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know that jagged, unexpected movements can destroy the confidence and rhythm of those around them.
We had drinks. And I understood why Tanya—earning maybe
the equivalent of $200,000 a year—was, nonetheless, poor.
Constanza sat beside Tanya. I was placed in an isolated chair.
Costanza, who accepted my significance—the employer of her
employee—made her power known.
“ She have a good night?”
“ She always does.”
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“ Men go crazy for her, don’t they?”
“ Well. They’re respectful. Tanya commands respect.”
“ I taught her that.”
“ O h,” I said.
“ But she’s lazy. You can’t believe how lazy she is.”
“ She works very hard at The C ar.”
“ She better. We had a little argument about that this afternoon. ’ ’
“ I ’m tired,” Tanya said. And she nestled against Costanza’s
“ Her stepfather beat her. The prick useta beat her with an old
fan belt. She hates men. ’ ’
“ I do n o t,” said Tanya, but lightly—not with much conviction.
“ But she likes you,” said Costanza. And this sucking up was
more distasteful than the aggression. She drank from a beer
neck. “ She says you’re a gentlem an.”
“ And what d ’you do for a living?” I asked.
“ I do Tanya. I ’m Tanya’s agent.”
“ She’s a remarkable dancer.”
“ But she’s lazy. She wouldn’t even get t’her gigs, if I didn’t
keep on her ass.”
“ I sleep a lo t,” Tanya said. And I thought: so would I.
“ She could go far—she has star quality.”
“ No. We could go far. W e.”
‘ ‘Whatever. Pleased to meet you. It’s late—I better be moving
9 9
“ Thank you, M ike,” Tanya said.
And I thought as I left—remembering what Joe had said—
that beauty had driven Tanya to the grotesque. After all, how
boring we men must be to a Tanya: servile, lustful, so easily
manipulated. So insecure before beauty that we force dreadful
power on the Tanyas of the world. Power they have no interest
in exercising. Decisions they’re too tired to make. Because, underneath, they’re just children locked in a golden monstrance and on display.
I ’ll never be in awe of Tanya again. I feel like I ’ve lost a part
of my innocence.
8 a.m.
Berry danced for me tonight, amidst one hundred men. It was
her mating display. She got me so aroused that, well, my ears
clicked, as if I had risen above a certain critical altitude. Everyone could feel it—even those who had no idea where all those sexual ions in the air were coming from.
She was, you understand, super-nude to me.
Not only bare breasted: breasts shiny as wet seals. Not only
bare buttocked: buttocks long, part of the yet longer leg, so that
her muscular thigh reaches to her coccyx. And all brown, between medium and well-done. But wigless for once, dark glasses-less. Out of disguise. Not TUlip. Someone I had known,
naked. So that—to my normal male randiness—there was added
a titillating curiosity. This, once, was a childhood playmate of
mine. Remembering that, I remembered St. Matthias again—
and my own W ill-this-girl-let-me-kiss-her? juvenile sexual
hopes. It was all, in a very special way, improper. Underaged.
We got young together: we shared a past, secrets, and the peculiar raunchy innocence of adolescent love again. It was—I say this in extenuation—irresistible. And I had no intention of resisting anyway.
I have a hard-on now, just writing about it.
Most of all, I knew that somehow—despite guilt, preoccupation, insecurity—I would be potent with her. Berry knew my history, she had me at her mercy. And I, her. We could be
ourselves. It was an enormous relief, after so many days of
pretense. Berry wanted me-the-priest. I wanted her-my-
childhood. And I sensed, younger though she might be, that
Berry was a craftsman of sexuality. She wanted to prove herself
to me (I am better than Amanda). And—if it pleased me—I had
only to lie back and receive.
The lust jumping from anode to cathode in my body could’ve
made iron filings sit up. Everyone felt it: we created a barometric high in the room. People groused. The music sounded atonal. Leonard almost killed a construction worker who
climbed up on stage. I had to pull him off—no simple matter.
Leonard is irritable: Colavecchia and Daniels have questioned
him three times.
* * *
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Berry lies asleep and naked on my bed as I write this now. I
will lean forward and draw my hand down/along the inside of
her thigh. I can do that. It is permitted. I haven’t gotten over the
novelty of it yet. This body I am allowed to touch.
Let me do it again.
We came together so violently in my apartment hallway that
our mouths hurt with the impact. Berry was stripping before I
had gotten the door open. And I prematurely shucked myself
nude, too. We fell on the mattress, side against side, kicking
the spread angrily down with our feet. Her breasts, flat, roll with
a lolling motion. Her pubic hair has been shaved—making her,
even now, little jailbait Berry. I wanted to please her. She wanted
to please me. We got in each other’s way. There was so much,
you know, to do.
But, of course, I couldn’t manage an erection. I pulled at
myself when Berry wasn’t looking. I brought up rich fantasies.
Nothing. I felt male performance fear—and most of all, I didn’t
want to insult Berry. My flaccid member was being, as it were,
discourteous. I had been invited to a feast, but I wasn’t eating.
I loathe bad manners.
Yet, as expected, I was in the hands of a master. She touched
me there. Then—it was quite a surprise—she said:
“ Go put some pants on, Father. Those cotton jogging shorts.
You got undressed too quickly. You can’t feel yourself. Let’s
bundle, you need some friction. You need t’know where you
How simple, how brilliant. It worked almost at once. I did
wonder, for an unchivalrous moment, just how many men in
jogging shorts had lain between her legs. And again, later, when
she applied the condom with her mouth in one easy unfurling
swoop. But I knew Berry was—is this blasphemy to say?—
God-given. She threw herself backward: her hands, on the edge
of the mattress, seemed in spread-eagle binding. She made herself helpless and unthreatening—she groaned for mercy. She was in bondage to me. The rhythms of our love, I knew, were
mine to control.
And I came on her, as once I saw the side of a rotted brick
building collapse. I was a landslide. I was as inexorable as gravity. It was the best orgasm of my life. Such pleasure scares me.
“ Thank you,” she said. “ You’re wide and long. I ’ve fanta
sized that orgasm for almost ten years. It knocks the breath out
of me to think that he—you —he
is really in m e.”
“ I ’m homy as a lifer.”
“ I love you,” she said.
“ I ’m—crazy about you, too.” There was a distinction being
made. We both ignored it. I don’t love Berry (I don’t know her),
but such passion strips my male reserve away. Would you believe, getting up to bring a post-coital Coke, would you believe I danced fo r her. I put her G-string on and did parodies of women
at The Car: Glenda and Aleesha, and Tanya refusing a dollar
bill because it was crumpled, and Connie swinging her legs
around. I was immensely foolish. In the presence of those who
love us, we are released from shyness and propriety.
And, just before we made it a second time, Berry said,
“ Leonard hasta go.”
“ Why?”
“ He’s dealing and he’s getting greedy. He’ll take the whole
place down with him. I love dancing at The Car—but I don’t
want t’go outa there some night with my hands cuffed behind
my back. We’ll all be under suspicion. And Rita’s death makes
it worse. Leonard’s stupid. Anyone else would lay low for a
“ What should I do? Wait until the Gaucho goes back
“ Oh, no,” she said. “ Never surprise the Gaucho. If I ’m
around, I ’ll signal when it’s safe.”
“ Okay,” I said. “ But now I wanna fuck you again.”
I have a way with words.
And so I ’ve been unfaithful to Kay. Unfaithful to my vows. I
played the two-backed beast with Berry so fiercely that I brought
her period down. I dug within her and I roared. Spit came out
of my mouth. Orgasm is the devil’s dance: and I partnered it.
And, in a few minutes, I ’m leaving for an eight o’clock mass.
Satan won’t have an easy time with me. One thing I ’ve learned
is stubbornness—I won’t despair of God’s ability to save me.
I ’m a Philadelphia lawyer of the spirit.
Just looked in Berry’s duffle for a pad of matches. I found a
G-string that says BOSS LADY on it.
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3 a.m.
Slow Sunday night: terrible rain since church. Girls danced with
hard nipples. No one could seem to get drunk. Lalique hung
down from the trapeze like a three-toed sloth and refused to
dance. There’s a roof leak just beside the lunch table—we had
a pail under it all evening. Connie said, “ Feels like a trapper’s
cabin in here. ’ ’
She and I, Freddy and Jako spent the night putting up decorations for Pearl’s party. I ’d already made one tactical error—I asked Pearl’s mother to cater for us. Which made her happy.
Which made Pearl furious. “ We’re not having that ass-wipe
ravioli at my party, ’ ’ she said. So I had to hire the Greek to cater
hors d ’oeuvres, and pay old Mrs. M. something extra for her
services, anyhow. Leonard will prepare three turkeys. And
matzo ball soup. I ’m assured he’s a cordon bleu chef. Tony, why
did you leave me with all these people—these unraveled strings
of relationships? This entire sordid world.
Connie and I have made up. Pearl caught Friend stealing—
so I gave Connie two bar nights a week. (A bartender makes
about one fifth what a dancer makes.) This pissed Leonard off.
Leonard senses that Connie is really just passing through. Connie doesn’t need The Car: therefore, she may be less obedient.
Also, her allegiance is to me, not Leonard. I ’m just afraid we’ll
find out that Connie’s been cheating, too.
She said, “ Have you looked at yourself in the mirror?”
“ N o,” I said, handing her a string of colored lights. “ I ’m
surrounded with mirrors. O f course I look at myself.”
“ You haven’t really. You did, you’d see you’ve lost at least
ten pounds since I first met you. Gaunter and handsomer.”
“ Could use t’lose weight.” Connie came down the ladder
and embraced me.
“ Get out of here, M ike,” she said. “ Run. Ethel can take care
of herself. Run. You won’t survive this if you stay.”
“ And you?”
“ I ’m tougher than you are,” Connie said. “ And even I ’m in
* * *
Everything’s ready for the party. I ’ve got a dozen girls lined
up after 7 p.m. And a $150 opal brooch for Pearl. Ethel will be
there to imbue me with her authority. I ’m The King of The Car,
watch out.
Let’s see what happens to screw things up.
7 a.m.
I ’m crying here, alone. This has been a dreadful night. I can
still feel her soft, slack lips on mine.
And Leonard will pay for it. I ’ll take my guilt—I swear,
Lord—I ’ll take my guilt and my sadness and I ’ll forge them into
the tools of my revenge. Don’t mess with me, Leonard—you fat
motherfucker. I ’m not scared any more. I ’m gonna put a match
to you, the way they bum leeches off. I ’ll make you squirm.
Let me
write things
As I remember
Pearl’s party.
It was a bacchanalia. From eight o ’clock onward, Pearl sat
enthroned—in a chair on the bar. And there received homage.
Like a Fury surrounded by naked maidens—all twelve of whom
gave her presents. (No girl would’ve dared not to.) And, to me,
it was like Goya or Hogarth. Beauty in its sexual prime paying
court to shrunken death. Every girl there must’ve seen her destiny in Pearl’s bony decolletage. In that besotted (Pearl drank tonight), narcissistic, blind—yes, lustful—mummification of
And the men came: gentleman callers in straw boater and
white vest. With arthritis and liver spots and dentures and wistful impotence. Once good-looking men of substance. (The rumor was going around that Pearl had been a noted Park Avenue
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madam once.) They gave her jewelry and perfume and the benefit of their nostalgia. At one time three limos waited outside.
My little gift was put in the discard pile. The place got crazed—
for hours we were way over our fire-law limit. And Pearl made
a point of introducing me to Morty Stem, big stockbroker, to
Walden Mintz, big real estate man, to Nubar Katchenian, just
big. Big-big, old-old men. Who were joined like wires to the
hundred-way plug that has been Pearl’s life.
And the Gaucho handed her a thick envelope.
The girls danced—three at a time, twelve an hour, in special
fifteen-minute sets. Our stage is small—they elbowed each other
and fought to make eye contact with the antiquated rich. Bubbles, I remember now, simply gave up after a while. She leaned against the mirror—and her wet body left a steamed outline there
when she shoved it up to dance again.
Then Ethel came. I hadn’t seen her wearing heels until last
night: with heels on she must be almost six foot tall. And im-.
mediately Ethel became the enabling s
pirit, the mother goddess.
Leonard, Christ, kissed her hand. Jako swept his broom in front
of her feet. Ethel is quite a striking female. And all the girls,
those who knew her and those who just knew of her, began to
strut. They ignored me: and, yes, I felt left out. These people,
they know where the power resides.
Ethel, like Queen Elizabeth at an orphans’ hospital, made a
grand tour of inspection. She knows The Car inside out. Behind
the bar (Ethel told me the hot, soapy water wasn’t hot enough—
and, yes, we had run out of sanitizing tablets). Into the kitchen,
into the locker room, even into the M EN’S head. (One guy was
taking a leak and pissed down his pants when Ethel came in.)
On to the basement, where her eyes looked like mini-calculators,
doing inventory. I ’m NEVER to pile cases up against the beer
cooler. Then, to the tables we had set aside for staff and family,
where Ethel ate a trencherwoman’s helping of matzo ball and
Inevitably, I guess, the conversation turned toward Tony. Men
and women came to Ethel, the presumed widow, and—to flash
their credentials as friend-of-the-family—they told how Tony
had said this and done that. For the first time, if occasionally,
the verb “ to be’’ and Tony were used in the past tense: Tony
was, Tony has been. The name Rita was never spoken. I became
immensely distressed. (Especially when Berry arrived: I waved
her away, I didn’t want Ethel to suspect anything. Berry, to her
credit, understood and left.) I was distressed and yet, let me be
honest, angry with my brother. Ethel, seeing me withdraw into
myself, tousled my hair. Women do that to me. And some girl
laughed—to see the bossman made a child.
Norm and Lars-Erik told an adventure story: both of them
and Tony, the three Musketeers. Tony betting $50 that he could
drive from here to Norm’s house in twelve minutes—some enormous distance. Norm lives near Douglaston. (And I, of course, remembered my wild drive with him.) How a cop sat on their
tail for the length of the Van Wyck Expressway and how Tony
had jumped the divider, made a U and ¿ten re-U-ed back across
the divider while the cop was trying to hump over the first U.