule.

  “The noise of a whip (grid-loop), and the noise of the rattling of the wheels (grid-design), and of the prancing horses, and of the jumping chariots.” Nahum 3:2

  Indeed, from Adam to Jesus and from Genesis to Revelation, the lore of all biblical personalities were based upon the morning star’s interaction within this massive grid system. This includes Adam and Eve, Abraham and Sarah, the 12 sons of Jacob, Moses, David, Ruth, Mary, Jesus, the 12 apostles, Paul, etc.

  Interestingly, each personality represented a new cycle within the Grid System, whether grand or small, and thus a new stage of the conscious-awaking process of the singular body of God. At the same time, the thousands of verses that filled the storyline of these characters micro-managed Earth’s re-alignment and yet added a sense of reality to the outer myth for the unlearned. No doubt, our magic was a deep-state illusion, but then again, illusions are what magicians do!

  Dark Stars;



  “They fought from heaven; the stars in their courses fought” Judges 5:20

  For nine months Venus produces Morning Stars before finally dipping below the rising sun and out of sight. At this point it reappears on the western horizon just after dark, thus making more five-sided stars within the night sky. These nighttime figurines were now measured along the circle of the ecliptic (Earth’s plain of tilt and wobble) and thus portrayed in the Bible as either enemies of Israel, stars of twilight, children of darkness, non-Jews or Gentiles.

  “Let the stars of the twilight thereof be dark; let it look for light, but have none; neither let it see the dawning of the day:” Job 3:9<
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  “I will cover the heaven, and make the stars thereof dark;” Ezekiel 32:7

  The Biblical enemies of Israel were dark-stars—not people: Alternately Venus will reappear on the evening horizon within the night sky. There it will produce a new “Dark Star” that helped us to personify different facets of the Earth’s wobble. These were the real biblical-enemies of Israel.

  Unlike the Morning or Day Stars which represented the Earth’s perfect spin, “dark stars” represented the Earth’s wobble. As a reminder, this wobble was caused by a behemoth quantum of fallen and altered mental element that possessed the Earth’s magnetic-field. Likewise you will find in the upcoming chapters, that it purposely manipulated this magnetism to its advantage in tilting the Earth which in turn closed the portal. Thus the darks-stars personified this evil-element within the Bible as “Enemies of Israel”. This method of comparison allowed a perfect parallel and track-record of the evil-element that presently rules your planet.

  However, once these dark stars were cataloged into the Grid System, our artisans could then render the image-solution for the verses to which they pertained. This in turn gave us further comprehension of the scientific issues at hand. The following examples say it all:

  Night Stars

  “Raging waves (fallen mental frequencies) of the sea, foaming out their own shame; wandering stars (figurines), to whom is reserved the blackness of darkness (night sky) forever.” Jude 13

  The creations of the Grid System (top), were mind blowing. Notice the appearance of the Milky Way galaxy as the “foaming sea” of Jude 13. For your entertainment, I superimposed the image of Jude 13 over a real image of a crashing ocean wave. And to realize that Wisdom Wheel actually wrote this and all Bible verses via the math of the heavens and in such awesome creative style.

  Simply put, the enemies of biblical Israel were a celestial foe. The names of nations such as the Philistines, Egyptians, Assyrians, Babylonians, etc. were only used in the Bible as a cover story for the real interaction of day-stars versus dark-stars. Israel and these nations were already enemies by the flesh, so it didn’t hurt to symbolize the Grid System in a way by which our citizens could relate. More important for the Priesthood, it allowed us to hide our star charts in plain sight, in the form of the religious scriptures that are still spoken around the world today.

  However, within these symbolic battles was always the conflicting word, the wave-patterns, both good and evil, which fight for the possession of your mind. These frequencies were the “swords” of the Bible. Please compare the symbol-words:

  “…the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God (wave-pattern/frequency from Heaven)” Eph. 6:17

  “But he saves the poor from the sword (Evil-frequency), from their mouth” Job 5:15

  “Who wet their tongue like a sword, and bend their bows to shoot their arrows, like bitter words:” Psalm 64:3

  “Israel (day stars), you approach your enemies (dark stars)” Deuteronomy 20:3

  The real star wars of the Bible were between the opposing imaginations of the enemies within, not without: The wars of physical Israel and its surrounding nations were only used as a backdrop for the encoded science and were never actually being described. The real swords of the Bible were the words, or wave-patterns of the angelic-forces within.

  Regardless of the variables by which a good or evil star was created, it was given a fitting persona based on its alignments. More importantly the evil characters of the scriptures were only symbolic of the embittered element who became darkened as a result of both choice and altered mental structure. This fallen soul also melded with creation and worked contrary to the Element of faith by reminding the conscious mind that “You’re only human.” It is a false imagination and fights to oppress the memory of true-selves.

  Even though the DNA of both energies exist within creation, one has been conscious since the beginning, while the other is only beginning to resurrect. It is amazing, better yet a miracle, that the math of the heavens has the ability to speak and track the side-by-side development (in symbolic-form) of both the good and evil elements.

  “Let both grow together until the harvest: and in the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, Gather ye together first the tares, and bind them in bundles to burn them: but gather the wheat into my barn.” Matthew13:30

  You may not be who you think you are; you may not even be human at all, but the children of two fathers, the angels of both light and darkness. It makes sense, therefore, to choose your reality wisely, as one has an eternal reward and the other an eternal risk. Seek the portal.


  Who is the swine before which we cast-not the pearls of God?

  Who then is the Angel that shall know the mysteries of Heaven?

  The Ancient Cabal

  I assume that the revelation of the figurines as biblical cast and crew is a bit devastating to our mainstream perceptions of the scriptures once realized. Indeed, much of our world prides itself on scriptural/religious identity, -literally billions of people;

  • The Jewish identity upon the 12 tribes of Israel, (Genesis 49:28)

  • The Islamic identity upon Ishmael and his 12 princes, (Genesis 25:16)

  • The Christian Identity upon Christ and the 12 apostles. (Luke 22:14)

  • The 12 Adityas of Hinduism.

  Yet all of these were in fact figurines of similar grid systems. Indeed we were all outsmarted by the code. However the magi let people believe these things because it was the only thing people could believe and because we needed your voices. To realize that our human-identities were never being addressed via our religious books has overwhelming implications. The arrogance, the false pride, the reason people fight, argue, and condemn was just cut off, head and foot. These false identities were the backbone for every religious war that has ever occurred, yet buried beneath the code, were all describing the exact same science. Think about the irony of that…

  Again, these were the boxes we shook so-as to guess their content and we guessed wrong! Understanding that the scriptures speak only to the collective God-Element within us and never to any single human/person as an individual, is key in understanding the code; that they are not literal or historical stories, people or places. Ouch!

  The Real

  Ezekiel’s Wheel


  A key production of the Grid-System is found in the Old Testament book of Ezekiel 1:4-28. In this particular story, the cycles of Earths spin and wobble are represented and interlock like two giant wheels. To save space I have only listed the descriptive words of each verse, yet I highly recommend you read Ezekiel chapter 1 in its entirety. Every facet of the following images (minus the figurines) were traced using the available line-data of the grid-series with no exceptions:

  …a whirlwind came out of the north, a great cloud, fire enfolding color of amber…out of the midst thereof came the likeness of four living creatures. …their appearance; they had the likeness of a man. And every one had four faces, and everyone had four wings. Their wings were joined one to another…their wings were stretched upward; two wings of every one were joined one to another, and two covered their bodies…their appearance was like burning coals of fire (the sun in the grids), and like the appearance of lamps: …I heard the noise of their wings, like the noise of great waters (each set of grid-rings were symbolized as either rivers or streams.), as the voice of the Almighty …and their appearance and their work was as it were a wheel in the middle of a wheel.

  Image #1 of Ezekiel’s Wheel: These are real arch-angels of Christianity, Islam, and Judaism, Though not specifically mentioned in Ezekiel, they are labeled elsewhere throughout the Bible and Koran. Please note the artistic “grid wings” as well as the “burning coals of fire” which were the sun-images as displayed throughout the many cycles of the Great Wheel. These are the pictures of the scriptures, the science and the real magic behind your beliefs. Again, the implications are huge . . .

they four had the face of a man, and the face of a lion, on the right side: and they four had the face of an ox on the left side; …they four also had the face of an eagle.

  Image #2 of Ezekiel’s Wheel: The lion, eagle and bull which represented the constellations of Leo, Scorpio and Taurus.

  Image #4: The composite of Ezekiel’s Wheel: This is the famous Ezekiel’s Wheel; it was always an image of the Grid System…and now you know the truth. These are the mind-images of God as we created them.

  An interesting symbol-word concerns the four large outer-rings of the Wisdom Wheel as either “great waters” or “rivers”. Likewise these rings transpose the head of each figurine, thus defining their voices as; “the noise of great waters, as the voice of the Almighty”.

  …and their appearance and their work was as it were a wheel in the middle of a wheel.

  Speaking of Bulls

  “…as a wild bull in a net: they (figurines) are full of the fury of the LORD,...” Isaiah 51:20

  Check this out!

  The Ancient Ones

  The original luminaries were variously named according to the language and tradition of the human cultures to which they belonged. They were all the same magi, but under different national titles. In ancient Sumeria for example, we were called the Anunnaki while in Israel we were known as magistrates of the Temple. In Egypt, Greece and elsewhere they just called us the magi. The head magistrate of each culture developed their own outer-myth and temple-complex from which to work, yet always with the same goals, the same secrets, the same science and the same desire to go home.


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