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My Cruel Lover (Wicked Poison Book 3)

Page 5

by T. L Smith

  “If I act out of line again, I will let you transfer, and you can keep the salary you currently receive,” he says, surprising me.

  “Thank you. Can I think about it?”

  “Take your time.” He turns back to his computer, effectively dismissing me.

  I walk out. Once I get far enough away from his door, I let out a long sigh. What the hell was that? I scratch my head, and I am sure the face I am pulling is showing my confusion.

  Once I slide into my car, I finally take a deep centering breath.

  I don’t know if I should stay, but the pay will help Oliver and me greatly.

  After I pick up Oliver, I head home. Turning onto our street, there is a car parked out the front of my house that looks incredibly out of place in this neighborhood.

  “Mommy.” Oliver smiles and points at the car. Red is his favorite color right now, thanks to Optimus Prime. He is obsessed. “Do you think it transforms as well?”

  “No, buddy. Stay in the car while Mommy gets out. Okay?” He nods, and I pass him my phone with a game I have pulled up on the screen. When I get out, the driver’s door of the other car opens, and I’m taken aback to see Anderson’s father standing there.

  When I walk over, a small smile touches his face.

  “Jacinta, it’s good to see you.”

  “I can’t say the same. Why are you here, Leo?” My words are short and curt, and if they cause hurt, I am all for it.

  “You haven’t been cashing any of my checks.” He quickly eyes the house then focuses back on me. “I send you enough to live comfortably. You wouldn’t have to work if you chose not to.”

  Well, I didn’t know that. Probably because I chose to never open even one of his letters.

  “I did ask if you would let me know if I could meet him. If that would be okay with you.”

  Anderson’s father looks a lot like him. He is incredibly good-looking for his age. Well-groomed and dressed in a sharp business suit, crisp white shirt, with a tie that appears like it has been tied by an expert, the knot is so perfectly executed.

  But as I have discovered, looks are deceiving.

  Especially for those with money.

  “Leo, I don’t know if I’m comfortable with that, after everything—” He holds up his hands.

  “I get it. I do. And I have tried everything in my power to rectify this situation as best I can. I know I was late. I know I should have helped sooner. But I was blind to it, and I apologize for that fact. I will go … but if you could please think about it and let me know, I would appreciate it.” He turns and walks to his car.

  “Oliver would love to see your car, if you would allow him that?” I ask. My heart thaws a little, and Leo’s face brightens, and it’s the first time I have ever seen him smile like this.

  “Of course, would you like me to walk away?” I look back at my car and see Oliver who’s staring in awe at Leo’s car.

  “No, it’s fine, you can meet him. Just, please, don’t mention Anderson.”

  “I won’t. You have my word.”

  With more than a few nerves, I step over and get Oliver out of his seat, then lead him toward Leo.

  “Hey, little dude, would you like to see inside?” Leo asks, offering a friendly smile.

  Oliver looks up at me for permission, and I nod my approval.

  I watch as Oliver jumps in excitedly, steps all over the interior, to which I cringe, but Leo doesn’t seem to care at all. He simply watches him and answers when needed.

  “You can tell him to stop climbing around if you want. Otherwise, he won’t stop,” I say.

  Leo’s attention falls to me, he presses a button on his keys, and the car starts. Oliver grins and laughs as the music begins to play.

  “He’s fine. He seems like a good kid.”

  “He’s the best,” I say, smiling. “And smart. So far, he’s excelling in his reading and already writes his name.”

  Leo smiles proudly. He looks back to Oliver, then speaks, “Look, I was wondering if I could speak to you … once he’s done.”

  “Oliver needs to bathe and get ready for the night anyway. You can come in and have a coffee if you want?” I walk to the car and call Oliver out. He comes without argument, and we head toward the door. Unlocking it and turning on the lights, I tell Oliver to go have a shower. He runs off to get himself ready as I walk to the kitchen with Leo following close behind me.

  “I’m just going to say it …” he pauses. “Anderson gets out on good behavior soon. I don’t have an exact date, but I found out today and thought I should tell you.”

  “Mom, I can’t find my towel.” Oliver runs up behind me, and my hand falls to my heart as I turn around and smile at my son, who does look a lot like his father.

  “It’s on your bed where you left it,” I tell him, and he nods and runs off.

  When I turn back around, Leo is seated at the table, his hands folded in front of him.

  “He also asked me about Oliver. I haven’t said anything regarding him.”

  “Thank you,” I say, flustered.

  I open the fridge.

  Then shut it.

  What was I even going in there for?

  “I’m going to go,” Leo says, standing. “I’m sorry for bringing this bad news to you, but you needed to know.” He heads to the front door and I follow him, walking him out. “If you open up any one of those letters, my number is on every single one. If you need anything, babysitter, money, new car—” I cut him off.

  “Car?” I ask.

  “Seems he loves mine. Would you like it?”

  “Are you seriously offering me your car?” I ask in disbelief.

  “Yes,” he replies without hesitation.

  Does he not understand that is not normal? People do not go around offering cars that are worth more than the house I’m living in.

  “No. No, thank you. Ours gets us from A to B. It will do us just fine.”

  “Jacinta, you’ve done everything by yourself. Not once have you accepted money from us …” he pauses, “… but you should. He may be a shit person, but he is Oliver’s father, and I am his father. Let me help when you need help … that’s all I ask.”

  All I can do is nod at his words.

  He leaves with no more words spoken.

  Chapter 9


  I keep to my word. The only time I speak with Jacinta is when it has to do with work.

  She stays.

  I knew she would.

  The money I pay my assistant is better than the highest-paid assistant anywhere else. But I also do this because I know I am an ass to work for. And the money keeps them around a little longer.

  The world spins on money. I should know, it’s my job.

  “Are you prepared for your week?” I ask on the way back into my office, stopping at Jacinta’s desk before I go into mine.

  She lifts her head and bites her lip. “Yes, I think so.”

  Every year, Rylee and I go away to a conference and dazzle our biggest clients. It’s a thank you, and this year Rylee isn’t able to attend, so Jacinta is filling in for her.

  “Either you are, or you aren’t,” I bite back.

  “I am. Tickets are printed. The car will pick you up at six.”

  “Get the car to collect you first,” I tell her and walk off to my office. When I enter, Rylee is sitting in my chair, swinging around on it like it’s her favorite damn toy. “Get out,” I say, but she continues to swing around again, then she flips me off.

  “Why do you have such a great seat? Get me one, too,” she says, not moving from my chair.

  “It’s late, and I have to finish a few emails before I leave. So get the fuck out of my seat.”

  “How about … no.” She smiles. “Now, make sure you order me one.”

  “If I say I will order you one, will you get out of my seat?”

  “If you pinkie promise,” she teases.

  “Fucking hell, Rylee, dealing with a five-year-old is easier than de
aling with you,” I spit.

  She pokes her tongue out and stands. “You better order me one, asshole.”

  I stride around my desk and sit before she decides to annoy me further by stealing my chair again. “Why are you here?” I start my computer.

  “I came to warn you.”

  My head spins in her direction. “Warn me?”

  Rylee leans over my desk, so her eyes are at the same level as mine as she stares at me. “If you fuck this up by being an asshole, I will kick you where I know it will hurt the most.”

  She straightens and smiles.

  So sweet, yet so sour.

  Without giving me a backward glance, she saunters off out the door.

  The driver pulls up to my apartment building, and I am already out front, suitcase on the ground, as the back door opens and Jacinta steps out, dressed in more casual attire than her regular work outfits.

  “Good afternoon, sir. You ready?”

  “I am.” I climb in as the driver grabs my suitcase.

  When we’re seated and the car finally starts for the airport, we settle into a nice silence.

  “Adam and James will be attending, and I want you to wine and dine them when necessary.” Jacinta nods. “They are our biggest clients. So, nothing can go wrong with them.”

  “Got it.”

  “Also, villas … I will make sure yours is close to mine, so if I need to reach you, you’re close by. And James and Adam will also be near ours.”

  “Sounds good,” she says, writing away in her notebook.

  “And how are you going to handle this trip? Are you fully organized with your son?”

  She pauses writing and places her pen in the notebook and shuts it. When she turns to me, her hazel eyes are warm. “Yes, thank you. He is well looked after by your sister and August. Oliver is familiar with August, and he loves Winter and Rylee, so I am lucky, as I have no family.”

  I nod.

  Not too much later, the car comes to a stop at the airport. We grab our suitcases and check-in. I purchased both business class tickets, as the flight is just over an hour to the island we are heading to.

  “You didn’t have to. I’m more than happy to not fly business.”

  “Everyone who’s coming is flying business,” I reply as I step along the jet bridge to the aircraft. She takes a seat next to me, and the flight attendant serves us a glass of champagne.

  “I’ve never been on a plane,” she whispers after a few moments of silence, and the plane takes off.

  “What?” I say, surprised. “How is that even possible?”

  “I’ve never left Australia. And I only left the city when I moved away five years ago, but even then, I drove.”

  I look away, raise my eyebrows, shocked at her words.

  Looking back, I ask, “Are you scared?” Lifting my glass of champagne, I drink it all in one go.

  “No, excited.” And her eyes show it, they are twinkling with nervous energy, but she is animated as well, showing her enthusiasm.

  “You should be. This is one of the nicest islands in Australia. It’s absolutely beautiful and not overly crowded.”

  After we land, we deplane and board a boat that will take us on the last leg of our trip to the island. The boat also serves more champagne and cheese platers.

  “This is so …” her eyes are round with excitement, “… so posh, and probably something I would never have had the opportunity to experience.” She turns to me. “Thank you for letting me come.” Her voice is genuine, and I have to wipe my hands on my pants at her words because, for some reason, they have become sweaty. What’s with that?

  “This is a work trip. Just remember that.”

  She nods and looks out at the Great Barrier Reef. Her eyes take everything in as we head toward our final destination.

  When the boat arrives, I watch her. It’s fascinating to see something through someone else’s eyes. I’ve been here so many times that I’m used to all the glitz, glamor, and opulence.

  “Beckham, Jacinta.”

  We turn, after we pick up the keys to our villas, to see Adam and James. They each have a cocktail and a smile on their faces.

  “Seems you got here safely,” I say.

  Adam offers the other cocktail in his hand to Jacinta, who takes the exotic-looking drink eagerly and thanks him.

  “I’m afraid what all this drinking could do to me.” She giggles and sips the colorful liquid after she takes a few bites of the cherry on top.

  “Meet us down at the pool bar after you’re settled?” They both address Jacinta, and she eagerly nods her head while still holding the cocktail in her hand.

  When we get to our villas, which are right next to each other, she looks over to me.

  “I’m right to go to the pool bar?” she asks.

  “Yes, enjoy yourself.” I walk in and shut the door quietly behind me. The villa is exquisite, one of the best five-star hotels I have ever been to.

  I requested villas with pool access, so from both of our villas, you can walk straight out into the large resort pool area and swim up to the bar. The bedroom has a large king bed with four posts. The colors are natural, but the room is anything but plain. The living area has a couch in the corner, and there is a large flat-screen television hanging on the wall. As I continue to check out the villa, I step into the bathroom, which includes a bathtub that could easily fit two people and a shower with two showerheads.

  Walking back to the bedroom, situated on the beds in every villa, I have organized a welcome basket. I use the same company every year, and now I don’t even bother asking what they will put in them because I know they are that good.

  Looking over at mine it says …

  Welcome, boss.

  There’s a small bottle of vodka, a voucher to the five-star spa, robe, slippers, eye mask. All custom-made. All personalized with the guest’s name on them.

  Changing out of my work clothes, I ring and order a drink to be sent to my room while I step out onto the balcony that has access to the pool and take a seat on the lounger.

  “Are you sure it’s okay?” I turn to see Jacinta standing there, her robe wrapped around her and a hesitant smile on her face. “That basket is amazing, by the way. Loved it.”

  “Is what okay?”

  She motions over to some of our clients.

  “You said to mingle and make them happy, but is it okay that I drink with them? Is that professional?”

  “Yes. Go.”

  She nods, but pauses. “Do you plan to come?”

  “Later. I have some calls to make first.”

  “Anything you need me to do?” she asks, ever so helpful.


  She nods, drops her robe, and beneath it is a bright yellow one-piece swimsuit.

  Her ass, round and perfect, is almost on full display as the back of her swimsuit only covers half her skin.


  She’s beautiful.

  More than beautiful.

  And I have to remember …

  … do not fuck my employee.

  That would be an incredibly bad mistake.

  My cock stirs as Jacinta dives into the water. I watch her, unable to take my eyes off her as she swims over to a group of our clients. But then she turns back, and there’s a wide smile on her face.

  “It could be a cracker of a time if you just tried.” I freeze at her words. And then somehow, somehow, I’m back to six and a half years ago, with a woman who stole me in more than one way.

  How could someone be so beautiful?

  “It could be a cracker of a time if you just tried.” She was attempting to convince me to go into the abandoned house. I was not keen on stepping inside that place at all. I had heard the stories, but wherever she went, I seemed to follow.

  Our relationship started with friendship first, then somewhere along the way, I realized I saw her as more than that. When I told her, when I first kissed her, she laughed in my face and told me she was glad I could finally se
e what she had seen all along.

  That we were perfect for each other.

  “Not happening. Let’s go back to the car.” I turned back, but her hand laced itself in mine, and she pulled gently enough that I turned to look at her. Her smile could light up the sky. It sure as fuck lit up mine.

  “If you make it inside, I’ll let you touch my boobs.”

  I look down at said boobs. “I’ve touched and tasted them before.”

  She shrugged. “So you know what a prize they are then,” she sung, pulling me with her, and I went because I was a teenager and the thought of touching any part of her made my cock incredibly hard. She used that to her advantage. If her father knew what we were doing, he would probably have killed us. But that never stopped Paige. Not in the slightest.

  The front door was old and broken, she pushed it a little wider so we both fitted through, and the minute we were inside, she dropped her hand from mine and started stepping back.

  “I did tell you … you could touch.” The dress she wore fell to the floor. Paige was shy unless it came to me. With me, she was anything but.

  Maybe it’s because she realized how much I idolized her, treasured the ground she walked on.

  “I would prefer it if you touch somewhere else as well.” I almost forgot where we were.

  “Someone could see us.”

  “Isn’t that where all the fun is.” A sinister smile touched her lips.

  “I think … I love you.”

  I expect her to say it in return, but she always surprised me with her words.

  “I know that, you fool. You just had to catch up.”

  And I did. I caught up.

  Until ...

  Until I could no longer breathe.

  Until she was taken.

  My sweet Paige, who was anything but sweet.

  I would give this all up for her to be back in my arms.

  Chapter 10


  I almost forgot what a cheap drunk I am. When they hand me my third cocktail, I have to ask for a glass of water. Turns out, everyone here can drink way more than me and still be sober.

  “You came to mingle.”


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