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The Book of Daniel and the Mystery of the Resurrection Machine

Page 21

by Holloway, Daniel;

  The tradition of the Anunnaki, for example, states that they were angelic or ex-raterrestrial beings who came to Earth for the purpose of mining gold. In order to accomplish this mining they interbred and enslaved humanity. Ironically this isn’t far from the truth—at least in a symbolic sense of the word.

  The Anunnaki were indeed some of the original magi. They were not extraterrestrial, but interdimensional. As God Element we did imprint our DNA upon early primates. Thus the priceless treasure of ourselves was now buried within the human creature. In turn we did enslave the humans under the whip of our religions that we might one day mine that priceless treasure within them. Our tools, were their tools: the sacred Word that would reopen the portal.

  The magi too eventually diminished over the centuries. Yet even in our aged and degraded condition, the amount of information we beheld was far beyond the scope of human genius. Though invisible to the human-eye, we even knew the shape of the magnetosphere. How, mind you, if but mere humans, could we know this by standing upon the ground as history assumes?

  But as pure spirit we once rode the magnetic loops repetitively. Indeed, our mind traveled painlessly through and around, over and above your planet on a never-ending loop between the dimensions of Heaven and Earth. Thus we knew its shape from experience. This is significant in that Europe and China wouldn’t again accept that the earth was round till well into the Middle Ages, much less know its diameter.

  Again, our flyovers made this understanding easy, but even without our former aerial view, the math alone reveals this planet’s diameter. To the point: around 240BC a man named Eratosthenes estimated the circumference of Earth at 40,000 kilometers, which is only about 30 kilometers from the modern estimation (modern equations say 40,030). That’s pretty close not to have had GPS satellites by which to confirm.

  Eratosthenes accomplished this by simply putting a pole in the ground and measuring its shadow in conjunction with its distance from the equator and then did some nifty math. Where but by the magi do you suppose that he learned such wizardry and almost 2,000 years before the rest of the world? Indeed, the magi protected such secrets and far greater than these for millennia.

  Historians are correct to insist that early man didn’t have these abilities, but the magi weren’t mere men either. Thus science today still presumes and assumes; it operates from its own form of “flat earth” thought patterns. Here the un-illuminated still wrongly guess about the world around them, about the nature of reality and, often, even about science itself. But just like that estimate of the Earth’s circumference in 240BC, you just never know what a dedicated group of angels are capable of doing.

  In the day of revelation, we also knew that you would need irrefutable proof that our science was real. Hence the code of the scriptures was designed to this end. The evidence must be undeniable of what we did and why. That proof is found in the thing we protected the most: the forbidden images of the sacred art.

  Today however, is the day in which the blinders will be removed. Now is the time in which the hidden things are renounced, not walking in craftiness, but by the truth; revealing ourselves in every man’s conscience beneath the opening portal and in the sight of God.

  “But if our gospel (science) is hidden (which it certainly was), it is hidden to them who are lost (which we all were): In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them who believe not,” 2 Corinthians 4:2

  The code of the Grid System, so subtle, yet so obvious—hidden with the magic of God.

  The Etymology of a Wise Man;

  • Magi—secretive caste who were experts in the study of the stars; from the Persian root magoi. Greek, meaning, “Wise Men”, of which only little is known—until now.

  • Magic—supernatural, seemingly impossible power.

  • Magician—he who can do the seemingly impossible

  • Magistrate—great governmental leader

  • Magnetics—invisible forces of gravity

  • Magnetosphere—the gravitational field that surrounds the earth

  • Magnus—great; usually a prefix for a priest or king

  • Magnificent—great presence

  • Magnified—great or enlarged

  • Magnitude—of great volume or power

  • Image—also from the root magi, meaning “mind picture”

  • Imagination—a creative, congruent, flowing set of mind images.

  • Belteshazzar was master of the ancient magicians. He was said to be the wisest of them all. It was he who devised and wrote the magic books that would become the Bible. He appeared twice in the Bible as a mere figurine of the Grid System: once in the story of the Babylonian captivity and again as a magi at the birth of Jesus. But he also appeared twice in reality as well. He was Daniel then; he is Daniel now.

  “And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so. And God called the firmament Heaven.” Genesis 1:7-8

  Heaven and Earth

  The “Glory” or Color-code Layer of the

  Wisdom Wheel

  To me, the next layer of the Wisdom Wheel is the most interesting thus far. This is where things become colorful, to say the least, as it shows how we symbolized the relative hues of the heavens within the Bible and other ancient scriptures. This layer primarily cataloged the colors of the aurora or “northern lights,” which were critical in understanding portal function or failure.

  In the end, it was all about gravity and alignment, yet even the magnetic structure of Earth was revealed via these glorious reflections of the stratosphere. As you will see, the aurora was of key importance in how we developed the scriptures and was thus logically placed within the Wheel. It was not a guessing game but an exact science that we mastered thousands of years ago.

  This chapter will focus on how those colors work, what they meant in portal technology, and how we encoded that information within the Bible, Koran, Vedas and more. Don’t forget however, these colors also helped to form the final product of the Bible’s imagery. Once meshed together with the Grid-Layer, the end products of image and Word were astounding.

  Joseph’s Coat of Many Colors


  A simple example of the Glory Layer within the Bible is found in the story of Joseph’s coat of many colors. This was a combined image of a figurine, the Grid-layer and the colors of the aurora over which it was imposed.

  “Now Israel loved Joseph more than all his children, because he was the son of his old age: and he made him a coat of many colors.” Genesis 37:3 (fig. 23)

  The artistic rendering of Joseph’s coat of many colors as it originated from within the Grid System. Remember; there was no real man named Joseph but rather a figurine of the Grid System. In the end, the historical/literary ruse was only a cover story for our encoded science.

  The Real

  Jesus of the Bible (Part 1)


  The color-code of the verses

  “I Jesus, am the bright and morning star.” Revelation 22:16

  This verse is of course verification, straight from the book of Revelation, that Jesus (the Son of Man) is indeed a morning star. The following are only some of the many images that I saw and recorded. So now for the rest of the evidence you will need to believe:

  “And in the midst of the (image #1) seven golden candlesticks one like the (image #2) Son of Man (image #3) clothed with a garment down to the foot, (image #4) girded about the breasts with a golden girdle.”

  “His (image #5) head and his hair were white like wool, as white as snow…”

  “And his (image #6) feet like fine bronze, as if they burned in a furnace; and (image #7) his voice was like the sound of many waters.”

  Jesus: A morning star/figurine as described in the book of Revelation. By combining both a grid series and figurine with the color-layer of the Wisdom Wheel, the origin of every single biblical
character can be recreated as we knew them to be. Imagine the impact to realize that none of the biblical personalities were in reference to real people. The implications of course, are huge! That said; the Grid System portrayed was even more powerful than the literary ruse that hid it.

  (Image #1 & #2)

  “And in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks one like the Son of Man clothed with a garment down to the foot,” Rev. 1:12-13

  The Seven Lampstands: This is the Menorah-artwork derived upon from the large, eastern ring of the Wisdom Wheel. Each of these large rings would typically contain their own grid series, thus providing us with the line data by which to produce this image. (See Great Wheel of God). As you can see, Jesus stands within its midst, just like the book of Revelation says.

  (Image #3)

  “clothed with a garment down to the foot”

  The dress styling of the verse is perfectly outlined in this Grid System image of Jesus.

  (Image #4)

  “girded about the breasts with a golden girdle”

  The Golden Girdle: This item of grid-clothing is an outline of the large golden band of the Wisdom Wheel that drapes across the front of the Jesus figurine. The golden color is that of the sun.

  (Image #5)

  “head and his hair were white like wool, as white as snow”

  Notice how the head of Jesus aligns with the house and constellation of Aries. By tradition Aries is a lamb, so naturally his hair is “white like wool”. This is another reason why Jesus was called the Lamb of God (see John 1:29). Likewise we symbolized the center, white dot of this sector as “snow” in the Bible. The dot represents three things, including the South Pole of the earth; the full or “Wisdom moon” which is required to open the portal and the location of the “faith-ions” within Earth’s core.

  (Image #6)

  “feet like fine bronze, as if they burned in a furnace”

  The feet of Jesus were located upon the brass and black-colored rings of the anti-aurora, which contain much of the satanic element. Metaphorically speaking, this substance must be stamped out and destroyed (see 1 Corinthians 15:25). The pictorial lessons of the Wisdom Wheel make an otherwise complex science, easy to understand.

  (Image #7)

  “his voice was like the sound of many waters”

  The “many waters” are the four large rings of the Wisdom Wheel that intersect with the head/mouth area of Jesus. Among other things, these were symbolized in the Bible as rivers, hence His “voice was like the sound of many waters”. In the story of Adam and Eve, these were symbolized as the rivers of Eden which “parted, and became into four heads” (Genesis 2:10; see next chapter). The alignments are undeniable.

  In the Image of God Part I


  The divine face was illegal to produce in specific detail. God is spirit, a mental capacity of the most incomprehensible power, and thus we revered His name and image within our science. Indeed, who am I to describe God’s unspeakable being and the glory in which we persisted in Heaven? Why, I ask, even for the sake of symbolism, would I disrespect an eternal dimension with the likenesses of the primitive beasts we have become?

  I remember of course, my home—my heaven. It is the one bit of leisure that I have here on Earth, pondering the Source from which I came all those eons ago, the divine realm. But it is not yet to be: It is instead time for you to take the next step of awakening.

  I am called from the dust of the earth into a form to which you can relate, one that you can hear and see and touch. By this form I will show you these things about your past; I will tell you these things for the sake of your understanding that you may walk towards that ultimate goal of remembering who you are.

  Provided here are those God images of the Grid System. Again, His face is blank for a reason: to force your own memory to function; to recover those lost files, that hidden data from long ago. The real visage of the Source is beyond description, yet is stored somewhere in the recesses of your mind; just beyond the veil of your understanding is your angelic recollection, waiting to be stirred from its sleep. It is important therefore, if for only a moment, that you imagine your own connection to the realm of which I speak—not as a human, for flesh and blood can never inherit the kingdom of heaven, but rather as the God Element that sleeps within you.

  And isn’t that the point of opening the portal? That the part of God within would someday reawaken into a full and rightful self-knowledge, a new image, and a new creation. Yet this realignment of both the earth and your consciousness are not separate studies, but one and the same. And with the bending of the space/time continuum, the alteration of your thoughts, will come the opening of our way home.

  We used two simplistic pictorials for the image of God: one standing and one sitting, the description of which are both detailed within the scriptures. Please read the following verses and compare them to the line data images of the Wisdom Wheel:

  God’s Throne:

  “The LORD says: The heaven (upper-half of Wisdom Wheel) is my throne, and the earth (lower-half of Wisdom Wheel) is my footstool:” Isaiah 66:1

  “And I saw a great white throne (bottom half/legs and arm-rests), and him that sat on it, from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away;” Revelation 20:11

  “It is he that sits upon the circle of the earth; that stretches out the heavens as a curtain” Isaiah 40:22

  The fulfillment of Isaiah 66:1 is found in the positioning of the God-figurine’s feet upon the “footstool” or “Earth” section of the Firmament. His upper half rests within the large yellow circle of the “Heaven,” thus resembling a common throne design throughout history. Please note how the head or “Mind of God” is located on the 8th, 9th and 10th rings of the magnetosphere: This is location in which the mind of Heaven enters your world upon the portal’s opening.

  “And he that sat upon the throne was to look upon like a jasper (dark-red aurora) and a sardine stone (light-red aurora): and there was a rainbow round about the throne, in sight like unto an emerald. (green-aurora) And before the throne there was a sea of glass like unto crystal:” Revelation4:3

  Look familiar? This magnetic anomaly occurred over Siberia on October 26 2017. It perfectly reflects the colors of Revelation 4:3 as well as the schematic of the Wisdom Wheel. The magi understood the significance of the ripping the fabric or “veil” of space thousands of years ago. Trust this: the Word will re-open the portal to heaven.

  “The appearance of the Lords face, like iron made to glow in a fire (red bands of the aurora), and brought out, emitting sparks (stars), and it burns.” Enoch 22:1

  The Face of God: The highest visible layers of the aurora are of the red and yellow spectrums and are displayed in the face area of the God image. When layered with a splattering of stars, we can easily envision the image of the “Lord’s face, like iron made to glow in a fire, emitting sparks”.

  God Standing:

  “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.” Genesis 1:27

  “There is . . . One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all.” Ephesians 4:6

  “I have made the earth, and created man upon it: I, even my hands, have stretched out the heavens, and all their host have I commanded.” Isaiah 45:12

  The Colors of King Nebuchadnezzar Part 1


  The book of Daniel contains its own share of color-depictions including that of the Babylonian king, Nebuchadnezzar, and his dream of a great image. As you will see, it was not a real dream, nor a real king named, Nebuchadnezzar, but the imagination of the Word and the mechanics of the Wisdom Wheel:

  “Thou, O king Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon, saw, and behold a great image.”

  “This images head was of fine gold, it’s breasts and it’s arms of silver, it’s belly and it’s thighs of brass,”

  “Its legs of iron, its feet part of iron and part of miry

  “Thou, o king, art this head of gold.”

  “And whereas thou saw iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men:” Daniel 2:31-43

  “great image”: a figurine named by the Wisdom Wheel as “King Nebuchadnezzar”.

  “Thou, o king, art this head of gold”: this sector of the firmament is the large golden ring that represents the “brightness” of the sun as “fine gold”—not real gold, but sunlight.

  “breasts and its arms of silver”: this sector of the firmament represents a rare “silver” color of the aurora—not real silver, but aurora…

  “belly and it’s thighs of brass”: this sector of the firmament represents the “brass” aurora and spans across the king’s belly, waist, and thighs. This verse is not referring to a real image of a king, nor real brass, but to a figurine and its interaction with the brass ring of the Wisdom Wheel.

  “legs of iron”: the black aurora that exists in the gaps of the normal colored aurora, but primarily between the brass and red bands. The Bible connotes these darkened areas with negativity as they contain something far more evil than you can possibly imagine (more on this later).


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