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The Road To Bliss

Page 10

by Denise N Wheatley

  For the next forty minutes, Timber and Eva sat at the kitchen table sipping tea and swapping stories. Through the jokes and laughter, Timber’s jitters began to subside. But when the clock struck half past six, her heart began to palpitate.

  “Just think,” Eva smiled as she followed Timber to the bathroom, “In an hour and a half, Alex will be standing on your doorstep.”

  “I know. I still can’t believe it.”

  “Well believe it, Cinderella!” Eva said. “Now go take your bath. I’ll be in the bedroom pulling your makeup together.

  “You’re a lifesaver,” Timber said. “Thank you for coming over. I really needed the moral support.”

  “It’s the least I could do. I’m so happy for you.”

  “You’re the best,” Timber said before going into the bathroom and dropping a few lavender bath beads into the tub. She soaked for twenty minutes before stepping out and dousing her skin with sparkling almond lotion. After spraying on perfume, she slipped on her robe and went into the bedroom to have Eva apply her makeup.

  “Have a seat,” Eva said before Timber sat down at her antique silver vanity table.

  “You do know that I would not have been able to apply my makeup myself, don’t you?” Timber said, holding her hand in the air and watching as fingers trembled.

  “Girl, you have got to calm down!” Eva insisted. “Tonight is going to be fantastic. Best date of your life. So don’t let you jitters ruin it.”

  “I won’t,” Timber said, watching in the mirror while Eva brushed foundation onto her face then set it with loose powder. Next she applied chocolate brown eyeliner, black mascara, bronze blush, and a sheer golden gloss over her lips. After that she removed her rollers, combed out her full, shiny curls, and handed her the dress that they’d chosen. Once Timber was fully dressed, she gave herself a once-over in her full length mirror.

  “How do I look?” she asked, turning toward Eva.

  “Gorgeous,” Eva flattered. “Stunning. Absolutely perfect.”

  “Gorgeous and stunning and absolutely perfect enough to be going out with a movie star?” Timber asked, turning to look in the mirror again. When she did, her reflection answered the question for her. Yes. She definitely looked absolutely perfect enough to be going out with a movie star.

  The doorbell rang. Timber squealed, looked over at Eva, then up at the clock. It was eight o’clock on the dot. Eva jumped up to answer the door. Timber began fanning herself so fast that she accidentally clipped her nose with her fingernail.

  “Timber!” Eva called out from the living room, “Alex is here!”

  “Okay, I’ll be out in a minute,” Timber managed to eke out, wondering if they’d even heard her. But who cared. She needed to take this time to pray that this night would go well. And that she wouldn’t make a fool of herself considering the overwhelming task at hand. After three deep breaths and a little more fanning, Timber grabbed her clutch and braced herself for the big entrance.

  Alex and Eva were laughing as Timber walked down the hall. She peeked around the corner and fell against the wall at the sight of him. Alex looked even more handsome than he did that last time she’d seen him, if that was even possible. His jet black hair and goatee were trimmed to perfection. His flawless skin radiated underneath the soft lighting. His beautiful white teeth were gleaming. His tailored suit fit impeccably. Timber sighed dreamily, then straightened up and willed herself into the living room.

  When she entered the room, Alex looked over at her and stopped talking mid-sentence. He broke out into that superstar smile. Eva looked elated. Timber smiled and walked towards them, feeling unsteady on her feet. She was still in awe of the fact that she was actually going on a date with Alex Witherspoon.

  “Hi there,” he said. “Wow, you look great!” Alex reached out and embraced Timber warmly. She wrapped her arms around him and smiled at Eva, who was standing behind them giving her an enthusiastic thumbs up.

  “Thank you,” Timber responded, finally pulling away. “So do you.”

  “Thanks. Should we head out?”

  “Yes,” Timber said, even though she hadn’t budged.

  “Okay then,” Eva intervened, walking over to the door and pulling it open. “You two have a good time. Don’t stay out too late. And be good. Don’t—”

  “All right, Eva,” Timber interrupted, sliding past her.

  “Good seeing you again, Eva,” Alex said.

  “You, too.”

  When Timber heard the door shut behind them, she knew that this was it. Her date with Alex Witherspoon had officially begun. He put his hand on her back and guided her to his car, then opened the passenger door for her. Timber slid in and hoped that he couldn’t see her shivering excitedly in her seat through his dark tinted windows as he walked around to the driver’s side. When he got in, Timber looked over and could tell from Alex’s expression that he was just as happy to be there as he was.

  “I made reservations for us at Kismet,” he said before pulling off. “Have you heard of it?”

  Had she heard of it? Everybody who was anybody was trying to get a reservation at Kismet. It was located outside of Archdale and had only been open for a few weeks, but the buzz on the restaurant’s chic atmosphere, exquisite cuisine and beautiful patrons was all the talk. Timber hadn’t been concerned though, because even if she could have gotten a reservation, she hadn’t had anybody to go with. Until now that is.

  “I have heard of it,” she said. “I haven’t been though. I’ve been too busy working.” And then, just for good measure, she added, “But I’m glad that I’m finally able to have dinner there…tonight…with you.”

  Timber cringed. What had she just said? Was it too much? Did she sound idiotic? Did she—

  “Same here,” Alex replied, looking over at her. “And it’s my first time going, too.”

  Timber looked back at Alex and smiled. His response immediately put her at ease. And the more they conversed on the way to the restaurant, the more her jittery nerves began to relax.

  When they arrived at Kismet and walked through the black lacquer door, all eyes were on the pair. A tall, beautiful, modelesque hostess greeted them immediately. She led them through the throngs of very important-looking people to their table. On the way there, the hostess stared adoringly at Alex and told him that she loved him in Absolutely Nowhere. Timber figured that she’d better get used to this type of behavior when it came to his fans.

  Indiscreet stares and whispers followed Alex and Timber as they approached their table. His pleasant expression and relaxed composure seemed to put everyone at ease. He appeared to have the whole celebrity thing down pat. Timber on the other hand just smiled self-consciously and kept her eyes glued to the hostess’s severe ponytail, overwhelmed by all the unnerving attention.

  “Is it like this everywhere you go?” Timber asked after Alex pulled her chair out and sat down across from her.

  “Pretty much. But I’ve gotten used to it by now,” he shrugged. “And these people are the reason why I’m working, so I do what I can to acknowledge them.”

  “That’s nice of you,” Timber replied, wondering if it was his strong sense of self-confidence that had fueled the rumors of his arrogance.

  As the pair scanned their menus and waited for the server to arrive, they fell silent. Timber looked up to ask Alex what he thought looked good, and saw that he’d been staring at her. She stared back, and their eyes began engaging in a conversation all their own. Alex’s curious gaze suggested that he wanted to know something personal about her. Timber’s raised eyebrows suggested that he go first. Alex’s squinting stare put the ball back in her court. Timber’s sly smile threw it right back at him. They both burst out laughing, and when the server approached the table, Alex said, “You win.”

  He ordered a bottle of champagne, three Asian-fusion appetizers, and several platters of sushi. Throughout dinner, he talked about how he had accidentally got into acting several years ago when one of his favorite actors was in to
wn shooting a movie. Alex went to the set just to get an autograph and hopefully a part as an extra. He recalled standing in line with the other fans and hopefuls when the director approached him out of nowhere and asked if he had any acting experience. From the stunned looks on the faces around him, Alex knew to say yes. The director proceeded to pull him out of the crowd, saying that he needed him for a small role. After playing the part of a store clerk who is robbed by a group of thugs, Alex started going on auditions and was cast to play several more bit parts. This eventually led to an agent, which led to larger roles, more money, and eventually, growing fame.

  “But I’m tired of playing the background,” Alex said. “I’m ready to star in my own movies that will garner critical acclaim and win awards.”

  “I’m sure that’s all going to come to you faster than you’d expect. You’re already well on your way,” Timber said wholeheartedly. “But what about your personal life? What are you looking for there?”

  “Hmm,” Alex sighed, propping his chin in his hand. “You know, I’ve been so focused on my career that I haven’t really given my personal life much thought. But enough about me. What about you? I’ve run down my entire résumé. Let’s hear yours.”

  “Well, I went to Ashe University and earned a Master’s degree in chemistry. I joined a sorority, which is how I met Eva. That’s also where I met my ex-fiancé, who also happens to be Eva’s father.” Timber paused and looked at Alex for some sort of reaction. But he said nothing and his expression revealed nothing. So she continued.

  “After graduation I started working for Boris Pharmaceuticals, and that job did me in. I couldn’t handle it. Too much stress and shady business. So I took a leave of absence, and that’s when I started making my own natural aromatherapy products to help nurse me back to health. They worked so well that I gave my family and friends some to try, and they loved them. So I slowly began selling the products to local stores and salons and over the Internet. And so began the launch of Soothing Bliss.”

  Alex just sat there, staring silently at her. Timber was afraid that she had bored him to death. Maybe she’d talked too much. Maybe she wasn’t interesting enough. Maybe—

  “That is so impressive,” Alex finally said. “You left a secure, good paying job to go off and do your own thing. You risked failing, but you didn’t. You put yourself out there and made it happen. I like that.”

  “Thank you.” Timber smiled, shocked that Alex Witherspoon, actor extraordinaire, actually thought she was impressive. Brian who? She thought to herself.

  “So why did you and your ex-fiancé break up?” he asked. “And I want the uncut version,” he added, giving her a knowing look.

  Timber hesitated, then cleared her throat and hoped that this conversation wouldn’t ruin the vibe that she and Alex had going. “Well…Brian and I just wanted different things in life. He didn’t want children, and I do. He wanted to control me and my career, and I wanted to make my own choices and start my company. He actually helped me get the job at Boris, so when I quit, he was really disappointed and pushed me to go back. Obviously I didn’t, and instead launched Soothing Bliss. After that, things just went downhill and the relationship fell apart.”

  “So he thought that you stepping out on your own was a bad thing?”

  “Very much so.”

  “It’s impossible for a relationship to work if your partner doesn’t support you and your dreams,” Alex said. “Believe me, I know from experience.”

  “Really?” Timber asked curiously. “What type of experience did you have with that?”

  “I’d been dating the same woman for years, since I was a young teenager. We had our lives all planned out. After high school we’d go to the same college, she’d major in psychology, I’d major in engineering, we’d graduate, get married, start a family, and live happily ever after. But when we got to college everything took a turn. I discovered other women and decided to explore them further. Then I discovered that college wasn’t for me, so I dropped out. My ex and I were able to stay together through all of that. But the acting thing, that was it for her. She didn’t think I’d make it. She thought I was wasting my brains and efforts on the impossible, and when I landed my first role, she thought it was just a fluke. So she left me.”

  “Wow. I’m sorry. That’s so unfortunate. I can imagine you were heartbroken. But look at you now.”

  “And look at you now. We made it,” Alex said, raising his glass and toasting with Timber’s.

  The server came over and cleared their dishes. They ordered pineapple cake for dessert and sipped jasmine tea. At this point in the evening, Timber felt comfortable enough to delve a little further into Alex’s personal life.

  “So what’s going on between you and Rita?” she asked, wanting to know whether they were an item before she really started falling for him.

  “What do you mean?” Alex asked carefully.

  “I mean…are you two involved in any sort of way?”

  “We’re friends.”

  Timber noticed Alex tense up. She sensed that he wanted to change the subject. But if he wanted to pursue something with her, which it appeared that he did, then she needed to know whether he was truly available.

  “So you two aren’t in a relationship,” she began as the server set her cake in front of her, “But you still spend time together?”

  “Right. As friends.”

  Timber took a bite of her dessert and wondered why Alex was being so short. He had told her all about his past, so why wouldn’t he discuss the present so that she could get a better understand of what may lie in their future? Whatever the reason, since this was just their first date and he technically didn’t owe her any sort of explanation, she decided to let it go.

  “Thank you for dinner,” she smiled. “Everything was delicious.”

  “You’re quite welcome.”

  And then there was silence. Timber hoped that her questions hadn’t offended him. She’d told Alex everything there was to know about her, including the fact that she was fresh off of a breakup. So why had he suddenly become so withdrawn? Now he was probably upset and turned off by her inquisitiveness. He probably wanted to take her home and never see her again and—

  “It’s still early. Would you like to take a walk?” Alex asked, abruptly interrupting Timber’s thoughts of dread.

  “I’d love to,” she said, feeling relieved.

  After they finished their cake and Alex paid the bill, he helped her out of her chair and took her hand in his. They headed towards the exit hand-in-hand, and once again, all eyes were on them. When they stepped outside into the crisp night air, Timber expected paparazzi and fans alike to be waiting for Alex so that they could snap his photo and plaster it all over the blogs and social media. But surprisingly, the block was fairly empty.

  Timber locked arms with Alex, and he led her down the street. They walked slowly and talked quietly about a little bit of everything. This time though, she was careful not to mention Rita again. He didn’t seem to be concerned about whether or not she was seeing anyone at the moment, so she decided not to worry about whether or not he was either.

  After about a half hour or so, the pair headed back to the restaurant and waited for the valet to bring the car around. They rode in silence on the way back to Timber’s house while smooth jazz flowed through the speakers. At one point Alex skipped past several songs until Etta James’s “At Last” began to play. Timber, ever the dreamer, wondered whether or not he was trying to send her a message. Was he telling her that at last, his love had come along? And by his love, meaning her?

  Of course not, Timber thought discouragingly. This just probably happened to be a random song that he wanted to hear at the moment. It probably had nothing to do with her. It probably reminded him of someone else—

  “I love the lyrics to this song,” Alex said, slowly taking one hand off the wheel and placing it over hers. “It makes me think about tonight. At last, I’m out with a wonderful woman who’s smart,
and beautiful, and interesting…and doesn’t seem to have any ulterior motives.”

  Alex’s words made Timber feel as though she was melting into her seat. She blushed profusely, turning to him while trying not to swoon too much. “That is such a nice thing to say. Thank you.”

  In that moment, Timber made a promise to herself to stop trying to predict the unpredictable. Because when it came to Alex, the minute she made an assumption on how he was feeling, he’d surprise her by saying or doing something amazing.

  Alex intertwined his fingers with hers. Timber exhaled and stared out of the window, feeling happier than she had in a very long time. When he turned down her block and pulled up in front of her house, she wished that the night would never end. But when he got out of the car and walked her to the door, reality set in.

  “Thank you for tonight,” he said. “I had a really good time.”

  “So did I,” she replied, wondering whether or not he was going to kiss her.

  “Can I call you tomorrow?” he asked, leaning in slowly.

  “I would like that,” she replied, staring down at his lips. But then, out of the corner of her eye, she saw Eva quickly peek out at them through the blinds. Alex noticed it too and chuckled.

  “I’d better go in,” she muttered disappointedly, peeved at how Eva had just ruined her goodnight kiss.

  “I hope we can do this again soon.”

  “Absolutely,” Timber smiled excitedly.

  He leaned in and embraced Timber tenderly, holding her in a way that said he didn’t want to let her go. Timber relaxed within his arms and closed her eyes, already looking forward to their next date.

  Finally, Alex stepped back and walked to his car while Timber watched him leave. He got in, pulled out his cell phone, dialed a phone number, then waved at her and pulled off.

  Timber wondered who he was calling. But then she stopped herself. It was too early to be worrying about things like that. As a matter of fact, she never wanted to worry about things like that. Alex was a busy man with a huge career, and he had agents, lawyers, managers and more wanting to speak with him constantly. He could have been calling anyone. And considering that she didn’t want to ruin what had been a wonderful night, Timber quickly erased those thoughts from her mind and headed inside to tell Eva all about her fantastic date.


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