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The Book of Daniel and the Mystery of the Resurrection Machine

Page 43

by Holloway, Daniel;

  And though barbarians such as Constantine, Titus and the Khans are all gone, the mind of darkness still prowls the thoughts of world leaders today. More subtle than before, they are no-less determined to keep their earthly realms. Thus the message of the magi is still a threat. The demons within instinctively sense the end of their control. They didn’t know before, but now they are fully aware of the implications of our magic and a realigned earth.

  Governments seek control by any means necessary, and historically religion is their number-one tool to get it. They use it not for the knowledge of God, but for cultural compliance—not that we should ditch moral living, because we shouldn’t. Yet we have to see this thing from a government’s point of view: To them, a culture that believes in God is easier to manipulate. That, and sheep are easier to corral or rally to a seemingly noble objective, though, more often, for the greed and power of those in charge. Of course, by all means, believe in God, but without the imposition of false doctrine.

  Thus they want you, for all the wrong reasons, to follow religious instruction. Indeed they often tailor their agendas to inflame your religious sensitivities through false propaganda. They stoke the fire of your feelings by tying bogus or otherwise unimportant issues to your religious values. In so doing you will fight or vote for a seemingly noble cause. Doctrinal manipulation for the sake of political gain is in fact the oldest trick in the political-playbook.

  It is amusing how they cut off their nose to spite their own faces; for in using the outward religions we created, (As we knew they would), they cannot speak against the systems of accepted morality and goodness that are engrained within those same cultures they intend to rule. Thus the adherents of those religions still hear and repeat the magic of the scriptures we wrote. So they use you, but we use them.

  Now however the new religion of the dark-spirit is science itself. Not without some merit, it typically serves the creature instead of the creator. Similar to organized religion, science too can be used to twist the truth, create an unfounded panic and manipulate your emotions and thus your votes and actions. With those in power, “scientific-truth” is also often nothing more than skewed math for the sake of cultural control—not so-much among the scientists, but among those who would use it to support a political agenda. Perhaps the old adage applies: Numbers don’t lie, but liars use numbers . . .

  Since the ultimate goal of science is truth, it is readily apparent that the science of the magi achieved exactly that—an open portal. Our studies focused on portal mechanics with little regard to human wellbeing. Modern science on the other hand has reversed the formula of faith and magic and instead revolved its efforts around improving the human condition verses the spiritual being within.

  I suppose I shouldn’t be too harsh as ever since the age of Pisces, what little spiritual intuition humanity did have, died long ago. You can attribute this to the dark element that is also attached to your own DNA. Scientists today simply don’t know the equation of eternity or even if it’s possible, much less how to identify this yet undiscovered layer within the human genome. Therefore I can’t expect those who are oblivious to revolve their energies around it.

  What modern science has managed is to make humans live a few years longer than before. This is of course, vanity; yet that makes me a hypocrite, for my first incarnation lived for over 17,000 years—still far short of the eternal mark. Yet even in that long timeline, I never once enjoyed the flesh as much as my prior angelic state. There is no comparison between Heaven and here. I may have enjoyed the risk and the reason, but never the limitations and pain. I understood and accepted the divine plan, yet never once lost sight of the ultimate goal of our return to Heaven.

  Unfortunately modern science can also be used to prevent earth’s realignment and thus the Day of Resurrection. It comes in the form of secret antenna arrays in Alaska and elsewhere that, I suspect, create counterproductive bulges in the magnetosphere. “Prove it,” you say. The following article was written by Becky Ferreira in a publication of Space Science Reviews:

  The false magnetic encapsulation of the earth via man’s VLH signals.

  According to the article humans have “accidentally” created a protective bubble around Earth by using very low frequency (VLF) radio transmissions to contact submarines in the ocean. These underwater communications are said to have an outer space dimension. A video explainer, released by NASA visualizes how radio waves wafting into space interact with the particles surrounding Earth, and influence their motion (sound familiar?). Satellites in certain high-altitude orbits, such as NASA’s particle-watching Van Allen Probes, have observed these VLF ripples creating an “impenetrable boundary,” a phrase coined by study co-author Dan Baker, director of the University of Colorado’s Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics. This doesn’t mean impenetrable to spacecraft or asteroids, per se, but rather to potentially harmful particle shower created by turbulent space weather.

  The boundary extends out to the inner edge of the Van Allen radiation belts, which are bands of charged particles created from the clash of the solar wind against Earth’s magnetic field (told you so). The VLF bubble might actually be pushing the Van Allen belts farther into space (similar to the bulges in the magnetosphere that we created with the scriptures), suggests Baker, considering that they have receded farther from Earth since the 1960s, when VLF use was not as widespread.

  Next, scientists are figuring out whether the VLF bubble can be used to purify the near-Earth environment from charged particles (aka: ions), which would make humanity a little safer. (Well done, random radio-induced space cocoon.)

  So, what pray tell do you think is attached to those positive ions that they wish to purify or prevent? Have I not stated throughout this writing that it is indeed the God-Element itself? So there it is: Indeed almost anything humans do to impact Earth’s magnetic field will be counterproductive in some capacity.

  Their efforts are seemingly noble of course. “Helpful to the earth”, they say. “Something that will make us all safer,” they assure us, but ultimately is the scheming of their slave masters within, the fallen mind of the dark angels who work to prevent the Paradise Alignment. No doubt the scientists will claim that a nearly perpetual equinox will cause climate destruction, or that perhaps those VHL waves will protect us from an electromagnetic burst from a rogue nation or maybe even from solar storms that would destroy our electrical grids. “National security” is always a good one too. Yet all of this plays on the public’s ignorance of the real issue and threat that the ancient portal poses to the dark element that presently appears to control this world.

  Regardless of the details however, there seems to be something that the world governments know and are not telling. There is a reason that Israel balked at releasing the Dead Sea Scrolls and was likewise selective in what they did release. Ponder that: What 2,000 year old object found in the desert could be so damning so as to keep it secret? If in fact my memory is correct, then I know exactly what it is . . .

  Then again, maybe NASA discovered more about portals after all. They’ve admittedly launched four such probes into the realm of the magnetosphere since 2012 to find exactly that. As well, maybe it’s just simple instinct of the dark element within man. One doesn’t need space satellites, scientific forays or even a space agency to sense the truth. We all know something is coming. Just as I claim my own instinct, the dark-element also feels the inevitable doom of its earthly domain and will do what it can to prevent it.

  Constantine for example, had no scientific-clue in 321AD about the information of which I speak. He was oblivious to the what, when or how of our magic, yet still knew to destroy the magi. And though his death edict left our scriptures untouched, it succeeded in all but erasing our priesthood from existence. Being oblivious to the details of his instinct, he nonetheless sensed the threat we posed to his control. More important than the survival of the ancient magicians however, was the magic itself. It was the spell we cast that mattered, and it
did survive. It was a danger to the dark-element then, and is now its undoing.

  It is amazing however, at how devious and persistent the evil one can be within the mind of man, how since the beginning it labored against the truth with an overwhelming ferocity. But the timeline of the magi will not be denied as history has shown and will continue to reveal. Ultimately the dark element will fail as the Word has foretold, but at least you can be aware of the powers that fight for your mind. Thus the real message comes, not to the unbelieving of the outer man but to the luminaries of faith within. For no matter how obvious the lesson, only those who can hear; will hear, and in this day of hearing, that you should account yourself among those destined for resurrection.

  Judgment Day Has Begun.


  “Behold, the day of the LORD comes, and thy spoil shall be divided in the midst of you.” Zechariah 14:1

  “To deliver such an one unto Satan for the destruction of the flesh, that the spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus.” 1 Corinthians 5:5

  “But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night (I.e.-in a way that we don’t expect); in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt (I.e.-Mental elements within) with fervent heat,…” 2 Peter 3:10

  “Judgment” sounds so cliché in today’s world. We live in a time in which people say;

  “If it feels good do it; there is no judgment; there is no God. The sky is the limit now, so do what makes you happy.”

  But you see, that’s not what the scriptures say at all. As for me, I’m going with what the Word says—not in literal form of course, but as I know it to be beyond the code. It gives promise, sure enough, and I’ve shared all that with you. You can begin to get the point now, -that there is a portal, a path to Heaven for those who love and belong to God, for those seek Him diligently.

  Yet there is also a path to destruction, and it is just as real. It is good that the demon within should burn, and I look forward to it—he deserves it. This is the path of the haters, murderers and contentious ones within. Just so that you know, he will burn in us, very much, as us. The Judgment will be anything but easy for those who refuse to let go of this world.

  Make no mistake; the Lord comes to execute His judgment upon all and to convince all who are ungodly among them of all their ungodly deeds that they have ungodly committed and of all their hard speeches that ungodly sinners have spoken. These are murmurers, complainers, walking after their own lusts and speaking great swelling words, that is, the outer-words of the scriptures, having men’s persons in admiration because of advantage.

  I give the prayer of a poor man, but it reaches the ears of God nonetheless. Yes, let judgment comes speedily, but when? I tell you that it knocks at our door this very day, this biblical day. Second Peter 3:8 defines a biblical “day” as a 1,000 year period of time, hence the day of the Lord’s return is indeed a millennia-long ordeal of transformation. This is the great fire within that purifies or rather burns the mind of the flesh. It coincides of course, with the portal’s reconnection. As new Atomos, or God-Element floods our magnetosphere, so too within our minds, it will destroy the beast that now controls us.

  Remember when I said that the age of Pisces brought the final death or subduction of the God-Element within? This timeline of 2,000 years was one and the same, in code, as the story of Christ’s death on the cross:

  Two days in the grave, and on the third, -resurrected.

  Accordingly the real resurrection begins today; now is the real third day or 3rd millennia of which the Bible truly spoke:

  “After two days (2,000 years) he will revive us: in the third day (third thousandth year) he will raise us up, and we (not singular, but many in one body) shall live in his sight.” Hosea 6:2

  So you see, the real third day of the Bible, begins our resurrection from within your human-host, as you, but eventually into a new, singular embodiment and into the dimension of Heaven. Thus the countdown for the 3rd day resurrection began at the beginning of Pisces, just over 2,000 years ago; that is, -two biblical-days ago.

  For the sake of clarity, change the statement of “In the name of Christ” to “In the day of Christ’s resurrection”, for only in the day of resurrection can Heaven be attained. Likewise what now begins as a mere yawning in 2,000AD, a meek stirring from within, will increase over the next 1,000 years into something far more powerful and magnificent than even the original magi.

  I ask, what mind will you choose? Will you attach to the spirit of God within, or merely cling to the mind of the flesh? Will you be born with us, as us, or choose the dark and retched womb from which we emerge? The choice is yours to remain in this world or not.

  The Resurrection Machine, our scriptures, worked perfectly; they give us an opportunity that we would otherwise never have had. The portal is beginning to open. It is now that judgment day begins, that the great and very terrible day of the Lord will occur in the minds of all humanity (see Joel 2:11). It is great and terrible indeed, for it is now that two greatly opposing things will happen in unison, the likes of which have never happened before. It is not all light and glory. The human creature, is a two-part entity and one part, the mind of this world, must be destroyed; it must die.

  During this time the God-Element will be forced to leave the perceived comfort of its proverbial “Egypt”, to which we truly never belonged. Today is the real exodus; a journey in which we are forced from a foreign land, the physical reality, and driven from our false identity. Likewise, to those who are brave-enough to let go of this world, your memory of heaven will begin to return. This will not happen overnight. At first, it will happen slowly, internally, mentally, within. It will well-up within us, increasing over the generations of the next thousand years until reaching a critical mental mass.

  That brings us again to the fire of God that is also contained in the Word. Its job is as fuel is to fire: to destroy all things that are incompatible with the dimension of heaven. Like gold purified in a fire, every false imagination that can be destroyed, shall be, so that only that which cannot be destroyed shall remain. And though it annihilates one reality, it readies our collective web of consciousness for the next. The Word has permeated the fiber of every living organism on this planet; everything now contains the fire-image values of the wave-pattern we created. It is too late to stop it; -well beyond the point of no return.

  In this day the elements shall melt, that is, the matrices of your mind. That fire has already begun. You can feel the tension and the struggle within; the unrest and turmoil in your cultures. The dissatisfaction in your world is like never before. We all know something is wrong, but we can’t quite discern what it is. It is, that the world and the things therein are already passing away and growing old like a cloth.

  The significance of the world in which we live is quickly losing its appeal in an ever greater percentage of humanity. Things that once seemed important or even normal, are slowly losing their significance. Our thoughts too will come into judgment; those of this world into torment, dissatisfaction and increasing confusion, while those of God, into wisdom and peace. Like all fire, whether that of the physical or of the mental dimension, the reclamation process is not without pain. It will be a very real loss, but a very real promise as well.

  I wouldn’t be shy about salvation as we no longer have time for play and speculation. Take your salvation boldly, -possess it while you can. An open portal doesn’t guarantee rescue. To survive the crossing requires choice as well. There is no free ride here. Choices, real choices, must be made going forward in each new incarnation in which we find ourselves until the end, until the “twinkling of the eye”, the final moment in which we are all finally changed into one eternity or another. This is the promise of the Day of Resurrection. Focus, take it seriously, because it is . . .

  The Man of Sin

  “Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day (or 1,000 years) shall not come, except
there comes a falling away (separation) first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;” 2 Thessalonians 2:3

  “Get thee behind me, Satan (figurine): you are an offence: for you savor not the things of God (Jerusalem/spin grid), but those of men. (Tyre/Sidon wobble grid)” Matthew 16:23

  The Day of Separation; The incidence of Jesus’ grid upon the periphery of Jerusalem and Satan’s grid upon the periphery of Tyre, seemingly make one man in perfect alignment, aka; “Get thee behind me, Satan,” However, as Jesus ascends into Heaven, the dark-element plunges to his doom in the lower section of the Wisdom Wheel. On the opposite side of the Wheel there was an identical alignment of peripheral grids that show Satan’s assent into Heaven (Isaiah 14:13) while Daniel descended into the “den” (Daniel 6:16). The schematic of the Grid System tells the story of the battle within all the way since the portal’s closure till now!

  Every hero has his archetype to which the image of Jesus was no exception. In this case we may notice the perfect incidence of Jesus’-grid with that of a peripheral grid of Tyre. As stated before, the spin-grids of the Great Wheel rotate clockwise and account for Jesus’ assent into the heavens of the Wisdom Wheel. Meanwhile the Tyre of wobble grids retrograde in a counter-clockwise motion.

  As they do, the evil “man of sin” or “wicked one” of the Dead Sea Scrolls, is revealed as he descends into the black abyss of the lower Wisdom Wheel. Both figurines were at one point directly superimposed, showing us how the wheat and the tares grow up as one. While this is all pictorial, it nonetheless indicates the timeline and matrix of good and evil up until the day of separation.


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