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Alpha's Truth

Page 11

by Rebecca Royce

  If he had to continue to fight the True Believers, he would need to start looking for places to hide his people in other territories. Beaux gritted his teeth. These were human problems. They shouldn’t be his.

  Did Alexei know of this place in case he needed to invade?

  The three wolves in the room stood up when he came in. He surveyed them and the space quickly. Other than three chairs where Alexei’s pack mates had been sitting, the room was empty of furniture. The wolves ranged in size from big to bigger, however, seeing as Beaux himself was also tall, he didn’t give it much thought.

  They were in matching outfits, all of them wearing khakis and black t-shirts. For that matter, they were all also sporting the same haircut. Crew cuts all around. Did all of Alexei’s pack have to look the same? Was this some kind of uniform? He shook his head. These were questions for later.

  Right then, he had a more important issue to deal with. The human he’d scented from outside hung by his wrists from the ceiling, exactly in the same manner in which he’d found Lake.

  The man stunk. If the smell had bothered him outside, it downright assaulted his senses now. How long since they had bathed him or thrown a bucket of water over his head? The human’s heart still beat, and yet the stink of rot had already started. He wouldn’t be long for this world.

  Alexei entered the warehouse, and Beaux kept his back to him. The other Alpha had wanted him to see this scene, so that was exactly what he would do. He approached the man slowly. Unlike Lake, whoever hung from the ceiling remained awake and observed him silently. Still, from the scowl on his face, his disdain for all of them appeared obvious.

  “Is this my gift?” Beaux called out to the room, hearing his voice echo through the near emptiness of the building. “I’m afraid I don’t understand its meaning.”

  “My pack was not the first one hit by the kidnapping. However, we were among the first.” Alexei moved to stand next to him. “They attacked us at our most vulnerable. Killed some of the women, took some of them, and, of course, helped themselves to the children. The sons and daughters of my pack, which of course makes them my children. After that, and before then, they took children of lone wolves. No one took notice because they had no one to report the kidnappings to.”

  Someone else might have missed the pain in Alexei’s voice. He certainly didn’t give off any scent of it. All the modern werewolves knew how to hide emotion when they had to. Beaux could still hear it because he knew he’d be feeling it, too, if it were his to bear.

  Beaux didn’t answer him. There was nothing to say. He let Alexei keep talking. The man would eventually get to the point. For now, he would listen.

  “No one knew it had been happening, because Lucian died and we don’t share information anymore. All we do is protect our own, and I suppose the policy worked fine until it erupted around us. How long were they hunting here, Beaux, before you took over? How many years did the lone wolves lose their babies when no one knew? Lilliana and Betsy came from here.”

  “I know.” He nodded. “No one has been taken from here since we joined together.”

  “And that, cousin, is the point.” Alexei raised his hand toward the strung up human.

  “The point?”

  “Information sharing. This specimen in front of you is named Arlow. I don’t recall his last name because it doesn’t matter. He’s lucky I cared to pay attention to the first one. He had something to do with taking Lake. A few minutes under my ministrations and he sang like a birdy.”

  Arlow. The name slammed into Beaux’s head. The man Lake had purported to see outside her window her first night here. He steeled his jaw. The woman didn’t think she was Healer Prime. Yet she’d known this man had been hurt because she had encountered him once. The Moon had gifted her with a vision of one of her kidnappers. Every person she ever spent time with would soon be swimming around in her brain.

  “How is Lake?” Arlow’s strained vocal chords scratched out his question and one of Alexei’s wolves moved toward him.

  “No,” Beaux shouted out, and the wolf stopped. “Let me talk. He has questions. So do I.”

  He walked until he stood right in front of the hanging human. “She’s fine.”

  Despite his obvious pain, the man smiled. “Not for much longer. Aaron’s plans will soon come to fruition. There’s nothing any of you can do to stop it anymore.”

  “Who’s Aaron?” That wasn’t a name he’d heard before.

  “Their leader,” Alexei said.

  Beaux turned to regard him. “Why didn’t you share this earlier?”

  “I don’t trust everyone. Consider yourself lucky I’m sharing it now.”

  Enough with the bullshit.

  “You brought this man to Montana for the sole purpose of gifting him to me. You always meant for me to have him.”

  “I wanted the option of giving you to him. I decided I liked you in the car. It’s fortuitous I imagined I could.”

  Alexei’s motives didn’t matter anymore. He never would have tied up a human and left him like this. There were other, more efficient ways to deal with them.

  “Do we know where Aaron is?”

  “If I did, I wouldn’t be here with you. I’d be hunting True Believers.”

  “And Arlow wouldn’t tell you after all your torture?”

  Alexei shook his head.

  “Then I don’t suppose he will. Where did you find him?”

  “In New Jersey.”

  A neutral territory, which made things less complicated. They could all come and go as they wanted from there. No one owned the Garden State. Neither Cyrus nor Travis had taken it.

  “Great. A place to start.” He nodded toward Arlow. “I don’t suppose you’re going to tell me what you mean by Lake not being well are you?”

  Arlow twisted on the rope. “Why spoil the surprise? There’s nothing you monsters can do to me anymore. Kill me or torture me some more. We will win in the end.”

  “Cut him down.”

  Alexei raised an eyebrow. “Thoughts?”

  “Free him.”

  “You want me to let the human go? Are you suddenly weak of mind and spirit? Did I misjudge you?”

  “Alexei, I believe in the Moon. In my faith, as you call it. There are truths for our kind we can’t deny. I’m afraid you’ve forgotten one of them.”

  Beaux stretched his hands over his head. He hadn’t anticipated this today. He’d take it, nonetheless.

  “Really? Which one have I forgotten? Which werewolf truth tells us to let our enemies go free?”

  “The one which says when they run, we chase. Let him go. I want him to try to get away. I want him to make a go for it.”

  Alexei laughed, throwing his head back.

  “Are you suggesting a werewolf shift sometime other than the full moon? Are you actually going to change now?”

  “This is my land. My pack. He hurt my mate. I think a non-moon shift is called for under the circumstances.”

  The True Believer tried to move again. Beaux turned around. Part of the fun was not knowing where the scumbag was going to go.

  “He might be too weak to give you a good run for your money.”

  Beaux walked toward the exit. Arlow would get a head start.

  “Then feed him. Water him. Bathe him. When you’re done, we’ll play. In the way of our ancestors, as was always ordained.”

  He left to go outside. Alexei called after him just before he reached the door.

  “I knew I was right. I like your style, Beaux.”


  Arlow had hurt Lake. Alexei had tortured Arlow. Still, the human wouldn’t know true pain until later today. His last moments would be agony.

  Chapter Ten

  Lake came awake with a start. Her heart pounded in her chest, and she felt like she was running, not lying still in the bed. With a jolt, she sat up. What the hell was happening? Was this the first stage of whatever they had done to her?

  Her body shook, and perspir
ation dripped down her back. She gripped the bed covers. Seconds later, an extreme pain raked across her skin. She howled as the rest of her body exploded in pain. Burning, striking, and tearing at her body.

  And then abruptly it stopped. The pain in her body ceased, and, although she shook from adrenaline, her heart rate slowed.

  She grabbed the blanket and yanked it over her sweat-drenched body. Elation pulsed through her veins, and she let out a sigh. Where there had been pain now there was nothing except a deep, warm sense of contentment. She laughed aloud before she covered up her mouth to stop the sound.

  Alone in her room, she felt she must be insane, screaming and laughing. She rubbed at her face. How had she gotten into Beaux’s bedroom? The last thing she remembered was…hand-fucking him in the library. He must have carried her. She took a deep breath. Whatever had happened, it had passed.

  Where was Beaux? Why hadn’t he stayed?

  She got out of bed and made her way into the bathroom. A hot shower would wash away the sweat. After letting the water run for a few minutes to get it heated up, she got under the spray.

  What had occurred? Was it the insanity coming? She grabbed some of Beaux’s shampoo and rubbed it around her head. Immediately she felt overwhelmed by the smell of him.

  Lake closed her eyes. The spray of the water and one of Beaux’s aromas made her lightheaded. She hummed her enjoyment. Well, if she was losing her mind, then at least she could say she went down the cray-cray road with a smile on her face. There were worse things than being desired by a really hot man. Even if she could never have him the way she craved him.

  One bite. Her neck ached from wanting his mark. It would be so easy. Welcome home, sweetheart. I’m not sure where you got off to. Could you please join me under this water and mark me forever?

  Only his doing so wouldn’t fix her, and, in the end, she would hurt him worse than if she left him alone. How did True Mates survive each other’s loss? How had Jensen in Cyrus’ pack made it through when she’d been unable to save Kyra? They’d had kids. Had his love for them been enough to endure the pain?

  Her knees threatened to give out, and she gripped the wall. Unlike earlier, she had no inclination to cry. She’d had more than enough of tears earlier, and the relief she’d gotten had helped. Lake finished cleaning herself up and got out from the water. The whole bathroom smelled like Beaux now, and she felt cocooned in his safety. Lake took a deep breath wanting more of the scent inside of her.

  If she hadn’t felt that heart-racing strangeness in bed, she might have given in to the temptation to tell him what happened to her, to see if Beaux really could fix it. Only her worst fears had been confirmed. Her mind would go and she’d die, leaving him alone. If they never mated, it would be easier. If she never felt his teeth sink into her neck, then maybe the moon, since that was what he believed had done it, would grant him a second True Mating. Someone else to be his other half. He’d been technically mated once before. It could happen again.

  Claws shot out of her nails, and she cried out in pain. She stared in horror. This had never happened to her before. A partial shift? Even when she’d had a fully functioning inner wolf, she’d never done this. She gasped for air and sank to the floor. What had caused this? It had to be the same thing that had affecting her in the bed….

  Of course she’d been dwelling on the idea of Beaux moving on after her death. That couldn’t have made her claws come out. Could it?


  She jumped at the sound of Beaux’s voice. Once again, she hadn’t smelled him coming. Maybe she couldn’t when the whole room smelled of him anyway and her senses were so wonky. She was completely naked and wet. Her claws were unmistakably visible, and, unless she sat on them, which was probably too late for her to do anyway, she had no chance to hide what had happened.

  “What’s going on in there?”

  He approached her slowly, like someone might a wounded animal. The comparison was not without truthful basis, especially if she was about to turn rabid any minute. Beaux pulled a towel off a shelf and knelt down in front of her before wrapping her in the soft warmth.

  “I seem to have a problem.”

  He ran one finger over a sharp claw. “I see. Does this happen to you often?”

  “Never before.” She shook her head.

  “A partial shift is rare. Usually only Alphas. And other strong wolves.”

  She closed her eyes. “Now is not the best time to bring up the Healer Prime crap. I see this more as more of a problem than any kind of indication of ability.”

  “Well.” He stroked the slope of her nose. “We’re going to have to agree to disagree. Or maybe not.”

  She could hear the amusement in his voice, and she opened her lids. He was smiling and the sight gave a gentle tug at her heartstrings. Beaux didn’t grin enough.

  “I’m the Alpha here. I get to determine what is and isn’t on my pack land. Here in Montana a partial shift means strength. Because I said so.”

  Lake groaned. “You sound like a spoiled little boy. Because you said so?”

  “Yes. Because I said so.” He nodded. “What brought it out?”

  Heart racing, elation, shower, thinking about Beaux being with another woman, path into madness.

  “I have no idea.”

  “Liar, liar, pants on fire.”

  She growled, a rumble starting in her chest. The sound shocked her as she spoke through gritted teeth.

  “Stop reading my scent when I have no chance of controlling it.”

  He shook his head. “No.”

  “I don’t remember you being this bossy when I first met you.”

  “I don’t remember you lying all the time.”

  He had a point. “Fair enough.”

  “Claws. Growling. Looks like your wolf is coming back online.”

  A scent hit her nose, and she sneezed. She took a deeper breath. Beyond the natural scent of Beaux and his soap, which still resonated in the room, there was something else. Woods. Fur. Blood. Death.

  Lake’s mouth watered. Her mate had made a kill. She squirmed, her pussy soaking right in that second. She was a wolf, and there were primal truths she would never deny. Craving a powerful mate who could protect her, their pack, and handle violence brought out her deepest aches.

  Beaux smiled. “Want to ask me something?”

  “Yes.” Her voice croaked. “Since you aren’t going to volunteer the information.”

  “More fun to play with you, mate.” They hadn’t done the deed—and never would. Still, she loved the way he used the word mate.

  “What did you do? Why do you smell like you made a kill?”

  He stopped, squatting to sit down next to her on the floor. “I took care of someone who once harmed you. Thanks to Alexei. Although, I am the one who made the kill.”

  Her heart sped up. He killed for her? She moaned, and he inhaled sharply.

  “Who was it?”

  “His name was Arlow.”

  She gasped. “He’s dead?”



  The same elation that had flooded her when she woke up earlier filled her again. She laughed aloud, knowing she had to look like a psychopath.

  Beaux shook his head. “Look at my bloodthirsty lady. You like to know I took him out?”

  “I more than like it. I love it.”

  “Good.” He took her hand in his. “Are you keeping your hands clawed because you like it or because you can’t shift them back?”

  “Oh, I think they’re kind of stylish. I’ve always liked the look of long fingernails.”

  “Lake.” The slope of his brow told her he wasn’t amused by her answer.

  “Obviously I can’t turn them back. Why do you make me express every little thing? If it’s obvious I’m struggling, why make me have to admit it?”

  He shrugged. “Guess I’m trying to get used to telling the truth.”

  Lake groaned. For all the ways she craved him, Beaux cou
ld be the most exasperating man. Poke, poke, poke. Prod, prod, prod. Or maybe he simply knew how to push all her buttons.

  “I can’t turn them back.”

  “Okay.” He kissed her cheek. “I can help, darling.”

  She felt Beaux’s energy move through her body. It jolted her, but not in a way which hurt. No, it felt more akin to small kisses up and down her spine. Seconds later, her hands shifted back.

  She stared at her fingers, moving the digits around like she’d never seen them before.

  “I never thought I’d be so grateful to see my ugly hands again.”

  “Hey.” He pinched her. “There’s no part of you that’s unattractive. I don’t like ugly as a word. Not when it applies to you.”

  “That’s nice of you to say. I think in this case it applies. My knuckles are huge, my fingers all callused. Even when I used to get regular manicures, they were never pretty.” She stared at her unpainted fingernails. She used to at least make an effort. Was there somewhere she could get one done nearby?

  Initially she would have thought not; however, the longer she stayed with Beaux and his back-to-their-origins pack, the more she discovered lots of niceties from the human world. Like Beaux’s luxurious bathroom and the cappuccino machine she had seen in the corner of the kitchen.

  “You have working hands.” He kissed her knuckles, the ones she hated so much. “They’re Healer’s tools. You haven’t sat around as the lady of luxury as you could have as Cyrus’ sister. Every time you saved a life, the energy left a mark on your hands. I think they’re beautiful.”

  Her cheeks heated. “Yeah…well…you’re sick in the head.”

  “Lay back.”


  He’d already fixed her hands. What did he want?

  “I won against an enemy today. I want a reward.” He pushed her back until she lay flat on the ground with her knees up. Usually, she wouldn’t find the floor a particularly comfortable place to be, but the heat in Beaux’s eyes made it feel like a down comforter beneath her.


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