Broken Dreams Boxset

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Broken Dreams Boxset Page 28

by Rebecca Barber

  Without breaking eye contact, I dragged the zipper down on his pants, the snap of the teeth deafening. I snuck my hand into his black boxer briefs and pulled him out. He was hot and hard and throbbing in my hand with a delicious drop on the tip. After giving him a few short strokes I bent my head down and licked him. That earned me a groan that I felt all the way to my toes.

  “Maggie… you don’t have to.” Even though Drew was telling me I didn’t have to, the way he said it, the look on his face, the way his dick twitched with every touch told me he’d probably cry if I stopped now.


  With one hand cupping his heavy balls, I bent down and wrapped my lips around him, taking in as much as I could. He was delicious. And with every groan, my confidence grew. When Drew’s fingers tangled in my hair, tugging roughly, I felt the murmur rattle in my throat. Feeling the sticky heat in my own panties, I sucked him with renewed vigour. When Drew started fucking my mouth, my determination to make him explode grew.

  I could feel him getting close. His hold on my head, his desperate panting and the throbbing of his swollen cock against my tongue, I was overcome, drunk on the power. I licked and sucked and slurped. When I forced my eyes open, I looked up at Drew’s face. He was contorted with pleasure. His cheeks flushed, as he forced steadying breaths through his nose.

  “Mags… Mags… You need to… oh fuck yeah… you need to… I’m gonna…”

  I knew exactly what he was going to do. I could taste it. And I wanted it all. With a deep breath I sealed my lips around him and sucked hard as he exploded with a roar. Drinking down every salty drop, I felt Drew’s grip on my hair slacken and pulled back, licking my lips.

  I was fucking proud of myself. Horny as hell, but proud, nonetheless. Licking my lips, I rocked back on my heels and looked at my very satisfied, if not slightly sleepy, husband and couldn’t help but smile. I’d done that. I’d made him look like that.


  “Enjoy yourself?” I asked smugly.

  Instead of answering, his hand snaked up and wrapped around the back of my neck, yanking me forward before plunging his tongue into my mouth. If I thought I had all the power, Drew was quick to set me straight.

  I needed more. I might explode if I didn’t get relief soon. While I might’ve had the balls to take control and rock Drew’s world, I couldn’t bring myself to beg. Pulling back, I was panting, my nipples hard as diamonds and itching against the lace of my too-tight bra.

  Climbing off his legs, I stood on my own wobbly ones. Running my hand through my now-tangled, knotted mane, I glanced down at Drew who looked like he was seconds from falling into a deep satisfied sleep.

  Without a word, I went to step past him, but he reached up and snagged my wrist. “Where the fuck do you think you’re going?”

  How the hell was I supposed to answer that? Truthfully? I was headed upstairs, stripping out of these clothes as quick as I possibly could before climbing into the shower and letting the pulsating shower head work its magic.

  “Ah, I was…”

  “You were what, Maggie?”

  “I was going to go have a shower.” It was almost the truth. As much as I was willing to share anyway.

  With a sharp tug, I stumbled, almost coming down on top of Drew; not something I was opposed to but I doubted it would be very comfortable me flopping down on him on the unforgiving concrete.

  Moving faster than I’d ever remembered him moving before, Drew was on his feet, his pants falling down around his ankles, and his now flaccid cock hanging out of his pants. I would’ve laughed if I hadn’t been so damn horny.

  Hoisting me up over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes, he slapped my arse and said with a dominating growl, “I’m not even nearly finished with you yet.” At least that’s what I think he said.

  Staring at his spandex-covered arse that was right in front of my face, I couldn’t stop my hands from returning the slap. As Drew shuffled awkwardly around the corner, my mind was whirling, trying to figure out what he had planned. A second later, Drew bent forward and deposited me on the kitchen counter.

  Manhandling me like I weighed nothing at all, he tore my pants down my leg, forcing them out of his way. With one leg free and my pants dangling from the other, Drew didn’t waste another second. “I’m only just getting started. I hope you don’t plan on getting sleep any time soon.”


  I heard the water turn off and cracked my eyes open. Everything ached, but in the best way. From my stinging scalp from Maggie’s uninhibited hair pulling to my toes where I’d stubbed it trying to run up the stairs with my pants around my ankles. Stretching my arms up high above my head, I groaned as my muscles protested. I was tired. So very tired. But I wasn’t about to complain. I had nothing to complain about. After adjusting the pillows, I settled my hands behind my head and closed my eyes. A few more minutes sleep would be perfect.

  The bathroom door opened, and I felt a warmth settle over the room. Opening my eyes, I spotted the most beautiful woman I’d ever known. Maggie was standing there, looking exactly the same as a sight I’d seen a million times before but still didn’t fail to get my blood pumping. Even my tired, chafed dick twitched at the sight. Wrapped in a towel, with another twisted up in an impressive turban-looking thing, she had water trailing down her face, landing on her chest before disappearing under the fluffy towel.

  Maggie must have noticed me ogling her, I wasn’t very discreet about it and if the way my body was reacting was any indication, I was barely moments away from tenting the sheet and showing her every single dirty thought I was having. “What? Have I got something on my face?” Typical Maggie. Panic and assume something is wrong as her first thought. As much as it drove me nuts that she always went to the negative first, I adored it about her too.

  “No, Mags. You’re perfect.”

  “Then what are you staring at?”

  I shook my head; as much fun as it would’ve been to taunt her and wind her up, the last couple of hours had been so amazing I wasn’t about to fuck that up just for a few cheap laughs. I’m sure I’d screw it up in other ways; I didn’t need to deliberately bait her. “Just you.”


  “Because I can. What do you wanna do today?”

  Obviously she was feeling more than a little exposed and tightened the knot between her boobs. As she adjusted it, I noticed the tiny black marks marring her creamy white skin on the top of her boobs. Hickeys. Hickeys I’d put there. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t a little bit proud of myself.

  “I’m not sure. What do you want to do?”

  One day Maggie was going to make a decision and actually stick to it. She was going to say whatever it was she wanted to say without second-guessing and stressing about consequences. Maybe more importantly, she was going to ask for anything and everything she wanted. And as soon as she asked, I was going to make it my mission in life to give it to her. I’d give her the world. Or at the very least, I’d kill myself trying. Maggie was my world and even if she didn’t believe it right this minute, she would. Eventually she’d have to.

  I must have been quiet too long. “I’m going to get dressed. Then I need coffee.”

  “Don’t get dressed on my account,” I offered smugly. I watched as Maggie’s cheeks turned pink then it trailed down her neck. Damn I loved this woman. Even after all this time, after all these years, I loved that I could still make her blush like she had the first time I’d paid her a compliment. I made a mental note to do it more often.

  As she shook her head to wave off my suggestion, the towel on her head came loose and unravelled. “Holy shit!” As discreetly as possible, which wasn’t very much considering all I had covering me was a thin sheet, I adjusted my dick which was now wide awake and ready to go. Again.

  Maggie was standing there, pink from embarrassment, her long hair wet and dangling down in long ropes. She shouldn’t have looked that good. She should’ve looked like a mess, and I guess in a way she did.
But she was a hot mess. And the part that had my cock weeping, was knowing she was my hot mess.

  “Nah ah. Put that thing away mister.”

  “What thing?”

  “That… that thing.” She pointed at the sheet, and I laughed loudly. She was too fucking sweet for her own good. Less than twenty-four hours ago she’d had her lips wrapped around me as she tried to suck the life out of me, and now she couldn’t even say the word.

  Enjoying her discomfort probably a little too much, I sat up higher in the bed, leaning against the bed head, the sheet falling to my hips dangerously low. Maggie’s eyes widened at my movement, and I saw her grip on her towel tighten. She might have been playing tough right now but her body was betraying her.

  “Why’s that?”



  “Don’t make me say it.”

  “Say what, sweetheart?”

  “You’re an arsehole sometimes, you know that?”

  With a smirk and a shrug, I replied. “Yeah. But then again we both know that.”

  “I hate you! I’m going to get dressed,” Maggie huffed as she headed for the walk-in robe, sliding the door shut. Before she managed to get it shut all the way, I had to get one final taunt in. I was just that much of a pain in the arse, I couldn’t not.

  “You don’t hate me, Mags. You only wish you did.”

  Swinging my legs over the side of the bed, I headed to the bathroom. As I passed the door to the robe, the door I don’t think I’d ever seen closed before, I could hear muttering and rambling coming from the other side. Although I couldn’t make out what she was saying, I could only imagine the argument she was having with herself.

  Taking my time in the shower, I stood under the hot spray, the water pounding down on my aching muscles. I’d pulled and twisted them in ways they hadn’t been used in some time. Even though I was paying for it this morning, I’d happily take this ache every day. When I climbed out and dried off, I wiped the condensation from the mirror and looked at the guy staring back at me. Even with the stubble on my cheeks and the dark black bags under my eyes, I couldn’t miss the happiness there. It was like the weight was lifted. Grabbing my toothbrush from the holder, I made quick work of cleaning up. When I turned to walk out, I caught sight of my back in the mirror and gasped. It looked like I’d been mauled by a lion. There were angry red scratch marks and fingernail imprints the whole length of my back and shoulders. They didn’t hurt. Not at all. In fact, if I hadn’t seen them, I wouldn’t even know they were there. But now I did… the possibilities were endless.

  Pulling on my favourite sweat pants, I grabbed the shirt and tossed it over my shoulder. If I wasn’t such a shit stirrer, I would’ve put it on and covered up the marks. If I did that, though, I wouldn’t have the pleasure of seeing the reaction on Maggie’s face when she saw what she’d done. For someone who considered themselves reserved, turns out my Maggie had more hell cat in her than she’d like to believe.

  Stepping into the kitchen, Maggie’s back was to me, and I took a minute to appreciate the way those black yoga pants she liked to wear around the house hugged her arse. “I know you’re there.”

  “Just enjoying the view.”

  She spun around and she was still sporting that freshly fucked glow and her dripping hair was piled up high on her head. “You’re terrible! Coffee?”


  Walking deliberately to the fridge, I opened the door and stared inside. I needed food. I was starving. After last night’s work out, I’d earned it. Spying the bacon, eggs and mushrooms, I knew a big breakfast was in my future.

  I felt Maggie come up behind me. The warmth of her breath against my skin had the hairs on my neck standing on end.

  “Holy shit!” Maggie exclaimed.

  Knowing she’d just seen the claw marks, I was grinning before I even spun around. “What’s wrong?” I asked dumbly.

  “Your back!” Her hand was covering her mouth, her eyes wide.

  It was exactly the reaction I’d been counting on. The one I’d been looking forward to. “What’s wrong with it?” Somehow, I managed to keep the smugness of my tone to a minimum.

  “You look like you’ve had a fight with a garden rake.”

  “Personally, I thought lioness.”

  “You knew?”

  “Of course I did.”

  “And I did that?” She sounded genuinely stunned.

  I could’ve taken the high road, simply nodded and put my shirt on. Or I could have some fun with her. It was a no-brainer really. “Well, I can’t be one hundred percent sure but I think there was only the two of us in that bed last night.”


  “And on the stairs. And the lounge room floor. And the kitchen bench. You know, the one you’re leaning on right now. Then there was the shower and the bathroom sink…”

  “Okay. Okay. Fine! Shit! I can’t believe I did that.”

  Maggie looked truly mortified. That wasn’t what I wanted. Closing the fridge, I tugged my shirt over my head needing to hide the evidence. It was all fun and games until someone cried. And with as much fun as last night had been, tears today would definitely take the shine of a fucktastic evening.

  While Maggie fretted, I got busy making breakfast. By the time I had bacon sizzling, the eggs scrambled and the toast popping, Maggie seemed to have pulled herself together and was sitting, quietly sipping her coffee and staring blankly out the window.

  “Do you want mushrooms?”


  “Mushrooms? Want some?”


  I finished up cooking quickly and quietly, tidying as I went. I wanted to say something to her but wasn’t sure I had the right words. The longer the silence stretched, the angrier I became. She was running. I could see it. I could almost feel her putting distance between us. It pissed me off. So what? I had scratches up and down my back. I sure as shit wasn’t complaining she’d put them there and I wasn’t complaining now, so what was her problem? I loved Maggie; I really did, but I didn’t understand her. God knows my life would be easier if I did, but when it came to what was going on in her head, how she was tangling and twisting events into whatever mess she was making, I was completely useless.

  Setting her plate in front of her, I dug out cutlery and handed them over. All I got in return was an unenthusiastic thanks. It wasn’t enough. I was a needy prick and right now, I needed more.

  “What’s wrong?” I asked roughly as I slumped into my seat, pushing my plate away. For someone who was hungry I wasn’t sure I’d be able to stomach it.


  “Maggie.” I barely recognised my own voice as I growled out her name.

  “What? I’m fine.”

  My fork clattered onto my plate as I dropped it. “Don’t, Maggie. Just don’t.”

  “Don’t what?” She sighed like she was exhausted.

  I could understand that feeling. I was completely buggered. This rollercoaster was sapping every bit of life out of me. Last night, hell this morning, I’d stupidly thought we were in a good place. Or at least we were headed to one. Now, right now I had no fucking idea where the hell we were and I was being forced to let Maggie lead the way back out of wherever it was we were. I was so sick of being on this rollercoaster. Waiting for the other shoe to drop wasn’t my idea of fun. Not at all.

  “If something is wrong, tell me. Don’t shut me out. Not again. That’s how everything ended up such a fucked-up mess in the first place. You not telling me the truth.”

  “Are you calling me a liar?”

  Taking a deep breath, I realised what I’d done. I’d forgotten who I was dealing with. Maggie. As much as I loved her, she drove me crazy sometimes. You could tell her ten things about herself, nine so positive you’d think she was a unicorn and then tenth, something so mundane yet negative and all she would hear was the bad. The others, you might well have saved your breath. “No, I’d never call you a liar, Maggie. What I’m
saying is, you keeping shit to yourself, you not talking to me, you not telling me what’s going on in that pretty little head of yours makes things hard. How can I help you; how can I fix your problems if you don’t tell me what they are?”

  “I don’t need you to fix me.”

  “Fuck, Maggie! You don’t need fixing. You’re perfect the way you are. Why can’t you see that?”

  “Because it’s a lie.”

  “How? How is it a lie?”

  “I’m not perfect. Not even close. I’m broken. I can’t be what I’m supposed to be. I can’t give you what you want.” The tears were back again and I would’ve given anything to rewind the clock twelve hours. To have a smiling, satisfied Maggie lying limply in my arms, dreaming out loud of all the adventures we were going to take together. It seemed like a lifetime ago now.

  I ignored her comment about giving me what she thought I wanted. Going there wasn’t going to help right now. Even if I said what I wanted, what I truly wanted, Maggie was too caught up in her own head to even hear me. “What are you supposed to be?”

  “Don’t, Drew. Please. Please, don’t ask me that.”

  “Tell me, Maggie. We can’t figure this out unless you tell me. What is it that you think you’re supposed to be?”

  Forgetting her breakfast, Maggie rose from her chair and walked silently towards the door. She was actually running now. It was one thing when it was just her head that wasn’t here with me, but when she physically got up and left, any restraint I had snapped. “Stop!”

  Maggie turned around, and I wanted to punch myself in the face. She was the spitting image of a broken woman. Her eyes were dull and downcast. Tears stained her cheeks and I could hear the short sharp sobs from across the room. I hated that I’d done this to her. Again. And I vowed it would be the last time, but right now, I was going to push. And push hard. We couldn’t keep going like this. It was like being on a merry-go-round of rotating knives. We were both riding it, and both being cut to shreds.


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