Book Read Free

Billion Dollar Love

Page 1

by Sam Crescent

  Published by EVERNIGHT PUBLISHING ® at Smashwords

  Copyright© 2020 Evernight Publishing

  ISBN: 978-0-3695-0127-1

  Cover Artist: Jay Aheer

  Editor: Karyn White


  WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. No part of this book may be used or reproduced electronically or in print without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and places are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.



  Couture, Champagne & Little White Lies by Kait Gamble

  The Billionaire’s Lost Love by Allegra Grey

  Brewing Up Love with the Billionaire by Laura M. Baird

  Trip by Lynn Burke

  Bratva’s Angel by Winter Sloane

  Naughty Billionaire by Sam Crescent

  Sutter by Raven McAllan

  Violet’s Vengeance by Tesla Storm

  His Vengeful Heart by Beth D. Carter

  Family Business by Rose Wulf

  Not Today by Elyzabeth M. VaLey


  Kait Gamble

  Copyright © 2020

  Chapter One


  The delicately accented voice penetrated the bookkeeping haze that had veiled her mind. All morning had been spent staring at the screen. Boring as it was, Elodie couldn’t imagine doing anything better that morning as she waited for her client to arrive. Her boutique was the culmination of years of hard work. If keeping it running optimally meant spending far too much of her life organizing the cavernous storage room of the boutique or staring at spreadsheets for hours on end, then so be it.

  As a result of her dedication, she now had a very exclusive little emporium that catered to the wealthy and, often, eccentric. It brought her in contact with some fascinating people and designing clothing and procuring accessories she had once only dreamed about. Then again, working in fashion in Milan was something she’d always thought would be a pipe dream for a girl from a small town in England.

  The most enjoyable part of her job, however, was helping her customers decide what to buy. It was like playing with a never-ending array of dolls whom she got to dress and style. Apparently, she had quite the knack for it and, after only a few months, had become a favorite of the clientele.

  Especially of the one now calling her into the shop.

  Elodie straightened the top on a mannequin as she walked past and smiled at the woman standing there.

  With ebony hair streaked with silver wound in a low chignon, she was maybe an inch or two over Elodie’s own five foot three. Her figure and healthy glow told of a strict diet and exercise regimen while her command of the room was something completely innate. Every inch of her demanded respect from everyone. If that wasn’t enough, the gems winking from her ears and many of her fingers called attention, while the silver thread of her cropped brocade jacket made every breath she took an event.

  She turned to level her steely grey eyes on Elodie, leaving her quaking slightly under the weight of her gaze.

  “Buongiorno, Elodie.”

  Elodie offered her a genuine smile. “Good morning, Duchessa. It’s always a pleasure to see you.”

  She waved at Elodie and spoke crisply, though her words were softened with a hint of a smile. “Come. We have things to discuss.”

  “Of course.” Elodie led the way into the consultation area—a drawing room, if it was to be described as anything. It was designed to be comfortable and luxurious. A place to chat and relax. Vases overflowing with flowers brought in fresh every day stood on end tables, as well as on the coffee table set in the V of two robust Italian designed sofas. The blooms of the day were pale pink peonies, which she’d picked up on her way in that morning, lending the pale gold tones of the room a blush of color. The chandelier glittered overhead in the morning sunshine as did the antique Venetian mirrors Elodie had arranged in artful patterns on the wall.

  “Please, have a seat. I’m excited to share some ideas I have for your ensemble for your party this evening. Can I get you anything before we get started? Tea? Coffee?”

  The duchessa put up her wrinkled hand as she perched herself on the edge of one of the couches. “I already know what I want. It’s on a mannequin in the showroom. There’s no need for your song and dance today. Needing your help for my party was just a ruse to come speak with you about something rather more delicate.”

  Elodie straightened, her heart thudding in her chest. “While I appreciate a woman who knows what she wants, I’m confused as to why you’re here if you don’t require my assistance with clothing.”

  The duchess leveled her gaze at her, openly appraising her. “I like that you’re not afraid of me. It bodes well for you. I like a strong woman.” The duchess gave her a warm smile that crinkled the skin around her lips and eyes. The first in their acquaintance. “I have a proposition for you, Elodie Bell.”

  “Oh?” Confused now, she sat on the couch opposite wishing she could busy herself with making tea. “I can’t imagine what you’d want with me.”

  “I want you to attend the party, as my guest, and seduce my nephew.”

  Elodie nearly choked on her next breath. “Excuse me?”

  “You aren’t a virgin, are you?”

  She shook her head, not only because she wasn’t and her truthfulness got the better of her before she could think, but also because it wasn’t any of the woman’s concern. “I don’t think that’s any of your business.”

  Rolling her eyes, the duchess sighed as she pulled out her phone. “My nephew, my dear Caesario, has been alone too long.” She held it out to show her the most beautiful man she’d ever seen. He looked to be in his thirties, with dark hair and a warm smile. He towered over the people in the picture with him. The women eyed him covetously while the men looked to be amiable to his presence. But he drew all the attention. “He needs a wife. A beauty, to be sure, but a strong woman to deal with his pig-headedness.”

  “And you think I’m someone he’d choose to marry?” Elodie shook her head and waved at herself. “I don’t think I’m what he’s looking for.”

  The look the duchess gave her was unflinching. “You’re exactly what he needs.”

  “How can you say that? You’ve only met me a handful of times.”

  Her concerns were waved away with a twiddle of scarlet-tipped fingers. “I’m a good judge of character. And I know in my bones you’re perfect for him. You are Asian, no?”

  A little flustered from the quick changes in subject, Elodie bobbed her head. Her black hair and deep brown eyes and delicate features were inherited from her Asian mother. “Half. I’m flattered, but this is a bit extreme, isn’t it? Shouldn’t you let him be the one to decide who to marry and when?”

  The older woman shook her head emphatically. “I’ve left it to him for far too long. Had his father and mother lived, they would have pushed him long before now.”

  Her heart fluttered. “But—”

  “Now the vultures are circling, and I can’t allow him to get caught in their games.” The duchess tapped her ruby lips with an equally red fingernail. “Do this for me and I will become patron of your boutique. Even if he doesn’t eventually fall for you.”

  It was an insanely generous offer. She eyed the other woman skeptically. It all sounded a little too good to be true. “Is there something wrong with him that no one will marry him? And isn’t he smar
t enough not to get ensnared by some gold-digger?”

  A small smirk curled the corner of the duchess’s mouth. “He has known many women, yes, but he hasn’t found the right woman to marry. And he’s very smart, but even the most intelligent man can be caught out by someone who knows what they’re doing. There’s one in particular. A redheaded demoness named Clarice. She somehow shows up wherever he does, to the same parties and events, and makes a pest of herself, frightening off anyone she sees as a threat. I know for a fact she’s not going to give up until there’s a ring on his finger. And without a strong woman at his side, probably not even after that.” Her expression became completely earnest as she took Elodie’s hand. “Caesario is a good man, perhaps a bit cold and too much a workaholic and lover of women, but he can learn.”

  “You make him sound like a naughty puppy.”

  The duchess gently smacked the hand she’d been holding as she laughed heartily. “Naughty, perhaps. But definitely not a puppy. He needs to settle down with a good woman and a family to ground him.”

  Elodie’s mind reeled. “This is crazy.”

  “It isn’t. Just meet him. If, for some reason, you do not like him, then that’s fine. I won’t hold it against you. Just come to the party tonight and find out.”

  It was a lot to take in. But Elodie was methodical. She took problems one at a time. And at the moment, the easiest to deal with was she wasn’t exactly ready for a fancy party. Elodie ran her hand through her hair. She might have style and work in a boutique filled with fine clothing, but it didn’t mean she was ready to be thrown into a party of people who were sure to have spent ages getting ready for it.

  “You’re worried about your appearance.” The duchess gave her a sympathetic look. “You are lovely as you are, but since confidence is everything perhaps you will let me turn the roles we play around and let me dress you? I will, of course, purchase everything we decide upon, and you can do what you will with it afterwards, whatever the outcome.”

  Elodie balked at her offer. “That’s very generous of you, but I couldn’t.”

  The duchess put her hand on her arm, her expression and tone softening greatly. “You are doing me a great favor. Let me help you.”

  Elodie found herself nodding, albeit reluctantly. “But I don’t want to be turned into something I’m not. I want to be seen as myself.”

  The duchess’s smile widened. “I wouldn’t dream of altering you. I only hope to augment the beauty I see already there.”

  What did she have to lose? Meeting her smile with one of her own, Elodie nodded. “Okay.”

  Duchessa Altaviti clapped her hands in delight. “Stupendo! Wonderful! Shall we begin?”

  Chapter Two

  Night had begun to envelop the world by the time Elodie stepped out of the limo. With the help of the driver, she came to stand on the gravel road, free to inhale the fresh evening air and to stare at the palazzo. When she imagined a party on Lake Como, she wasn’t sure what to expect, but this … it was incredible. Gleaming white with huge windows allowing to see into the bustling party within, the gorgeous building sprawled along the shores of the glittering dark lake.

  Elodie steadied herself. And not just mentally. The drive from Milan had taken nearly two hours, and she was in dire need of a stretch. At the end of a very long day, the last thing she needed was to be paraded around like a show horse.

  It had taken fifteen complete outfit changes before the duchess—Ana as she requested Elodie call her—had made a choice on dress and accessories. Then came the spa treatments where she’d been whisked to an exclusive salon to have what felt like a complete overhaul.

  The results, however, were stunning. Ana certainly knew what she was doing. It made Elodie wonder why she even needed her help at all in the first place. The thought did occur that it had all been a part of her mission to find a wife for her nephew.

  Elodie worried that her high handedness in this situation had the potential for a massive backfire. And she didn’t want Ana to be hurt. Under the stern exterior she was just a woman who loved her nephew and wanted the best for him. Even if she was being a bit forceful.

  Still, Elodie was dressed like a princess and at a party that would have been way out of her league under normal circumstances.

  She smoothed her hands down her sides, enjoying the feel of satin against her skin. The gown Ana had ultimately decided on was one of her favorites. Simple but elegant. Pale cream in color, it hung from her left shoulder to skim the contours of her body, save for the long, loose ruffle crossing her chest, to pool with the rest of the fabric at her feet that gave the look of an upside-down calla lily.

  When she last looked at her face before leaving the salon, Elodie could barely recognize her own reflection. Her skin was like warm moonlight, almost gleaming from the treatments at the salon. Her hair had been curled loosely and pinned to resemble the look of silver screen sirens of the golden age. And her lips had been painted a lustrous deep red to complete the look.

  The strappy sandals gave her a couple of inches in height and, in conjunction with the rest of the clothing, did make her feel more confident. She fingered the jewelry gracing her wrist and fingers before touching the diamonds on her ears and neck, unaccustomed to wearing such expensive gems. Elodie just hoped she wouldn’t lose them.

  Making her legs work after such a long ride was a chore. Or was it because she was reticent to follow the music and the sounds of revelry? She didn’t like lying. Having to do so went against everything inside her and caused her gut to knot tightly. That moment was no different. It’d been amazing that the limo driver hadn’t heard her stomach’s loud protestations through the privacy partition on the drive over.

  Biting her lip, though she knew it would destroy the makeup artist’s painstaking work, Elodie picked her way along the path. The perfectly manicured bushes were lit up with tiny white fairy lights, adding a touch of magic to the scene. She could almost believe herself transported to another world.

  Her attention went to the beautiful people on the other side of the glass. Perhaps she had been.

  The man at the door waved her in, greeting her with a smile.

  Elodie entered, albeit slowly, and stopped just inside. She could make her escape if she turned around…


  Too late to back out now.

  Elodie found herself swept into Ana’s fragrant embrace before the duchess pulled back to take a good look at her. From the approving expression on her face, the completed look didn’t disappoint.

  Ana’s grin lit up her face. “I was afraid you weren’t going to come.”

  She was almost insulted, but it would have been a fair assessment considering her reluctance to do it in the first place. Elodie gave her a small smile. “I said I would, and I wouldn’t break my promise to you.”

  “Honest and honorable. Yet more marks in your favor.” She stepped back to appraise her work. Ana gave her an appreciative smile. “You look absolutely stunning!”

  Heat crept into her cheeks. “Thank you, but you did all the work.”

  Ana pressed her hands to her chest as if that was the most precious thing she’d ever heard. “And modest, too! Caesario will never know what hit him!” She tugged Elodie along with her as she strode through the crowd. “Come. I have some people I’d like you to meet.”


  Two hours later and Elodie was sure she’d spoken to everyone in Italian society but the man she was meant to. Caesario probably had gotten wind of what his aunt was up to and had given the whole thing a wide berth. Who could blame him if he had? No one wanted to be coerced into anything, let alone a forced encounter.

  She sighed. Not that she wasn’t enjoying herself in the meantime. It was a relief that everyone she’d met had been welcoming. Well, almost. There were a few women who seemed intent on making her feel less than worthy of even being there and ostracized her. Or perhaps they sensed the real reason Ana had invited her to the party and that was why they shunne
d her… Elodie found she preferred them to the ones who were obviously cloying because she appeared to be close to Ana.

  Then there was the attention from some of the men that had made her less than comfortable.

  It was one of them who accosted her at the bar not long after Ana left her to attend to another guest. He looked as refined and as finely dressed as many of the other men at the party, but his skin was two shades too tan, leaving him reminiscent of an orange. His teeth, which he put on full display on his approach, were several shades too white. Then, to add to the list of offences, he stopped far too close for her liking. Elodie held her breath to keep from choking on the dense cloud of cologne. Why did he have to leer at her? His very obvious survey of her body left a sensation she was sure was similar to if she’d taken a long soak in a septic pond.

  “How has a woman as beautiful as you gone unnoticed by me for so long?” The cultured accent didn’t make the line any better received.

  Biting back a sigh, Elodie turned to give him a small smile that was probably more of a grimace before returning her attention to the bartender mixing her drink. The hope was he’d intervene and back her up if things turned ugly. And, from the way the smarmy man attempted to insinuate himself between her and the bar, it was going to.

  “A shy little one, aren’t you?” He reached his hand out in an attempt to touch her.


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