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The Road To Bliss

Page 8

by Denise N Wheatley

  * * * *

  “But why did you volunteer me?” Eva complained. “I’m tired and I don’t feel like being bothered with anybody until my next event, which is coming up in a less than two weeks!”

  “Eva, this will be such a good look for you and your career,” Timber explained calmly, laying sheets of iridescent cellophane underneath two enormous wicker baskets.

  When Alex emailed her back with his mailing address, he mentioned how he wished he had hired someone to help with the planning of his parents’ party. At this point there was still so much left to be done, and time was running out. That’s when Timber suggested that he hire Eva to do the job, already knowing that Eva would be upset but convincing herself that she’d be able to talk her into it.

  “Alex is really cool,” Timber continued, knowing that she was wearing Eva down. “And he knows this is a last minute request, but at this point he needs some professional help. The party is this weekend and he hasn’t even confirmed the room at the hotel yet. The man is desperate, Eva, and he won’t be back in town until Thursday because he’s still on the West Coast doing publicity for Absolutely Nowhere. He needs you.”

  “So you’re saying that Alex wants me to pull a miracle and plan this party in four days? That’s insane. And when things don’t go as planned, who’s everyone going to blame? Me. Has Alex even sent out the invitations yet?”

  “Yes, he has,” Timber said, strategically placing products inside of the baskets neatly. “The band has been confirmed, too. All Alex really needs for you to do is secure the room, select a menu, and be there to make sure things run smoothly the night of the party.”

  “So not only do I have to plan the party, but I actually have to work it as well?”

  “Yes, but again, it’ll be well worth it for you!”

  “The only reason I’m going to agree to this is because of you. Now let me get off the phone so that I can call my contact over at the hotel. And I hope you know that you owe me. Big time.”

  “I know, I know,” Timber jumped, elated that Eva had finally given in.

  “Wait a minute,” Eva said.

  Timber froze, hoping that she hadn’t suddenly changed her mind. “What?”

  “I just want you to know that you’re not fooling me. You were hired to make the gifts for Alex’s parents, and you did. So that’s where your commitment should’ve ended. But I know that this is personal for you. You’re helping him in hopes that something will get started between the two of you.”

  “What are you talking about?” Timber asked innocently, struggling to maintain a steady tone. “Alex was in a bind, so I made a simple suggestion that I figured would benefit the both of you.”

  “I’m booked up for the next several months sweetheart, so I’m fine. And Alex has plenty of money, so I’m sure he could have hired anyone to plan this party.”

  “Believe what you want, but I’m just glad that you agreed to do this. Now go ahead and call the hotel, and we’ll reconvene later.”

  “Goodbye,” Eva said.

  Timber hung up the phone, happy that Eva was helping Alex. She gave his parents’ baskets a final once-over before wrapping them up and tying huge white ribbons around them.

  And then, she started thinking about Alex. The thought of taking a real liking to him seemed ludicrous. Yes, he was very handsome and very successful, but judging from the movie premiere, he was also very attached. Timber was busy with her new business and still hurt after her breakup with Brian. The last thing she needed to be focusing on right now was a man, especially a seemingly unattainable one.

  Timber carried the gift baskets over to the refrigerator and carefully placed them inside. Then she removed all of the products that she needed to deliver that afternoon. After boxing them up, she checked her website and printed out the new orders that had been placed, then checked her email for more orders. She had only one new message. And it was from Alex. The subject read, A Bit of Clarification….

  What is this about? Timber thought to herself curiously. She hadn’t expected to hear from Alex again. At least not this soon. He had given her his mailing address and thanked her for agreeing to make the baskets for his parents. She’d given him Eva’s information so that he could contact her directly. She didn’t think he would have anything else to say to her. But obviously he did.

  Timber was so frantic to open the message that she accidentally double-clicked onto an old one above it. Her computer took forever to open the message. When it did, she frantically tried to close it out and get to Alex’s message. But her over-anxiousness caused her to click onto too many icons, which caused her computer to freeze and shut down, which caused her to almost tip her desk over in frustration.

  Timber resisted the urge to throw her computer across the room as she rebooted it then rocked back and forth in her chair impatiently. When she finally got back to her inbox, she tightened every muscle in her body and forced herself to move the mouse slowly, not wanting to mess this moment up again. She double-clicked onto the message. It read:

  Hey you. Thanks again for filling that last minute order and getting Eva on board. You truly are a life saver. Since there probably wouldn’t be a party if it weren’t for you, I’d like for you to join us.

  Timber’s mouth fell open and she gasped out loud. Had Alex really just invited her to attend his parents’ party? She was literally speechless. Next paragraph:

  And just so you know, the woman I was with at the movie premiere isn’t my girlfriend. I just wanted to clarify that in the event that you thought otherwise. She’s just a friend.

  Wait. Had Alex actually invited her to his parents’ party, and made it clear that the woman he was with at the premiere wasn’t his girlfriend? What was that about? Was it his way of telling her that he was single and interested in her? One could only hope, Timber thought as she read the last paragraph.

  Let me know if I’ll see you this weekend. Peace, A.W.

  Timber read the message over and over again until her eyes blurred. Infinite possibilities began to run through her mind. Could it be? Could Alex Witherspoon actually be interested in her? Because of all the places he could have gotten his parents’ anniversary gifts from, he’d chosen to get them from her. And why would he extend an invitation to the party to her if he wasn’t at least a tad bit interested in her? And again, why did he feel the need to tell her that the woman he was with wasn’t his girlfriend?

  Timber looked away from the monitor long enough to glance at the clock and realize that she was running late. She had deliveries to make. But she had to respond to Alex’s email first. Her message read:

  Hello again. No need to keep thanking me for helping you out. It was my pleasure. And I would love to come to the party. I had already planned to visit Eva this weekend, so I’ll just tag along with her. And thank you for the clarification regarding your friend. Good to know… Looking forward to seeing you, Timber.

  She reread the message several times. It was short and sweet and to the point. Friendly yet professional, cool yet enthusiastic. After one final read, Timber sent it. Then after forgiving herself for lying about an already-planned trip to visit Eva, she jumped up, gathered her orders, and ran out of the house.

  Chapter Nine

  Timber was pacing the floor with her hands on her hips, careful not to get sweat stains on her long, silky silver dress. Dainty silver stilettos periodically peeked from underneath her flowing hem. White gold accessories and subtle sparkles accented her neck, arms, and wrists. Smoky shadow dusted her eyelids, and pale gloss shimmered across her lips. Curly wisps of hair fell from her sophisticated chignon and framed her face.

  Timber did yet another once-over in Eva’s full-length mirror. On the outside, she appeared calm and composed. On the inside, she was nothing short of a ball of nerves. She was trying to be cool and keep the infinite possibilities about her and Alex in the back of her mind. But she couldn’t. She was trying not to make a big deal out of their email exchanges. But she already had. She w
as trying not to make his invitation to the party out to be more than what it was. But it was too late. And now that this night was actually here, Timber was absolutely beside herself.

  Neither meditation, ice water, nor pacing was helping. Anxiety had taken over. And Timber didn’t understand why. But she really did understand why. She was just trying to avoid her own understanding. Because according to her own understanding, she had developed a full-blown crush on Alex. And now, all she could do was hope to get through this party without making a fool of herself.

  Eva emerged from the bathroom dressed in a beautiful multi-colored, hand-painted tank dress. Her hair was pulled back in a simple bun, and her makeup was a shade of glossy pale peach.

  “You look like a dream,” Timber smiled.

  “Thank you. So do you. What time is it?”

  “Almost five o’ clock,” Timber said unsteadily, knowing that it was time to leave.

  “We need to go,” Eva replied, grabbing her gold metal clutch and cashmere coat. “Are you ready?”

  “Yes,” Timber said way more casually than she felt as she wrapped her gray faux fur capelet around her shoulders. She was so nervous that droplets of sweat were beginning to form along her hairline.

  As they headed downstairs and out the door, Timber pressed her manicured nails into her palms, not caring that she was on the verge of breaking skin. The jitterbug that had invaded her body just wouldn’t stop dancing. She was beginning to feel winded and disoriented and wanted to tell Eva to go on without her. But she couldn’t, because then she’d mess up this huge and possibly last opportunity to see Alex again. If that happened, she would never forgive herself.

  After they climbed into the limo that Alex had sent for them, Eva pulled out her phone and began looking over her party checklist. Timber just stared out the window and nibbled at her cuticles.

  “You’re going to ruin your manicure,” Eva mumbled, still staring down at her phone.

  “No I won’t,” Timber replied, quickly throwing her hands down into her lap and folding them tightly.

  “Why are you so fidgety?” Eva smirked, finally looking over at her.

  “What are you talking about?”

  “Never mind,” Eva said as she refocused on her checklist. Timber silently thanked her for letting her be.

  When they arrived at the hotel, the pair walked through the bright, Victorian-style lobby and headed towards the ballroom where Alex’s parents’ party was being held. Timber planned on heading straight to the bar as soon as she walked through the door to grab a glass of champagne in hopes that the fizzy bubbles would help calm her nerves.

  “Oh good, the band is already here,” Eva said when they entered the room. “And it looks like the buffet and bar have already been set up.”

  Timber was only half listening because she was too busy looking around for Alex.

  “He’s going to be late,” Eva told her.

  “Who?” Timber turned and asked.

  “Who do you think?” Eva laughed. “The only other person you’ll know here other than me! I need to go make sure that the balloons and confetti are set to drop after Alex’s speech, and that the flowers have been delivered. Why don’t you grab a plate and a table, and I’ll see you in a few minutes.”

  “All right,” Timber said, not wanting to be left alone. But she knew that Eva had to work. So she went to the bathroom to make sure everything was still intact, came back and got herself a drink and a plate of fruit, then sat down at the table closest to the main entrance. She wanted to be the first thing Alex laid eyes on when he walked into the room.

  Timber glanced down at her phone and saw that it was almost six o’clock. The party was set to start at seven. Hopefully Alex would arrive soon, and hopefully the night would be an amazing one filled with magic and excitement that she would never forget.

  * * * *

  Timber glanced down at her phone again. It was after eight o’clock. and Alex still hadn’t arrived at the party. But his parents, their families, and all of their friends were there. Eva was greeting guests and making sure that everyone was having a good time. The band was playing jazz standards. Happy couples were laughing and dancing and eating together. And Timber was still sitting at the same table with no one to talk to and no one to dance with.

  Before she knew it, thoughts of Brian began to invade her mind. Timber started thinking about their good times together. She started wondering whether or not she’d made a mistake by breaking up with him. This party was making her want to work things out with him. She didn’t like being single right now. It was making her feel empty. When she heard a commotion over by the door, Timber turned to see what was going on. That empty feeling within her increased as she watched Alex enter the room with the very same woman he was with at the movie premiere hanging from his arm.

  Timber’s stomach dropped. She stared at Alex in utter confusion. What was he doing there with her? He had said that she was just a friend. So why bring a friend to such an important event? And why did he even bother to invite Timber if he was going to be there with her?

  Alex hugged his parents and introduced them to the woman. As irritated as she felt, Timber couldn’t help but notice how handsome Alex looked in his designer black suit and crisp white shirt. His date, however, was clearly going for a completely different look. She was dressed in a strapless lime green leather dress and matching thigh high boots. Her long, genie-like ponytail began at the top of her head and ended somewhere in the middle of her back. Her bright red lips matched her long acrylic nails.

  Timber saw Eva walk up to the couple, say hello, and start chatting with Alex. The woman he was with headed straight to the bar. Timber wanted to head straight to the exit. But she couldn’t. Because Alex had just looked over at her and was now heading her way.

  “Hello there,” he said, breaking out into that superstar smile of his.

  “Hi,” Timber smiled back, trying her best to look relaxed and unbothered. “How are you?”

  “Late!” he replied. “I just flew in from L.A. and didn’t even get a chance to get Rita home in time to change, unfortunately. She just got done shooting some music video. But anyway, I feel bad because everyone’s already here and I’m just now arriving, and I’m the host of the party!”

  “Oh, don’t worry about it,” Timber waved. “Everyone’s been having a good time. I don’t even think you were missed!” she joked.

  “Oh, you don’t?” Alex laughed, pulling the chair next to Timber out as if he were about to sit down. But he couldn’t. Because Rita was fast approaching.

  “Come dance with me, baby,” she whined, holding a cocktail in one hand and Alex’s arm in the other. She didn’t even look at Timber.

  “Rita, I’m talking. I’d like you to meet Timber,” he said. “She made the gifts for my parents and got Eva to help plan the party.”

  “Hey,” Rita muttered before turning back to Alex. “Come on, I wanna dance!”

  “I guess we just can’t have a conversation, can we?” Alex said sympathetically to Timber as he was dragged away from her. “We’ll talk later?”

  “Okay,” Timber said, clenching her fists underneath the table.

  “Oh, and by the way,” Alex continued, now barely audible, “My parents loved the baskets. My mother already—”

  Timber couldn’t hear the rest of what Alex was saying because he was too far into the noisy crowd. Disappointed, she got up and looked for Eva. She found her standing with Alex’s distinguished-looking parents near the front of the stage.

  “Hey, I’ve been looking for you,” Eva told her. “I’d like to introduce you to Mr. and Mrs. Witherspoon.”

  “Oh, you’re the young lady who made those wonderful gift baskets for us!” Mrs. Witherspoon gushed as she shook Timber’s hand.

  “I am,” Timber smiled. “I’m so glad you like them.”

  “We certainly do, thank you,” Mr. Witherspoon added before taking his wife’s hand. “Nice meeting you, Timber. Will you two plea
se excuse us?”

  “Of course, nice meeting you, too,” Timber said, watching as the couple headed to the dance floor.

  “Will we ever have that?” Eva sighed.

  “I doubt it,” Timber said. “Are you done yet? I’m ready to go.”

  “Why? What’s wrong?” Eva asked.

  “Nothing. I’m just tired.”

  “Okay,” Eva said, staring at Timber but not pressing the issue. “We’ll leave after Alex makes his speech and presents his parents with their trip. I’m going to check in with the band to make sure they know when to stop the music.”

  “Fine. I’ll be around here somewhere,” Timber said, walking off.

  “Hey, are you sure you’re okay?” Eva asked, grabbing her arm.

  “I’m fine,” she replied unenthusiastically before heading towards the door. Timber didn’t feel like being around happy people anymore. Nor did she want to hear Alex’s big speech about his parents’ loving relationship and long-lasting marriage.

  On the way out, Timber caught sight of Alex and his date on the dance floor. Rita was standing with her back to Alex, dancing seductively. Every time he took a step back, she did, too. When he tried to put some space in between them, she laughed and moved in even closer. The people around them looked on disdainfully. Timber felt her level of disappointment fall even further.

  She walked over to the hotel bar in the lobby and ordered a glass of soda. Before she knew it, she’d started thinking about Brian again and how great everything had once been between them. Timber wondered if he would ever be willing to change. Because this being single thing was not for her. Pursuing men was not for her. Pursuing unattainable men was really not for her. She suddenly regretted coming to the party. She should have just made the baskets and went on about her business. But then she would’ve never known what could have been, i.e. nothing. So now it was time to face the fact that Alex was simply an infinite impossibility and move on.

  Timber drained her glass, paid the bartender, and headed back to the ballroom. Before walking in, she ran her hands down the front of her dress, tightened a few hair pins, and re-glossed her lips. When she reentered the room, she saw that the dance floor was covered with gold and cream balloons, and everyone was toasting and drinking champagne. Alex’s mother was all teary eyed and his father was holding a pair of airline tickets in his hand. Alex was smiling proudly and giving the microphone back to the band’s leader. Rita was standing nearby with a smile on her face that was as phony as the hair on her head. Timber rolled her eyes and began to look for Eva.


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