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The Sea Witch: A Wicked Villains Novel

Page 9

by Robert, Katee


  Alaric’s mouth on me feels completely different than Ursa’s did. She teased and tasted. He’s…feasting. I don’t know another word for it. Each possessive stroke of his tongue winds me up tighter, his big hands holding me in place even as I try to squirm.

  I can’t move my lower half, but I can move the rest of me.

  I rub my face on Ursa’s thighs and cling to her hips. The desire is building and building, until it feels too big for my skin. “Please.”

  She sifts her fingers through my hair, devastatingly gentle against the harshness of Alaric’s grip on my hips. “Please what?”

  I rub my face against her thighs again. I don’t know what I’m doing, just that I need more. Ursa shifts back a little and spreads her legs, making room for me. I’m flying on instinct alone, driven wild by the feeling of Alaric pushing his tongue inside me. “Oh gods.”

  Ursa gives my hair a sharp tug. “Obey my rules, darling. Unless you’re begging or asking permission, don’t speak.”

  I’m not sure I can obey her, not unless I do something drastic. I don’t mean to start kissing her through the thin fabric of her dress, but it keeps my mouth busy. And she feels good, almost as good as what Alaric is doing to me.

  I drag my hands over her thighs, taking her dress with me. I need, need, need. I want to be good, to obey her simple commands. Or that’s what I tell myself as I kiss her soft thighs. Her laugh makes me shiver, and she tugs her dress up, baring herself from the waist down. “If you’re that eager, don’t let me stop you.”

  Alaric moves upward, licking my pussy and then… Oh gods. I shove my face between Ursa’s thighs and muffle my moan against her skin. I should slow down, should ask permission, but she tugs my hair again, guiding me to her pussy, and apparently we don’t really need words at all. I can’t stop my moan at the first taste of her. She’s earthy and slick, and as she guides me up to her clit, I give up the last bit of resistance.

  I may hate myself at the end of this—I will hate myself at the end of this—but it feels too good to stop.

  And what choice do I have?

  I signed the contract. I made the deal. I bargained away a bit of myself that I’m sure I won’t miss. I consented. I’ve gone too far to change my mind now.

  Alaric’s fingers shift down to grip my thighs, holding me open for him. Desire coils through me, tighter and tighter. The closer I get to the edge, the more desperate I am to consume what little bit of Ursa she’ll allow me. I moan against her pussy and suck hard on her clit. Her fingers dig into my hair, and she lets loose a low laugh that has me shivering right down to my core. Her thighs tighten around me, every move designed to hold me in place as her hips roll to ride out the rhythm of my mouth.

  Holy crap, I just made Ursa come.

  She uses my hair to pull me off her and leans down to press a surprisingly soft kiss to my lips. I’m still perched on the edge, though Alaric’s tongue has slowed, as if he’s teasing me, as if he wanted to ensure I finished pleasuring Ursa before he took me to the point of no return.

  She grips my throat in that casually possessive way of hers. I don’t understand why the feeling of her palm pressed to my vulnerable skin, her nails pricking me, settles me. In the presence of her approval, I don’t care enough to wonder. “Good girl.” She gives my throat a little squeeze and nudges me back. “For that, I won’t make Alaric tease you for hours before he finally fucks you.”

  I can’t quite catch my breath. “Thank you?”

  “It’s a reward, yes.” She shifts me back enough that she can fix her dress. “Alaric, stop playing and give her that orgasm you’ve been promising.”

  He growls against me and then he’s tonguing my clit in a devastatingly good rhythm. I whimper, and her fingers tighten the tiniest bit on my throat. I’m caught between them, a piece of flotsam in the middle of a storm. Ursa holds me steady, but she’s not doing it for comfort. She’s exposing me just as thoroughly as Alaric is with his mouth, stripping me down to my base parts. I don’t know what she’ll find. I truly don’t.

  My eyes start to slide shut and she pricks me with her nails. “Ah ah. Eyes on me, darling. He may be giving you this orgasm, but it’s at my command.”

  She looks almost as perfectly put together as she did during the auction. The only evidence that we’ve been up to no good is the faint sheen of sweat on her medium-brown skin and an equally faint smudging of her lipstick. The reminder of where she left evidence of that same vivid red shade is enough to make the pleasure Alaric deals coil almost painfully tight. I gasp and then I’m coming. I try to writhe, but they hold me immobile, and somehow that only makes my pleasure spike higher, last longer.

  My legs give out, and together Alaric and Ursa get me onto the bed. Being between them shouldn’t feel so good, not when there are a thousand things I am very intentionally not unpacking right now. The fact that Alaric is here… The fact that he tricked me… So much of what I thought was truth is actually a lie.

  I shove the thought away.

  Better to tell myself that I don’t have a choice, that I have seven days in this strange limbo. Easier to convince myself that I must consent.

  Anything is easier than admitting I want them both too much to poke holes in the betrayal lingering just out of reach. Alaric seduced me and made me believe that he might love me, when all the while he was kneeling at the feet of Ursa. He lied to me.

  Ursa and I couldn’t be more different. I’m a mere shadow of everything she is. A ghost. A half-formed thought. A faded memory when she’s blazing with life and personality and charm.

  How could I really believe that he’d want me when he has her?

  Ursa ends up lounging next to me, looking perfect and touchable, while Alaric kneels between my spread thighs. She traces a single finger down the center of my chest, over my left breast to circle my nipple. “Have you used toys, darling?”

  I blink, my mind sluggish to divine her meaning. Once I realize what she’s talking about, I blush so fiercely, it’s a wonder my skin doesn’t burst into flames. “No.”

  “Why not?”

  I have to fight not to squirm. “I didn’t want to have to sneak it into the house or explain its presence if it was found.” Once, my older sister Jael offered to smuggle me in a sex toy, but I was too worried that someone would find it. My father has a staff of cleaning people, and I’m certain that half their job is simply reporting on what they find in his unmarried daughters’ rooms. How Jael managed to keep a secret like a dildo is a mystery.

  Alaric’s frowning down at me, but it’s Ursa who says, “And they call me a monster.” She glances at him. “Slowly. When she hurts, it will be on purpose, not because we’re careless.”

  I’m still trying to decode that statement when Alaric wedges a single finger into me. The intrusion has me lifting off the bed and writhing, though I can’t begin to say if it’s because I’m trying to get away or trying to get closer.

  Instantly, Ursa catches my throat. “Relax.” Her melodic voice courses through me as Alaric presses his finger a little deeper.

  “She’s so fucking tight,” he mutters. He sounds almost in pain.

  Ursa chuckles. “Don’t pretend you aren’t about to come just from knowing that you’re the first person to finger her pretty pussy.”

  The pressure of his finger eases a little as he slowly strokes me, the tension turning liquid and scalding. “Oh.”

  “Does that feel good, darling?” She has a smile in her voice, like she already knows the answer.

  “Yes, Mistress.” Every time I swallow, my throat presses against her palm. Her touch anchors me, even as Alaric’s threatens to send me to the moon.


  For a moment, I think she’s talking to me, but then Alaric presses a second finger into me. I hiss out a breath. It doesn’t exactly hurt, but I have never been so aware of my body the way I am right now. He still has the towel wrapped around his waist, but I can clearly see the imprint of his
dick. It’s much larger than two fingers.

  Even as I tell myself not to, I look up at Alaric. There’s no pretending this is some stranger who means nothing to me, no pretending that this doesn’t hurt me in a way that has nothing to do with the physical.

  He’s never looked at me the way he is now. Always before, he was sweet and restrained, and if there was heat in his deep blue eyes, it was carefully banked. I didn’t realize how safe he was until this moment, when he’s kneeling between my thighs, staring at the spot where his fingers enter me as if tormented. As if he’s barely restraining himself.

  As if the only thing holding him back from ravishing me is the woman lying next to me and idly stroking my throat.

  Ursa watches Alaric fuck me with his fingers. “Really, lover? You can do better than that.”

  He makes a sound suspiciously like a growl and twists his wrist. Suddenly, he’s not just fucking me with his fingers. He’s stretching me. Exploring me. He finds and strokes a spot inside me that has my bones melting. I gasp. “Oh, gods.”

  “I’ll allow that one since he just discovered your G-spot.” Ursa lifts her free hand and presses her fingers into Alaric’s mouth. He watches me as he sucks them deep, wets them, and then she drops her hand to stroke my clit. What he was doing felt amazing before. Now it feels like I might just come right out of my body. Both their hands on me…

  I orgasm harder than I have previously tonight. The wave racks my body, bowing my back, pressing my neck hard enough into Ursa’s palm that I lose my breath. Or I would if I could remember how to breathe. I think I’m sobbing. I think I might be dying.

  Alaric withdraws his fingers, but Ursa keeps up light teasing strokes to my pussy as he gets rid of the towel and fists his cock. He starts to lean forward but hesitates. “Are you on birth control?”

  I takes me too long to answer, to remember how to speak. “No.”

  He curses long and hard even as Ursa laughs. “Condoms are in the nightstand.”

  He moves away for a few moments and then it’s just Ursa and me. She gives my neck another of those faint squeezes that settles me and drives my desire higher at the same time, but her expression is contemplative. “I knew he was positively rabid to keep his daughters under lock and key, but I had no idea it went so far.”

  I don’t really want to talk about my father while I’m here in this position, but I can’t deny the unspoken command in her statement that isn’t quite a question. “He’s overprotective.”

  “Controlling,” she corrects gently. “One could almost argue abusive. You’re an adult, Zurielle. The only person in charge of your body should be you.” She smiles slowly. “And me for the next week.”

  I frown. “Ursa—” I clamp my mouth shut. I forgot about her command to be silent.


  Alaric climbs back onto the bed with a silver packet in his hand. I watch him rip it open and roll the condom down his length. I can’t tell if I’m shaking from Ursa stroking me or from a sick combination of fear and anticipation. “I should hate you. Both of you.” I don’t mean to speak, but once I do, it’s impossible to stop. “I think I do.”

  “I can live with that.” He notches his cock at my entrance and looks me in the eye as he slides into me in a single stroke.

  I cry out. It’s too much, he’s too big, it’s too foreign a feeling even after his fingers. It feels like my lower half is on fire, and my confused nerves don’t know if they like it or not.

  Alaric braces his hands on either side of my ribs, holding perfectly still. His expression is a thousand times more tormented than it was earlier. “Fuck.”

  Ursa’s low laugh makes my toes curl despite the nearly overwhelming urge to cry. She gives my clit a slow circle. “Don’t embarrass yourself by coming on the first stroke, lover.”

  “You’re not helping,” he grinds out.

  Her smile is warm and mean, all at the same time. “Am I making it difficult on you? Does she clench around your cock every time I do this?” She circles my clit again. Indeed, my entire body tightens in response.


  He’s saying her name while he’s inside me.

  Ursa’s voice goes harder than I’ve heard it. “Fuck her. You know it’s what you want to do, selfish boy. Chase your pleasure at her expense. Now.”

  I barely have time to register the command before Alaric obeys. He pulls almost all the way out of me and shoves deep, drawing a cry from my lips. It’s too much, but Ursa keeps stroking my clit and my body is already beginning to accommodate him. It still burns, but pleasure begins to drown out the pain almost immediately. Maybe because of all the earlier orgasms.

  He drives into me hard enough that my body starts to move up the mattress. Ursa’s grip on my throat tightens, and Alaric grabs my hips, holding me in place. They consume me. Her hands. His cock. The way they look at each other while he’s fucking me. I should hate it, should resent it, should feel anything but another orgasm building in my core.

  Each time he drives into me, each time she circles my clit, each time their hands hold me forcibly in place, I get closer to another, more powerful, orgasm.

  “Stop holding back,” Ursa commands.

  For a moment, I think she’s talking to me, but then Alaric picks up his pace. He wedges his hands beneath my ass and lifts my hips off the mattress, yanking me onto his cock as he shoves forward. I swear I can feel him in the back of my throat. Once. Twice. A third time.

  A high keening noise erupts from my lips and then I’m coming so hard, I think I black out. I vaguely register Alaric’s strokes losing their smoothness and him cursing as he drives into me one last time.

  Stillness descends.

  I’m achingly aware of his cock still inside me, of the breath filling my lungs, of Ursa’s grip on my throat. Alaric finally pulls out of me and moves off the bed, walking quickly into the bathroom. I stare at the ceiling. Should I say something? I don’t have words right now. The reality of this situation is soaking into me one wave at a time.

  I sold my virginity tonight.

  Alaric tricked me into doing it.

  Ursa orchestrated the entire thing.

  I belong to her—to them—for another six nights.

  She releases my throat, and I start to sit up. She touches my chest. “Not yet.” She disappears into the bathroom and comes back a few seconds later with a washcloth. I wince as she presses it between my thighs. She’s back to the kind version of herself, the warm smile that shields the cruelty. “You did well.”

  “I lay there and took it.” I swallow hard. “You commanded he fuck me selfishly.”

  “Mmm. I did.” She finishes wiping me up and urges me to sit. “If I were more merciful, I’d give you tomorrow to recover, but every one of these days belongs to me, and as such I’m going to use them to their full capacity.”

  I look up at her and shiver. I want to reject what she’s saying, to be able to truthfully say that I want nothing of what she’s offering me. I hate her for being part of this, for witnessing my humiliation. What kind of person is foolish enough to walk into the trap and then refuse to walk back out again? What kind of person craves their betrayers’ touch?

  Apparently the kind of person I am.

  Chapter 12


  I barely get three steps back into the room when Ursa cuts through my plans for the rest of the night with a few short words. “Take Zurielle to the spare bedroom and get her situated.”

  “The spare bedroom?” I stop short. “Why is she going there?”

  “Because I want her to.”

  I start to argue, but there’s no point. Ursa has given a command and I won’t change her mind, not when we’re apparently playing out a particular scene in her head. It was fun fucking Zuri. Really fun. But I want to be on my knees in front of Ursa on my first night free of the Underworld. More, the thought of wading through emotional conversations with Zuri sounds about as fun as throwing myself headfirst into a wood chipper.
r />   Arguing won’t work, but maybe another tactic will.

  “Ursa. Mistress.” I give her my best charming smile. “I thought I’d keep you company tonight.” I thought we’d talk, too. Maybe not tonight, but soon.

  She rises slowly from the bed. Normal people would look awkward doing the same motions, but with Ursa it’s pure grace and deadly power. She smooths down her dress. “Alaric, you can go sleep in the spare bedroom with Zurielle, or you can go outside and sleep on the balcony like a disobedient pup. It’s your choice, lover.”

  I clench my jaw even as part of me responds to the sweet poison of her words. Everything about this woman draws me in: her beauty, her power, her deceptively sweet meanness. Even now, the threat makes my body go tight.

  But that desire will only last about five minutes in the cold night.

  I finally nod. “I’ll take her now, Mistress.”

  “Good boy. I knew you’d see things my way.” She crosses to me and presses a light kiss to my lips. “Start with aftercare. You may do anything she consents to—except fuck her pussy with your cock. Do you understand?”

  I frown down at her. I don’t understand this. We were supposed to be the endgame, and now she’s essentially giving me to Zuri. Or giving Zuri to me, depending on how one looks at this. Either way, the equation doesn’t include Ursa, which is the one component I crave above all others.

  I like Zuri. I do. But she’s so sweet, I feel like I’ll bruise her with a harsh word. She has her entire heart pinned to her chest, just ready to give it to the first person who offers her a tiny bit of kindness, fake or not. Being around her makes me feel guilty, and I fucking hate it.

  “Do you understand?”

  “Yes,” I grind out.

  Ursa doesn’t move, a deadly stillness stealing over her. “If you harm her, it will displease me.” If Zuri has a problem with us talking about her like she isn’t there, she doesn’t say a word from her spot on the bed. Ursa reaches up and gives my chin a light flick. “Go.” No negotiation. No bargaining. A simple command with the illusion of a choice.


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