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Second Chance Billionaire (The Billionaire's Club Book 1)

Page 5

by Ann B. Harrison

  But if he was trying to win her over, he was making a good start. It was sweet but it didn’t really negate the pain he’d put her through. She glanced over her shoulder. He grinned at her, wobbled a little and regained his balance. She had to give him points for trying but she wasn’t going to forgive him yet.

  Ruby had gone online and checked him out – searching to see if he was involved with anyone since they broke up. There was nothing. Every event that was reported on, Simon either went alone or with Tyler. It seemed they were both still the geeky guys they always were despite their new found wealth.

  He’d been photographed with leaders in the community for fundraisers and committee meetings but there was little personal information available. She didn’t even know where he lived now.

  She slowed at the exit from the bridge pathway and waited for him. “Race you down the hill?”

  His eyes bugged before a smile replaced his fear. “Sure. See you at the bottom.”

  Ruby laughed and took off, peddling happily as the sun warmed her face. She didn’t dare look back in case she put Simon off. He was doing his best and she appreciated that but he was so far out of his comfort zone, she almost felt sorry for him.

  Ruby stopped to help a gentleman whose wife had taken a tumble and grazed her knee. When she was sure they were okay, more embarrassed than hurt, she looked up the hill for Simon. She could see him in the distance, sedately riding his bike but managing to stay upright. He was doing well.

  She grinned and continued on her way wondering what else he had planned. Because as much as she liked to think this wasn’t planned, she knew him too well. He was on a mission to win her over.

  Ruby sat relaxed on the seat overlooking the harbor when he arrived, red faced and perspiring. She glanced over his legs and arms. No grazes, no cuts. “Good job, Simon. You made it in one piece.”

  He gave her a wide, impossibly sexy grin. “Wasn’t too bad once I got over the nerves. I think I like it to be honest.”


  “Well, maybe that’s a stretch. I hated those guys passing me on the bridge. Too close for comfort and I thought I was going to fall off but coming down this road to the water was amazing. You see so much more of the view on a bike. Get to appreciate it a lot more than crossing in a car.”

  “I know, right? Let’s go get a drink. You look kinda hot and thirsty.”

  And therein lay the problem at the forefront of Ruby’s mind. He knew her too well. Falling into an easy truce with Simon would do her no good.

  She’d spent five years trying to get over him because there was no way they had a future together. In one foul swoop, he had her second guessing her feelings and throwing her back to square one all over again.

  How was she going to go back to the beginning and get over him again? She didn’t know if she had the capacity for that struggle a second time around.

  Chapter 7

  “Cheers.” He held his glass up to hers before taking a long cool drink.

  “Cheers.” Ruby looked out over the bay and relaxed. The town was buzzing as it did most Saturdays. People came in for the markets and restaurants, tourists flocked to see the stunning homes and history. She loved it because it was home, the only place she’d ever wanted to be.

  “Talk to me. I can see the cogs turning in your brain.”

  He always could read her too well. “I’m wondering what your goal is, Simon. I have an idea but I’m not sure what you hope to achieve.”

  He put his glass down and met her gaze. “I want to spend time with you. I’ve missed you.”

  “Hmmm, how come I don’t believe you? There’s more to this than you’re saying, isn’t there?”

  “Can we just take the day as it is? Enjoy each other’s company for the good of the shelter and the amazing work you do?”

  She looked at him from under her lashes. Simon was always a simple guy. No airs or graces and never conniving but something about this didn’t ring true to her. Something she couldn’t put her finger on.

  “So, you’re not trying to convince me to get back with you then?”

  He shook his head. “No.”

  “This is purely business?”

  He shrugged. “No, I’d be lying if I said it was. I like spending time with you and I believe in what you’re doing too. Always have and if I could throw money at your cause, then I would.” He leaned forward on the table with a cheeky smile on his face. “But I know you’d throw it back at me and call me pretentious so when Carly invited us to the fundraiser, I figured it was a good way to get involved and help out.”

  “By paying one- million-dollars for seven day’s-worth of dates?”

  He laughed and the sound went straight to her gut. “Not what I had planned. Call that a spur of the moment idea. But I’m glad I did it. I get to hang out with you for a week.”

  “Sure.” She didn’t believe him for a minute.

  “You mean you wouldn’t throw it back at me if you could and accuse me of buying what I want?”

  Ruby put down her glass and ran her finger down the side, making patterns in the condensation. “Probably.”

  “Because it’s what I’ve always done?”

  She became uncomfortable under his scrutiny. “It’s well known that when you’re a billionaire, you can have what you want. Money talks.”

  “True in most cases.” He clasped his hands together. “But I don’t operate like that. Sure, we throw lots of money at worthy causes without asking for anything back. It’s something we always said we’d do and we’re keeping our word. We choose our charities carefully and do what we can and I would’ve given the money to the shelter even if you weren’t involved because I believe it’s a good thing for San Francisco. But I’d never buy my way into something that someone didn’t want me involved in, like a relationship with you. I don’t work like that.” He paused and gave her a smile. “I get that this is giving me a chance to be with you where otherwise you probably wouldn’t have agreed but it wasn’t the reason I gave you the money. That’s for the shelter. The dates are a bonus. I’m very excited about the opportunity to get to know you again.”

  “You promise me that’s the truth?”

  Simon held his hand over his heart. “Promise.”

  Ruby picked up her glass. “Glad to hear it.” She sipped the cool liquid. “So, what now? I hate leaving the pets alone for too long.”

  “Well, how about we eat something here, hand the bikes in at the drop off station and catch the ferry back to the wharf? I can have you home in a couple of hours.”

  “Sounds fair.”

  Simon lifted a hand at the waiter and asked for menus.

  * * *

  They stepped onto the ferry and found a seat inside out of the wind. Ruby settled down and leaned back on the seat. “I’m so full. Thank you for lunch. It was really nice.”

  “You’re welcome.” He sat quietly beside her as the ferry’s engines rumbled into life. “I love this trip. Been ages since I’ve done it.”

  She glanced out the window as the ferry reversed away from the dock. “Me too.”

  “Tell me more about the shelter.”

  “Hmm, a lots changed over the last few years. Now I have Carly on board, we’re more focused and not living day to day like I did under the last management. Carly’s great at organizing things like the fundraiser.” Ruby sighed. “But we still have the same problems plaguing us. Like the hassles with the lease and lack of government funding.”

  “But you do such a great job. Surely the county can come up with land for you? There’s plenty of it around laying bare.”

  She shrugged. “They’ve offered us land in the past but it’s not suitable and I don’t like the idea of offering anything else. The problem is that we need to be near the city to do the most good. No point being out the back of the middle of nowhere because then the animals don’t make it to our door quite so easily. They get dumped down any street and often end up dead or going feral.” She glanced out the wi
ndow as they rounded the point and headed toward the wharf the other side of Alcatraz Island. The ferries going back and forth with tourists seemed to be running non-stop. “Plus people won’t come too far out of town to adopt. It’s easier to go to a local breeder and buy a new puppy.”

  “I get that. Well, if I can do anything to help, please feel free to ask.”

  Ruby gave a non-committal grunt. As they curved around the point, she seemed to sit up straighter. His home came into view and a look of longing crossed over her face. “Do you remember when we…..”

  She never finished the sentence but Simon knew what she was about to ask. Do you remember when we used to dream that we’d buy that house and raise a family there?

  He did and it spurred him on to make this work between them. But it was doing it in a way that made her comfortable to be around him, to trust him again, that was the problem. He couldn’t come across as manipulative or needy. She had to want to be with him because she forgave him and loved him.

  The rest of the trip was quiet and Simon left her to her thoughts. He wasn’t about to push her into an uncomfortable conversation when she was busy thinking of what might have been.

  When he dropped her off at home, Ruby was quieter than she had been earlier. He put it down to the memories and an internal debate going on in her head. Hopefully the side that wanted him would win out.

  “I’ll see you tomorrow. About the same time if that’s okay.”

  She nodded. “What are we doing?”

  “What do you want to do? We can go to the park and walk in the gardens. I like being outside more than I used to. Don’t usually get much of an opportunity so I’m making the most of it.”

  “Can I bring the dogs?”

  “That’s what I was thinking.” He smiled as her face relaxed. “We can take a picnic lunch. I’ll organize it if you like. Okay?”

  “Sure. But four dogs on a picnic?”

  He grimaced and then smiled. She was going to die when that turned into five dogs. “Between us we can do it. Let’s at least try, okay?”

  “Right. I’ll see you then.”

  “Bye.” She put her hand on the door to open it then paused. “Um, did you want to say goodbye to the dogs before you go?”

  “If you don’t mind?”

  She smiled and opened the door. Four balls of fluff came powering out and headed straight for him. Simon crouched down and let them sniff and lick him, laughing at how easy they accepted him. It had to mean something and he was counting on it.

  Chapter 8

  Simon drove his Porsche to pick up Ruby with George hanging his head out of the open passenger window, the wind blowing his cheeks open. “Now, remember, George, this is a test of sorts. You need to get on with her babies.” The Frenchie closed his eyes as Simon kept one hand on his head, stroking his ears. Even though George was deaf, it was hard to pick. He was always focused on Simon and seemed to know what was going on.

  “We need her to fall hopelessly in love with us. Me especially. You, she’ll love. Me?” He waved his hand sideways. “I have to work harder at it.” Simon pulled into her driveway and stopped the car. He got out, told George to stay and shut the door. George sat staring out the front window.

  The door opened before Simon got to knock. The dogs ran out, bouncing around his feet as if they hadn’t seen him in ages. “Excited still, guys? Did your mom tell you we’re heading to the park today?”

  “Their mom did.” Ruby appeared at the door with Ziggy in her arms. “Park and walkies always creates maniacs.” She glanced at the car, her mouth dropping open. “You don’t expect me to put the dogs in that car, do you?”

  “It’s only a car, Ruby. I have a blanket on the back seat and what’s the worst they could do? Scratch the leather? I don’t care. Honestly. Leather looks better when it’s worn anyway.”

  She screwed up her eyes and glared at him as if she smelled something fishy. “Simon.”

  “Yeah.” He smiled.

  “What’re you up to?”

  “I don’t know what you mean. I’m taking you and the fur babies out to the park for a picnic and a lazy Sunday.”

  “Not that. What is that in your car?”

  He turned and grinned. George had his front paws on the dash and stood staring over the hood, his tongue hanging out. “That is George. I couldn’t leave him home today. It wouldn’t have been fair.”


  “Yeah. I’ve had him since he was a puppy.”

  “You bought a designer dog when the shelters are full of needy animals?” Her nostrils flared as if she was ready for an argument.

  “No. I saved a small designer dog from certain death because he was born deaf.”

  Her face dropped. “Are you serious? They were going to put him down for that?”

  “You know people do it for less, Ruby. I heard about him from my secretary. I couldn’t let that happen. Besides, I needed a friend and he needed someone to save him.”

  She handed him Ziggy who tucked herself into his chest, her little eyes watching every move Ruby made. He traced a finger over her head and she swiped at his fingers with her tongue, obviously happy enough to be with him now the other dogs had broken the ice.

  Ruby approached the car and crooned to George through the open window. He stood up and slobbered over her face, his stump of a tail wiggling furiously. She opened the door and he bolted out, sniffing around her feet. Soon three balls of fur raced toward him.

  Simon held his breath. This was their territory so he wouldn’t have been at all surprised if there was a scuffle. Not that George would start anything. He was the most laidback beast Simon had ever met. A lover, not a scrapper.

  They all took turns at sniffing the newcomer and peeing on the grass near the car. Ruby laughed and looked over at Simon as George ambled his way over to the house with the rest of the gang. “Well, I guess that’s that. He’s one of the family.”

  Simon breathed a sigh of relief. “Fabulous. We’ll have a great picnic now they all get on.” He stroked Ziggy’s head. “I seem to have a friend here too.”

  Ruby bit her lip. “Sorry. That was stupid of me. She’s so timid and all I could think of was poor George and what they were going to do to him. What a lousy dog momma I am.” She made kissy noises at Ziggy who turned her nose up and made it clear she wanted to stay with Simon.

  “She’s fine. Now, dog leads, water bowls, snacks. Do you have all that under control because I have a picnic basket for us and a blanket.”

  “I do.” She reached inside the door and grabbed a shopping bag. “All here.”

  “Let’s go then.” Simon led the way to the car and soon they were off to the park.

  * * *

  Ruby lay back on the grass, George laying on one side of her and Ziggy, the other side. Both dogs had their heads on her stomach, snoring happily. She was drowsy too after their long walk, the frisbee chasing games and a leisurely lunch. A nap under the shady trees sounded perfect.

  This would have to be one of the best Sundays Ruby had had in a while. Outside with her beloved dogs and the man who still, despite being an idiot, made her pulse race. It was meeting George that did it for her. The deaf rescue dog that doted on Simon.

  He was a different man now than he had been when they were together. His kindness, his cuteness and the way her dogs took to him made her feel that there was hope but something still held her back. She didn’t really know this man, the billionaire Simon. How he worked, what his values were now. How much had his money changed him? Would she even like the man he was today once she got over the gloss and dug down into the layers?

  She peeked at him from under her lashes. He lay back on the blanket, eyes closed and three dogs snuggled against his taut chest, blissfully sleeping. Simon had one tanned and muscled arm lay around Ziggy who snuggled peacefully. His other hand worked as he stroked Honey on the belly. Ruby watched. He would pause, possibly giving into the urge to grab an afternoon nap, and Honey would claw at his han
d encouraging him to keep moving.

  She hadn’t realized he was such a sucker for dogs. Even though he’d always liked them, she never imagined he’d be such a softie.

  All Ruby had to do was let down her guard and let him in again. Could she do it or was it too much of a risk? She couldn’t bear being hurt again. She’d never really gotten over him so letting him have a second chance at breaking her heart wasn’t an easy idea to contemplate.

  “Simon. Can we be friends do you think?” She opened her eyes and peeked at him, thinking this might be the safer course of action to take before things got out of control.

  “Of course. I thought we already were.” His voice was heavy with sleep.

  Ruby rolled her eyes. “You know what I mean. Friends, just friends. Buddies.”

  “If that’s what you want, sure.”

  “Do you mean that? You’d be happy with a casual outing, a ‘hi’ over the phone kind of thing?”

  “I’d like more but I’ll take what I can get.”

  “So long as you understand I won’t be bought, okay?”

  He shuffled up and leaned on his elbow, staring at her. “While I did buy your time, one thing I will never do is try to buy your love. I promise you that.”

  She stared at his mouth, tempted to see if his lips were as soft as she remembered. It’d been too long and the thought of running her tongue over the full bottom lip was very inviting. Ruby leaned forward, her breath hitching in her throat.

  Simon blinked and reached out to meet her halfway. She closed her eyes for a second as she felt his breath on her face.

  A wet tongue swiped the side of her jaw. Ruby opened her eyes to George positioning himself in-between them. A huge grin creased Simon’s face. Was he smiling because she was going to kiss him or smiling because she couldn’t resist him and his dog had saved her from finding out?


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