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Barking Maddy's Puppy Love

Page 23

by S M Mala

  ‘No, you haven’t,’ smiled Dora, then there was a sadness in her eyes that Maddy couldn’t figure out. ‘I love spots, but I think we should have them as part of our décor, not our clothes.’

  Maddy looked at her and took a deep breath.

  ‘Dora, is there something else you’re not telling me?’ she asked, taking the small hands and putting them in her own. ‘You know your mum told me about you not being as strong as we would like. The chest infection has knocked you for six, I know. You need to tell me if there’s anything I can do to help. I’m here for you. You’re the real reason I work for the hospice.’

  Then the tears fell from Dora’s eyes, and Maddy hugged her fiercely wondering what was going on.

  ‘I’m not getting better, Maddy. And it’s really hard for me some days. When you’re here, it doesn’t feel bad. But other days, I can’t even get up because it’s so exhausting.’

  ‘Dora,’ she whispered, tears springing to her eyes. ‘I’ll always be around for you, to help and make you feel better. Ask me to do anything and I’ll do it.’

  ‘Tell Stan how you feel. That would make me feel better.’

  ‘I’m sure it won’t make him feel good!’

  ‘So, will you come shopping with me?’

  Maddy had Honey in her arms as she was sat in Pearl’s back garden. ‘I need new clothes, and I have no idea what to buy if they don’t have spots. And we might have fun on a day out together. I can’t do it before I go to Rome, so it will have to be the weekend after if you’re free.’

  Her friend wasn’t listening. She was staring into space and looked very tired. Maddy shook her head from side to side before glancing at Heidi who was reading a book on the patio.

  ‘I’m not allowed to tell you anything,’ Maddy said, watching Pearl look at her. ‘I can’t force you to do things against your will, but I know you’re not well. You know it, and I know it. If you want me to take Honey, I will. All you have to do is ask. I can give her a home full of love, and you can come and visit whenever you like.’ She saw Pearl smile. ‘For God’s sake, what can I do to help you?’

  ‘Keep on talking. That cheers me up,’ yawned Pearl, lying back on the lounger. ‘And you can’t have TJ’s pride and joy. He won’t allow it.’

  ‘Are you feeling suicidal?’ she whispered, checking that Honey was sleeping. ‘I’d feel quite upset if you did anything like that. I don’t have any black clothes.’ Pearl started to laugh. ‘Seriously, go and see someone. You’re wasting special time with your baby.’

  ‘I can’t explain how it feels. I’m isolated though there are people around. She’s beautiful, and I love her, but I can’t bond, and I don’t know why. The last thing I need is a doctor giving me tablets to make me feel more spaced out than before. I think it was the expectation that everything would be amazing but it’s not. It’s hard.’

  ‘You’ve got Heidi doing the legwork.’ Maddy grinned at the beautiful baby in her arms. ‘Honey and Phyllis are the prettiest things in the world. I’m lucky to be a mother to them both.’

  ‘Has your house guest left? Is that why you’re here?’ Pearl sat up and looked at Maddy. ‘Have you declared your undying love? It’s only a matter of time.’

  ‘No, I have not! And what a thing to say!’

  ‘You only say that when you’re guilty.’ Then her smile faded. ‘Do you know everything about Stan Franks? You know this column he writes is doing well? Have you read it?’

  ‘Yes, I did.’ Maddy glanced away. ‘And I thought he was talking about me. I asked him, and he said he wasn’t.’

  ‘You should ask him again and to tell you the truth.’ Pearl shuffled closer. ‘TJ mentioned about reading it. He heard Stan giving a radio interview, and he said something about being inflicted with someone that gave him fodder for the writing.’

  ‘You think I’m fodder?’

  ‘Maddy, this person he writes about, well, they sound a bit like you but saner.’

  ‘He doesn’t like them, he said so, and he said they’re made up from all the women he knows.’

  ‘It is a she, most definitely. Don’t let him make a fool of you. I know you like to talk and when you’re fond of someone you say all sorts of thing without realising it. It’s funny but also worrying if someone takes it out of context.’

  ‘You think Stan’s writing mean things about me?’ Maddy looked at Pearl’s sympathetic glance. ‘He can’t be because he’s my friend and he said it wasn’t me.’

  ‘Read what he has written then ask him. I like Stan, he’s a lovely man, but we don’t know him or his sister. They’re more people that Ted attracts. It’s just this time you like Stan, you really like Stan. I think it’s wonderful, but I am looking out for you, as you’re looking out for me.’

  ‘I like him,’ she replied, all her defences coming down. ‘I like him a hell of a lot. I know he’d never do anything to hurt me.’

  ‘Are you sure, Maddy? Can you be sure of him?’

  ‘As much as I can be of anyone.’ Maddy took a deep breath. ‘Do you think he likes me?’

  ‘He has spent most of his time with you over the past five weeks, and he seems to hang out at yours quite a bit.’ Pearl smiled. ‘Be careful. Stan’s an observer and a writer, which is a lethal combination. And you are, I think, his muse.’


  ‘Amusement, Maddy, can you be sure it’s not you?’

  She thought hard and hoped it wasn’t because from what she had picked up, Stan didn’t like that person at all.

  ‘Hello. It’s Maddy.’

  Maddy had pressed Stan’s intercom button on Friday evening, hoping to see him and Phyllis. She hadn’t lasted that long before wanting to see how he was.

  It was hard for her to admit but she had fallen for him.

  He hadn’t called, texted, or emailed. She felt a little excluded but knew he was settling into his flat and trying to sort everything out.

  Tonight, she would tempt him out for a drink to find out if he liked her at all. The thing was, she was desperate to declare that she liked him as Dora has instructed.

  It was a risk.

  Tonight, she was going to ask him out officially on a date after he had a few drinks, which might make him more pliable to the idea.

  Tossing and turning it in her head, she’d have to jump in with both feet first, which was very new for her.

  ‘Maddy!’ he exclaimed and heard Phyllis bark in the background. ‘What are you doing here?’

  ‘You forgot some clothes. I found them in the washing.’ She had hidden the clothing in an attempt to pop round on the off chance for an opportunity like this. ‘Can I drop them off?’

  ‘Yeah, sure,’ he replied but sounded a little odd.

  She heard the lock release and walked in, going down the small corridor and stopping at the front door. Phyllis was barking, and she smoothed down her hair to make sure she looked presentable.

  The door opened, and she was surprised to see him topless just wearing his jeans. Stan looked flustered then smiled.

  It wasn’t his genuine one. This looked was more forced.

  ‘Here,’ she said, handing the small bag over. ‘I was wondering if you and Phyllis would like to come to the pub with-.’

  ‘I can’t open this,’ she heard someone say before seeing Giselle walk to the door, holding a bottle of champagne and wearing what looked like Stan’s shirt. ‘Hello, Maddy.’

  Her heart and gut crashed to the ground seeing the beautiful woman smile. Then Phyllis ran up to her, literally jumping into her arms.

  ‘I’m sorry,’ Maddy said, feeling completely stupid as she stood looking at the pair of them. ‘You’re busy. Maybe another time.’ She kissed Phyllis and examined Giselle’s long, tanned legs that seemed to go on forever. ‘I’ll ring next time.’

  ‘Yeah,’ Stan said and went bright red. ‘That might be a good idea. We were just-.’

  ‘We’re celebrating his return home!’ Giselle said, looking lovingly at Stan. ‘And getting back

  ‘You’re back together?’ Maddy asked, hearing Phyllis growl in her ear. ‘That’s great.’

  ‘Do you want to join us for a drink?’ the woman asked as Stan looked mortified at the idea.

  He still didn’t want Maddy inside his flat, and she felt it for the first time that he might not like her as much as she liked him.

  ‘No thank you. I have to go. I’ll come and get Phyllis on Thursday as you’ll be busy. Have a nice evening.’ She kissed Phyllis once again and put her down. ‘Bye.’

  ‘Yeah,’ Stan replied and looked at Maddy then frowned. ‘I’ll drop her off on Thursday morning.’

  Maddy rushed out and hopped on her bike, pedalling at full speed before she ground to a halt and burst into tears.

  That’s not what she expected.

  She felt devastated knowing Stan had moved back into his flat with the intention of getting back together with Giselle. Maddy shook her head, feeling the tears drip down her face. It now looked pitiful her turning up with a handful of clothes on the pretence of wanting to spend time with Stan and Phyllis.

  Once again, he didn’t ask her in, but this time she could see exactly why.

  It is why she stuck to unsuitable men because you know they’d let you down and why falling in love always ended in disaster for her.

  Stopping to sit on a park bench, she felt paralysed with despair.

  For a few days that week, after speaking to Dora, she was happy to admit to someone she was in love. And Pearl could see it but didn’t push it that far.

  In the warm light of the evening sunshine, it seemed pretty silly.

  Stan had bided his time, so he could have great making up sex with the woman who rocked his nuts off, so Maddy had told him once before. Then she laughed when she thought he was checking her out the previous Sunday. He was more amused than turned on seeing her in her underwear twice and naked in the shower.

  No wonder he was desperate to screw Giselle.

  Again, she burst into tears, holding her hand over her face as she got up and walked towards the pond where Stan had thrown her face first a few days earlier.

  ‘Jumping in feet first,’ she mumbled, wiping her face. ‘I’m better off throwing myself into the Trevi Fountain and hoping to drown than think he’d give me a second look.’

  Maddy had high hopes for a small moment in time, and that’s why she shouldn’t do that again.

  You only end up desperately disappointed at the end of the day.

  Like she always did, time and time again.

  ‘You’re late!’

  Ted was holding a drink out for her as she got to the pub at Sunday lunchtime. ‘And did you know Stan had got back with Giselle? They’re all loved up.’

  ‘That’s nice.’

  Since Friday Maddy had decided not to go out much, just clicked things over in her head about Stan. He hadn’t contacted her, so she imagined he was having too much fun with Giselle. She was also in two minds about turning up to the pub, but Ted had summoned her as he wanted to chat.

  The last thing Maddy could stomach was seeing the newly made up couple together with the group of friends.

  She peeked across and her heart further sank because Giselle was sitting next to Stan, looking lovingly into his eyes and Phyllis was to the side.

  The woman was sitting in Maddy’s space.

  In all the time Giselle had been with Stan she never sat there.

  Maddy had been ousted.

  The pooch didn’t look so happy then spotted Maddy. Phyllis came running towards her and barked.

  It wasn’t her happy one.

  It was more pissed off.

  ‘Another jealous girl?’ asked Ted, starting to grin. ‘Phyllis has been growling at Giselle. Stan even asked me to take her for a walk today as he thinks it’s upsetting his woman.’

  ‘His woman needs to get to know her,’ Maddy said, not wanting to look at the couple. ‘And he should know better than that.’

  ‘Let’s sit in the garden.’

  Ted dragged her arm, and they went to a corner table with Phyllis. Maddy positioned herself, so she didn’t have to look at Stan and forced a big smile while unzipping her dog suit and let it hang halfway down her waist. She was wearing a khaki vest underneath and felt extremely hot since spotting Stan.

  ‘Do you think he’s in love with Giselle?’ she asked, sipping her wine. ‘She wants to move in, but he says he’s not ready. Must have changed his mind.’

  ‘She’s hot!’

  ‘She might be dull?’

  ‘I don’t think they do a lot of talking from what he has said. Mainly fun and games.’ He smirked. ‘And I’m pleased you didn’t seduce the poor guy as right now, it might be tricky.’

  ‘How come?’ She glanced over her shoulder and glimpsed at Giselle’s long leg rubbing up against Stan’s jean covered one. Maddy felt sick. ‘Stan and I are just buddies.’

  ‘Stasia and I have split.’

  ‘What?’ Maddy shouted out loudly making Phyllis jump. She patted the dog. ‘Sorry, but Uncle Ted said something really stupid.’

  ‘We split about a week ago, and I didn’t want to tell you because Stan has been staying with you. It’s all amicable, and she’s still coming to the pub on Sundays.’

  ‘Amicable? When have you split with a woman and it’s been amicable?’

  ‘We work, hang out and sleep together. It was too much, and she is extremely jealous of what I do. Even she admits it.’ Ted put a comforting arm around Maddy. ‘Nothing is going to change.’

  ‘Yes, it will. Stan might stop me from seeing Phyllis!’ Maddy breathed in deeply. ‘If he does, you have to go out with Stasia again.’

  ‘And you’re not thinking about me in all this? Ted grinned. ‘I’ve never put you down for being selfish.’

  ‘Ted, I love this dog. I can’t imagine being without her. She has changed everything for me. If he takes her away, then I’m lost.’

  ‘Oh, Maddy,’ he said, pulling a sad face and touching her cheek. ‘Stan won’t do that. We’ve spoken about it, and I told him you’d be worried that you won’t see Phyllis.’ Then Ted smirked. ‘Though I think you like her pet more than you’re letting out.’

  ‘What’s the point?’ she sighed, shaking her head. ‘I’m better off sticking with men like Roland. At least I know they want me for my money and sex. Anyway, you warned me off Stan. Not that it would make a blind bit of difference as he’s back in love with Giselle.’ Even the way she said it betrayed how pissed off she was. ‘And they make a fine-looking couple.’

  ‘Don’t say that! I was only protective because I could see you really like him. Stan likes you but not like that. He likes hanging out with you and thinks you’re funny. That’s all.’

  ‘Well, that’s that then.’ Maddy felt completely deflated. ‘I was a stop gap while he sorted out his place. At least I have some purpose.’

  ‘What’s wrong with you?’ Ted gently grabbed her face. ‘Maddy this is so out of character.’

  ‘I'm just stupid.’ She shook her head and released her clip, making her curls fall down her back. ‘This pub is getting busier each week with your fan club.’

  ‘I think you have a fan club.’ Ted kissed her cheek. ‘There are about five guys checking you out.’

  ‘Probably perverts.’ She then kissed and hugged Phyllis as she whispered. ‘I don’t mind if you bite her.’

  ‘You can’t say that!’

  ‘He shouldn’t have someone who doesn’t like pets. That’s just wrong. He might even give Phyllis away if Giselle pushes it.’ Maddy sighed. ‘Then I will proceed with legal action to take custody of her. You know she’s not even two years old. There has to be some confusion in her home life.’

  Ted then held her by the shoulders as she hung her head down.

  ‘What’s wrong?’

  ‘I think Dora’s poorly and she won’t tell me,’ Maddy replied looking up at him. ‘She said something the other day, another gem, which makes me worry. Pearl isn’t g
etting better, but she knows it’s more mental than anything. You’ve split with Stasia which means I have to vet more unsuitable women.’ Then she sighed. ‘And I’m turning thirty in four weeks and still single.’

  He gave her a massive hug and kissed her head.

  ‘Don’t go to Rome. Come away with me. We’ll have fun, and you need to be by a beach,’ whispered Ted before pushing her away. ‘You know you want to.’

  ‘I don’t want to. Anyway, I’m like the third wheel of a bike and completely invisible when we’re together, very much like I am in this pub.’ She then saw Stan standing by the door looking over. ‘Run and see your pet, Phyllis. He looks anxious.’

  Phyllis got up, and instead of her usual gallop, she walked slowly across the lawn and towards Stan. Maddy swore the dog turned her nose up before walking past him. Then she caught Stan’s eye as he quickly looked away, and seemed to have a guilty expression.

  He evidently didn’t want to talk to her, and it was only a week ago they had laughed so hard at her silly antics on the fun run.

  ‘I don’t understand people,’ she mumbled into her glass. ‘I’m just no good with them.’

  ‘Yes, you are. You’re Maddy.’

  ‘Maybe that’s it. I’m me, and that’s not enough.’ Knocking back her drink, she smiled at Ted. ‘I’m sorry it didn’t work out with Stasia, but it’s good you’re still friends. Are you going to mind when she brings a man here? That’ll be hard.’

  ‘She’s seeing someone.’

  ‘What?’ she said again, louder than before. ‘So soon?’

  ‘Maddy, it’s not a problem, and I don’t mind. He’s a nice guy. A dentist.’

  ‘Let’s hope she doesn’t get jealous over dentures then.’ Maddy stood up. ‘I’m going to go and watch some television. We’ll catch up a later on in the week.’ She glanced over to where Stan was sitting. All she could glimpse was Phyllis sitting at his feet looking pissed off and barking. ‘I’ll go out the back way.’

  ‘Okay, see you later,’ he said, squeezing her hand.

  Walking out the side entrance and keeping her head down, she heard Giselle shriek.

  ‘She tried to bite me! That dog is barking mad!’


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