Book Read Free

Saved by the Dark

Page 18

by Ann Jensen

  “We did and it included a picture of the girl and the fact Anthony Caravaggio was willing to pay $50,000 for the return of his fiancée.”

  “Seems odd don’t you think? If this woman is his fiancée that you have a picture, but no name?” Deep raised an eyebrow.

  “Must just be one of those oversights.” Officer Volker looked around nervously. Sharp wondered if this man even had a scrap of guilt over the fact he was trying to assist a known psychopath get his next victim.

  A shout from down the road caught their attention. A uniformed officer holding binoculars had stepped out from behind one of the cars and pointed dramatically towards the compound. “She’s in there! I see her by the bounce house.”

  Hawk shook his head and snorted with disgust. “You know if we had kidnapped a girl, jumping up and down shouting ‘I see her’ would ruin any surprise you hoped to gain.”

  “The woman is coming with me,” Volker snarled.

  Deep stepped up into Volker’s space. “Since you don’t have a warrant and you haven’t told us a name or shown us the supposed picture you have, you aren’t getting shit. Whoever your man saw outside standing by a kid bounce house is obviously not in distress so if you step one foot further onto private property, we will be suing you personally as well as the State police.”

  Sharp wondered how Deep could keep his shit together so well. If he was up in the pudgy fucker’s face the urge to strangle him might be too great to resist.

  “I am taking her into protective custody.”

  “Which she can refuse unless you have a court order, which I am sure you don’t have since you would need a name to even try that,” Deep shot back.

  Two local cop cars pulled up at that point and Sharp needed to step away before his temper completely exploded. He trusted Deep to make the right moves. They needed to get these cops gone as soon as possible and start the hunt for Caravaggio. He needed something to vent his anger on and that man would do nicely.

  Pixie tried to hide her concern, but something about the whole situation made her stomach knot. When one of the cops started shouting and pointing at her, she hurried over to Val hoping to get some insight.

  “Does this sort of thing happen often?” She looked over her shoulder to the cop beyond the fence who was obviously looking at her through binoculars, though he had stopped shouting and pointing.

  “Well, our men aren’t choir boys, so it isn’t exactly unusual to have the police stop by.” Val looked worried.

  “But?” This had something to do with her and she hated that her problems caused the family barbeque to be ruined.

  Val stepped up and put a hand on Pixie’s shoulder. “But if the men knew it was coming, they would have cancelled the picnic today. Plus, with captain obvious over there using his junior spy kit to stare at you, I’m guessing you know more about what is going on than we do.”

  “I don’t know how much of my story you know.”

  “That Sharp got you out of an abusive situation and you needed help establishing a new life.”

  Bile rose, burning the back of her throat, but she pushed it down. If her problems were going to affect these women, they had a right to know. If they were going to be her friends, she wanted them to hear the truth from her. All the kids were busy playing, oblivious to the drama. Anna, Maria, Val and Cheryl had moved in around her as if to protect her from the watching cop.

  She could do this. “A year ago, I was living on the street picking pockets or working under the table to feed myself. ‘Usual runaway foster kid does bad’ story. Then six months ago I was drugged and sold to a man who found, trained, and sold high-quality slaves to men around the world.”

  Maria snorted. “‘High quality slaves’. You make it sound like he was a car dealer.”

  Pixie shrugged. “That was what Mitchel called himself. He found beautiful women who wouldn’t be missed, broke their will, and trained them like dogs to follow orders before auctioning them off.” Pixie’s throat closed up and she took a shaking breath, remembering face after face of each of the women who came in terrified and left with soulless eyes.

  Val looked like she was about to cry. “You don’t have to say any more, sugar.”

  “No, let me finish so you understand. Mitchel kept me as his personal pet because he said he couldn’t break me. I was broken long before he got me but I don’t think he could tell.” Pixie took a deep breath and waved off the comforting sounds the women were making. “Either way, Caravaggio saw me and tried to buy me, but Mitchel refused. He told me he kept some lower end merchandise around because Caravaggio didn’t want class, just a girl to scream and die for him. I was more valuable than a toss away, but Mitchel did let him help break me on occasion for a price. Most of my scars are from him.”

  Even though Pixie had been trying to keep her emotions out and just give the basic facts, the women all looked horrified, some with tears leaking from their eyes.

  “The night Sharp brought me here I guess Mitchel had decided that six months with me was enough and accepted whatever price Caravaggio offered. When I asked Sharp for help, I was just trying to distract him long enough to get his gun.”

  “To kill that motherfucker?” Anna spit out, fury lighting her eyes.

  Pixie laughed, enjoying the feeling of having friends who cared about her. “No, but it didn’t matter. His gun was broken or jammed; it didn’t fire.”

  “Who were you going to shoot?” Horror crossed Val’s features as she realized the truth. “Oh, honey child, don’t you ever think that way again.”

  Pixie found herself in the middle of a group hug with tears wetting her cheeks that had more to do with happiness.

  “I found out yesterday Caravaggio still wants me and has been trying to get me. Mitchel would never work with the police, so this has to be him.”

  “You are a Dark Sons’ Old Lady. That bastardo will never get his hands on you,” Maria said with such conviction that Pixie wanted to believe her.

  Cheryl’s phone rang and she stepped away.

  “Thank you, Maria, but Caravaggio is a powerful man. Part of the Mafia.”

  The women all seemed to roll their eyes at once and laugh as they stepped back. Val was the first to speak. “Mafia Smafia. This isn’t a Godfather movie.”

  “Pixie. The guys need the two of us up front,” Cheryl said while pocketing her phone. “Val, can you watch the kiddos? Sasha is asleep in the stroller and Tayla is in the bounce house.”

  “Sure thing.”

  As Cheryl walked Pixie around the side of the Clubhouse, she explained the police had received a report that she was being held against her will.

  “You need to tell them I am your lawyer so they can’t separate us. You can give them your name and say you are here of your own free will, but don’t say anything else. These are dirty cops, but we have enough local police and witnesses, they won’t be able to do anything unless you give them a reason. I want you to let me answer for you.”

  “Okay.” Pixie was terrified that somehow this was going to go badly, but she had to trust Cheryl knew what she was talking about.

  Chapter 28

  I’m not a fucking mind reader but I do have a mean right hook.

  The scene they approached didn’t fill her with confidence. The five police officers standing and staring at her by the gate made Pixie uncomfortable. Their expressions ranged from disgust to pity and she had no idea what she had done to trigger those feelings. Max, Highdive, and a Brother she didn’t recognize were standing facing the police, arms crossed with hostile expressions on their faces. Fear rushed through her body, causing tiny tremors to clench her fists, and she tried to draw strength from Cheryl who displayed nothing but cool professionalism.

  Sharp and Hawk were off to the side talking and across the street Puck and Kickstand were watching other police going in and out of a small house she had never noticed before. The fact Sharp wasn’t moving toward her had her nerves skyrocketing.

  “Sharp is the one the
y are accusing of kidnapping you. I’m sure they said he couldn’t be next to you for the questions.” Cheryl tried to comfort her.

  Pixie’s feet wouldn’t move any closer to the police. What if they took her away and arrested her for something? Gave her back to Mitchel or Caravaggio? Could these men really stop it? “Do I have to do this?”

  Cheryl stopped, taking in Pixie’s terrified expression. “No, you don’t. But we can make them go away a lot faster if you do.”

  The cop in the middle was giving her looks which reminded her so much of the men who passed through the training center, she wanted to throw up. Her knees were weak, and memories started to flicker through her. She couldn’t go back; she couldn’t leave Sharp. She tried to look over to him for strength, but the expression on his face was so angry it made things worse. Was he angry her problems had brought trouble to his Club? Would they ask her to leave? She didn’t think she could survive on her own.

  “Hey, Banshee!” Pixie’s head snapped up, startled by Max’s loud yell. He was fifty feet away, but he had yelled like she was across a stadium. His usual teasing smile comforted her and he winked, letting her know they weren’t mad at her. “Come tell the clueless brigade what they want to hear so we can get back to the party.”

  Something about his cavalier words and relaxed stance gave her strength. She had faced a room full of bikers and beat up a Club slut. She wasn’t helpless. Not with all these men and women at her back. No dirty cop was going to take her away from her new family.

  She straightened her shoulders and walked the rest of the way with her head high. Banshee was a strong bitch who wouldn’t let some scum’s creepy look or scary eyes bother her.

  “You’re going to come down to the station and answer some questions,” the scum in question declared.

  Arguments broke out between everyone and Highdive had to join Hawk who was now physically restraining Sharp. Every one of the Dark Sons were on her side and most of the cops looked uncomfortable with the arrogant stance their fellow officer was taking.

  “No, I won’t,” Pixie said so loudly it cut through the sound of everyone else’s voices. She let it quiet down a bit, then finished telling them what she had been told to say. “I am here by choice, of my own free will. Cheryl is my lawyer. I will answer any questions unless she tells me not to.”

  The out-of-shape cop reddened and glared at Pixie. “You expect me to believe anything you say while you’re standing in the middle of the people who are holding you hostage?”

  “I am not being held hostage.” Pixie tried to think of a way to convince the other police because this jerk had no intention of listening. “See this cut?” She spun, giving a view of the back to anyone who cared to look. “It means that man over there is my old man. He chose me and I chose him.”

  “Pretty quick, leaving your fiancé and shacking up with another man,” her new least favorite cop sneered.

  Surprised anyone had claimed a relationship with her, she forgot she wasn’t supposed to be saying anything. “Mitchel said I was his fiancée?” The urge to rip apart the slaver who had stolen the last six months of her life overwhelmed any fear she used to have.

  “Who is Mitchel? I thought her fiancé was Anthony Caravaggio,” the young cop at the end of the line asked.

  Pixie took a step back as if she had been punched in the stomach. “I wouldn’t willingly be in a room with that man. If he says I agreed to marry him then he needs to get his meds checked.” Not that she had wanted either man to pretend a relationship with her, but the idea that Caravaggio had made this claim when his plan was to torture and kill her took psychotic to a whole new definition.

  The low laughter of some of the Brothers helped her get her poker face back on. She looked over at Cheryl who had both pride and sympathy on her face. “Do I need to answer any more questions?”

  Cheryl turned and faced the men. “Do you have any further questions for my client?”

  “I need her name and identification. Then we’ll see.”

  “Officer Volker.” The Brother whose name Pixie could now see was Deep spoke up. He must be the Club’s other lawyer, Cheryl’s husband. “As you should know Colorado law says unless you have reasonable cause to believe that Banshee has committed a crime or is about to commit a crime, she does not have to self-identify.” Pixie studied the man standing up for her. She preferred Sharp’s rugged looks, but Cheryl was still an incredibly lucky woman to have a man with such classically tall, dark, and handsome features.

  Pixie marveled she found it comforting to have lawyers around. Sharp had calmed down and his look was now gentle and full of pride. How had she gotten so lucky to find a man and friends so perfect for her screwed-up self.

  Eventually the lawyers and the cops finished arguing. Her relief was like a cool breeze when they left and Sharp swept her up into a crushing hug. His arms around her felt like home and pushed away all the doubts and lingering fears, even if for a moment. Across the street the police still gathered around the house pretending to investigate, occasionally harassing Kickstand or Puck, but her part was over for now and she could relax and hope no one was angry at her for ruining the barbecue.

  Sharp took a deep breath, enjoying the pure scent that was Pixie. Watching her stand alone against Volker had been one of the hardest things he had ever had to do. He had to remember to thank Max for helping her out when he had been ordered to step back and remain silent. He knew deep in his gut if that dirty cop got his hands on Pixie, she would vanish.

  “You okay, darlin’?” Sharp studied Pixie’s sweet features. She looked tired but no longer scared.


  He leaned down and kissed her tempting lips. The way she immediately softened made him groan. There wasn’t time for more, although his cock disagreed, wanting round two of what they had been doing earlier.

  Hawk strode up to them, eyes softening as he watched them. “Hate to interrupt, but we need to check in with Grinder. See if he has any info on where we can find that fucker Mitchel. Tek should be getting back to us on his search as well. There will be plenty of time to enjoy your woman once we neutralize the threats.”

  Sharp pulled away from the nirvana that was Pixie’s lips knowing Hawk was right. He looked down into her eyes, expecting the sleepy satisfied smile she always wore after a kiss, but was startled to see fury snapping out of her eyes. She shoved at his chest and he let her push him back a step.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked, annoyed by her whiplash change of mood.

  “What’s wrong? You’re looking for Mitchel!” Her voice was a hiss as she planted her fists on her hips. It was adorable and he fought to keep a smile off his face. Was she worried about them?

  “Yeah. But he is a hard man to find. Don’t worry about it, we’ll find him.”

  “Men,” she growled in frustration. “Do you have something to write on?”

  Max and Highdive had joined Hawk and appeared as amused by his spitting little kitten of a woman as he was. What she could possibly want to write down was beyond him. “No. I left my phone inside. Where is your phone?”

  She made a sweeping gesture that took in her outfit. “No pockets.”

  “Your cut has a pock–”

  “Do one of you have a phone?” Pixie cut him off, turning to his Brothers.

  Max held out his phone and didn’t hold back the chuckle when she snatched it and stepped away a few steps. Her muttered curses about stupidity and the male race had Hawk smirking and lifting an eyebrow.

  “As amusing as your tiny Banshee is, this shit needs to get settled. Max, you keep an eye on the guesthouse and our unwelcome visitors while Sharp and I head over to the hospital.”

  It was hard for Sharp to stay focused when Pixie kept looking up at the sky muttering some more curses, then typing furiously on the screen of Max’s phone. Max didn’t seem to have the same problem and nodded his agreement.

  Highdive seemed irritated by everything. Ever since they received the news that Grinder
was hurt, the sergeant at arms had been a complete asshole. Pixie’s actions definitely didn’t amuse him as he gave her an angry glare before saying to Hawk, “I am going to tell the men to get their families home. I think we should have church when you all get back and let everyone know the state of things. We need to shut this shit down. We’ve lost enough face. Soon we’re going to be back to proving ourselves like some no-name Club.”

  “We will have payback for Grinder, Brother. Don’t you worry,” Hawk said, as Pixie stomped back up and shoved Max’s phone in Sharp’s chest. When he took it, she crossed her arms, pushing up her chest in a wonderfully sexy way, which was probably the furthest thing from her mind right now given the situation at hand.

  Sharp smiled and looked down at the screen, not sure what he expected to see, but this definitely wasn’t it. She had created a list called ‘Mitchel’ containing several locations including training center, home, clinic, auction house, and three different entries for random storage buildings. Each entry was followed by a GPS coordinate that, from his limited knowledge, he guessed were somewhere close to the Colorado border, either in Wyoming or Nebraska. He couldn’t believe what he was seeing.

  “Why didn’t you tell us you knew where he was?” Sharp’s tone was made harsh by his surprise as he passed the phone over to Hawk.

  Pixie’s glare was impressive, even on her small frame. “You never asked. In fact, I believe you said it was all under control and not to worry about it.”

  She was right, and he was immediately sorry for his harsh tone. Sharp realized in wanting to protect her from having to think about the horror she went through, he had thrown away a possible asset. To his defense, he had thought she might only have minimal details which probably wouldn’t help, so he wanted to protect her from the memories that trying to remember details might dreg up. Never did he think she would have GPS coordinates which could lead them right to the elusive man.


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