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Golden Girl

Page 20

by Velvet Vaughn

  With a sigh, he pushed the thoughts of the beautiful gypsy aside. Things had been quiet after Peyton found the medal in her purse last night. They followed the same routine today as yesterday, going from morning practice to the hospital. The doctors were slowly weaning Declan off medication, so he’d hopefully wake up soon. Ethan prayed there was no permanent damage.

  They met Detective Caldwell at a diner for lunch and he filled them in on the investigation into the bomb that destroyed Declan’s jeep. It was a basic device with unsophisticated parts that could be purchased off the internet. A burner phone had been used to detonate it. In other words, a dead end.

  Caldwell had attempted to interview Mark Hixon after Noah told him about running into him at the hospital and then finding another medal, but Hixon wasn’t at his apartment. The detective checked with the nurse sister who informed him that he’d left town for the week to go fishing. A likely story.

  There was still no sign of Peyton’s original stalker, Curtis Milburn. If the men and women in their office couldn’t find him, then he was nowhere to be found. Of that, Ethan was certain.

  A car he didn’t recognize slowly rolled by and then stopped at the keypad outside the gate, putting him instantly on alert. The window lowered and a man spoke into the intercom system. Soon the gate was grinding open. Fingering the weapon holstered at his hip, he stealthy made his way to the parking area and waited for the man to exit the vehicle. Rental plates. Not from around here.

  The door opened and a man with dark auburn hair stepped out. He wore a Polo shirt and khaki pants. Instead of heading to the main house, he beelined for the glass enclosure surrounding the pool. Ethan waited until he was close and then he jumped out and blocked the path.

  “Mother of…you scared the hell out of me,” the man wheezed, clutching his chest. Ethan guessed his age to be in the mid-fifty range, so it was possible a sudden fright could kill him. He only felt a twinge of guilt. “Who are you?”

  “That’s my question,” Ethan shot back.

  “I’m here to see Peyton. It’s an emergency.”

  “That’s not going to happen until you tell me who you are and what you want with her.”

  “Is she here? Will you at least tell me she’s okay?”

  Ethan refused to answer the question until he had some answers.

  The man studied him with narrowed eyes. “Are you Noah Addison?”


  “Well, I was hoping to speak with him, too. I’m Peyton’s coach, Kurt Nance.”

  “I’ll let Peyton know,” Noah said through the comm in Ethan’s ear, having heard the exchange.

  “One moment,” Ethan told the man, who shifted restlessly from one foot to the other.

  “It’s imperative that I speak with her. Something’s happened—”

  The rest of his sentence was cut off with Peyton’s squeal. “Kurt! What are you doing here?”

  “God, Peyton.” The man caught her when she launched herself at him and crushed her in a hug. “I’m so happy to see you. I’ve been out of my mind with worry. I couldn’t get in touch with you. I thought you were dead!”


  Peyton hugged Kurt fiercely and when his words penetrated, she felt horrible. She’d completely forgotten to let people know her phone was out of commission. She’d been worried about Owen not being able to get in touch with her, but she knew he’d call Noah if he needed to talk to her. Usually when Owen went dark, she didn’t hear from him for weeks, sometimes long, worry-filled months. Her publicist was on maternity leave and she checked in with her employees at Streamline each morning. Shame washed over her that Kurt hadn’t crossed her mind.

  She stepped back. “I’m so sorry, Kurt. I should’ve called. I had to quit using my phone in case it could be traced.”

  “I should’ve thought of that, but when I couldn’t get in touch with either you or Owen, I panicked and jumped on the first flight here.”

  “Oh Kurt, I’m so sorry.”

  “I’m the one who confiscated her phone, so it’s my fault,” Noah said, accepting the blame. “Noah Addison.”

  Kurt shook his hand. “Owen let me know you’d be watching out for Peyton, for which I’m eternally grateful. I wish I’d thought to get your number from him. It’d saved me the exorbitant price of last-minute airfare.”

  Peyton buried her face in her hands. “I’m sorry, I’ll pay you back.”

  Kurt tossed an arm over her shoulder and hugged her close. “No, you won’t. Who’s Cerberus?”

  She blinked in confusion. “Who?”

  “The gatekeeper of hell here.” He pointed to Ethan.

  Noah barked out a laugh while Ethan looked chagrined. “Sorry, just protecting Peyton.”

  “Understood and appreciated.” He pointed between Noah and Ethan. “You have to be related. You look just alike.” He pointed to his own forehead. “You’re even sporting matching knots.”

  “Brothers,” Ethan acknowledged, for once not making a crack about Noah being the older of the two. He held out his hand to shake. “Ethan Addison.”

  “Why did you think I was dead?”

  Instead of answering her question, Kurt removed his arm from her shoulder and gripped her arms, his demeanor deadly serious.

  “I have to talk to you, Peyton, it’s urgent.”

  A ball of dread coalesced in her stomach. “Okay. I need to let Aurora know and then we can go back to the house.”

  She jogged back to the pool with Noah at her side. He clasped her arm to stop her. “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

  Her eyes widened. “What? Talking to Kurt?”

  “No, taking him to the safe house. It’s better if no one knows where you’re staying. We can meet somewhere else.”

  “Noah, I appreciate all you’re doing for me, but Kurt is my family.” Who you completely forgot to contact with your new number, a voice in her head whispered cruelly. “I’ve known him for almost twenty years. He’s like a second big brother. I trust him with my life.”

  “I don’t,” he stated baldly. “I’m sorry, Peyton, and I don’t mean to upset you, but as far as I’m concerned, everyone’s a suspect.”

  She crossed her arms, causing him to drop his grip. “You can’t be serious. Noah, Kurt’s the reason you’re here. He told Owen about the medals. What would he gain by scaring me with cheap medals and cryptic messages and then arranging for someone to watch over me?”

  “What would anyone gain by doing that?” he asked reasonably.

  Frustration and worry were clashing with each other, giving her both a headache and stomach cramps. “Again, I couldn’t have made it through the last few days without you, Noah. I’ve done what you told me, and I’ve trusted your judgement. Now I need for you to trust mine. Kurt is not a threat and I’m willing to stake my life on it.”

  He stared at her with an intimidating look that would work on most people, but she refused to back down. Kurt was not a threat. Period. She gave the look right back until he finally relented. “Fine, but remember this, Peyton, I’ll do anything to protect you. I’ll take down anyone who tries to harm you. Anyone. Got it?”

  She shivered, knowing he wasn’t making an idle threat.


  Noah gritted his teeth as he followed Peyton to the SUV. He didn’t like anyone knowing where they were staying. He’d told Detective Caldwell, but he trusted the man because his coworker Alex trusted him. Now it was time he did the same with Peyton and respected her judgement.

  Still, he conducted a basic background check while Ethan drove to the garage to exchange cars with Kurt following behind. The man had been an Olympian three decades ago and had won two gold medals. He’d started coaching when his career ended, and Peyton had been his star pupil. There really wasn’t a reason to believe he was the one behind the notes, but as he’d told Peyton, he wasn’t taking chances with her life. She’d told him that Kurt wanted her to try for one more Olympics to attempt to break the all-time medal record for female athletes. Ma
ybe the medals and notes were his way of forcing her to make a commitment.

  As soon as the thought popped into his head, he dismissed it. On paper, Kurt Nance was exactly what Peyton claimed: her longtime coach with an unblemished record. He was married with two children, paid his taxes, donated time and money to several charities. He seemed like an all-around great guy.

  Kurt climbed in the back with Peyton and they drove to the safe house in tense silence. Whatever Kurt wanted to talk to Peyton about was weighing heavily on the man’s mind. Noah hoped he wasn’t sick or dying. It would crush Peyton and he didn’t want anything hurting her.

  As soon as they were inside the house, Kurt sat Peyton down on the couch before taking a seat beside her. “Have you been following the news?”

  “No. The last few days have been…eventful,” Peyton said in a spectacular understatement.

  Kurt grabbed both of her hands. “Peyton, there’s no easy way to tell you this, but Jenny Kimble and Laura Boone are both dead.”

  Peyton gasped in shock, yanking her hands from Kurt’s to cover her mouth. She shook her head wildly. “No, no, that can’t be possible.”

  “Who are Jenny and Laura?” Noah asked.

  Kurt answered since Peyton was sobbing silently into her hands. He barely resisted the urge to grab her off the couch and crush her in his arms to comfort her.

  “Jenny was Peyton’s roommate for her first Olympics and Laura the second.”

  Noah had a very sick feeling in the pit of his stomach. Peyton’s two high school swim coaches had been killed, along with an official from her first Trials. Now her two teammates. That was five people. There had been six medals. If his theory was correct, there would be another murder very soon.

  Peyton suddenly shot to her feet, startling all three men. “Oh no, Lotus!”


  Peyton’s heart was racing. She couldn’t believe both Jennie and Laura were dead. She’d lost touch with the women over the years, but she still considered them friends. They were both active on social media, but she didn’t have time to keep up with them. Lotus had been her teammate twice and she was still one of her closest friends.

  Fumbling in her bag, she found her iPad and looked up her number. She didn’t have it memorized since it was programmed into her phone, which she couldn’t use. Though the wedding was last weekend, Lotus and her new husband were postponing their honeymoon until the summer when they could take an extended trip to the Seychelles.

  She breathed a sigh of relief when the phone was answered. “Lotus.”

  There was a pregnant pause. “No, this is Kari, her sister-in-law.”

  “Can I speak with Lotus, please. It’s an emergency.”

  There was another pause, followed by a choked sob. “She’s dead. Lotus and my brother Denis are both dead.”

  Chapter Sixteen

  Dead. The word kept running through Peyton’s head like a stuck record. Dead. Dead. Dead. Lotus was dead.

  “Peyton, honey?”

  Someone gently pried the phone from her limp hand and then she felt Noah wrap his arms around her. Usually the heat from his body warmed her but not today. She was cold, so cold she felt numb. Her legs might’ve given out because the next thing she knew, she was being carried in his arms. Vaguely she heard Ethan talking on the phone and wondered if it was with the woman who gave her the news. Lotus was dead. She’d just planned her wedding and now her family would be arranging her funeral.

  She shuddered against Noah’s chest and then the sobs broke free. She cried for Lotus and Jennie and Laura, for her two high school coaches who helped inspire her. Had they all been killed because someone wanted to get back at her for some reason? What had she ever done to make someone hate her that much? She’d tried to be a good person her whole life. Her parents had taught her that no matter how much success came her way, she had to always be humble and kind. She lived by that creed.

  There were bound to be people resentful of her achievements, but enough to kill innocent people?

  Noah crooned words of comfort, his hand stroking her back as her sobs finally subsided. “I’ve got you,” he murmured. “I won’t let anyone hurt you.”

  He was so solid and strong, and she was so tired. Emotionally drained. She gave in to the enticing lure of darkness.


  When Noah felt Peyton still, he glanced down to see that she’d fallen asleep. Lifting her in his arms he carried her to his bedroom and placed her on the king-sized mattress. She curled on her side as he lifted the covers and arranged them over her. He brushed a stray tendril of hair from her cheek, his finger lingering against her soft skin. He wished he could take all her pain away. He hated that she was hurting. They needed to figure out who was doing this, the sooner the better.

  With one last look, he turned out the light and closed the door. Kurt was anxiously waiting for him when he came down the stairs. “How is she?”


  Kurt ran a hand through his hair. “I thought the medals were threatening, but I had no idea how dangerous.”

  “It was a smart move to call Owen.”

  “Peyton can be hard-headed sometimes,” Kurt said. “I knew it would take her brother to convince her of the possible threat.”

  Noah could remove one person from his suspect list: Kurt Nance. He was convinced the man was legit and truly cared for Peyton. Noah guided him to the den, and he took a seat across from Ethan. “What can you tell me about Sarah Sanderson?”

  Kurt jerked back. “Sarah?” He scratched his chin. “That name’s a blast from the past. I hadn’t thought about her in a long time.” He snapped his gaze to Noah. “Do you think she’s responsible for this?”

  “She’s on the suspect list because of her animosity towards Peyton and her close proximity. She coaches at a nearby high school.”

  “Oh, yeah, I think I read something about that.” Kurt sighed and settled into the cushions. “She’s been jealous of Peyton since day one. She was older but she couldn’t beat Peyton. She couldn’t even come close. I coached her for a few years before Peyton came along and while she was talented, she wasn’t in the same league. She harassed and tormented Peyton to the point I spoke with her coach and her parents. Her folks could care less and told me so. Her coach promised to talk to her, but if she did, it didn’t do any good. I think there’s a true streak of evil inside her.”

  “Do you think she’s capable of this?” Ethan asked.

  Kurt pondered the question before answering. “Honestly? No. She’s mean and she’s vindictive, but a murderer?” He shook his head. “I don’t see it, but then that’s what people always say about serial killers. I lived next door to him for twenty years and he seemed like such a nice man. I could be wrong about her.”

  “Sarah’s high school is competing at State this weekend, so we’re working with the local authorities to tighten security. If she tries something, she won’t get away with it.”


  Peyton woke slowly, her head feeling like it was stuffed with cotton, but a warm body cocooned her, making her feel safe and protected. Noah. She’d know his scent anywhere. His muscular arm draped across her body to anchor her against him.

  The last thing she remembered was falling apart in his arms. At some point, she must’ve crashed, and he carried her to bed and then climbed in with her.

  All she wanted to do was stay wrapped in his arms and never leave the bed. But she had a commitment she needed to keep to Aurora. A glance at the clock on the bedside table told her that she needed to get up soon. It was a pain to have to switch cars, but she appreciated the extra step in security.

  “How are you feeling, babe?” The voice was low and gravelly and sent a bolt of pleasure through her core.

  “Not great, but I need to get ready for this morning’s practice.”

  “You sure you want to go?”

  “I need to. Aurora’s finally turning a corner and I want to see this through the weekend.” Then she could crumble. Until then, she
needed to focus on coaching.

  She tossed the sheet back to climb out of bed, but Noah rolled her to her back and kissed her. It was tender and sweet and brought tears to her eyes. If she had any doubts that she loved this man, they were all gone. He was her port in a storm.

  Though she needed to shower and change, she didn’t want to let the opportunity to make love to him pass. She’d learned the hard way that life was short, and everything could change in the blink of an eye. One moment Lotus was pledging her life to her groom and the next, her life was over.

  Sliding her hands beneath his t-shirt, she stroked the ridges of his washboard abs. When one hand trailed lower, he stopped it and broke the kiss. “We don’t have to—”

  “Yes, we do.”

  He must’ve heard the desperation in her voice because he eased her shirt over her head and before she realized it, they were both naked, skin to skin. It was the most amazing feeling…second most amazing feeling. The first was when he slid into her and she gasped as he filled her body and soul. She’d never felt this connected to another person in her life. He looked into her eyes as he drove her to the edge and then over, following her off the cliff.

  There was absolutely no doubt that what they just shared was just sex. They’d made love.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Noah hadn’t intended to have sex with Peyton. She was vulnerable and hurting over the loss of her friends. But he’d read the desperation in her eyes, and he couldn’t turn her down. He’d lost friends in battle and knew she was realizing that life was too short. If comfort was what she needed, he’d give it to her by any means possible.

  Sticking his head out the door, he checked the hall before crossing to the room she was supposed to be using. Though he desperately wanted to walk into the tiled shower stall with her, he knew they’d never leave the house if he did. He wanted her too much, the encounter this morning doing nothing to slake his need. If anything, he craved her more. He didn’t think he’d ever get his fill of her. A lifetime wouldn’t be long enough.

  Jerking to a stop, he collapsed to the bed. He wanted to spend the rest of his life with Peyton. Her face was the last he wanted to see every night and the first each morning. He was in love with her.


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