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Red Eclipse

Page 7

by McKayla Schutt

  “If we mate, you could—” She kissed him again, stopping him from speaking. Damn it, woman.

  “We will mate. Right here. Right now. Don’t stop this.” Her eyes met his. He ignored his better judgment as he moved them to a tree, pushing her back onto the bark. One swift motion and he entered her. Alia moaned loud, making some of the small birds fly away.

  The scent of her heat took away his reservations. Olsen gripped her hips tight, then he pulled almost all the way out, before plunging himself deep into her body.

  “Faster,” Alia moaned. He listened to her and pushed himself, fast and hard. Alia screamed his name while her walls collapsed on his cock. He pounded harder, but his own release escaped him. A tingling sensation in the base of his spine tightened, giving off a hint of pain among the pleasure, as his release continued to evade him. His mate whimpered as another orgasm overtook her body. The pressure snapped as his member swelled slightly. He spilled his seed inside her warm body, while he bit down on her neck and she shivered under him.

  “I need more.” She nibbled on his neck. His cock hardened inside of her.

  “I can do that.” Every alarm telling him to stop had faded and become silent. There was no going back now; she would end up pregnant. He hoped she would be okay with it.

  Chapter Fifteen


  “WOW,” ALIA WHIMPERED after her last orgasm. Her body gave out and collapsed on top of her mate. Her last finish had finally satisfied her hungry libido. Out of nowhere, she needed Olsen inside of her, and there was not a sane or coherent thought after. Words couldn’t describe the way the fog took over her whole body.

  “Better?” He played with her hair.

  “Yes,” she said breathlessly. “I don’t know what came over me.” She rubbed her nose on his chest. The sweat covering their bodies started to dry off as a light breeze picked up, sending a shiver down her spine.

  “You’re in heat. I tried to warn you earlier.” She looked into his warm eyes. A faint memory of him saying those words came to mind, but the fog made it seem irrelevant at the time.

  “Does being in heat mean what I think it means?” She nibbled on her lip.

  “It means you might be pregnant now.” Worry filled his eyes, and she kissed his chest.

  “Well, that wasn’t my plan.” She sighed, gazing around the meadow and trying to figure out how she felt about the chunk of news. Happiness, fear, and worry all filled her mind at the same time. She’d wanted kids since she was a teen, but after that awful night, she didn’t think it would be possible to find the love of her life on the run. You’re still on the run, Alia. A little voice reminded her. A baby can’t be raised while I’m on the run.

  “I’m glad you can shift into a wolf.” Olsen’s voice brought her out of the downward spiral she had been headed toward.

  “What do you mean?”

  “Sometimes werewolf babies shift during delivery,” he paused, rubbing his hand on her back. “There have been cases where a human female delivered a pup and died because of the baby shifting. Humans can’t heal like a shifter can.” Alia’s head snapped up.

  “Really? What if I can’t heal? I’m not a normal shifter.” Panic filled her body. She stood and paced next to her mate. Her mind raced, and she barely registered her naked form.

  “We can always test what you can do without magic.” He stood, grabbing her shoulders to stop her pacing. Tears spilled down her face before she could stop them. I’m a strong witch, I shouldn’t be crying. She wiped at her face and took in a shaky breath.

  “I don’t know what to do. I’m not normal. I’m a bigger freak.” Witches weren’t out of the closet like werewolves. Most of the magical communities were waiting to see how the werewolves did with humans before they made their entrance. It all had to do with the notion of wolves being a calm and level-headed race, unlike vampires and witches. Olsen pulled her into a tight hug, her pulse returned to normal.

  “You, my love, are not a freak. You’re special and I’m okay with that. If anyone calls you a freak, tell me and I will kick their ass.” He pulled her into a tight hug, then kissed her head. Alia stifled a sob threatening to leave her lips. Why the hell am I so freaking emotional?

  “Now there are a few things you can do to see what you have gained. First, let’s try shifting.” Alia nodded. Olsen let go of her and took two large steps back.

  “Lean forward and let your body shift. Think about being a wolf.” She pushed away her tears as she cleared her mind. Arching her back toward her mate, she closed her eyes and pictured Olsen’s wolf, how she would be similar to him.

  A bit of pain filled her body as bones snapped and grew longer, muscles pulled and stretched. A tingling sensation covered her flesh as hair poked through. After a few seconds, she was on all fours. The pain no longer there. Alia opened her eyes, and realized there was a big change in her hearing and sight. They were better in this form. Way fucking better. Is that a squirrel I hear? She looked around and found a squirrel scratching at a tree a few yards away.

  “I want you to give me your paw.” Olsen held out his hand. She lifted up her front right paw and Olsen took it. His thumbnail dug into the pad of her foot, and a yelp escaped her lips before she could stop it. A new part of her wanted to flash her teeth to show she wasn’t weak. She pushed down the urge as she looked into her mate’s eyes.

  “Sorry.” A few small drops of blood hit his hand. After a moment, it stopped bleeding and Olsen looked at it. Again, this new part wanted to lick her wound like a wolf. That’s different. She hadn’t felt her wolf side until she shifted. Her other half hid from her. Tucked away, but ready to emerge when Alia needed her.

  “It’s already healed,” he said with a big wolfish-grin on his beautiful face. He set her foot down, and Alia took a few steps to get a feel for this strange, new body. A surge of power filled her and made her feel like she could run a mile in no time, or fight off another witch without uttering a single spell. She tried to hold up one paw, but couldn’t keep her balance to try and perform her light spell.

  “Dinner’s almost ready!” Kindra yelled. Alia turned, expecting her to be close, but she didn’t see any sign of the pregnant female.

  “Did you hear that?” Olsen asked. Alia nodded quickly. “Do you want to run back or ride again?” Alia debated her options for a second, then grabbed her clothes in her mouth and ran toward the house. Olsen chuckled before he too shifted.

  Alia glanced behind her at Olsen, who slowly closed the gap between them. She pushed her legs to move faster, narrowly missing an uprooted tree, while low-hanging branches almost hit her in the face. Alia jumped over another log and gained a small lead. The forest line thinned out, and then they were out of the forest completely.

  There was so much power in this body. Alia almost dropped her clothes from the laugh trying to escape. Once she reached Judden’s yard, she stopped and dropped her clothes. Fuck, now I have to shift back. She took a deep breath in, she figured the process was opposite of shifting into her wolf. Her body shrank and her hair receded. She plopped her body on the grass after she shifted.

  “Wow.” Alia gasped. Olsen licked her side with his large wolf tongue. He shifted with ease next to her.

  “You’re amazing.” He kissed her lips, another spark lit deep in her belly, and she needed him again. We are naked. Images of him pinning her down and taking her hard took over her thoughts.

  “What do you mean?” She tried to distract herself by staring into his eyes.

  “You shifted without help. Most newbies freak out or have loads of trouble. Even if they have shifted once or twice. Once, I saw a female have issues shifting back months after she had made the change.” His fingernail dug into the pad of her thumb, cutting her flesh.

  “Ouch,” She yanked her hand back. He inspected it, the bleeding didn’t stop like it had in her wolf-form. Drops of blood pooled under her hand on the grass.

  “Dang it. You should have healed by now.” Olsen’s smile disappeare
d and replaced with a scowl.

  “Now we know. If I get hurt, I need to shift.” She didn’t like seeing the pain in his eyes. She wanted to make it all disappear. You’re getting attached, Alia. You might have to leave him. Thoughts of living a life without Olsen made bile fill her mouth. She swallowed hard, and pushed down the idea of leaving him.

  “Good plan.” He kissed her, and once more the spark lit a fire under her skin and spread across her body. He chuckled against her lips. Every thought faded with his body so close to hers.

  “We can go back to the woods and have a little more time together.” She nibbled on his lower lip. He touched her chin.

  “You, my love, need food first.” With a sigh, she stood and dressed. She promised herself once their stomachs were full, she would have him rip these clothes off her.

  Chapter Sixteen


  OLSEN LOOKED OVER AT his sleeping mate. After dinner, they retired to one of Judden’s spare bedrooms. The moment they entered the room, Alia couldn’t keep her hands to herself. Olsen didn’t complain one bit. After three rounds of hot sex, she had finally passed out. Her scent change made it difficult to focus on anything other than fucking her. Even as she slept, his cock hardened. There was a hint of cinnamon to her citrus scent, which reminded him of apple pie.

  You’re going to get her pregnant.

  He knew the chances of her getting pregnant were almost a hundred percent, even if they didn’t have sex the next two to three days. He wanted to be a dad, but finding the right woman had been hard to come by, until now.

  Carefully climbing out of bed, he pulled on a pair of pants and grabbed his phone. Clicking on Derrick’s contact info, he looked around the hall while he waited for Derrick to answer. Pictures of the kids littered the wall space.

  “Hello.” Derrick sounded tired over the phone.

  “I wanted to check in on my sister and nephew.”

  “They are finally both asleep. Mason is a fussy freaking kid,” Derrick growled.

  “Sorry.” Olsen rubbed the back of his head. He really hadn’t meant to leave his alpha with a screaming infant. Olsen could only imagine what he was actually going through with Paden and Mason.

  “Do you have a plan, other than hiding? I know my second can come up with something else,” Derrick asked.

  “I’m working on it now. After this call, I will talk to Judden and I’ll let you know. I hope we can resolve this soon.”

  “Good. The sooner the better.”

  “Any problems with the seeker?” Olsen stopped in front of a photo of Judden and his family.

  “Aiden said they ran off about two hours after you guys left.” Derrick sounded a bit more relaxed. Tired as hell, but relaxed.

  “Wait, did you say they?”

  “Yeah, there were two of them. A short guy and a tall one is how Aiden described them.”

  “Fuck. I thought only Dean would be coming after her. If the damn seeker has friends, then this might not work.” Olsen ground his teeth.

  “Be safe, Olsen. I’ll never say this again, but I do need you here, as both my friend and my second.” Derrick was more of the strong reserved alpha, for him to say something like that really meant a lot.

  “I’ll be careful. Have a good night,” Olsen said. Seconds later, the line died. Olsen shoved his phone in the back pocket of his jeans before he headed downstairs to Judden’s voice. He tapped his hand on his jeans to keep himself grounded.

  “Done already?” Judden asked with a smile on his face. He sat behind his father’s large mahogany desk. Olsen recalled making an indent on the front right when he and Judden had played ball in the house. Kindra sat in a chair close to him at a smaller desk, just as elegant of a piece, which faced the opposite direction.

  “Judden!” Kindra slapped her mate’s arm.

  “Thank you again for letting us stay here.” Olsen leaned on the wall just inside the room.

  “You’re welcome,” Kindra said before Judden opened his mouth. She stood and kissed her mate. “Don’t stay up too late.”

  “I won’t, love.” Judden kissed her belly before she waddled toward Olsen.

  “Alia is a lovely woman; I’m glad you found your mate,” Kindra said. She kissed his cheek, then left the room. Judden motioned for Olsen to sit in the chair at the front of the desk.

  “What’s going on?” Judden leaned back into his chair.

  “Well, I’m in need of some back-up for Alia. She needs to go home and confront these damn seekers.”

  “You need man-power?”

  “Yep.” Olsen nodded. Olsen remembered playing with Judden when they were pups. Judden never beat around the bush about what he wanted. Even with two older brothers, he wanted to be seen.

  “Well, I can’t come with you.” He looked at the door his mate had walked out of. “But I can convince my second to tag along with a beta.”

  “Heather?” Olsen asked. Once everything had settled down after the Casper pack turned crazy, Judden had called and updated Olsen about his mate, and how his second had imprinted with Kindra’s twin sister. It was so much information Olsen, had Judden explain it twice so he could make sure he caught it all.

  “That woman will not let him out of her sight. Even with two pups.” He shuffled some items on his desk.

  “Is she expecting?” Olsen didn’t like the idea of Alia coming with him to talk to the witches, but he knew she couldn’t stay behind. Judden scratched his jaw.

  “Might be a few weeks now.” Olsen thought it over for a moment.

  “Anyone else you can think of? I really don’t want—” Olsen’s voice died in his throat, the idea of Alia and their future baby being in danger.

  “She won’t let him go alone, we can try and convince her to stay, but I’m pretty sure it will fall on deaf ears. Matt might have someone in mind tomorrow.”

  “All right, let’s give them a call tomorrow.” Olsen stood. He was slightly relieved to have some back up. If Judden’s brothers hadn’t died a few years ago, Judden would have joined him in a heartbeat. Hell! Keith, the middle brother, would have been bouncing with excitement to leave Laramie.

  “Night,” Judden said, before returning to the paperwork on his desk. Olsen waved and headed back to the spare bedroom.

  When he entered the room, he noticed his mate had moved in her sleep. A cry of pain left her soft lips. He moved to her side and placed his hand on her shoulder.

  “Wake up, Alia. It’s only a dream,” Olsen whispered. Her eyes snapped open to stare right into his gaze.

  “Damn it. Sorry.” Alia wiped at her eyes. Olsen climbed into bed and pulled her close to his body.

  “Don’t apologize. I will make you safe soon.” Alia nodded and moved into his arms so her head rested on his chest.

  “I promise to make you safe, Alia. I will die to make sure you’re no longer on the run from your past.”

  “I know you would.” Alia kissed his chest. “Now enough talking about dying. Let’s talk about loving.” Alia sat up and stared at him. His cock hardened with a vengeance.

  “How about no talking?” Olsen’s eyebrows bounced. He didn’t want to talk anymore. He wanted to take her slowly so he could enjoy being in his sexy mate.

  “Deal.” She leaned down and kissed him while her hand moved down his chest.

  I hope this works.

  Chapter Seventeen


  ALIA WOKE WITH HER body on fire. Damn heat, this is fucking hell. Her mind started to clear as she realized someone was between her legs. Sharp teeth grazed across her clit, bringing her from her sleepy haze. Olsen’s eyes were the first thing she saw when she looked down. His hot tongue swiped across her clit this time, then his teeth nipped at her. He repeated this process. Olsen inserted one of his fingers, and brought her close to an orgasm. Her body almost exploded into bliss when he slowed down.

  “Olsen.” She moaned. His finger moved faster and her orgasm slammed into her body without warning. She bucked her hips into
his face; he took everything she had to offer him. The heat under her skin still burned, making the orgasm feel like she had been teased. Olsen climbed up her body like a predator stalking his prey. He pressed the head of his cock at her seam. A burning lust filled his eyes, sending a zing down to her core. He thrust his hips quickly, filling her, while his balls slapped against her ass.

  His mouth clamped down on her shoulder and he pounded into her tight folds. She moaned loudly, as she inched closer to another orgasm. Her whole body needed something she couldn’t pinpoint. His nails dug into her hips, sending her over the edge. A low growl tickled her neck as he spilled himself into her. The need in her faded once he finished. Olsen let go of her shoulder, licking the mark he created on her. His cock stayed hard even after he found his release.

  “More.” Alia pushed on his shoulder so she straddled him. His lips tugged up and he let her take her own pleasure from him. She rocked her hips while her hands rested on his chest to keep her balance. His large hands wrapped around her breasts, massaging them, sending waves of pleasure through her body. Slowly the pressure built inside her core. This time was different than before; it may have been slow and steady, but more intense. He filled holes she didn’t know were empty already. Olsen brought her to another orgasm as one hand pinched her nipple. His hips bucked under her and filled her once more. The haze finally lifted as she looked down at her mate.

  “When will this stop?” Alia asked. Her breathing labored and her heart pounded in her ears. He lifted her and they moved toward a little en-suite connected to their bedroom.

  “Two more days at the most.” He made quick work of the heat for the water and they climbed into the shower. Olsen kissed her neck, sending a shiver down her body. “I have some good news.” His voice was husky, but her urge to pounce him wasn’t as strong.

  “What’s that?” She pushed her head under the hot water to help her tired muscles.


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