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The Road To Bliss

Page 19

by Denise N Wheatley

  “The streets were on fire as Alex Witherspoon and aspiring actress Sasha Simpson put their love on full display for all to see. The steamy new romance began after the pair reunited at a record release party.”

  That was the record release party that he’d attended with her, Eva and Cameron.

  There was nothing left to say. There were no emotions left to feel. There was nothing left to do but copy the link to the site, click on the “Compose Message” button in her email, address the message to Alex, and blind copy Eva. In the subject line, Timber wrote, “Just As I Suspected…” In the body of the email, she typed, “Do not ever contact me again,” pasted the link to the site so that he could take a look at all of the photos that she had seen, and hit the “Send” button.

  Timber shut the computer down, went upstairs and laid down. But this time she left the phones on and planned to just take a short nap. She was convinced that her life was only going up from here, and Alex Witherspoon had proven not to be worth another earth-shattering meltdown.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Later that afternoon Timber sat in her entertainment room, sipping cinnamon tea and flipping through the channels. She had been working so hard and decided to just chill out for the rest of the day. She was mentally and physically drained and emotionally spent. It was time to turn down and relax.

  Her cell phone rang again. She checked the caller ID and saw that it was Eva. She let it go to voicemail, not wanting to discuss the email that she’d sent. The phone buzzed with a text message from Eva. It read:

  Got your email. I’m disgusted. Good riddance to bad rubbish. Call me when you feel like talking.

  Timber smiled and sat the phone back down. Eva certainly had a way with words, even when they were limited, and she always knew when to give Timber her space.

  After scrolling through practically every channel in her lineup, Timber finally settled on a thriller. She hopped up and ran into the kitchen to grab a bag of popcorn, then settled back down on the couch. This was what her nights had become. But that was okay. She would take a movie night alone over waiting on a call from Alex or worrying about what he was doing, any day.

  Just as the opening credits ended and the movie began, Timber’s cell phone rang again. She figured it was probably Alex calling once more to try and win her back, and looked down at the caller ID. It was a local call, and she didn’t recognize the number. Thinking that it may be related to her store opening, she paused her movie and picked up the phone.

  “Hello, Timber speaking.”

  “Hello, stranger.”

  Timber froze. It was Brian.

  “Hi, uh, hey,” she said, sitting up so abruptly that she flipped over her bag of popcorn.

  “Did I catch you at a bad time?”

  “No, no, I’m fine!” Timber replied a little too enthusiastically. “How are you?”

  “I’m doing well. How are you?”

  “I’m…I’m doing well, I’m fine…too.” Timber knew that she probably sounded crazy, but she was so shocked that Brian was calling that she couldn’t seem to pull herself together. She hadn’t heard from him in months and hadn’t seen him since his party. Eva told her that he was still dating his girlfriend and happy. So why was he calling her?

  “I know we haven’t spoken in quite some time,” he said, “So I just wanted to check in with you. Find out what you’ve been up to….”

  “Well…,” Timber hesitated, wondering just how much she should share with him, “Business is doing really well. I actually found a commercial space for Soothing Bliss, so I’ll be opening a store and day spa soon.”

  “Really. That is so wonderful, Timber,” Brian replied, his tone extremely sincere. “Eva had mentioned your wanting to open a store at some point. And I know how hard you’ve worked to make Soothing Bliss a success, so I’m really happy for you. This is all very well deserved.” Brian paused, took a deep breath then continued. “Timber, I know that I wasn’t supportive of you when you launched your business. I was such a jerk, and to this day that is one of my biggest regrets. I apologize for that. And I don’t know whether it matters to you, but just know that I am extremely proud of you. This is quite a huge accomplishment.”

  “Thank you, Brian,” Timber said, completely taken aback. “That does matter to me. I really appreciate it, and I accept your apology.”

  “Thank you. I meant every word of it. And if there’s anything I can do to help, just let me know.”

  “I—I will,” Timber stammered, now completely flabbergasted.

  “And I know that starting up a business can be really tough. So as you expand, I want to be there for you. As a friend of course,” Brian threw in quickly.

  “Of course,” Timber said, becoming more and more stunned by the minute. “I’d like that.”

  “Good. So…what else is new?” Brian probed.

  “Mmm…nothing much,” she said. And then it hit her. Eva must’ve told him about her and Alex’s breakup. “So I’m guessing you already heard the other news as well?” she asked.

  “Yes…I did. And I was sorry to hear it. Are you okay?”

  “I’m hanging in there,” Timber said, feeling a bit weird discussing her breakup with Brian. And then, she remembered how he had tried to warn her about Alex in the beginning. “I’m sure you’re not surprised.”

  “Well, I don’t want to sound insensitive, but no, I’m not surprised. I am, however, glad to hear that you’re holding up okay.”

  “I am. I’m just focusing on work and trying to keep my mind off of everything else. I hired an assistant who’s helping me out a few days a week. She’s really good, and once the store opens, I’ve got a couple of more people that I’m bringing on board.”

  “That’s great, Timber. This store opening is going to be a huge success, and you’re going to be fine. You are one of the strongest, most determined and resilient people I know. You’ll bounce back from all this and end up with the man of your dreams.”

  If Timber wasn’t mistaken, it sounded as though Brian had practically choked on those last words. “So how’s your girlfriend doing?” she felt compelled to ask.

  “Oh, she’s fine. Yep…she’s…doing okay,” he replied awkwardly.

  Timber couldn’t help but laugh at the way he’d responded. “Why are you talking like that?” she asked.

  “I don’t know.” Brian chuckled. “I guess talking about her with you makes me a little uncomfortable.”

  “Why? You certainly don’t have a problem talking about Alex with me. Especially after that night you popped up over here while I was out with him and—”

  “Time out, time out,” Brian interrupted. “No need to bring that up.”

  “Look at you, trying to get off easy.” Timber laughed, realizing how at ease she felt talking to him and how much she was enjoying their conversation.

  “I miss you,” Brian said suddenly.

  Timber stopped laughing. She sat there and waited for him to follow up with an as a mentee comment or something along those lines. But he didn’t.

  “You do?” she finally asked.

  “Yes. I really do. You were in my life for a long time, Timber. I miss seeing and talking to you.”

  “Well we didn’t end under the best circumstances, so it would’ve been kind of hard for us to keep in touch. Don’t you think?”

  “I can’t argue with that. But what about now? It seems like we’ve both gotten over the past. Do you think we could be friends at this point?”

  “I don’t see why not. But what about your girlfriend? She doesn’t seem like the type to want you being friends with your ex.”

  “She has nothing to do with who I choose to have in my life,” Brian said pointedly.

  “Well okay then,” Timber said, surprised by his terse response. “I guess that settles it. We’re officially friends.”

  “Good. Okay then, friend, what are you doing for dinner tonight?”

  “I don’t know. Before you called I was eating popcorn.

  “I’m sure we can do better than that. Why don’t you have dinner with me?”

  Timber sat up abruptly. Had she heard Brian correctly? She couldn’t have. So she asked him to repeat the question. “I’m sorry, what’d you say?”

  “Have dinner with me. Just something casual. Amongst friends.”

  “I don’t know, Brian.”

  “Oh come on. Let’s go out and have fun and talk about old times. What do you say?”

  Timber paused for a moment and weighed her options. Either stay home and eat alone, or go out and have dinner with Brian, who she suddenly realized she really wanted to see.

  “Okay,” she finally agreed, deciding that a harmless dinner wouldn’t hurt.

  “Wonderful. I’ll pick you up at six.”

  “Sounds good. See you then.”

  Before Timber hopped up to take a shower, she shot Eva a quick text message. It read:

  Hey! I’m fine. Going out to dinner with Brian. Call you tomorrow! XOXO.

  * * * *

  Brian arrived at Timber’s house ten minutes early, but she was ready to go. She was dressed in an emerald green blazer, black fitted jeans and black high heel ankle boots. Her tousled hair hung in loose waves, and her makeup consisted of a beautiful blend of soft pink pastels.

  When she opened the door, Brian broke into a huge grin, said hello and hugged her tightly. It was obvious that he was quite happy to see her. He was dressed in jeans and a cashmere sweater, and looked more handsome that ever. He handed Timber a beautiful bouquet of yellow tulips, which she hadn’t even noticed when she’d opened the door.

  “Brian! You know you didn’t have to do this.”

  “I know. I wanted to.”

  “They’re beautiful. Let me go put them in some water.”

  Timber walked into the kitchen and ran water inside a vase. As she picked up the flowers, she noticed a card inside of the bouquet. She pulled it out. It read: “Wishing you much continued success with Soothing Bliss. Can’t wait for the opening. And thank you for allowing me back into your life. Love, Brian.”

  “How sweet.” Timber smiled, turning around to thank him. Unbeknownst to her, he was standing directly behind her, staring at her intently. “Thank you,” she said softly. “That was really nice of you.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  She set the flowers in the middle of the kitchen table then turned to Brian, who hadn’t taken his eyes off of her. “Are you ready?” she asked.

  “I am. Let’s go.”

  Brian took Timber to a quaint new restaurant located near the university campus called Bistro 57. The hostess seated them at a corner table near the window. When their server approached, they ordered antipasto salads, sandwiches, wine and chocolate chip cookies for dessert.

  “This place is really nice,” Timber said, looking around. “I’ve heard a lot about it, but this is my first time coming.

  “Have you heard good things?” Brian asked.

  “I’ve actually heard great things. I can’t believe that I haven’t been until now. I guess I’ve been too preoccupied with other things….”

  “Well, I’m glad that we came tonight. I really like the ambience, and the food is delicious. I think you’ll enjoy it.”

  “I’m sure I will,” Timber said, pausing thoughtfully for a few moments before continuing. “You know, I haven’t had a casual, low-key outing like this in so long. I’m always getting dressed to the nines and going to these fancy events where it’s all lights, camera, action. I’ve gotten used to being stared at and judged and sometimes even snubbed. I miss the quiet, simpler life that I used to have. I want that back.”

  “Things are really going to pick up for you and get pretty hectic once your store opens.”

  “I know, but that’ll be different. Soothing Bliss means everything to me, and it makes me happy. Even when business is crazy, I still feel at peace because I love what I do. It’s my personal life that I’m talking about. I was caught up in a whirlwind that was totally not for me.”

  “Well, you’re out of it now,” Brian said, putting his hand over Timber’s. “Things will get back on track and you’re going to be just fine. Better than fine. You’re going to be amazing.”

  “I hope so.” Timber sighed.

  When their food arrived, the pair began eating and catching one another up on everything that they’d missed over the past several months. The conversation was light and pleasurable, and Timber never imagined that she and Brian would reconnect in this way, and that it would be this easy. As a matter of fact, she never thought that they would ever speak again, let alone become friends. So for her, this was all a very pleasant surprise.

  “That was really good,” Timber said after she polished off the last cookie. “I will definitely be frequenting this place often. I wonder who owns it.”

  “Remember Carlos, the professor who worked in the English department?” Brian asked.

  “I do. I heard he left to start his own business.”

  “Well, this is it.”

  “It is?” Timber asked, looking around again as a large group of people walked in. “Good for him! I’m glad to see that it’s doing so well.”

  “So am I. Because it’s my restaurant, too,” Brian smiled.

  “What?” Timber asked, thinking that she must have misheard him. “You own this place, too?”

  “I do.”

  “Wow,” Timber said, completely blown away. “That is fantastic, Brian. Congratulations! I never knew you wanted to own a business. How did all this come about?”

  “When Carlos first opened the place, business wasn’t doing well at all and he was on the verge of having to close. So I put up some money along with several other investors, and we did a huge renovation, hired a new executive chef and had Eva launch a really effective marketing and advertising campaign. And that was all it took. Once we reopened, business picked up tremendously, so much that Carlos asked me to partner with him. So I did. I guess some of your entrepreneurial spirit rubbed off on me after all.”

  “I guess it did,” Timber said. “I’m proud of you. Sounds like you’ve really changed your tune on some things.”

  “I have. On a lot of things,” he said emphatically, staring at her intently.

  She sat there and looked into Brian’s eyes, feeling as though he was referring to a change in his attitude towards some of the things that she’d wanted in their relationship. But she didn’t ask him to elaborate and instead remained quiet while he continued.

  “I honestly don’t think I would have partnered with Carlos had I not seen you start up your own company and make it a success. You proved to me that it was possible. That was really inspiring. So, thank you for that.”

  “You’re welcome. Who would’ve known that I’d end up being a mentor of sorts to you?” She laughed. “But seriously, I’m glad that I could be an inspiration. And I’m surprised Eva didn’t tell me about all this!”

  “I asked her not to. I wanted to bring you here and surprise you myself. But when I shared that with Eva, she told me about your breakup and suggested that I wait because now wasn’t a good time.”

  “Now was the perfect time,” Timber said. “I needed to get out.”

  “I figured you did. That’s why I called you anyway.”

  “I’m glad you did.”

  “So am I.”

  Timber and Brian stared at one another for several moments before he spoke up. “Would you like to take a walk around campus?”

  “Sure, I would love that. I haven’t been to the school in so long. I miss it.”

  “Well maybe now you can come by and visit me sometimes,” Brian told her as they got up and walked towards the exit.

  “Yes, and have lunch with you at your restaurant. Bistro 57.” Timber smiled.

  “Hey, I like the sound of that,” he said, taking her hand in his.

  Timber looked down at their hands as they crossed the street, then up at Brian. He looked back at her, tightened his gri
p and kept walking.

  Brian’s touch felt so familiar. Being with him was beyond comfortable. She’d forgotten how warm and gentle his spirit was. She’d also forgotten how much his loyalty and honesty had meant to her, even when they didn’t see eye-to-eye on things. While Alex did possess some positive attributes, he was certainly none of the above.

  As Timber and Brian strolled through the campus, he held her hand the entire time. She eventually told him everything that happened between her and Alex. Brian just listened without passing judgment or giving her his opinion on things. As hard as she’d tried, Timber couldn’t hold back the tears when she told him about the photos she’d seen online. Brian stopped, and they sat down on a bench. He consoled her until she calmed down. By the time they left the campus and drove to her house, she was feeling much better. This evening was exactly what she’d needed.

  “Thank you for dinner,” Timber said when Brian pulled into her driveway.

  “Anytime,” he replied, turning off the car and walking her to the door. “I can’t wait to do it again.”

  “Same here. And congratulations again on the restaurant. I’ll definitely be back soon.”

  “I hope so. Good luck with the store. I’ll have to come and check it out once it opens.”

  “I’d like that.” Timber smiled as she turned and unlocked her door. When she turned back around, she saw that Brian was still standing behind her, looking as though he had no intention of leaving. She looked into his eyes, and it was clear that he was not ready for the evening to end. In all honesty, neither was she.

  “Would you like to come in for a cup of tea?” she asked him.

  “I would love to,” he replied with no hesitation.

  When they went inside, Brian sat down on the couch while Timber went into the kitchen and fixed two cups of earl gray tea. Then she headed back into the living room, handed Brian his cup and took a seat next to him.

  They began talking, this time about his relationship. Brian said that in the beginning, he had been content with Linda. They had several things in common, so he felt as though they’d mesh well with one another. Since this was Linda’s first year at the university, she was busy getting acclimated to the school, and spent much of her free time with her sons since their father lived out of state. She and Brian usually had lunch together a couple of days a week and dinner some Saturdays. Their conversations consisted mainly of their children, chemistry talk, students and grades.


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