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Arcane Dropout 5

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by Edmund Hughes

  Arcane Dropout 5

  Edmund Hughes

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  All rights reserved. This is a work of fiction. Any references to historical events, real people, or real places are used fictitiously. All other names, characters, places, and events are products of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual events or persons is entirely coincidental.

  Copyright © 2019 by Edmund Hughes

  Kindle Edition


  Arcane Dropout 5















































  The evening was calm. Lee’s shoes left clear footprints in the melting snow as he made his way along the road connecting Primhaven and Gillum. A warm, active wind ruffled inside his coat, insistent, hinting at an early spring.

  “She told you to be there by seven,” said Tess. She walked alongside him, for once not in his mystic stream, at her own insistence. Her ethereal blue face was set into a worried frown, and her hair fluttered in time with each shifting breeze.

  “It’s 6:55,” said Lee. “I’ll be on time.”

  “When you’re meeting a girl for a date, early is on time. Every gentleman knows that.”

  “Good thing I never claimed to be one, as I believe I’ve told you a thousand times before. This isn’t officially a date, either.”

  A snowman stood by the side of the road near one of the town’s foremost buildings, carrot drooping from its face from the warm weather. Lee snatched the vegetable from its convenient perch and spun it in his fingers before returning it to its original owner at a much more handsome angle.

  “You can’t possibly be that dense, Lee,” said Tess. “She invited you out to dinner.”

  “She offered to treat me to some food.” He held up a finger. “Phrasing matters, Tess.”

  “Food at the most expensive restaurant in town,” she countered. “Context matters more. Also, I expect you to be on your best behaviour tonight. Be nice to her.”

  “When am I ever not nice to her?”

  “Well…” She tapped a finger against her lips. “It’s not the things you do, more the things you don’t.”

  Lee shook his head and sighed. He lowered his voice as they passed by some of Gillum’s locals: a man shovelling a walkway outside a business, an older teenager looking after several children. Without his phone out, it was a little harder to pull off talking to a ghost in public without coming across as a raving lunatic.

  “Are you sure you’re alright with this?” he asked.

  “You know I am,” said Tess. “Are you? You’re acting a little squirrelly.”

  “I’m not sure squirrelly is the right word.” He flipped his palms up in a gesture of surrender. “But I take your point. I’ll make sure she has an amazing night.”

  “See?” Tess grinned. “I do see flashes of a proper gentleman in you, Lee Amaranth.”

  She took a step closer to him. Lee glanced around, making sure they were mostly alone, and then pulled her into his mystic stream. She wore a long winter coat that looked close to a hundred years out of date, black knee-high boots, and a hairband holding back her occasionally unruly brown locks.

  He kissed her, feeling the same rush of emotion she always managed to bring out of him. He let his forehead press against hers, savoring her dimpled smile. Tess was the one who broke contact, clearing her throat and pointing toward the restaurant.

  “You’ll be late,” she whispered.

  “I guess… I’ll see you later tonight?”

  “I’ll wait up for you.” She shrugged. “Or be asleep. I suppose it depends on what time you get back.”

  She blew him a kiss and waved as she headed up the street.

  The Northern Grill was what passed for fine dining in Gillum, Alaska, mostly because it was the only restaurant importing steaks regularly and had a chef who knew how to cook it.

  Eliza had arrived ahead of him and already been seated at a table for two. She looked good, more than good. Good enough to make Lee feel a bit nervous as she looked up and saw him, her eyes meeting his from across the room.

  She’d gotten a haircut, and it hung in straight, glossy auburn strands. She wore a scarlet-red sweater with just the right amount of tightness around her chest, as though it had been tailored specifically to show off the best parts of her figure. The inclusion of a pair of simple ruby stud earrings gave her a fiery appearance in the candlelight, which was only accented by the blush that came to her cheeks as Lee drew up to the table.

  “Hey,” he said. “You look amazing.”

  “Oh.” She blushed deeper. “Thank you. Um, so do you!”

  Lee grinned and held his arms out. He’d worn a dress jacket over a t-shirt and jeans, and even Tess’s insistent chiding hadn’t been enough to work miracles on his limited fashion sense.

  “You weren’t waiting long, were you?”

  “No! No, just, uh, a few minutes. It’s fine.”

  The menus were already on the table. He flipped his open and let out a small whistle when he saw the prices.

  “That was my reaction, too.” Eliza gave him a small, conspiratorial smile. “I figured I’d just order a salad.”

  “Nonsense. I’ll pay.”

  She blushed even more deeply. Lee bit back a smile, feeling a little guilty at how much he enjoyed seeing her flustered. It made him want to sweep her into his arms and reassure her. Then do various other things, many of which he already had in mind for later that night.

  “You don’t mind this, do you?” she asked. “Me asking you to, um, get some food with me?”

  He hadn’t been expecting that question and wasn’t sure what to say at first. He thought back to what Tess had said to him on their walk down from Primhaven.

  “I’m glad you did. We could use more quality time together.”

  “We hang out almost every other day,” said Eliza.

  “Exactly. We hang out. I sneak you into my dorm room, or you sneak me into yours. As enjoyable as that is, and by God, is it enjoyable…” He shrugged. “It’s nice for the two of us to do something more, for a change.”

  Eliza seemed to fight against the smile that eventually stole across her face. She opened her mouth and seemed to hesitate before choosing her next words.

  “Is it… just the two of us? I mean, is Tess…”

  Despite the fact Lee was sure he’d seen Tess leaving t
o head back to Primhaven, he couldn’t stop his eyes from glancing around the restaurant. Eliza’s eyes followed his, her expression growing increasingly uncertain.

  “It’s just us, Eliza,” he said.

  She let out a small sigh of relief. “I mean, it’s not that I mind Tess. Quite the opposite, exactly. It’s just nice sometimes for it to just be, um, well, you know…”

  “Simple?” He gave her an understanding smile. “Yeah, I agree. Well, as simple as it can be when it comes to dating a mystic bonded to a ghost.”

  His phone chose that moment to butt in, vibrating to life from where he’d placed it on the table. Lee picked it up, fully intending to turn it off for the night until he saw who was calling.

  “It’s my sister,” he said.

  “You should answer. Really, it’s fine.”

  Lee nodded and stood up. “I’ll back in a minute.”

  He left the restaurant entirely, coming to stand in the snowy alley outside as he tapped his phone’s screen.


  “Hey, little brother,” she greeted him. “How are you?”

  “Somewhat busy right now. I’m in the middle of a date. If this isn’t important—”

  “It’s more important than the weird wife roleplay between you and little miss ghost bits.”

  “I’m not with Tess,” he said, a touch angrier than intended.

  “Oh?” Zoe’s interest seemed to rise. “Please, don’t tell me Harper has started taking you seriously.”

  “What do you want?” he snapped.

  “Relax, I didn’t call to needle you, Eldon, I just can’t help myself. Are you alone?”

  Lee double-checked, leaning forward and looking up and down the road. The Northern Grill was near Gillum’s southwestern edge. He could see off into the flat, frozen distance in one direction, and someone, peculiarly, was out there. A large figure with hunched-forward shoulders, both too tall and too wide in proportion.

  “Eldon?” asked Zoe. “What is it?”

  A strong wind swept through the town and the surrounding area, scattering clumps of snow into a passing curtain of obscuring white. Nothing was there as the curtain settled. Just a shadow, maybe?

  “Nothing,” he said. “I’m alone. What’s up?”

  Her response was muffled, intermittent, and then cut off completely as his phone beeped and lost the connection. He only made out a single word of it, something about a “sword.” Lee scowled at his phone and looked around again, searching for whoever he’d seen in the snow.

  Nothing. Two mysteries and zero answers. He shook off the feeling of premonition and headed back into the restaurant.


  The food was delicious and well worth the price. Lee walked arm in arm with Eliza as they made their way back through Primhaven’s ancient gates. It was late, and few students were still out on campus given the next morning was a weeknight with classes.

  “It’s almost past curfew for the initiate dorms,” whispered Eliza.

  “You’re absolutely right. I’m going to have to disguise you as a boy to sneak you into my dorm.”

  Eliza grinned and rolled her eyes. “Just how do you expect to pull that off?”

  “Here, put your hood up and slouch a bit more.” He moved behind her. “Try to wiggle your hips less when you walk, too.”

  “I don’t wiggle my hips when I walk!”

  “Oh, trust me, you do.” He pulled her a bit closer to him, letting her butt mash against his crotch for half a second.

  “What about Toma?” whispered Eliza.

  “I think he’s found a new girlfriend. He didn’t come back to the dorm last night. Odds are good he won’t be around tonight, either, or at least that he’ll be willing to give us the room.”

  He noticed the tiny smile Eliza was trying and failing to suppress as she nodded. She pulled her hood up and did her best at walking with a bit less of a mesmerizing sway.

  They were lucky, not encountering any instructors or even any fellow initiates as they made their way across campus. Lee closed and locked his door as soon as they were in his room, shrugging out of his dress coat and tossing it aside.

  Eliza sat down on his bed, her fingers digging into the sheets slightly. “Um… is Tess low on essence, then?”

  Lee shook his head. “I didn’t come out tonight with the ulterior motive of refilling my magic, Eliza.”

  “So, you don’t have any ulterior motives?”

  He grinned as he sat down next to her. “I didn’t say that.”

  Eliza’s nervousness seemed to return with a vengeance. She gave him a wide-eyed stare, eyes darting down to his lips, and then amusingly, down to his crotch.

  “Okay,” she said, leaning her head toward him.

  Lee couldn’t help himself. He chuckled, immediately regretting it as he saw the flush it brought to her cheeks and her wounded expression.

  “I’m sorry,” he said. “I just…”

  “What? What did I do wrong?”

  “Nothing. You’re just so earnest.” He brought his hand up to her face, smoothing a few strands of her hair back. “You’re like a princess, locked away in a grand tower for protection.”


  “No, I mean it as a compliment. At least in part. You’re pure and sweet, and it’s adorable.”

  Eliza’s eyelashes flicked up and down, and she clasped her hands. “Well… then… would my prince care to honor me with a goodnight kiss?”

  “Oh, I’m no prince.” Lee slid in closer, letting his hand settle on her side. “I’m more of a thieving rogue.”

  “Here to, um… plunder the tower, then?”

  Lee grinned. “You catch on fast.”

  He kissed her, softly at first, then deeper as she responded. He could feel the princess in the movements of her mouth. Eliza sucked slightly on his lower lip, and he wondered if there was a bit of rogue in her, too.

  They fell back on the bed, hands moving across each other’s bodies. Eliza ran her fingers across his shoulders, hesitating as she lowered her thumbs toward the hem of his shirt, as though taking it off for him would be some kind of marvelous power play.

  Lee groped at one of her plump breasts through her sweater and pressed his growing erection against the inside of one of her thighs. The image of Eliza walking with those inadvertently swaying hips danced through his mind. He wanted to see that same sway in a very different context.

  She finally made her move, tugging at his t-shirt until he lifted his arms so she could pull it off. It caught on his chin before coming loose, and the spellchain he’d been wearing underneath it let out a metallic clink as it fell back against his chest.

  Eliza’s eyes fluttered, and her hands stopped moving as her gaze locked onto it. “Where did you get that?”

  “Ah…” Lee winced. “It’s an enchanted spellchain. Harper… gave it to me.”

  Harper had given it to him, and he’d scarcely taken it off in the time since. He did so now, knowing the gesture was important. He thought of Harper as he felt the spellchain’s enchanted metal links, could almost smell her, even. He shook his head and tossed the necklace onto his bed table.

  “Now,” he said. “Where were we?”

  He forced himself to go slowly, though that same force came through in his movements as he stripped her naked. Eliza was a reactive lover, responding to his movements more often than initiating.

  She wiggled out of her jeans for Lee as he held the waistband in a firm grip. She spread her legs open as he let his fingers touch the inside of her thigh. She undid her own bra when he smiled mischievously and ran a finger across the hem.

  Her breasts were large, pale, and hung at wonderful off-angles as she lay on her back. Lee took them both into his hands and let out a slow sigh as he gave them a gentle squeeze. He kissed her again, tongue flicking into her mouth, and then he pulled his boxers down.

  He had to admit, there was a pacing to the proper wining and dining of a woman he quite liked. The tiny moan that
escaped Eliza’s lips as he slid into her felt like something he’d worked for and earned.

  It was time to play. Lee thrust slowly at first, running a hand through her hair, savoring every inch of her busty body. She was the sweet, adorable princess. He was the rogue intent on plundering her tower.

  “Lee…” moaned Eliza.

  He took a firm hold of her hips and fell into a rough, accelerating rhythm. Eliza hugged her arms around him. He felt her teeth scrape across his shoulder, and then she was kissing him again. He thrust faster and faster, plunging his cock into her tight, hot confines.

  The sensation was easy to lose himself in. She bucked her hips, urging him to push faster, to push harder. Her entire body was his, soft and jiggling, gleaming with sweat in the room’s dim light. He buried his face in her breasts and thrust one final time as he felt himself explode inside of her.

  Eliza hugged him tight, preventing him from pulling out even if he’d wanted to. She ran her hands across his back. Lee kissed her and let out a shuddering sigh, chills of pleasure dancing through his extremities.

  “It’s still early,” he said. “Don’t worry. We’re only just getting started.”

  He rolled off her, letting her rest her head on his shoulder in a side embrace. He let his free hand settle on her thigh, fingers drifting upward.

  “Lee,” she whispered.


  “If I told you that I eventually…” She cleared her throat. “Um. If I said that I, well, saw myself… getting married to someone… someday.”

  He wasn’t ready for that. He blinked, thinking furiously, reaching deep for an answer.

  Apparently, his expression was answer enough. He saw Eliza’s face sag with disappointment.

  “Never mind,” she said. “I’m just being silly. We’re still so young. It’s not like I’m planning… I mean, I’m not that kind of, um… you know.”

  Lee nodded, though he was unclear if he did.

  “Just tell me what you’re feeling, Eliza,” he said. He kissed her forehead and then stared into her eyes. “I’ll always be honest with you.”

  “That’s just it, though,” she whispered. “I don’t know what I’m feeling.”


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