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Complete Indelible Love Series

Page 225

by Cee, DW

  “Matchmaking mamas must run in the Reid family.”

  Jake had no clue what I was speaking of, and he didn’t care. He left me so the christening could begin.

  Thanks to Jake and Roland, Max and Jane were on their way toward a reconciliation, and as soon as my business in New York was done, I’d be on my way toward a reunion with my future wife. The night before the partners’ meeting, I got the surprise of my life from Roland. This surprise would secure my future with Delaney, but I had some serious concerns about my newfound fortune.

  “I’d like for you, and eventually Jane, to be the face of the firm when I retire. Of course I’ll still be around even after I retire, but when I die, my hope is that you and Jane will lead Ascot, Ascot, and Pemberly.” Roland handed me this gift. “If Laney accepts you as you think she will, and if you become a part of the family, you and Jane will receive equal shares. But, if the relationship doesn’t work out, then you get first choice to buy into those shares.”

  Me? An eventual majority partner with Jane? Roland’s generosity was beyond any dream I could have conjured up. But, I wasn’t entirely sure that I wanted to work this hard and have time taken away from my family. This would be a private discussion I’d have with Roland another day.

  The partners’ meeting was filled with curiosity and speculation with Jane sitting in the boardroom. With Roland being majority owner of this firm, each equity partner knew this was the first draft of what would become AAP law. No one spoke of it during the meeting, but the sideline meetings with Roland after the conference were intense.

  After dinner with the Reids and drinks with Max and Jake, Jake and I had one last meeting of the minds before I left for London.

  “You ready?”

  “I don’t know, Man. I thought I was ready, but after talking to Max, I’m unsure I’ll be welcomed. Last Delaney saw me, I was about to kiss Jane. And last I saw her, her eyes were full of tears, but walking into an elevator with another man.”

  “Tell me why you let her go that day.”

  “I tried to explain what happened was a mistake, but when she unexpectedly hugged me and I felt the tears falling on my shoulder, I felt guilty for hurting her. Though I was unsure why she was so hurt, my heart broke with hers. I told her that I missed her and I asked her not to leave...but she did...and with another man. What was I to do?” Letting go of her a second time was a regret I’d been harboring since I last saw Delaney. I played that scene numerous times, and wished I’d done things differently.

  “Fight for her?” Jake made me feel like an even bigger fool.

  “I’m going to fight for her now. When I return, Delaney will be with me and we will join you on the cul-de-sac.”

  Delaney Reid

  The flight was long, I was jittery, and I was scared shitless. Contrary to all the false bravado in front of friends and family, I had no assurance I could win over Delaney. Several thoughts went through my head as to how I wanted to approach this fight. Did I want to greet her with my head hanging low, begging for forgiveness? Did I want to gloss over all that’s happened and tell Delaney what I had planned for us in the future? Or, did I want to use her love for me as a weapon and explain that I returned her love and we’d be together for a lifetime? Right now I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do. As soon as I saw her, assuming I would see her, an answer would come to me.

  I purposely chose a flight that landed early morning. There was little chance of Delaney escaping me today. Knowing it was her birthday, I was somewhat dismayed not having a gift in hand. I thought about buying her something from the duty free shop, but thought that would be insincere. The last thing I wanted to do was appear flippant about my feelings for her. I didn’t have a gift with me, but I knew she wouldn’t care once she saw her parents in Amsterdam. That would be my gift to her.

  After a nerve-wracking taxi ride, here I was, standing in front of my future.

  I knocked.

  No one answered.

  I rang the doorbell.

  No one answered.

  There was no way on earth Delaney was out of the house at this hour unless she was spending the night at...Fuck! What were the chances she was sleeping with this Michael guy? Fucking hell! Aargh!!! If I didn’t get an answer from someone very soon, I’d kick this door down. The thought of Delaney in another man’s bed ruined the day even before it began.

  Ding dong, ding dong, ding dong! I rang the bell repeatedly.

  “Who is it?” The door opened slightly with an annoyed voice asking, “Can I help you? …Donovan!”

  Relief!!! My future wife was home, she was as beautiful as I last remembered, and she...called me by my name!

  “What are you doing opening the door at this hour for a stranger in only your pajamas? Where is everyone? Are you alone?” An insecure part of me wanted to make sure this boyfriend of hers wasn’t upstairs in bed with her. I sighed. What the hell would I do if that was the case? Once she got over her surprise, Delaney walked away from me. No! Don’t go. I just found you. “Where the hell are you going?” Is he in bed with you? Is that why you’re leaving me again? It killed me that she wanted nothing to do with me. I wanted nothing more than to embrace her and tell her I loved her, but for every step I took toward her, she took double the amount of steps away from me.

  “Mr. Taylor, please go back to your hotel and let’s talk again tomorrow. It’s early, I’ve got the flu, and you’re making me even more homesick.”

  “You’re ill? Let me see.” Shit. My woman was ill and I had no idea. Once she told me she had the flu, I took her up to her room and forced her into bed. Then, I got comfortable and sat right next to her in the same bed.

  Now this felt good! This felt right! We were perfect together!

  “Why are you here, Mr. Taylor?”

  “First of all, no more Mr. Taylor. You called out my name when you first saw me. Now that I know you can pronounce it, use it.”

  “What brings you to London?” She refused to call me by my given name.

  “I’ve moved here.”

  “You’ve moved here? But why?” She looked adorably bug-eyed.

  “I came here to court a lady who will soon be my wife.” Like a broken water faucet, she initially had droplets of tears, and then she started bawling. I was startled at her immediate reaction. Why the hell would she cry like this? “What’s the matter? Are those tears of joy, of sadness…” Did she not want to marry me? Was she marrying someone else? Could it possibly be because she thought I was marrying someone else? YES!!! That was it. She still loves me! She refused to answer and hid in the bathroom. “Delaney. What’s the matter?” I banged on the door.

  She eventually walked out with a fake smile plastered on her face and apologized. “I’m sorry. I guess I’m feeling more homesick than I thought. Seeing you reminds me of my family. So when’s the wedding?”

  There was so much to discuss, but Delaney didn’t look well. I helped her get comfortable before answering, “I don’t know. That all depends on you.”

  “Why me?” Once again, the bug-eyes—absolutely darling!

  “Because, Princess. You’re the lady I’ll be courting.”

  “Whaaaa?” she asked just before laying down. Her eyes practically rolled back, and she was asleep before I could say anymore.

  Princess. What am I to do with you? I am so happy to be with you again, but how will I win your heart back and make you mine? I’ve missed you so much. I can’t wait to tell you everything. I love you.

  I pulled her into my arms and watched her while she slept. I never knew she had a tiny freckle on the tip of her nose and that her lips were so full. Kissing the top of her fevered forehead, I fell asleep with her.

  It was an all-out war when I woke up Sleeping Beauty to take her to see her parents. I tried to give her a nice birthday present, and we ended up arguing because she preferred to be with Michael over her family and me. Damn Michael! What the hell did he have that I didn’t have?
r />   “Give me one good reason why I should break my promise to the Bennington family and follow you to Amsterdam.” Was she kidding me?

  “I’ll give you two. Because you love me, and because you have family waiting for you in Amsterdam.”

  “I don’t love you!” she yelled. “And who’s here to see me? Is Grandfather here, again? He and Gram are in Amsterdam?”

  “You do love me, and I return your love, so let’s go. I won’t tell you who, but I’ll tell you two Reids have just landed at Schipol airport. You will regret not seeing them, and they will be sorely disappointed not seeing you.” I needed to keep reinforcing the fact that she loved me, and that I returned her love, whether or not she believed it. That was my game plan!

  After a few more rounds of verbal warring, I got her to Amsterdam.

  Delaney was in awe of Amsterdam and the beauty that epitomized this city. She scrutinized the buildings and stared at the canals. Her jaw dropped when we got to Roland’s apartment. She was in such stupor, she didn’t notice me grabbing her hand and walking her up to the apartment. Hand-in-hand, she and I were perfect for one another.

  “Where are we? This is so incredibly beautiful.”

  “We are at your grandfather’s home in Amsterdam.”

  “How old is this building? It’s gorgeous. And the canals…absolutely breathtaking!”

  “Your innocent look of awe is breathtaking and gorgeous. You, Miss Delaney Reid are a beautiful sight. I’ve missed you.” She sidestepped my intended kiss and gently pushed me away.

  “Donovan, I’m seeing Michael. Please don’t…” Her resolve was weak. I knew she would soon be mine.

  “Before this is over, you and I will be man and wife. Michael will be a friend in passing. Don’t push me away. I’ve missed you too much to be kept at a distance.”

  “Explain, Donovan Taylor. Why the change of heart? How did I go from pariah to princess in the course of a few months?”

  “You were never a pariah.” Was that how she really felt around me? “It just took a bit for me to admit that you were my princess.”

  I was hoping to get in a kiss before this night was over, but the knock on the door signified that my alone time with her was over.

  “Baby!” Her parents and mine shouted simultaneously, and Delaney gladly ran into her parents’ fold. Aunt Babs gave Delaney a brief explanation on why they were in Amsterdam when Pa put out his arms and asked for the same kind of love. With a sweet and timid look only Delaney could produce, she silently asked me for guidance. I gave her a reassuring nod and a smile letting her know that the Taylors would love her as much as the Reids had up until now. We were all in this together. With the greeting my parents gave Delaney, there was no doubt she was already a member of the Taylor clan.

  “You holding up?” I asked as the six of us stepped out to dinner. It was my turn now to hold this beautiful woman. When she willingly leaned into me, my body let out a huge sigh of relief. Its missing half was back, and I felt like I could conquer the world with her in my arms. “Let me know if you don’t feel well. We’ll come right back.” She continued to take refuge in my arms and agreed. “It’s good to have you next to me, Delaney. Don’t leave me again.” I wasn’t above begging. Before I left America, I thought I understood how much I missed this woman. It wasn’t until now, when she readily accepted my embrace, that I realized how important this woman was in my life and how misplaced I was without her.

  “She’s not going anywhere. You can take your eyes off her. We’ll make sure she stays put.” My father chuckled under his breath when Delaney sat next to her parents at the dinner table. “How did you let this jewel go for two months?”

  “I was a moron, Pa. Look at her. She’s beautiful.” Delaney was animatedly speaking with her parents and Ma, and often enough she’d make eye contact with me—the same way I watched her to make sure she was truly here and not in my dream.

  “What’s your next plan of attack? How can we help you?”

  “I’m going to confess everything to her tonight if she’s up for talking. I don’t like how pale she looks.”

  “She doesn’t seem too ill to me.”

  “If I know Delaney, she’s putting on an act for her parents, and for you and Ma. She won’t want anyone to worry about her. When I found her in London, she was burning up. I almost didn’t bring her here, she was so ill.”

  “Why don’t we head back?” Pa announced. “I’m tired from the long plane ride and I’m sure Henry needs to review his notes.” I loved my father. “Let me know if she gets worse. I’ll see if I can prescribe something for her here. I’m not sure if my California license works abroad. We’ll figure something out,” he whispered as we got up.

  “Thanks, Pa.”

  “Anything for you and our newest baby. You take care of her and treat her with respect.” He slapped my back and walked off with Ma.

  “Are you happy to be with her again?”

  “Ecstatic, Aunt Babs!” I turned around to make sure Delaney was walking with her father.

  “You’ll take good care of our little girl?”

  “Seeing her today made me understand how much I already love her. She holds my heart, soul, and body. I just pray she won’t hand it back to me.”

  “I think everything will work out well for the both of you. Don’t hurt her, Donovan Taylor.” There was warning number two for the night.

  “Here we are,” I announced, longing for alone time with my future bride. “We will see you senior citizens tomorrow morning?”

  “Who the hell are you calling a senior citizen?” My future father-in-law bellowed.

  “Goodnight. We will see you in the morning.”

  I tried my damnedest to get us in the apartment but the hugs and kisses were unending. Finally I nudged Delaney inside and before I could join her, the chief warned, “I’m going to ask you tomorrow morning where you slept. It better have been alone, Donovan Taylor.” I supposed I should have expected warning number three.

  This might not have been one of my brighter ideas to bring along two sets of parents.

  “Which room do you want? I’m so tired from pretending to feel well. I need sleep right now.”

  “You don’t want to talk?” There was no greater wish right now than to be in the right with this woman. “We have a lot to talk about, and I need to clear up a big misunderstanding concerning me and Jane.”

  She flinched when I brought up Jane. That was a dagger through my heart. “Let’s not tonight. I really don’t feel well. I didn’t want to worry my parents or yours so I kept up the act, but I could collapse right now if you’ll tell me which bed I can sleep in.”

  “You don’t want to sleep with me tonight?” I pushed my cause hoping she’d relent.

  She didn’t. Instead, she chose a bed and fell asleep.

  While Delaney slept, I chose to get comfortable in her bedroom and prep for tomorrow’s meeting. Though she refused to share a bed with me, she made no mention of us not sharing a bedroom.

  I attempted to work, but couldn’t concentrate with Delaney moaning in her sleep. She was in a fitful state, and no matter what I did, I couldn’t comfort her.

  “Pa.” I called out to the person who could help me best in this situation.

  “What’s the matter, Donny? Is it Delaney?”

  “Yeah. She’s piping hot and in pain. What do I do?”

  “I thought I saw a pharmacy across the canal from you. Ask them if they can take a California doctor’s prescription. If they can, call me. Otherwise, tell them her symptoms and they’ll be able to give you something over the counter. Do you want me to go there for you?”

  Initially I wanted to ask my father to do this but it didn’t feel right asking my father to take care of my woman. I thanked him for his advice and did as he recommended.

  I rushed back to Delaney, who was even worse off than when I left her. “Delaney. Take some medicine.” I gently pulled her up and sat behind
her to give her support.

  She took the pills without complaint, but soon tried to push me away so she could lay down. Somehow, I maneuvered us both horizontally on the bed. She shivered badly and I held her tight—praying she’d get better soon. I would have gladly taken this pain from her if it were possible.

  “Princess, you’re piping hot. You want to take a shower or a bath and cool down your body?”

  “No,” she croaked. “I know I’m hot, but I feel so cold. Am I going to die?” I felt better hearing her whine.

  “You and I just started loving each other, and have a life-long journey of unraveling this love. You are not dying on me till you’re a very old grandma.” I kissed her forehead and held her even closer.

  “Maybe you just started loving me, but I’ve been in love with you since I was ten.” Delaney’s eyes were closed but her mouth wouldn’t let her sleep. “I was so desperate for your attention all those years. I got sick of feeling unwanted, and I got even sicker of watching you waver between every woman but me. I decided to come to London right after we were reintroduced, but I would have given up moving here had you shown me an ounce of interest. You, Donovan Taylor, are my ideal man. You are the reason I never dated. You are the reason I almost gave up on finding my happily ever after. You are the reason my heart is so wary of love and weary from loving. My heart won’t let Michael in because it refuses to forget you.”

  Yes! She loved me. That’s all I needed to know. My confidence was back and Delaney would know very soon how much I loved her in return. “I’m sorry, Princess. I should’ve noticed you years earlier. We could’ve been deliriously in love all this time. It’s been a long road home, but I’m here. I love you and want to spend at least ten eternities with you. Will you give me that chance?”

  The medicine knocked her out and I doubted she heard any of my confession. Tomorrow would be another chance to tell her how much she meant to me.


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