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The Book of Daniel and the Mystery of the Resurrection Machine

Page 23

by Holloway, Daniel;

  Each of these 7 spheres were allotted a gravitational value that could then be added or subtracted from the other celestial bodies depending on their compass position within the heavens. The final gravitational sum in turn affected Earth’s orbit, tilt, spin and wobble, and were thus relative in creating a “Word” that considered their gravitational effects. In consideration of this, their placement in the Wheel makes perfect sense and thus functions to spell a perfect wave-pattern that you can speak.

  Again, once this data was expressed via your mouth, it would impress upon Earth’s magnetosphere, creating a void or bulge that would act to slowly but surely correct our planet’s misalignment. These voids would, as a result, also change the colors of the aurora, therefore giving us a visual validation each night that we had succeeded in our goals. Simple science for angels…

  We really did come from the dimension of Heaven and we really did visit your Earth. In the end, there simply is no other explanation for this advanced knowledge to appear thousands of years ago and at a time when humanity had little or no formal education.

  The 3rd Color-Layer of the Wisdom Wheel

  ~The Greater and Lesser Lights~


  “And God made two great lights; the greater light (sun-ring) to rule the day, and the lesser light (moon-ring) to rule the night: he made the stars (figurines) also.

  And God set them in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth, (moon/lower-half of model) and to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light from the darkness: and God saw that it was good. And the evening (large left circle) and the morning (large right circle) were the fourth day.” Genesis 1:16-19

  The greater and lesser lights (sun and moon rings) as well as the Evening and Morning quadrants of the Firmament: These 4 large rings were assigned a logical color code and represented longer, grand cycles of the heavens. Among their many symbol words were the “four rivers of Eden” (see Genesis 2:10-14).

  The 3rd color-layer of the Wisdom Wheel included 4 large circles that represented longer, grand-cycles of the heavens. These larger timelines were critical in the Word production process and so were included in the Wisdom Wheel’s design. Accordingly these four sectors were symbolized in the Bible as;

  1. (Yellow-ring) day/summer/sun,

  2. (White-ring) night/winter/moon,

  3. (Right/golden-ring) morning/spring and

  4. (Left/dark-ring) evening/fall.

  Again, I have purposely omitted the calculations that were superimposed upon each of these circles, but I will say there was a lot of data to be considered in the creation of Word. Likewise these four quadrants contained representative-figurines of great size, called “arch-angels”, so-named due to the large diameter or “arch” of their grids in comparison to the smaller figurines:

  “For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, (large-figurine of the yellow-ring)” 1 Thessalonians 4:16

  Arch: A curved symmetrical structure spanning an opening or elevated space. And that, my friend, is why we called them arch angels…

  These four arches also form an inherent cross at their intersection, the center of which includes the small white circle of the Wisdom Wheel. In turn, this cross design was described in symbolic detail throughout the Bible and is the origin of the iconic cross of Christianity.

  What’s more, many of the magi wore this symbol as a necklace by which to be identified. Though people recognized it as our sign, they in no way understood its meaning or origin. The knowledge of the Grid System was highly classified; so if you’d never seen its imagery, then there was no way to realize the basis of the necklace design.

  The Sign of the Magi: We used the Grid System by which to format our religious icons. This Assyrian relief dates to about 700BC and clearly shows the cross styling of the Wisdom Wheel as well as the center dot in perfect proportion. To the outsider looking in, no one knew the meaning of the necklace; but now you do.

  ~Hours and Days~

  …This of course brings us to the next ring of the Wisdom Wheel. Around the outer perimeter of the 2nd and 3rd color-layers was an even larger circle that was divided into 24 equal-sized parts. This functioned to measure both the 24 solar hours of each day and, simultaneously, the 24 one-thousand-year-long retrograde measurements of the celestial equator. These measurements were in turn symbolized in the scriptures as both “hours” and/or “days”, according to the cycle being measured:

  “But of that day and hour knows no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.” Matthew 24:36:

  The “day” (i.e., a 1,000-year precession) and “hour” (i.e., an actual hour). This ring of the Wisdom Wheel was also encoded within the scriptures as “days” and “hours.” It measured and calculated into the Word both hourly and retrograde considerations that led to the final spelling of each letter of the Bible.

  Ironically when the word “days” was used in the scriptures, it was not referring to a day as you know them, but instead a 1,000-year period of time that was graphed within the Grid System. In case you don’t believe me, then please refer to 2nd Peter 3:8;

  “But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years (1,000), and a thousand years as one day.”

  As is the case with most verses, people either guess or gloss-over the symbolism that lie directly in front of their eyes. Therefore consider our code; that when reading the Bible, the word, “day” or “days” is to be multiplied by a 1,000 year period of time. Likewise a perfect equatorial-precession lasts for 24,000 years thus dividing the Great Wheel into 24, 1,000-year increments, or about 1 millennia for each pie-shaped section.

  The equatorial precision however, was only one of two long-count calendars; the other a grand ecliptic-cycle which lasted 25,920 years. The Wisdom Wheel’s final ring of letters were rotated against this slow backdrop of precession, the changes of which show in the literary styling of each of the Bible’s books. This is also why you will notice a higher incidence of certain words in some books than others, especially when comparing those of the Old and New Testaments.

  Though we led our followers to believe that each book was named after its actual author, it was the movement of the rings themselves that account for both the literary-styling and the name of the book itself! Thus names such as Ezekiel, Isaiah, Mathew, Mark, Daniel, etc., were not real people but figurines of the Grid System that were named according to the movement of these rings. Pure magic!

  The following verses are only two tantalizing examples that will help you to see the code of “hours” and “days”. Please note the correlation of the highlighted words;

  “After two days (after 2,000 years) will he revive us: in the third day (The 3rd thousandth years) he will raise us up, and we shall live in his sight.” Hosea 6:2

  “And they shall kill him, and the third day (3rd thousandth years) he shall be raised again.” Matthew 17:23

  I promise to tell more about the 3rd day of resurrection, perhaps in book II, but what you should note is that the historical context of the Bible has just been removed and replaced with an omnipresent prophecy that directly involves you. Indeed, it is today that the real, thousand year-long, 3rd day resurrection begins. I’d dare to speculate that this is somewhat better than a history story . . .

  Continuing on, however, the Bible symbol word “hours” did, in-fact, literally indicate the 24 hourly measurements we took from atop the Temple in Jerusalem each day. This factoid is also secretly encoded within the verses of the Bible and in context to a figurine:

  “. . . take no thought how or what ye shall speak: for it shall be given you in that same hour what ye shall speak.” Matthew 10:19 Indeed, each hour the figurines knew exactly the letters to speak, -figuratively speaking! The scriptures were always a play on words.

  ~The Ring of Letters~

  The final ring was of course the letters of the Hebrew and later, the Greek alp
habets. However, dependent upon the sector of the Grid System in which a story was written, it might also include any one of numerous other language alphabets. This includes Latin, Aramaic, Egyptian, etc. This was a comparative format in which the Hebrew language was attached to the perfect “Spin-grids” of the Grid-System, while every other alphabet was attached to the “wobble-grids” as an “enemy” of portal function.

  This dis-includes the Greek language which was forced upon Israel by Alexander the Great during his conquest. As a result the New Testament was written in Greek in-lieu-of the native Hebrew.

  Once every hour on the hour, a new measurement of alignments were taken from the heavens and placed upon the rings of the Great Wheel. The rings, thus adjusted, would precipitate into the words, sentences, verses, chapters, and books of the Holy Scriptures. Interestingly each letter was selected via the hand of the God Image, thus creating the miracle of the “Word of God”:

  “In the same hour came forth fingers of a man’s hand, and wrote over against the candlestick upon the plaster of the wall” Daniel 5:5 A symbolic-description of a Grid-System alignment.

  “But if with the finger of God I cast out devils, no doubt the kingdom of God is come upon you.” Luke 11:20 (An illusion to replacement of the dark imagination via Word which was spelled by the hand of the God figurine.)

  Every hour the alignments of the heavens changed, thus spelling a new letter of the Bible’s verses. They really were written with the finger of the God figurine, but no less by the divine reasoning of the Wisdom Wheel. And now you know why it is called the Word of God…

  Since only a total of 24 measurements were produced each day, sentences would pick-up or leave-off at the same hour each day until completed. As a result the Word would alternate between the sentences of good and evil characters, each written upon their corresponding Word sheets. These formative patterns likewise shown within the storyline of the characters in question:

  “Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.”

  An image portraying Psalms 119:105: The final position of the sun dictated the letters of the Great Wheel, thus the depiction of the Word as a lamp and a light.

  The Author of Peace

  Writing with the Finger of God


  Every magician had in his possession a magic-wand that was personalized and blessed. Magic of course, was one of the few frills we enjoyed on Earth. The origin of your modern fantasies thus evident, every magi custom-made their own wand by which to execute the mysteries of the divine power. My own was a faithful companion over the centuries and until the very end. I stowed it in a small sliding case made of olive wood, tucked safely within the inner pocket of my cloak. Through all of my trials we never once parted.

  The Finger of God was but a humble stylus made from reed and tempered over an open flame. But it wrote the original drafts of almost every Jewish and Christian scripture in existence, a magic so powerful it can literally turn the world on its end. With a mere wave of the wand—that is, a stroke of the pen—it wrote the code that forever changed mankind. How, you may ask, could an item so quaint, produce a spell of such magnitude, something that could alter the Aurora and even open the portal to Heaven? Indeed all other magic pales by comparison.

  The magic it wrote is changing you as well, slowly but surely awakening you from an age-long slumber, altering your thoughts and most important, your real-world imagination. As a royal scribe and servant of the Almighty, I penned the words that the Wisdom Wheel revealed. But indeed it was you who committed the magic of the Word and the wand. Ultimately is was you, dear angel, who spoke the spell of God that will unlock the star-gate and our way home.

  It’s surreal that a simple reed gathered from the bank of the Euphrates would create the most powerful book ever written. And while today your smart phones and computers with all their mighty electronics can so much as send an endless babel of mindless texts and internet noise, we, with not but the Wisdom Wheel, a stick and a bit of ink—changed the alignments of the Earth itself.

  So as you can see, the wand has been misrepresented by myth, but then again, the scriptures too hid, within their covers of unassuming stories, the greatest science of all time. The lesson I suppose, is to never judge a book by its cover, nor a magic wand by its simple design. Our magic may not have pulled a rabbit from a hat, but it could open an interdimensional portal. Indeed we were the imagination of God incarnate.

  The Paradigm of the Portal

  The problem that modern science has with dimensional physics is that each level is promoted as an anomaly of calculous relative to space and time. Therein is an angular hierarchy that connects every other dimension or warping of space within the physical universe. The dimensions as the magi knew them, however, were not quite the same.

  In the purest sense the higher dimension to which we referred, aka Heaven, is transformative instead of angular. And to articulate our model scientifically also allowed us to better quantify the mental gears and cogs of each world. The science of the ancients uses math to be sure, but rather relates those paradigms outside of the angular/physical box of math. Indeed we are not dealing with curvatures of space and time, but instead a rip in the very fabric of reality and this is the real difference.

  Try to think of mental transformation as the molecules of a tree that are burnt and thus completely reorganized into an entirely different molecular structure. You’ve seen wood burn, so what happened to it? Where did it go? It transformed: the atoms are no longer solid pieces of wood that are stuck to the ground via gravity and weight.

  Indeed this new structure, the air, is free of gravity; it is no longer visible, but invisible and free flowing in ways that the tree could never be. The air is the opposite of the wood in every capacity. No doubt the tree strives to reach the light of heaven much in the same way that humanity does towards God. Ultimately however it is an exercise in futility and cannot achieve the higher state of existence until the tree itself is destroyed through the transmutation process of fire.

  There is also a mental fire of transformation. Though I speak figuratively of the wood and air, there is yet a very real application of this principle in the ancient study of mental-physics. Similarly, each dimension also contains its own form of matter and energy that dictates the type of mind that is articulated therein.

  Accordingly there is an incompatibility or enmity between the two minds. Much in the same way that the air is disconnected from the Earth so is each dimension largely restricted to its own yard, touching yet separate. They are as different as daylight and dark as is the scope and scale of the math we used to understand them.

  But how to understand these things more simply? Science, the magi believed, should only begin with mathematics, but always and ultimately be pushed into the visual realm. This is what the Wisdom Wheel accomplished, itself being mathematically placed and designed. But in the end it formed a comprehensive image that could be easily grasped and used to our advantage.

  As such you have already seen how the center of a grid-series resembles a star gate, including the light-rays that beam from within its center. This is no accident. The difference however between our portal and that of a movie, is that our portal is real and empowers you, via the Word, to open it. Indeed it offers a narrow window of opportunity, a means to attain an eternal world that was long ago forgotten.

  Compare the Wisdom Wheel images to any other 3-D model of modern science and then tell me which is superior in revelation. To realize that we designed thousands of these images and thousands of years ago without a computer generated video, simply boggles the mind. But it also tells us that there is so-much more than we ever thought was possible, that there is a whole new dimension to math that we neither teach nor have even considered in our world today.

  There was a time when magic was real, and in this case, fact is far more fantastic than fiction. It really is the science of God. Something is coming—and now you know what it is. These
are the revelations of the ages that were intended for this day. It is time.

  “Does not wisdom call; at the entrance of the portals she cries aloud:” Proverbs 8:1-36

  “And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” John 8:32

  “Ask me, and I will tell you remarkable secrets, which you did not know” Jeremiah 33:3

  And saw heaven opened, and a great sheet knit at the four corners, and let down to the earth: Acts 10:11 & 11:5

  The Sacred Maps

  The Map Layer of the Wisdom Wheel

  So then, was the story of the little old man a fiction or not? If so, then how else do I know the code of the scriptures and the portal science in such detail? Ah, but our secret was bigger than what you have seen thus far. In fact we added an entirely new dimension to the Wisdom Wheel, one which required an otherworldly intellect to accomplish. Indeed it included an ingenious and monumental task.

  During the first Temple period beginning at around 500 B.C., the magi not only surveyed Israel, the Mediterranean and the entire Middle-East, but also super-imposed our star charts and grids upon those maps, thus creating a hybrid land/star-chart. Once completed, these maps were used as a base-layer to the Wisdom Wheel that allowed us to cleverly symbolize each and every star of the heavens within the Bible’s stories by instead listing the name of the town with which they matched.

  Indeed the towns mentioned in the scriptures are not towns at all, but stars and/or marking points on the Grid System. This in turn further camouflaged our celestial-science. By connecting the “12 tribes of Israel” (i.e., the 12 figurine-groups) to the geographic regions of the maps, the Israelites could now relate to the Bible on a more personal level, thus solidifying the Jewish national identity.


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