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The Book of Daniel and the Mystery of the Resurrection Machine

Page 41

by Holloway, Daniel;

  It’s seemingly a contradiction that on one hand we become physical creatures, yet did so in an effort to eventually escape the physical world. But make no mistake, both elements exist within the human container. In the same fashion that positive and negative charges exist within the same battery, so do the spiritual elements within you. They are presently inseparable in the end product of who you find yourself to be.

  There is more; we saved the best for last: Within only the last 18,000 years we committed the 2nd melding which produced the magi. Here our remaining Element bonded. We needed leadership for the humans we created; someone more advanced and with greater intellect was needed to organize, teach, and tame them.

  This wouldn’t be easy. The power and perception of magic were needed to gain their attention and obedience. Thus the majority of our remaining Element was directed to a select few specimens: the magi; limited in numbers, yet with a concentrated “godlike” presence. The magi were greatly altered human stock, glowing with a miraculous light that emanated from our very being. In turn this visage worked to our advantage and overwhelmed our humans with awe.

  There was however, some additional “spill over” effect during the 2nd release into the existing human tribes. This final boost was noticeable but minimal. And so we fell into your world; and now the Element of God that was on this side, was now doomed to stay on this side. Our lifespans, now finite, still lasted in some cases for upward of 17,000 years. To my knowledge, the last two were myself and Ithiel, my own end coming half way through the age of Pisces as I assume did his . . .

  But even as great as the energy within the magi, it too would dilute and redistribute as each incarnation perished over time. As each of our physical embodiments died, that quantum was quickly absorbed by multitudes of human hosts who lived in proximity. Our spirits spread in every direction at death, irradiating into those around us, bringing only minimal advantage to those who were affected.

  Through the two great meldings that formed the humans and the magicians, the God Element would become you and fall asleep in you, as you. You wouldn’t be aware of it; for just as you failed to recognize us as you, we too, eventually forgot the truth of who we were. We became flesh—we literally became you, and though we now slumber within the recesses of your mind, you also now contain the real angelic bloodline. Thus the angels became the proverbial wayward sons, completely losing the memory of our intended purpose, pretending, as you, that we are something other than chosen angels. As a result, you are an ironic and amazing creature.

  Coming soon however is another such geomagnetic shift. Polar shifts and axial movement have occurred naturally throughout Earth’s history, yet this next one will be the result of the magic that you likely read or repeated. Accompanying this event will be a polar reversal from north to south. In lay terms this means your compass needles will point to the south instead of the north. With it comes the mechanics required to accelerate the Earth’s tilt and reopen the portal.

  Another accelerant of Earth’s realignment is the changing ice-packs at the poles. These solid masses presently act as counterweights to the Earth’s spin and contribute to its off-kilter wobble. Thus as that ice melts or rearranges, it allows the Earth’s natural gyration to correct its alignment. Some say that this melting will inundate coastal areas and kill millions. If so it would matter little. Remember; it’s not about saving humanity, but rather the Element within them. The Element must get out and this can only happen with an open portal.

  Your scientists are aware that this new shift has already begun. This time it will usher the beginning of the day of resurrection. Increasingly as the portal opens, the God Element will overpower the mind of Satan within humanity. The quantum that is in each of us will, upon our deaths, condense in the coming generations in ever fewer people but in ever greater strength. Likewise, the comprehension of these individuals will be off the charts.

  Then, just as it happened over 45,000 years ago, another “special event” will occur. This time however, it will not initiate another melding, but an awakening of the God-Element within. Finally, when it’s done, when it’s complete, the human brain will no longer be able to capacitate the super consciousness that now sleeps within us all. We are now on the precipice of birthing a nonphysical phenomenon. Tesla pondered it, but you will become it.

  During this time, a lot of crazy things will happen including increased earthquakes, failure of electrical grids, failed satellites, etc. These are the results of magnetic reconfiguration and the positive influx of energy through the portal. Add to that the general mayhem from an unbelieving world and we will have quite a mess. Though it seems like a bad thing, this collateral damage is unavoidable in achieving our planet’s realignment. Trust me; in the end, and assuming you are on the right side of this thing, you will be glad it happened.

  It is a terrible tear of our inner being, these times of which I speak. One part, somehow, will be petrified with fear, insecure and unable to function. The mind of man will burn as if in a consuming fire. The overreactions can and will often be deadly as the dark element struggles to keep its realm. It will rebel, in us, as us.

  At the same time there will be another part, another reality that will begin to emerge. There you may somehow find yourself anew, refreshed, secure, and, somehow at peace. But even this is only the beginning of the great and terrible day that lies ahead. (see Joel 2:11)

  Mind Swap

  “Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;” 2 Corinthians 10:5

  Our thoughts must become captive and they will. The sheer volume of God-Element that floods through the open portal will literally jam or “drown” the output signals of the dark element within our minds. The point beyond the code of “floods” or a “melting of the elements” was to indicate, in code, the destruction of one wave-pattern by another:

  “…as in the days that were before the flood (volume of God-Element/wave-pattern)… until the day (day of resurrection) that Noah entered into the ark. And knew not until the flood came, and took them (false images) all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man (the resurrection)” Matthew 24:38-39

  “But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night (in a way you don’t expect); in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise (nnner turmoil), and the elements (mental/dimensional elements) shall melt with fervent heat (Grid System image of red aurora), the earth also and the works therein shall be burned up.” 2 Peter 3:10

  “Therefore shall all hands be faint, and every man’s heart shall melt:” Isaiah 13:7

  The God-Element acts like a microwave that completely scrambles and overwhelms the mental signals of its foe. As this happens, Earth’s polarity will simultaneously emit positive-ions instead of negative as it now does, thus producing a new imagination within your mind as well as a return of the super-aurora in the skies overhead. In the end we will be a new creation.

  A critical facet of casting down false imaginations is to believe, to see beyond what the liar portrays on a daily basis. Likewise Joy is the rearrangement of those images and ions into a new reality. The hard pill to swallow is that even the ability to believe will increase during the resurrection timeline of the next 1,000 years. Real belief is also part of the birthing process and can’t happen until the God-Element awakens within us.

  But we still need the mass of our numbers to make this happen. Christians, Muslims, Jews and Hindu—believers of all shapes and sizes nationalities and persuasions, finally on the same team, not in any one religion, but as the many-membered team of God within us all. It is that person who seeks salvation through the same gateway to Heaven. And not by the outer names shall we be selected, but by the love and the goodness of heart of God found within.

  Indeed, like a seed that is buried in the darkness of the Earth, so is the angelic-element of God. Like a virus enters in secret, to incubate for a time, b
ut ultimately to overwhelm and consume its host, so too were we to the satanic creation. But much like the story in which King Solomon enslaved demons by which to build the Temple, the angels also enslaved the human demon as an incubator that housed our spirit until the day of our rebirth from its dark and wretched womb. This is the real temple of which the story of Solomon eludes.

  Yet I will say, and I’d be willing to bet, that you also sense there is more than just this life—not that creatures of the earth always pondered beyond their mortality, because truly they didn’t. Most species can mourn the loss of another. No doubt they naturally feel and love their own, but seldom if ever do they reach beyond that which they know in this world, that perhaps there is something beyond this reality altogether.

  That, my friend is a special quality that is hardwired into the human ever since the melding. At the beginning of our human incarnations, in our youth, in our infancy, freshly in the flesh, untainted just yet, we are a bit more likely to remember heaven. It is then that our angel has not yet reattached to this world.

  But then we quickly forget. We reattach. We become bonded to the physical world and reality. It is only after our conception in the flesh, in those first days, weeks and months, just before and after our birth that we relearn the lie, the deception of being human. No doubt some remember heaven into their aging, but these are few.

  Their days are numbered. For only a little longer will the dark ones will rule the conscious and subconscious mind. Just as before they fight with the brutal weapons of ignorance to keep you asleep. They stifle your memory by creating doubt and disbelief. These demons also work to keep the seals of the Word closed; they seek to destroy these revelations and thus keep you unaware. Their desire of course is that you remain human in all your forms forever; and so long as Earth stays tilted and the portal remains closed, they win; they will forever have a home in you. Indeed they live, not in another realm, but in your own mind, as your own body, forming your perceptions of what is real.

  Evil has created a web of lies, a support system of contemporary wisdom. These are the external teachings of this world that support our loss of memory. Everything, in fact, including our education, religion, and science, is geared toward the affirmation of your flesh; it is an endless list of “how-tos” for being human. And like the subtle serpent, the lie often coalesces as the most unsuspecting of all: as the word of those who pertain to teach you Godliness, but themselves are oblivious to the magnitude of the deception in which you persist.

  Their lesson of course is that you learn how God wants you to be happy within your humanity, to find harmony, rhyme and reason in this world. God, it is taught, lived in another person, at another time in history. In that age great things happened and, someday, we are told, great things may happen again. But until then, they say, rather concern yourself, we are told, with fitting God into your everyday lives, here.

  Therein is the great paradox; for Faith requires exactly that; that we do find God in our relationships and every circumstance. The fine-line of deception however, is that we find God in these things for the very sake of our humanity. Au contraire, we find God in every circumstance of our humanity for the sake of our eternal knowledge beyond this world. It is the failure to recognize this seemingly minute detail of focus that leads us as sheep to a blissful slaughter.

  Like a hostage with Stockholm syndrome we wrongly feel empathy for the lie in which we live; we tend to our temporal-being instead of the eternal. Thus we fail to take greater action to secure the truth within our minds, simply because we don’t realize that greater action is required. We forfeit the fact that mental participation is necessary to secure our rescue. Unfortunately we are enamored with our captor, with this world, and thus deny ourselves of our one true love, the Heaven, from which we came.

  Ironically this is exactly what caused the Covering Cherub to fall all those years ago. In his crush for the visage of this world, and his own beauty that reflected through the aurora, he forgot. One might say; “If heaven is so great, how then could one forget it?” The answer of course, is time, lots of time, and with it, the memory fades. Even memories need to be recharged, no different than a battery. I can attest to this as even my own memory is somewhat faded; can you relate?

  It is here then that you should realize the predicament in which you exist: that the very hell spoken of within the scriptures is indeed this existence. We are separate from heaven, and that is our hell! There is no intermediate location, no middle point—no purgatory on the road to perdition. If there ever was a hell, we are in it, right here, right now, balanced only by the fact of the trace amount of Atomos within you. Be wise about this fact. And while the angels once marveled at the visage of this world, it was never intended that we become part of it as a permanent fixture.

  Yes; Faith brings Joy, not in the things of this world, but in looking forward to our heavenly home. Ultimately, realizing who you are in God, is a prerequisite for getting back to the dimension from which you came, which without we would simply remain oblivious to our condition. Truly there is no incentive, other than pain and death, to move from the hot-burner of being human. Yet it is the spiritual discomfort in this day of resurrection that will force us to move from one place to another in our minds. Either way, action is required; you must move. I speak figuratively of course.

  What’s more, habit often leads us to believe that by delegating a few hours each day or week to religious servitude, we are thus ensured of our eternal salvation. At one time the magi required such diligence from our cultures. Then of course, timed dedication was part of a rigid program of verbal/magnetic manipulation. No doubt, hearing, reading, and repeating are still important, but now with comprehension and in the context of doing so by Faith and to open the portal. Before now, humanity could not bear more than simple milk, that is—simple religious instruction. Today however, we are not as the child but are awakening into maturity.

  Though I designed the Word to be spoken through the mouths of babes, that time is over. It is time to grow up. Now is the time to graduate from milk to the meat of adults, that is, the food of understanding and the truth that will lead to your salvation. By now you should be teachers yourselves, taught inwardly; yet even in this moment I teach you through these revelations, outwardly, by reading the outer words of this book, the oracles of God. My desire is that you become skillful in the use of Faith; that you be filled with the knowledge of the God Element that lives within you and the depth of its magic. Awake.

  You do not belong to this world: not to spouse, nor children; not to a family of the flesh, but to Him only. These hands are His; this mind –a temple of the divine. That is my frustration, my anger—that the human loves pleasure more than the truth, that he would rather forfeit an eternity to gain a little fun in this world. Our focus is derailed.

  Why am I surprised, considering the human matrix? We say, “Eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow we die”. Like Scarlet O’Hara, they’d rather “think about that tomorrow.” Indeed we would rather bask in the sun today than plan for our eternity. People are spoiled; they desire the sweets instead of the rigor that brings us to salvation. The child desires coddling, the mature adult, duty and integrity.

  So to the point: the dark angels deny the real truth about the life of God in you; for they themselves need a capacitor, a medium through which to manifest, and you are their means to that end. Their mind and energies are real and can be understood by paying close attention to your own thoughts. The mind of the great dragon needs your focus upon this world, thus providing him with the reality and control he seeks. He may speak of God, as this wolf often does within. He sneaks and stalks through our own thoughts, setting an ambush of pleasantries, a false picture of security and a god that fits perfectly within this world. This can range from fighting a war in the name of God, all the way to feeding the poor in the name of God. Either way it supports the flesh.

  With a smile we are destroyed wonderfully, murdered with a false- gospel, a teach
ing that conforms God to us instead of us to who we truly are in Him. We are taught to feed and clothe the poor of humanity, while yet feeding the spirit of God within, a perpetual poison, an elixir of the physical reality and thus eternal sleep. We view war and murder as being of the flesh, never realizing that the real fight is within our hearts and in our minds—a war of perception and self-identity. And when we readily accept that we are human and not children of another dimension, murder has indeed been committed.

  The god of the lie is handy too; we can trust him for physical healing, finances, relationships and human well-being. Sometimes the deception goes even deeper. Sometimes he leads us in prayer and in praises. I have seen it for myself many, many times throughout the centuries. Yet always he will evade the message of dimensional resurrection and how to accomplish it: “You need to get your head out the clouds and come back down to earth,” we are reminded. Yet “above the clouds” is indeed where the portal awaits us . . .

  Your humanity is a façade in which you suffer once, yet the God-Element within suffers repetitively in each and every human incarnation. Here He is recreated in the flesh countless times, a torture in which every life becomes a new lash of suffering. Here He is separate from His home, an eternal cross in which you, as parts of the God-Element (if you can accept this), are stranded on this planet, dying in every form, over and over again.

  The memories of these countless lives are still there—the déjà vu that so many have. You call it reincarnation; I call it imprinting, in which the sufferings of each incarnation overlay the God-Element to various degrees. This is, in fact, what accounts for your memories of other lives. No different than even Daniel in the Bible was told he would live again in the end times, so have we all. It is one and the same Element, mixed and messed over the eons in and through humanity.


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