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Melody: Beautiful Series, book three

Page 5

by Anderson, Lilliana

  “She’ll come,” I say with confidence while I fix a broken string on my guitar. “I know her. She won’t pass up a chance like this.”

  “Tick-tock, mutha-fucka,” Jack says, spinning on his stool with a cigarette dangling between his lips. Rehearsal officially started five minutes ago.

  “She gets fifteen minutes,” Theo says, getting up and lighting a smoke himself. “If she’s not here, I’m locking the door and there are no second chances.”

  “You sound like that English teacher, Mrs McFarlane,” Jack laughs, increasing the pitch of his voice as he mimics her. “If you’re not seated by the bell, you’ll be sent to the office for detention.”

  We’re all laughing when he gets up and continues his bit, demanding to know where our ties are, and why our shirts aren’t tucked in. Then the door opens, and the laughter stops like someone pulled the needle off the record.

  “Looks like I’m in the right place,” Naomi says with a little smile, clutching her violin case in front of her with both hands. She’s looking fine in a tight pair of faded jeans, knee-high boots, a fitted white t-shirt, and a black vest on top with this long silver locket hanging down between her breasts.

  “You made it,” I say, grinning as I drink her in. Suddenly, I’ve got these visions of taking a hold of that locket and pulling her towards me so I can peel off every layer she’s wearing and bury my face in those tits. I’ve become so used to girls wearing clothes that leave nothing to the imagination—hell, half of them don’t even bother with underwear—that the idea of undressing Naomi is causing quite a stir in my nether regions.

  “Yeah. I got a little lost. Took a wrong turn at Albuquerque.” She smiles, and Theo is the only one who laughs.

  “Where the fuck is Albuquerque?” Lachlan asks, looking around to Jack who just shrugs his shoulders.

  “It’s a bugs bunny reference, dumbass,” Theo says.

  “Bugs what?”

  “It doesn’t matter,” Naomi says. “It wasn’t particularly funny.” Theo obviously thought it was. But he’s a nerd. “Where do I set up?” She directs her question at me as she reaches up and secures her hair into a high ponytail. I want to pull on that thing so bad…

  “Oh, um. Just over here,” I say, covering my dirty thoughts by clearing my throat as I indicate the extra microphone stand and amp where she can plug in.

  “Thanks.” She walks over and places her things on the floor, busying herself with her own setup. Despite saying she hasn’t played in a while, she’s still a pro and already has the tuner pick-up attached to the bridge of her standard violin so it can be used as an electric without compromising her acoustic sound.

  Jamming my hands into the back pockets of my jeans, I look around the rest of the guys who staring at me, obviously waiting for an introduction. “Oh. Yeah. Naomi, this is the rest of the band. I don’t think you met everyone on Saturday.”

  “That’s because I left, Marcus. You seemed too busy to introduce me around, and I’d had a big day,” she tells me evenly, not even making eye contact as she untangles a loop in her cord.

  “OK.” I drag out the sound before I ignore the jibe and get on with the introductions. “Jack is the guy on keyboards, Lachlan is our bassist, and I’m sure you remember our drummer, Theo.” I point each one out as she stands up with a sigh, turning her amp on.

  “Hey, guys.” She nods as she speaks to each one. “I remember Jack from school; nice to see you again. And you too, Theo.” She picks up her bow. “And it’s nice to meet you, Lachlan. You were all great on Saturday.”

  “But you think you can make us better,” Theo deadpans and I shoot him a look that says, ‘Shut the fuck up’ before he smiles to himself then takes a seat back at his drum kit.

  “I reckon she just might.” Jack looks between us, taking the reins to move things along. “Do you need the sheet music, Naomi? Or can you still do that thing where you can play everything straight away?”

  “I can still do that thing.” She smiles and positions her purple violin under her chin, smashing out the chorus for Fragile like she’s been playing it all along.

  “That’s fucking brilliant,” Lachlan says, looking at her with stars in his eyes. “How do you do that?”

  “She was born that way,” I say, not wanting to get caught up in a bunch of arse licking when we have work to do. “Let’s play the same set we did on Saturday. Naomi, you come in where you think works and perhaps add some backing vocals? We’ll record the session and make adjustments once we’ve had a chance to review it.”

  “Sure thing, boss,” she says, saluting me.

  There’s a couple of sniggers behind me as Theo counts us in to play ‘Fragile’. For the entire first verse, Naomi stands ready, swaying her body as she feels the music, causing me to wonder when she’s planning to join in. Then we get to the chorus and she begins, the warm sound of her instrument causing all the hair on my body to stand on en. Her music gives the words a deeper meaning. I can feel them now.

  When you whisper to me,

  I want your words to be true,

  But you know we can't be,

  Not like this. Not like this.

  I expect her to keep going, but I forget how good she is. She stops at the perfect time, allowing me to play just the few quiet notes on my guitar, as I sing the last two lines of the chorus in virtual silence.

  Why did you sing your song to my heart?

  When you knew we were fragile right from the start

  The rest of the session goes on much like this. In some songs she adds vocals, in others she only adds violin, then there are ones where she adds both. I thank god Theo has this session recording, because I need to hear it again. She’s so much better now than she was when I knew her. It makes me wonder why she quit ANU. She could have been a star.


  There’s a song Marcus wrote that I’ve never been a fan of. It’s called Then You Were Gone, and it’s about this chick leaving him and his ability to write music suffers as a result. It’s ok, and the fans seem to like it, but I’ve always felt it could be better. In true Marcus fashion, he wouldn’t listen to me so we’ve been stuck playing this subpar song for the last couple of years. Then Naomi comes along and now I think it’s my favourite.

  The moment we’re getting ready to wind down after the last chorus, Naomi starts up with this amazing violin solo. I keep the beat with her—I want to see where she’s going with this—and it adds this magical element to the song that takes it from mediocre to outstanding. I really didn’t want to accept her into the band, but with an ability like this, how can I possibly say no? When she lowers her bow, she leans in to the microphone and hums the tune instead. All the while, her eyes are closed and she’s completely lost in the creation of this moment. I continue my gentle tapping to go along with her hum, and Marcus joins in, humming along with her to finish off the song. Fuck Amy. She was right. Naomi is exactly what we’ve been missing. Now I have to call and apologise for being a dick.

  “Whooo,” Lachlan yells the moment we finish. He claps his hands, beaming while Jack nods excitedly.

  “That was fucking brilliant!”

  “I’m so glad you all liked it,” Naomi says, placing a hand on her chest. “I was worried it might be too much.” Her cheeks are flushed and she looks over at me. All I have for her is a curt nod. Because besides what she just did, I still don’t like her. She’s an amazing artist, I’ll give her that. But I still feel like bringing her on is a ticking time bomb and we have too much to lose if this goes wrong.

  “No, that was perfect,” Marcus says with this dumbfounded look on his face. I can tell he’s really affected by how that song played out. I think we all were. While I look around at the guys, they gush like little girls over how great she is. So now, regardless of the risk in bringing a girl we have history with into the band, she’s being voted in. Excellent. Great. Shit.

  While everyone stands around talking about songs they want to show her, and the shows we currently have
booked, I quietly leave the room.

  “You were right,” I say when my phone connects to its caller.

  “About the Powerball numbers or sending Naomi to your brother so he’d ask her to join the band,” Amy replies. I swear that girl has a single tone and zero emotion.

  “Depends on whether you won Powerball, I guess.”

  “I lost spectacularly.”

  I smile. “Then I guess we’re talking about Naomi.”

  “Of course we were. Who else would you or Marcus want to talk to me about?”

  “Marcus was talking to you about her?”

  “Yeah. Asking if she was still single and shit.”

  “What’d you tell him?”

  “The same thing I’m telling you. Keep your dick in your pants. You’ve worked too hard to mess this up over a girl.”

  “Then why did you bring us that girl?”

  “Because she’s the best there is. And I want the best for you guys.”

  “Careful, Amy. I’ll start to think you have feelings.”

  “Shut up, fuckface. I only care about you guys making it big so I can hitch a ride with you when you go on a world tour. I want to party with the big kids.”

  “Who says you’d be invited?”

  “Dude. Come on. We’ve been spruiking you since the beginning. You have to let us tour with you. We’re your door bitches and we protect you from the crazies.”

  I smile. Amy and Erica definitely have their perks. “I’ll do everything in my power to make sure you’re top of the entourage list when we’re allowed one.” It’s the best I can do at this point.

  “That’s all I ask. And you’re welcome, by the way.” For Naomi, obviously.

  “Yeah. Yeah. Don’t start getting a big head.”

  She laughs, but even that doesn’t have any tone to it. “See you next week. Can’t wait to hear the new sound.”

  We disconnect and I take a minute, staring at my phone screen while I stick a cigarette between my lips and don’t even bother to light it. I have photos of Naomi from before. They’ve transferred through each model I’ve owned since high school, backed up in iTunes and now they’re floating along in the cloud. Does she remember any of this? I swipe my thumb from side to side, wondering why the fuck I keep these for so long. Too much fucking history.



  Marcus claps his hands together. “I think it’s time to take a vote.”

  “I say she’s in,” Lachlan says, grinning that big goofy grin of his. He’s so tall and lanky. He reminds me of Shaggy from Scooby Doo with his messy dark blond hair. He’s pretty drugged out sounding too.

  “No question,” Jack says, running his hand over the top of his close cropped black hair. “She’s awesome.”

  “Aw, thanks, Jack.” I smile, nudging him gently in his arm.

  Winking, his blue eyes shine amusedly. “I only speak the truth.”

  “What about you, Theo?” Marcus asks, drawing all of our attention to the empty seat behind the drums. “Where the hell is he?”

  “Probably out for a smoke,” Lachlan says with a shrug before looking at me. “It’s where he always is.”

  I nod.

  Switching off his amp, Marcus removes the lead to his acoustic guitar and takes it off his shoulder. He leans it against his amp, muttering something under his breath about his brother being a dramatic shitbag before he stalks out of the room, banging the door shut behind him. I jump slightly. It makes me glad I’m an only child. I’ll never ask my mum for a little brother again.

  “Don’t worry about them,” Jack says. “They’re always bitching at each other over something.”

  “Theo doesn’t seem too happy about having me join,” I say, placing my violin and bow back in their case.

  “Yeah, well. That’s Theo. He’s got issues. But he’ll come around. You make his songs sound too good for him not to.”

  “His songs? Does he write them?” I thought Marcus did.

  “Sure does,” Lachlan answers. “Most of them anyway. Marcus has written a few, but our most popular stuff is all Theo.” Wow. That changes things. He’s amazingly talented for a drummer. But I guess Dave Grohl was Nirvana’s drummer….

  “Maybe he thinks I’m ruining them?” I suggest. “Maybe he doesn’t want strings in his songs?”

  “Nah, that’s not it at all. I saw him, he liked what you were doing. He’s just got a bug in his butt. He’ll come around though. You’ll see,” Jack assures me, and I hope he’s right. Despite the blisters on my fingers turning raw, I loved every moment of today’s rehearsal. It’s like I’ve finally found the answer I’ve been searching for. I want to be in a band.

  While we wait for the brothers to return, we sit around making small talk. I learn that Lachlan joined the band after answering an open audition ad in a music magazine. He’s self taught, and can’t sing for shit, so bass is where he’s happy to stay. No big ambition. He just likes to play. Jake joined the band after running into Marcus and Theo at a cousin’s wedding. They’re not sure whose cousin the bride was, but since they’re all connected via lots of aunties and uncles within their large Italian community, they tend to call everyone in their circle cousin—even if they can’t work out exactly how they’re related.

  “Does working with family cause issues for any of you?” I ask.

  “It does for the brothers, but for me, it means Marcus can’t pull his diva act on me or my mamma will tell her sister, who’ll tell his Aunty who runs a community garden with his mamma. Then his mamma’ll box his ears.” He shrugs like what he just said was simple and normal, but it leaves my head spinning.

  “That’s a lot of relatives.”

  “Keeps us in line.”


  “What the fuck is your problem?” Marcus bites out from behind me.

  I pocket my phone, taking the unlit cigarette out of my mouth and sticking it behind my ear. “You’re my problem. Fawning over her with drool running down your chin. You don’t get to fuck this one, Marcus. Remember how crazy you made the last one? We’re not doing that again.”

  “Fuck you. Naomi isn’t mental like Justine was.”

  “Don’t touch her,” I warn, refusing to back down on this one.

  “Why? So you can?”

  “Fuck you, Marcus. I wouldn’t touch your sloppy seconds in a hazmat suit.”

  The corner of his mouth pulls up. “Whatever, Dude. You’ve always been pissed because you wanted her and I got in there first.”

  “Wipe your chin, Marcus. You’re dribbling shit.” Fuck he pisses me off.

  “Tell you what, I’ll step back and give you first crack this time. It’s only fair, don’t you think?”

  I fold my arms across my chest. “No. I don’t think.” I would never touch one of his whores. I might as well be fucking my own brother. There are just some things you don’t ever share with family, and women is one of them. “What the hell is wrong with you?”

  “I’m just trying to be fair, brother.”

  “You know what? I was sitting out here thinking we should give her a shot, but after your filthy fucking attitude, I don’t want her in the band at all. Get somebody else. Get a guy.”

  “A guy won’t work. We need the female vocal.”

  “Then get a guy whose balls haven’t dropped. Hell, get one of those guys who thinks he’s a girl and takes the hormones. They’re popular these days. It’ll give us diversity.”

  Marcus puts his hands on his hips and lifts his eyebrows. “That’s very insensitive, Theo. I don’t think the LGBTQIA+ community will appreciate you seeking a trans person out for the sake of your own agenda.”

  “LGB-What? I don’t know what the fuck that all means. And I don’t give a fuck what the community thinks. I just want a band full of people you don’t want to fuck.”

  “There are some beautiful trans girls out there,” he says, causing me to roll my eyes.

  “Seriously! Marcus. If you fuck her, I go. And all of those songs I wr
ote will come with me.”

  “I’m lost. Are we talking about the trans girl or Naomi?”

  I narrow my eyes. “Naomi, fuckface.”

  “Oh, well, if you want to go and take your songs, I can’t stop you. We’ll write more. Nomes is a great songwriter, remember?”

  “You’re a dick.”

  “Just imagine it, Theo, me and her, spending long nights together, working on lyrics and writing music.” He sucks air in through his teeth. “We’ll become so close.”

  “Don’t,” I warn, gritting my teeth and balling my fists at my side.

  He chuckles. “Relax, big bro. I won’t touch her—been there; done that—you can relax.”

  I think my body visibly slumps with relief. I can handle having her in the band as long as I don’t have to stress about Marcus fucking it up. “I’ll need your word,” I say, spitting on my hard and holding it out.

  “Don’t be a jackass.”

  “I’m not. I’m dead serious. Give me your word or I walk.”

  He works his jaw from side to side. “Fine. But you have to swear too. Neither of us touches her. Deal?”

  "No problem," I say immediately. I don’t even have to think about it.

  He spits in his palm and claps his hand against mine. "Then it’s a deal. Naomi joins the band and we fuck anyone but her.”

  “Perfect. But we need to see how the fans react before we make anything permanent. All right?” I’m pretty sure they'll love her. But you can't always guess what the general public wants.

  “Deal.” Marcus grins, slapping me on my arm as he continues to shake my hand. “I’m fuckin’ excited. This is gonna be great. Let’s go tell her she’s in.”

  Following behind Marcus, we make our way back to the rehearsal space where Lachlan, Jack and Naomi are talking and laughing together like old friends.

  “You two kiss and make up?” Jack asks.


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