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Breaking In His Virgin

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by Jamie Knight

  Breaking In His Virgin

  Club Lush Book 9

  Copyright © 2021 Jamie Knight Romance.

  All rights reserved.

  Jamie Knight –

  Your Dirty Little Secret Romance Author

  Here is the reading order for the Club Lush series,

  which can be read and understood alone but are best enjoyed all together!

  Binding His Virgin

  Silencing His Virgin

  Riding His Virgin

  Masking His Virgin

  Revealing His Virgin

  Teaching His Virgin

  Choosing His Virgin

  Taking His Virgin

  Breaking In His Virgin

  These are the books that have been added to the series at the time of publication of this one, but new books are being released all the time.

  Click here to see all the titles in the Club Lush Series!

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  Table of Contents

  Prologue - Joshua

  Chapter One - Joshua

  Chapter Two - Celeste

  Chapter Three - Joshua

  Chapter Four - Celeste

  Chapter Five - Joshua

  Chapter Six - Celeste

  Chapter Seven - Joshua

  Chapter Eight - Celeste

  Chapter Nine - Joshua

  Chapter Ten - Celeste

  Chapter Eleven - Joshua

  Chapter Twelve - Celeste

  Chapter Thirteen - Joshua

  Chapter Fourteen - Celeste

  Chapter Fifteen - Joshua

  Chapter Sixteen - Celeste

  Chapter Seventeen - Joshua

  Chapter Eighteen - Celeste

  Epilogue - Celeste

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  Sneak Peek of Taking His Virgin

  Books in the Club Lush series:

  Prologue - Joshua

  Clichés become that way for a reason. Several reasons, actually, but in particular because there is usually at least a kernel of truth to them. So it was with the phrase “the boredom of the idle rich.” Cliché to the bone, but also entirely true. It was the modern, democratic version of “heavy is the head that wears the crown.”

  The phrase was particularly true for those idle rich who didn’t have any friends. Or at least very few true ones. It was sometimes hard to tell the difference some days.

  There even came a point, usually around ten in the evening, when Scotch on the rocks, no matter how well aged, was of little comfort. When what was most needed was the company of another. In a very particular manner.

  Women had never been a problem for me. Usually whenever the urge stuck, I could take the Jag down to the BDSM club. Club Lush, to be precise— Manhattan’s premier fetish establishment.

  I was one of the first to get a membership when they first opened about five years prior. Having me on their client list was as beneficial to them as their services were to me. They were always happy to give me whatever I asked for. And they were never short of female members willing to step in and assist whenever I needed release.

  My proclivities were actually quite mild, everything being relative. There were some things in the community that even made me a bit queasy, but to each their own. My particular play had more to do with domination than pain. Though pain would be applied as punishment for disobedience.

  The furthest I’d ever gone was nipple clamps and flogging. Though I would never do the first again. There was a general code, at least among some masters, that the more delicate parts of the body were to be treated gently. In my particular case, it meant that nipples, clits, lips of both the pussy and the mouth, as well as tongues, were to be spared affliction.

  I was something of a traditionalist and my preferred method of punishment was spanking.

  Nothing too fancy, certainly no whips or chains.

  Nothing that could cause bleeding.

  Usually I just used an open palm resounding deliciously against a bare, delicate ass, laid across my lap. Offered up for my delicious punishment.

  I would sometimes use paddles and, on one memorable occasion, a cricket bat, but I tended to try and keep the human touch, so to speak.

  There was also never a partner I didn’t bind in some way. It was the main feature of my kink. Power exchange to the maximum degree. My sweet little submissive giving all of her agency and autonomy over to me to do with as I pleased. A sacred trust if there ever was one. Which was why I never took things to where I considered them to be too far. I possessed a very clear idea as to the line between hurt and harm.

  The other major mainstay of my play, my style, if you will, was anal. This was a fact well known and soon expected among the New York fetish set. As was my particular, fairly unique, approach, always making sure the asshole was nice and warmed up with butt plugs and lots of lovely lube before I even attempted penetration.

  Whoever I was with almost always asked for it before I had a chance to get there on my own. Sometimes it was the only thing I did with particular partners. Especially if they wanted to preserve their virginity.

  It became difficult to tell who were my fellow ass fetishists and who were the curious ones who always wanted to know how it felt but were afraid it might hurt in a bad way. A surprising number of the other members were experimenters.

  There was a core group of serious BDSM folks like me and my friends but almost more who thought they might be into it and decided to find out. There were few things better than helping a latent submissive reach her full potential. It was probably why a lot of them came to call me ‘daddy.’ Not only was I often older than the newbies, I was nurturing them into their new life.

  My glass again empty as is always the way of the cruel, cruel, world, I got up, only a bit tipsy, and went to replenish the troops. You aren’t supposed to drink before or during play. Alcohol causes your blood to thin and can make it really dangerous.

  Not that that was going to be a problem for a while, though, because NYC had just gone into city-wide lock-down mode because of the fucking pandemic. It looked like it was going to be a while before I could get to the club again.

  There was a time when this might have caused a crushing sense of existential dread, but I had become a lot more zen once I reached the saner side of 30. Replenished glass in hand, I went to the office, sipping every couple of steps. It was a feat that was getting to be as bedevilling as rubbing my belly while patting my head.

  The machine was sleek and new like everything in my house, except for those things that were antique and old. It was an intentional contradiction I found privately funny.

  Easing into the ergonomic chair, I booted the miracle of modern technology to life, the screen lighting up like a window into a future world. I thought back to even fifteen years ago. How if anyone had seen the ‘cell phones’ available in the current day, they would completely flip their shit.

  I imagined explaining to them how I carry around a glowing glass rectangle in my pocket that can do more than the desktop computers of the time. Not least of which included pulling an internet connection down out of the air. It had seemed like impossible future-tech at a particular point in history.

  I tap on the Zoom app and dial up Xavier Harris and Jude Ashton. I don’t have many people I would count as friends. Though these two would definitely qualify. New money billionaires themselves, they know what the transition can be like. They also liked going to the club, the three of us sharing many similar interests.

  “Barrett. You’re looking as pasty as ever I’ve ever seen you,” Xavier teased.

  “It’s called palace pallor, you vulgar plebeian,” I teased back, doing
my best Alex DeLarge impression.

  “The lock-down was only announced yesterday,” Jude pointed out.

  “I like to get a head start,” I shrugged.

  “Just ask the bartender,” Xavier quipped.

  The ripple of laughter was natural and good-natured. We’d been like this since we were kids growing up in the same tenement in Brooklyn. It was still amazing to think of where we were now compared to where we had started out.

  The old money bastards were never really going to accept us, but we didn’t give a shit about their approval. We knew what we had achieved and that was enough.

  “Pity about the club,” Jude said, suddenly getting serious.

  “Indeed,” Xavier concurred.

  “Just what I was thinking,” I told them. “Maybe we don’t have to give up on our hobbies during these dark times though.”

  “What are you thinking?” Xavier asked, sounding interested.

  “Not sure yet, but there has to be a way to still have playtime while we’re not able to get to Club Lush.”

  “Like having our own live-in pets?” Jude asked.

  “What was that?” Xavier and I asked in unison.

  “Pets that live with their masters. Also known as a 24/7 relationship. It’s usually done between people in relationships who already live together but it can be less formal too. Love doesn’t need to come into it. I know how much of a commitment-phobe you are, Josh.”

  “Thanks for thinking of me,” I sneered sarcastically.

  “It might take some convincing but I’m sure we can find some women on the network who would be willing to do it,” Jude continued.

  “For a price?” I asked.

  “That would probably make things easier.” Jude shrugged.

  “But it would be more than we pay in club memberships,” Xavier observed.

  “Who cares?” I said, scoffing at materialistic concerns when I knew that tech had made all of us billionaires. “Goodness knows we all have enough room in our big ass mansions. We could each turn a room into a dedicated playroom. Have the club experience at home until the lock-down is lifted. We’ll have all the pussy we could possibly want.”

  It was a brilliant idea and we all jumped at it, even though it was easier said than done. It was true that we certainly had the space and everything we could want was online. Though it was something else entirely to actually bring the Club Lush experience to our own respective houses.

  First and foremost, what I needed was a playmate. That might be easier said than done given the current restrictions, though I’d always been pretty good at overcoming challenges.

  I’d never had a pet in my house before. I was used to getting all my thrills at the club. This allowed for a sense of detachment. I never got romantically involved with my pets and the club helped to keep up the anonymity. Most of the time, I didn’t even know their names and that was the way I preferred it.

  If I was going to go along with the idea of having one stay with me, a contract would be needed, just so she would know the deal. I may have been both a dom and adverse to commitment, but I still took informed consent very seriously.

  There was going to be no attachments beyond a two-week quarantine period at my house. A contract would be drawn up, agreed upon, signed and notarized.

  Once the business part was over, we could get down to the fun.

  Chapter One - Joshua

  It was getting frustrating. Even though everyone was supposed to be at home, it was difficult to actually get a hold of any of them. The phone-tag was rising to near absurdist levels.

  The club didn’t have an official directory, at least not one that they were willing to admit to, everyone’s privacy being of utmost concern, of course. Still, I knew most of the regulars and was owed a favor by quite a few.

  I knew that asking them to help me find a pet to quarantine with me was going to be a bit of a tall order, though. I had very specific requirements for one, particularly because she was going to be staying in my house. Not least of which was the fact that I preferred my pets to be virgins.

  The fact that I would be the first to pleasure them that way only added to their surrender. They let me do what no one else ever had and it was part of the thrill.

  I made this clear in the messages I left, without going into too much detail. I just said that obviously I was looking for a virgin. It was okay if she’d had some exposure to BDSM. In fact, it was preferable, just so she wouldn’t be shocked and so that she would know how the power exchange was supposed to work.

  It was best to be sure she would be into it first. Although I wanted her to have never been penetrated before. Oral was fine, but I wanted her cunt and asshole pristine.

  Such a condition wasn’t as rare as it might sound. There was a whole set of masters, particularly at Club Lush, who never had sex with their pets, preferring their power exchange to be mostly chaste and about control and pain. As such, there should be a few virgins who had been exposed to the BDSM lifestyle to choose from for my purposes.

  I tried to imagine it. Sharing my home and my life with a pet. Because that was how it would be.

  I really wasn’t the type to treat her like a toy. Something to take out of the box when I got bored. If it was going to happen, I was going to do it right and have her live with me properly.

  I’d even moved a smaller bed next to mine in the aptly named master bedroom. There was a kind of funny myth that being a master was being a bully. Giving orders and expecting obedience. It was really being a leader. Giving the pet or submissive reason to trust you and guiding her to a place where she is able to let go of control like she wants to.

  There may not have been romance in my play, but there was a lot of trust. Whether it be implicit or earned. And perhaps the confines of an intimate home setting were the perfect place to learn to trust— even if it had taken a pandemic to make me think of it.


  It was a couple days later when I hear from Mark. He was another regular at the club, who had joined around the same time I did. We weren’t quite friends, but we were certainly acquainted.

  “Hey, man, sorry for the delay but I’ve been on the hunt. On the upside, I think I have someone for you. At least give her some consideration.”

  “Go on,” I prompt.

  “Her name is Celeste. She’s had experience in the scene but is still a virgin. I checked her myself— with gloves, of course.”

  “Of course,” I agreed, knowing his preferences.

  I hid it well but was actually rather taken aback. Mark used to go on at some mind-numbing length about how much he loved having Celeste as a pet. What he used to do to her. How he would manhandle her.

  I would just smile and nod while furiously resisting the urge to punch him. I wasn’t really one to judge and if that was what they liked to do, then fine. Even though it wasn’t my thing at all. As long as they were both into it.

  That was really what irked me deep down, though.

  I wasn’t sure she was into it.

  I had never suspected Mark of abusing his pets. If I had, I would have reported him immediately to the owners and had him blacklisted. I didn’t think what he described rose to that level.

  Although even if I sometimes wondered if I should have suspicions, I knew that I couldn’t prove anything even if I did. So, I kept quiet.

  “What happened?” I asked.

  “Oh, it just didn’t work out. She’s great but I need someone more experienced if it’s going to last,” Mark said, sounding nothing but lame.

  I knew there had to be another reason but decide not to press the issue.

  “How old is she?” I asked, knowing his proclivity for younger women.

  “Twenty-one. Looks younger, though.”

  “Of course,” I teased, while letting out a sigh of relief.

  I had nothing against eighteen- or nineteen-year olds on principle. As long as they were legal, I was game. But there was just something about being with them that made me feel l
ike a dirty old man.

  Something about having a pet in her 20s made me feel better. Celeste was still a decade my junior but she was at least firmly in adulthood.

  “She can be a bit of a handful but if you can break her in, you’ll really like her,” Mark continued. “Besides, I know she needs money. She’s starting grad work at NYU and doesn’t want to have to go back to her parents’ during the pandemic.”

  “Call her and see if she’s interested,” I said, before hanging up.

  I didn’t say anything to Mark, but I’d seen Celeste before. He had brought her to the club a few times. She was gorgeous and just my type, even though I’d thought her too young for me, because Mark was right when he said she looked younger than she was.

  She was gently curvy, with beautiful big tits and a perfect round ass. Mark must have been out of his mind to give up such a goddess. On the other hand, I was going to be getting with her, so I couldn’t be too critical.

  The memories came fast. Deciding not to fight it, I sat back and remembered the last time I’d seen them there. It hadn’t been long ago, making me think their break-up must have been pretty recent. He had brought her in with a beaming and proud smile on his face. Right out in the public room. Making no effort to be subtle about their session.

  Taking her where he wanted her, he stripped her naked for everyone to see. She made no attempt to cover up as he bent her over and handcuffed her to a pole, her ass and pussy on full display. Both were luscious and deliciously tight, just waiting to be fucked for the very first time.

  It wasn’t going to be that night, though. Mark was a no penetration type, or at least so he said. The prevailing theory was that he hadn’t found a pet who would let him fuck her, which was a cause of much dismay to Mark.

  I got out my quickly hardening cock and started to stroke it as I remembered Celeste’s hourglass figure and perky little tits that seemed to just be begging me to touch them. I could have sworn she was looking at me, wanting me as much as I was wanting her.


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