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The A to Z of Fantasy Literature

Page 74

by Stableford, Brian M.

  Translated by A. E. Waite as Transcendental Magic: Its Doctrine and Ritual.

  London: Rider, 1896.

  ———. Histoire de la magie. Paris: Germer Ballière, 1860. Translated by A. E.

  Waite as The History of Magic. London: Rider, 1913.

  Michelet, Jules. La Sorcière. Paris: Dentu, 1862. Translated by A. R. Allinson as Satanism and Witchcraft. New York: Citadel, 1939.

  Murray, Margaret. The God of the Witches. Oxford, U.K.: Oxford University Press, 1931.

  ———. The Witch-Cult in Western Europe Oxford, U.K.: Oxford University Press, 1921.

  Ovason, David. The Secrets of Nostradamus: The Medieval Code of the Master Revealed in an Age of Computer Science. London: Century, 1997.

  Powys, John Cowper. Homer and the Aether. London: Macdonald, 1959.

  Rohmer, Sax. The Romance of Sorcery. London: Methuen, 1914.

  Sinclair, Andrew. The Discovery of the Grail. London: Century, 1998.

  ———. The Sword and the Grail. New York: Crown, 1992.

  Spence, Lewis. British Fairy Origins. London: Watts, 1946.

  ———. An Encyclopedia of Occultism. London: Routledge, 1920.

  ———. The History and Origins of Druidism. London: Rider, 1935.

  ———. The History of Atlantis. London: Rider, 1926.

  ———. An Introduction to Mythology. London: Harrap, 1921.

  ———. The Mysteries of Britain; or, The Secret Rites and Traditions of Ancient Britain Restored. London: Rider, 1928.

  ———. The Occult Sciences in Atlantis. London: Rider, 1943.

  ———. The Problem of Atlantis. London: Rider, 1924.

  Starhawk. The Spiral Dance: A Rebirth of the Religion of the Great Goddess. San Francisco: Harper and Row, 1979.

  Summers, Montague. The History of Witchcraft and Demonology. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1926.

  Waite, A. E. The Book of Ceremonial Magic. London: Rider, 1911.

  ———. The Brotherhood of the Holy Cross. London: Rider. 1924.

  ———. The Hidden Church of the Holy Graal: Its Legends and Symbolism. London: George Redman, 1909.

  ———. The Occult Sciences. London: Kegan Paul, Trench and Trubner, 1891.

  ———. The Real History of the Rosicrucians. London: George Redway, 1887.

  Weston, Jessie. From Ritual to Romance. Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge University Press, 1920.


  ———. The Legend of Sir Perceval. 2 vols. London: David Nutt, 1906.

  ———. The Quest of the Holy Grail. London: G. Bell, 1913.


  Arthuriana: The Journal of Arthurian Studies. Dallas, Tex.: Southern Methodist University.

  The Cabellian: A Journal of the Second American Renaissance. New York: Cabell Society.

  Extrapolation. Brownsville: University of Texas at Brownsville and Texas South-ernmost College.

  Foundation: The International Review of Science Fiction. Reading, U.K.: SF


  Journal of the Fantastic in the Arts. Boca Raton: College of Arts and Letters, Florida Atlantic University.

  Journal of Mythic Arts. Endicott Studio website,

  Journal of William Morris Studies. Kelmscott House, London W6 9TA.

  Locus: The Magazine of the Science Fiction & Fantasy Field. Locus Publications, P.O. Box 13305, Oakland, CA 94661.

  Marvels and Tales: Journal of Fairy Tale Studies. Detroit, Mich.: Wayne State University Press.

  Mythlore: A Journal of J. R. R. Tolkien, C. S. Lewis, Charles Williams, and the Genres of Myth and Fantasy. Alhambra, Calif.: Mythopoeic Society.

  New York Review of Science Fiction. Pleasantville, N.Y.: Dragon.

  Journal of Myth, Fantasy and Romanticism. Brisbane, Queensland: Mythopoeic Literature Society of Australia.

  Science Fiction Studies. Greencastle, Ind.: SF-TH, Inc., at DePauw University.

  SFRA Review. Eau Claire, Wisc.: Science Fiction Research Association.

  Wormwood: Literature of the Fantastic, Supernatural and Decadent. Leyburn, U.K.: Tartarus.


  The Alien Online (news):

  Asociación Española de Fantasia y Ciencia Ficçión (Spanish fantasy):

  Charles Williams Society:

  Elfwood (fantasy art):

  Emerald City (reviews):

  Encyclopedia Mythica:


  Encyclopedia of Arda (reference guide to Tolkieniana):

  The Endicott Studio (“an interdisciplinary organization dedictated to the creation and support of mythic art”; the host of Journal of Mythic Arts and other information):

  Faery Lands Forlorn (poetry and art):

  Fantastic Fiction (author bibliographies):

  Fantastic Metropolis (articles, interviews and fiction): www.fantasticmetropolis


  Fantasy Art Gallery:

  The George MacDonald Society:

  The Golden Key (site devoted to George MacDonald):


  The Green Man Review (reviews and news):

  Heren Istarion (New York Tolkien Society):

  The Infinite Matrix (news, articles, and fiction):

  Infinity Plus (news, articles, and fiction):

  International Arthurian Society (North American branch): smu.ed/arthuriana/.

  International Association for the Fantastic in the Arts:

  International SF Database (author bibliographies, including fantasy): www.isfdb


  Interstitial Arts Foundation:

  The Labyrinth: Resources for Medieval Studies (has subsections on Arthurian Studies, Magic, and Alchemy, etc.):

  Lamhfada: An Online Magazine of Myth & Story:

  Lewis Carroll Home Page:

  Locus On-Line:

  Mythic Imaginations Institute (Organizers of annual Mythic Journeys conference):

  Mythopoeic Society:

  Página Portuguesa de Ficção Cientfica e Fantasia (Portuguese SF):

  Science Fiction and Fantasy Research Database (bibliography of secondary sources):

  Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America:

  Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of Japan:

  SciFan (bibliographies and web links):

  SurLaLune Fairy Tale Pages (includes many annotated texts with variants and bibliographies, a useful chronology, reviews, etc.):

  Tolkien Society:

  About the Author

  Brian Stableford (B.A., University of York; D.Phil., University of York) is a part-time lecturer in creative writing at University College, Winchester. He has been a professional writer since 1965, publishing more than fifty novels and two hundred short stories, as well as several nonfiction books, thousands of articles for periodicals and reference books, several translations from the French, and a number of anthologies. His fiction includes The Empire of Fear (1988), Young Blood (1992), Year Zero (2000), The Fountains of Youth (2000), and Salome and Other Decadent Fantasies (2004). His nonfiction includes Scientific Romance in Britain (1985), Opening Minds: Essays on Fantastic Literature (1995), Teach Yourself Writing Fantasy and Science Fiction (1997), Glorious Perversity: The Decline and Fall of Literary Decadence (1998), and the Historical Dictionary of Science Ficti
on Literature (2004). Reference books to which he has made major contributions include the Salem Press Survey of Modern Fantasy Literature (1983), Neil Barron’s Fantasy Literature (1990), the Clute/Nicholls Encyclopedia of Science Fiction (2nd ed., 1993), The St.

  James Guide to Fantasy Writers (1996), the Clute/Grant Encyclopedia of Fantasy (1997), David Pringle’s Ultimate Encyclopedia of Fantasy (1998), Everett F. Bleiler and Richard Bleiler’s Supernatural Fiction Writers (2002), and the Cyclopedia of Literary Places (2003).


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